Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Nov 1917, p. 10

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A -----" Always Acceptable and Delicious. THE CONFESSIONS OF ROXANE BOYD'S GARAGE RST V We have the best equipped i Bs (By Frances Walter) : 4 Sa c TP huante a of cars SUSPICION. owed the C. P, & xe he Breséut at SpoOoO Agents for Reo Cars. (Copyright, 1916, by the McClure | time he has ironed Tt, but he does Four and often five spoonfuls of ordinary tea do G - B153 Mrs Palmer's insatiable curiosity has a op Ty ih not go ahy further than three of Red Rose Tea. ith eo. Boyd, Prop. The Tea of all Teas. that som scheme should be deviscd| able to direst tha ouvy of the reit.| & Less Red Rose is required because it consists § | Black, Green Get a package and enjoy Enville, and i rould ch |" But why should Mr. Gordon want { chiefly of rich, strong, full-flavored Assam teas. or Mixed } a cup of Tea "In Perfection', opportunity she would have to lav-|'that little line?" I asked skeptically, Use Red Rose Tea . was arranged at another almost im-| surely would not worry about that and save that ish her charms®upon him, and this! "A man who controls so many roads TTS | The consciousness of having the hair | perceptibly brief conference between one." GRAND TR | { Pa - The Ready-to-Use Chocolate and sca g : her and Mrs. Hardwick. Before their!' "It is not the road he wants," but EER od Joalp Swen ang Baa departure we knew what it was. 'the coal,' declared Kenneth, who, CHOCOLATTA ngs a feeling of comforting Mrs. Hardwick had discovered that|had analyzed the possibilities of the Be) LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE Scif assurance the following Friday was the 13th| situation with lightning rapidity The i No. coking or milk required -- his and she insisted that it was her {Toad short as it was, traverses one of elo Ris Add boiling water only. . In effect Sept. 30th, 1917. ! ketesting H E RPICIDE euuisieer lucky day. In consequence she hos-|the greatest coalproducing sections ns rego denser eSoften, milk and : |" Aviation 120 better harbputiard 2 pitably invited all of us to {so i in the Soumtyy, aud, 33 1 ssid before, . i Sar combined ready to use. i - wick for that evening. rs. Pal-| whoever controls ir wo e in a po- 2 ne, hve at wy) Cunsiziiond by Tho Hetuiite Ou, mer chimed in with an indorsement. | sition to force the sale of the coal Baker's Grocery Going Went. "e or al # sit ine." we, City Arr. Surely you can 'stretch your visit mine i. - i to Enville that long, Mr. Gordon?" | "And you think that is Mr, Gor- Phone 1016, Princess & Frontenac | she pleaded. jdon's plan?" pe 5 ~ gdb so "Yes, I shall be here, and I shall|- "Yes," almost shouted Kenneth. You Get Better Cough b |'be very glad to come," he replied, "But it shall not succeed! A Siloriul Tio makes mre friends A Toc ot i Tad Bt sy Making ne ' -(To be Continued.) than a solemn truth. shines in the dark. it at Home "Well, what do you think of Mr.|" ; . L | Gordon?" asked Kenneth when our BY yoiviiis y guests had departed. *"Isn't he rath- Intern'! fd. .m. Wnt mere, Ton se about 82 by $ | er a remarkable man?" POT 4, 1016 18% run aaily | "Yes," 1 agreed, cautiously. Other trains dally except Sunday. '| : It did not dawn upon me at first Direct route to Toronto, Peterboro, You'll never really know what a fine | who he really was," Kenneth went Hamilton Buffalo, London, Detroit, | cough Syrup you can make until you pre- | on. © "Of course, I have heard of Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Montreal 3 i he ¥ Ottawa, Quebde, Portland, St. Johm, 2 Ys amen JD nemade remedy, John Gordon the financier, and it the ready-made kind, but you will also | Would have been very natural for me bave a more effective and dependable | to suspect who he was when he came Agency sean | remedy in every way. It overcomes the | into the office the other day to make steamship lines. Open day and night. usual coughs, throat and chest colds in | some inquiries regarding prices, but . | 24 hours--relieves even whooping cough | 1 aig not, even though I knew also O m ce n O a n a a quickly. ¢ i . | "Get 21% ounces of Pinex (50 cents | [TOM another source that he was 9 worth) from any good drug store, pour here on nailroad business. It is as- it into a 16-0z. Yottle and all the our tonishing how dense a person can be tle with plain granulated sugar syrup. | at times, isn't it." Here you have fs ounces--a family sup- I emiled. fo the most effective cough syrup "You are not going to trick me in- pp fon md pve of only | to calling you dense, Kenneth," I The prompt and positive results given | 5314: i P Service by this a Posting cough syrup | I do not see why you should have assenger have caused it to be used in more homes | 'dentified Mr, Gordon immediately. & than -any other remedy. It quick The name is not at all an uncommon M treal Londosz foosens @ dry, hoarse or tight cough, | one.' on heals the inflamed membranes that line Kenneth's brow furrowed sud- (Calling Falmouth to land passengers' the throat and bronchial tubes, and deni nd . pelief comes almost immediately, Splen- "What a faal T am," he cried. I or ickle, hoarseness, bron- » - Montreal and Bristol chitis, ron and bronchial asthma. should have suspected it immedi- For particulars of rg, and rates | Pinex is a highly concentrated com- ately." 