Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Nov 1917, p. 3

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Ten 5, 1017. INTHE HALLS OF QUEEN'S|™™ "= wewr+ rounse WEATHER HAS MODERATED THE ATHLETIO coyvrTTEE | Was Almost Nervous Wreck | BETTER CONDITIONS BOTH ON WILL HAVE A DEFICIT When She Began Taking THE LAKE AND RIVER CHRONIC (OLD Tanlac, i Owing to There Being No Sport dc The Cargo of the Barge Hamilton, ng to a pp Aground at Point Peninsula, is Be- Arts Society Elections--Rev. Prof. "lI have actually gained twenty| . i: WITH VINOL Welsh, Montreal, the Sunday|Pounds by taking Tanlac and my| ing Lightered--The Movements of ar friends and meighbors seem amaged| Vessels Reported. { Preac nS f thé Al at the wonderful change in my con- od bot The ima Mater dition, _¥as_the, femarialle Sate. fine weather ofl the lake and river. 4 ety on § gues. | men e by Mrs. llam Green| Conditions on Monday morning were Mr. Bagley's Letter Printed tion of the annual elections "was |0f 141 Hunter Street, Hamilton, re-| reported to be quite foray Z| Here as Puoint thoroughly discussed, but the matter cently. Mrs. Green has lived in| The report Monday morning from \ [Rt was Jeft over {for 4 week until there Hamilton and vicinity all her life and| the barge Hamilton, which went ol = N. C~*1 suffered with a has a wide circle of friends who re-| aground at Point Peninsula, was to PY. chronic cold for four months, ¢ should be a more representative at.| joice with her over the return ofthe effect that quite large quantity of OR day and night. Had to keep on work- | tendance of the students. The sec- [her health, dry grain had been taken out of the d {0g Wheh was not able to, 1 saw |retary, however, was instructed to| 'I bad suffered from stomach|barge, and that afterwards a quantity Vinol advertised and tried it, and I | rite to the Levana Society to aseer- trouble until I was almost a nervous| of wet grain would be taken out of want to tell you it cured that ; wreck," continued Mrs. Green. "For|the vessel. Weather conditions at cold in a short time"--J. C, Bagley, |!2In Whether they were going 0 ruil | two solid years I was unable to do|the scene are good. LC a ticket or contest for only a few jone thing about the house and my| M. T. Co.'s Bulletin: The steamers That's because Vino! is a constitn- | offices. SOE Dueame 39 upset atl . cod I couldn't retain the medicines tional cod iver and iron remedy | ; M. Haslett, in presenting the| ine ror me. For four months estion, report of the athletic committee, |about the only thing I could eat was stated that the auditor had reported {milk and eggs. I was so weak I dissppesr, our n will be re- [that there would be a deficit of seve. golild hargly a rom gue chair to t does not help you. ral hundred dollars t as a re- ran months 1 don't sup- Mahood's Drug Store, Kingston. to Hee 1 On- pose I slept more than two hours a Also at the best druggist in 4 : | At last the mariners are reporting | Just Arrived! A Large Shipment of New Winter Coats Absolutely the latest novelties as shown by the sult of there being no sports this might. I spent eleven months under tario towns, autumn. The committee hopes to|two specialists who finally said they smartest shops on Fifth Avenue -- exploiting every meet this by fixing a rental for the |could do me no good. My case seem- new style feature which includesthe new Tuxedo . * | finance and estates committee of the [3 to he hopeless, an operation fail- 4 11 Can't Find Dandruff -{ ity. to pay for the use of the |°d to help me and 1 was told that collar. : nt Fa i. : : ; : : students' gymnasium in their com. | "CEE WOFE COUN bE GONE for me. We would invite your most critical inspection, as invariably we sell after comparison. WE ARE SHOWING The greatest range of new winter coats at popular prices ever offered to the women of Kingston. Priced from $10.50 to $42.50. . 'Of course, 1 was discouraged, des- Every bit of dandruff disappears Bilsory Jhyaical ralgiug viames. A pondent and almost helpless, and after one or two applications of Dan- | gnorts has been drawn up by the|nOW it seems hard for me to believe derine rubbed well into the scalp [sommittee myself what a wonderful change with the finger tips. Get a small| The following vacancies in the de- | las come over me since I began tak- bottle of Danderine at any drug store | hate committee were filled: Secre.