1 sadn . Bly 1 ta or to bert | pound of genuine Norway pine extrack | "What? ¢ ; w ord Cou ited. Genera fowia and has been used for generations for wy pa $0 King Street Toronto. | throat and. chest ailments. The real purpose of this man. . 19 ne Tr 5 3.3 1 1 4 TYERQ PORES FER TT ie = 8 | Avoid disappointment. by asking your Yay, he is here to buy the C. P. & : "i I am sure of it!" wit. a To eas oun Of accept I turned a puzzled face to my hus- anyphing else. A guarantee of abso- [band but he did not seem to see For the Hoys at the Fromt. Jufe Shislactn or money promptly | me, so intense were his thoughts at Iefunded goes with this Preparation. | that moment ou the discovery pe had ANADA'S women have been foremost in all good works in the war. CHOCOLATTA | = re BE will mou great dost to Hig. In thousands of mother hearts are the wounds of the greatest "The Ready-to-use Chocolate" A inrbotham---it may mean hig ruin!" Contains The Ghossiate, Sik 21a oy Rony [holnam-iy wiy moun bly sacrifice the war has demanded of our people. Their spirit of self- 2 It was several minutes before he fe . . . . . . : , Prepaced tasantiy by Addin BoD ne ote makes a Taeral Minutes beforg dey denial, their patience in suffering, have inspired Canada's men to greater Belt ate : Despem | he told me of Mr. Higginbotham's in. and still greater No Cooking or Milk Required. oss of Energy, i'al terest in the short railroad, which For Sale By Pics 3 was both a link to the two big sys- a or mailed in pair pkg. on t tems it touched and an outlet for the | (ice. Now pathphictsnsiled free THE coal mines which were Mr. Higgin- D. Couper, i uy ee | botham's principal possessions. The Phone 70, 541-3 Princess St. People with peppery tempers are |OWner of the little railroad could a ---- v . --- @ FF _1ot invented by the Quakers mines." Pre oe S-- te Canada's Victory Bonds give you Women of Canada, you will grasp at 1 thought Mr. Higginbotham mothers, and wives, you sweethearts this opportunity, to fight along with @ 9 | and sisters of Canada's boys in the the men of Canada. trenches the opportunity to fight shoul- i i I old In i : 3 Buy Victory Bonds with your sav- OMANR d to shoulder with them in France. ings. Urge your friends to buy. Use ege . Twilight You can fight with your money your organizations to influence every- when you put it into Victory Bonds body in your community to make (Continueg trom Page 39 Just as truly as though you stood be- Canada's Victory Loan a real weapon ~ Yropblem == ary WT nn ¥, wv. # : 9th, from 3 to 6 o'clock. So you women of Canada have an * * * . ation. Mikes: bat of the interest second to no other in the Oddfellows' Relief Association en- success of the Victory Loan. 3 i. tertained the directors at the From-| - And as an investment a woman's How to Feel Well During Middle tonac Club on Saturday svening. --because it ans support for savings can be put into no safer secur- There were a number of outside di- ° rectors present. A jovial eveming your fighting 'men, pport that is ity, drawing a good rate of interest, L Life Told by Three Women Who |Z Hn . +l absolutely necessary to win Victory. than Victory Bonds. 'Learned from Experience. . | Mr. ana rs. 3. ©. Hardy, in the : city for some days have returned to Toronto. Mrs, Harold Martin, Port Hope, is visiting her sisters, Miss Olive Th : of Life i itical peri : Ae or Ee Oe ioe ick] prrioj of 8 | fore) ane tm. Hoikuee, From Canada's Victory Loan Campaign * disease and pain. Mrs. A, D. Smith, of Brooklyn, N. lity EE il will begin Next Monday, November 12- emt dee ant {ret Bimungs, Ottwws who tas « spending u fow dave in town 'the anaes Victory Lia Saba Si Con ™ ; A | "Canada's Victory Loan Chairman, Provincial Committee, All About It" Samada's Victory Loan, . Kindly send me a copy of pamphlet IRL She Site of a pamphit Canada's Victory Loan, All About It. hands of every man and Name : woman in the country. fi Street or RR... e EARS INRA RN EE Sera sR eR tne Mail this coupon at Ea yi once and get your copy Prov. x be Krinssernrinnn Fre sereRTaen SrasTer iar RRR {ETERS LE)

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