|!"€ Tanlac. If anyone could feel for a few cents and save your hair. [tary J, C. Reynolds; Aeschylean re. | like a new person I do, and when I After several applications you can't |pregentative, T. P. Love; science re- | t0ld one of the physicians who treat- find a particle of dandruff or any [pregentative, C. ¢. Vincent. ed me what I was taking he said it falling hair, and the scalp will never |" The vacancies in the dramatic | Certainly had done me a lot of good itch. committee were also filled as fol- An SOvised Me en kt up. ! have : Secretary, J. M. } 3 5 now and noth- Sam. Dudley Offers to Resign. lous Shans Ro pauarg Ay ing 1 eat gives me any trouble. My Cobourg, Nov. 5--Sam. Dudley, the |sentatives, C. R. F, McLennan, G. A. | nerves are in good shape and I can ; Liberal nominee for the county of [Tobias, H. 8. Hooper and Miss Hilda |5leep all night and on until nine ts Northumberland, has written a letter | Laird. o'clock in the morning. I can do al- to C. A. Munson, M.P., offering to| H. P. Folger presided at the meet- | MOSt everything there is to do about resign as party nominee if the fatter, {Tng. the house now, all my despondent . . who was nominated as Conservative feelings are gone and everything in six new styles. candidate at a convention held some Arts Society Elections. seems so different, I am now on my time ago, will do so also. Mr. Dud-| Tne election of officers for the |[0Urtl bottle of Tanlac and can LATE REV. DR, CARMAN sm ley has also written to George Greer. | Arts Soclety held on Saturday ve- heartily recommend it to everybody." | Eméritus = Superintendent of the 1 @ * president of the Conservative Associa- |gulted as follows: President, W. K. |, ranlac is sold in Kingston by A.|Medthodist Church in Canada, who is A IRON niin. EE ---- See our Special Leader at $14.95! A regular $22.50 value tion of Northumberland, and to J. N.| Rankin: vice-president, A. L. Black. | F: Chown I AT Ani ininis prone Norham, president of ue Re. lock; secretary, R, .W. Hamill; as- --ADVT, Joyland ud Arabian cleared light for orm Association of Northumberland, igistant secretary, William Campbell; | LTREUT LYALL R. ROBERTSON | Fort Polborne ithe steamer India dis- guclosing copies of the Jeter which | treagurer, G. 4 Wililam Catupd H. LIEUT. LYALL R. ROBERTSON. gharged a grain cargo, and cleared e sent to Mr. Munson, and promises |R. James; critic, EB. L, Sabiné; com- light for Port Colborne; the tug Mag- to do what he can towards securing | mitteemen, C. L. hd Jc Rey. Son of Late Dr. John Robertson, Ot- nalie arrived with the barge Ee a true union candidate. nolds, D. J. MeLeod; D. Slater tawa, Falls in Action, tus with coal from Oswego for. Mont- ---------------- The election - of officers for the i nothes young life full of promise peal; the tug Smith is due to arrive | . concursus -iniquitatis et virtatis $ been exacted in the increasing| to-day with two light bdrges from wi hart Huffman, Port were also held, and the folowing | toll of war in Lieut. .Lyall Ralston | Montreal; the 'tug Magnolia cleared of ny Huff ative of candidates were elected: 'Chief jis. Robertson, eldest son of the late Dr. [for Montreal with two grain barges; . Pon man ed tice, J. B. Hawley! junior judge, G. John Robertson, Ottawa, and a grand-{ the tug Thomson arrived from Mont- EAT LESS AND TAKE M "i ---- JE. Kelly; senior prosecuting at-|son of the late Capt. Lewis Middle- | real with three light barges, and clear- . - # ago & Mrs. vy, know torney, W. I Carroll; seriff, J. M.|ton, of Kingston, who was killed in | ed for Montreal with two grain-laden he time that her husband was NV-|Givens; clerk, J. C. Reynolds; chief action ih Fratice on October 26th. barges. SALTS FOR KIDNEYS of police, C. F. Hamm; junior prose-| ihe late officer was a representa- he steamer Jex cleared Saturda At Madoc 610 boxes: of cheese | ting attorney, J. C, Elliott; erler, | tive of a fine, virile type of Canadian | for Charlotte, i the steamer 0rd were sold at 21 5.16c. 1. iP. Asselstiné; constables, W. G.|manhood, and was twenty-eight years | cleared for Sodus. Take a Glass of Salts If Your Back _--_ . Cornett, J. H. Kirby, G. H. Berkely, | of age. At the outbreak of war he The steamer Mapleton passed up on Hurts or Bladder Face Covered With |i =u. Gilina,'s. B. Haltrecht, J. W.| was acting as teller in the Standard Jer way west at 1230 o'clock Mon. Bothers. PIMPLES Whittington, DP. Faris, P. A. Mc-| Bank in Ottawa, but with the first roll | fay morning with the barge Eagen in Leod. of the drums his patriotism was stir- | tow. red, and he immediately enlisted as a| The steamer Ionic loaded with grain sergeant in the Ariny Service Corps. [from Fort William for Montreal, ' The American men and women must guard constantly against Kid- : TY y ney trouble, befause we eat too much Rev, Prof. Welsh, of Montreal, He served with this, unit in the first passed down at 930 o'clock on Sun-|and all our food is rich. Our blood 4 fise_ beautiful and . days at Valcartier. Camp, dud later | d i § was the speaker-at the Sunday after. | © 3 t ay morning. is filled with uric acid which the attractive face is sadly marred by ub-| noon service in Convoeation Hall, | in the mud Eales Plains . For Fhe steamer City of Hamilton pass- | kidneys strive to filter out, they sightly pimples, blotches, flesh|and in an address, forceful and |tWo and a half years he served with [ed down to Montreal on Saturday | weaken from overwork, become slug- - - worms and various other blood dis-|glear, he urged that singleness of | the lines of communication in France, | night. gish; the eliminative tissues clog and f eases, purpose should be the aim in life, |and then returned to England, where i -------- the result is kidney trouble, bladder Their presence is a source of em-| jt was an address pregnant with | he took the officers' training course, | TWO MALLORYTOWN DEATHS. | weakness and a general decline in y barrassment to those afflicted as|messages for the college student, and | qualifying for the rank of lieutenant. en health. We have ev to make a home feel that well as pain and regret to their coming as it did from a Scotchman e was attached to the 2lst Reserve Wedding of Thomas Connell and Miss When your kidneys feel like lumps t moderate . friends. seriously and emphatically it made | Battalion as a staff officer. but after- Pauline Stack. of lead; your back hurts or the urine| WY, at Very prices. Many a cheek and brow cast in|a distinct impression on the minds | Wards transferred to the 50th Battal- Mallorytown, Nov. 2.--On Sunday | 18 cloudy, full of sediment or you We study comfort at the least cost. Rugs in all ASHAMED TO.GO OUT. eR Sermon by Prof. Welsh, the mould of beauty have been sadly |of his ion for active service. © He returned|, . oS iad rg defdced, their attractiveness lost and| Jt go eS datictal purpose be-|to France about six weeks ago, and last death pogo Heise eo, age hres times during the 'Night It you sizes, all shades and designs. their possessor rendered unhappy for [hind all their activities that, the uni- | it was with that unit that he was sery- | S10 WELT (C0 SOE FEREIEE 00 | suffer with sick headache or dizzy, as . Why, then, consent to rest under Yorsity Rudeila pocded, he il fs when death relieved him of his| oo of Sylvester Andress and James nervous spefls, Ad womash, or you Dining room and bed room furniture. this cloud of embarrassment? they wished to attain, Honor, hon-| The deceased is survived by his Jeader. re formet B ad been on is bad, get. trom your pharmacist There is an effectual remedy for|esty, truth brought from a contact | mother, Mrs, Joho Robertson, Otta- ig bie a ut was | about four ounces of Jad Salts; take .. 5 all these defects. and faith with the Saviour should | wa; one sister, Muriel, and two young- | fo6rt aFbE (Of SOME PIG A Wo | a tablespoohitul in a glass of water Visit our new Victrola department--a com- It is Burdock Blood Bitters. This| mark their efforts, and they would |er brothers, Charles and William. The mp > ving ip on Studer before breakfast for a few days and 1 tock : remedy will drive out all' the im-|reach the pinnacle of success. Too |latter will leave for overseas shortly [Dou the Hpuse. Swick on SHREW | vour kidneys will then act tine, This|| P ete s of Victrolas and records always on purities from the blood and leave the [often in these days men are showing | for service with the Royal Naval Air{ cS SURE a oF pn The ired | famous salts is made from the acid hand ; complexion healthy and clear. traits of duplicity and double-cross-| Service, = Mrs. John Henderson, | SOMPEINEr Bl ess BC ress | Of grapes and lemon juice, combined . AER Mra, Kathehine Haury, Port Syd-|ing Which 18 the end Jerre mn ar Sherky Streel, is a sister of the late had reached the age of seventy-seven with lithia, and has been used for : ney, W i "Two years ago |pose. Ii e man who has the liv. | officer's mother. . my face was so covered with pimples 1 was ashamed to go out at all. I tried several remedies, but they were of mo use. At last a friend advised me to try Burdock Bl Bitters. 1 got a bottle, and by the time it was used I could see a difference. I then got two more, and when I had used ing, ever-present faith and who alms with a single purpose to reach his desired goal that is the most suc- cessful and revered man in the busi- ness life. Farquhar Fraser's Supreme Sacrifice. Mrs. D. M. Fraser ,Albert was officially notified on October 24th that her son, Bombardier Far Caldwell Fraser, Canadian Art ductéd a blacksmith business in Cain- town, and later removed to Mallory town. Besides his wife, four sons, Ira and Frank, of Mallorytown; Sey. mour, of Syracuse, N.Y., and Mac. of years. In his earlier diys he con-|generations to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys; to neutralize the acids in the urine so it no longer is a source of irritation, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot I. F. HARRISON (0., LIMITED Yonge's Mills, are left to mourn. The | injure, makes a delightful efterves-| 290.937 Princess Street. Miss Janet B. Warhath, Belleville, | was killed accidentally in France on | funeral services an Tuesday morning cent lithia-water beverage, and be- hem were under the auspices of the I. O, | longs in every home, because nobody hn 1 an MEY recemmony ober I Re eae: wien | O. I. Order, of which. the deceased | can make a mistake by having a good $BB~ y fod that Re had been t busy al-| Was a member. Rev. 'Mr. McLeod, kidney flushing any time, \Manufactured only by The T. Mil- {ill the day before. She was bom in| most night and day for the last month, koh. spoke ne PE er ely caper. : a WatH Gow. ted, Toronto, Ont. TO ey Barker, 40 years of bit hal how been promoted 19 oo is | spent the weekend here as guests of | couple left for a motor trip to Ottawa. and prominent! knownin Y MC ais osal ® ev. Mr. and Mrs. Bradford. Dr. e young people enjoyed some circles dled Sunday of pneumonia he following letter, dated :Oct and Mrs. Piste, Deseronts, Spehit a Hallowe sa sports at S. Guild's on ll Cam «Clel aniston fot i : | few days with the latter's parents, ednesday evening. Fe an, A Ala, 12h fying partientars A Lhe uc. Mr. and Mrs, > Tennant, before -------- + {leaving for Texas, the doctor gong : gt ftotn Capt. Norman Macaulay, O.C. in company with the avigtion corps At Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on Oot. "Dear Mrs. Frasér--By the time this | {rom the Mohawk and Quinte camps reaches yom, you will have received |at Deseronto. ae ry the sad news of your son's death. He| Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Gibson visited was killed by the explosion of a fuse, | her sister, Mrs. J. Spence, Charlston and death was instantaneous. One |recently. * Mrs..F. M. Purvis calle other man who was standing near was fon Lyn friends last week. Howard y wou Your. son was not | MillegZbas returned home from Kings- ton. Joha Mallory and Edwin Sum- mers have returned from the west. A pretty marriage was solemnizel on Tuesday morning in the Romam Catholic Church, Ballycanoe, by Fa- ther Cullilane, when Miss Pauline his | Stack became the bride of Thomas ig- | Connell, Iroquois. - The bride looked . | charming in her jravelling sifit of navy blue grey hat with old rose trim- co mw! were pe ergaiter Time Something New in Overgaiter Style. Women's lace gaiters in white, fawn and taupe, at $3.50. pk Women's English gaiters in white, fawn "and taupe, button style, $2.50 and $3.00. - Women's fine quali iters in white, brown, grey and innid $2.00. y Women's black gaiters at $1.25 and $180. © stiles 54 $1.28

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