PAGE TWELVE Silky, Soft, Flufty, Beautiful Prime Skins. WHITE ARCTIC FOX, LABRADOR SILVER CROSS, CANADIAN RED, BLACK, SILVER GREY. CINNAMON, BATTLESHIP GREY, TAUPE Beautiful Scarfs and Mufts, Finished in Soft Silks, Designed in the 1atem, Styles. Your Inspection Invited. John McKay, LIMITED. THE DAILY BRITISH --m HAD A THRILLING TINE | CREW - OF BARGE { NEVER EXPECTED HAMILTON TO SURVIVE | The Barge a Most Seaworthy One, And This Alone Saved Them From Going to Watery Grave in Terrible Storm. There was just one thing that | saved Capt. Alexander Hebert, and | his craw, on Yhe barge Hamilton, { from going to & watery grave, and | that was the fact that they were sali- {ing in a barge that was seaworthy ! in every respect. The barge is recog- nized as one of the best sailing on the lakes, and although she under- went a terrible éxperience, and had a coupie of holes punched in her side { she stood the test well, and thus ail on beard were saved. | (The barge, which was floated on [ Thursday, morning, by the Donnelly Wrecking Company, at Point Penin- sula, arrived in port during Thurs- | day afternoon; and the captain and | his crew were glad to get back to Kingston again, after their most thrilling experience. The steamer Joyland, it will be re- | membered, had the barge in tow, several days ago, coming from Port | Colborne, both vessels being grain- laden. The Sarge Igoe away from the steamer in a tdrible gale and drifted around at the mercy of the waves, finally going aground at Point Peninsula, Capt. Alexander Hebert, who is an expert navigator, anchored at Pid- geon Island, hut the weather was so bad, that the anchors would mot hold and there was nothing to do but drift around. The life boat was swept overboard in the storm. Capt. Hebert states that the waves went ten feet over the barge, and that he never expected that they would be able to survive the terri- ble ordeal. No ordinary barge could Kingston's Reliable Fur House, 149-157 Brock Street. Your Windows and Doors snd cold. Our metal w strips put on by will make them wind fod oro The to prove to you. Ring 819, J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Olarence Street Kingston, Ont. STANDARD PATTERNS For Sale at COLLEGE BOOK STORE. Brick Residence Suitable for First Class Boarding House. hardwond Room Seana ba cony and sun room; centrally within few minutes' located, walk of the University, Collegi- ate, City Park and Princess AT A BARGAIN, McCann's 82 Brock Street. /) Weare Optical Specialists IS BEST SOLVED BY COMING TO U You are assured a thorough scientific examination and ac- curate glasses at Asselstine's. Consult J. 5. ASSELSTINE D.0S. King Street. ere) At the Golden Lion Grocery Fancy Clover HONEY In one pound sections, 25 cents each. Fresh California Prunes, nice and , «ve 10e, 1235¢c, 15c Ib. Peaches, 2 Ibs for 25c¢. Golden Lion Grocery W. R. McRea & Co. | have stood the mwful storm, { { Movements of Vessels, The two submarine chasers, which | have been in port, tor some days, | cleared for Oswego, and will after wards proceed to New York. M. T. Co's Bulletin: The steamer Simla discharged a cargo of grain, and cleared for Port Colborne; the steamer Westerian will -discharge « grain cargo and clear for Port Col- borne; the steamers India and Joy- land cleared for Port Colborne; the tug Magnolia is due to arrive to-day, with three light barges, from Mont- real, Canada Steamship Lines: The steamer Waterlily arrived from; Pic- ton and South Bay, with a cargo of canned goods, to be transhipped for Montreal and the west; the steamer Plummer passed up at noon Friday, with package freight from Montreal, to Fort William; the steamer City of Hamilton passed up Thursday after- noon, on her way from Montreal to Toronto, and Hamilton, with pack- age freight; the steamer Ionic pass- ed up at 65 p.m., Thursday light, for Port Colborne; the steamer Hadding- | ton passed up at 7.30 p.m. Thurs-| day, light, on her way to Port Col-| borne, RAISED $125. ers of Empire Chapters Held * Successful Shower. Over $125 and an immense quan- tity of cigarettes was raised at the cigarette shower held on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs, Sand- ford Calvin. Mrs. Calvin loaned her home to the Daughters of the Em- pire for the occasion, The regents of the various chap- ters, Mrs. T. G. Smith, Frontenac Chapter; Mrs. J. Hamilton, LaSalle Chapter; Miss B. Smythe, Prince Charlie Chapter; Miss Campbell, Victory Chapter; Mrs T. D. R. Hem- ming, Annandale Chapter, assisted by some forty members of these chapters, took part. Mrs. Francis Macnee was in charge of the cigar- ette table and had a number of assistants. Mrs. Arthur Elis re- ceived the money at the door. The Quinine That Does Not Affect Head Because of its tonic and laxative effect, Laxative Bromo Quinine can be taken by anyone without causing nervousness or ringing in the head. There is only on 'Bromo Quinine." E. W. GROVE'S signature is on box. 1 Building Permits. : Thomas A. Andre has taken out a permit for a frame bungalow for Mrs, Charles Walker on the north side of between Barrie and . Smith has taken out a permit for a brick bungalow for Charles Westbrooke on the north side of Gar- rett street, Special Sale of Ladies' Waists. Just received our pew waists for See the special volle WHIG, TT ---- INGDENTS OF THE DAY i LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS u GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings In the City and Vicinity ~--What the Merchants Offer to the| Readers of the Whig. Pianos to rem. C. W. Lindsay, | Ltd. { See Mae Marsh in "Polly of the| Circus" at the Strand to-night, i "A million from Kingston," is the! slogan 'of the Victory Loan cam-| paigners. W. Swaine, piano and pipe organj tuner, 100 Clergy st¥eet W. Orders| left at McAuley's or 'phone 564. A committee of the Great War Vet- erans met on Thursday to make ar- rangements for new quarters for the association. f Now is the time to have your piano tuned, we carry two expert tuners and will assure entire sat- isfaction. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. A meeting of the local bakers was held on Thursday eveming and the | bread situation discussed. A raise in! prices is probable, iFire broke out on Friday morning at Joseph Murphy's, Joyceville. For- tunately it was speedily suppressed and with very tittle damage. We will rent you a ptano, and at end of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we will al- low the 6 months renial on pur chase price and arrange easy terms on balamce. C. W. Lindsay. Ltd. Mrs, John Ewing, Kingston, and | Mrs. James Williams, Halifax, N.S., have been recent visitors at Mrs, Thomas Dawker's, Harrowsmith,- Brockville telephoned on Thurs- day that ong Monday night it hoped to have a procession a mile long. Kingston will do better than that if a big push is made, Now is the time to have your plano tuned, we carry two expert tuners and will assure entire sat- isfaction. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd It is understood that merchants, manufacturers and others propose buying Victory bonds for their em- ployees, taking w .«ly payments for them. A splendid plan; may it grow. | Prevost, Broek street, has receiv. ed a large shipment of mens' and youths' winter overcoats and suits, which he will sell at very close pri- ces. In his order clothing depart- ment he has a full range of cloth which he will make up into suits or | overcoats at a very reasonable price and guarantee first class fit, The Victory Pamphlets. Thousands of Victory Loan pamph- lets will He distributed. tothe mer-§ chants to be placed in parcels and sent to the citizens, The merchants are asked to help the publicity com- mittee in spreading information as to the Victory Loan. Dr. Hall's Cough Balsam. / Cures coughs and colds, 25¢% bot. tle. Prouse's Drug Store. BUY NOW ! Those intending to pur- chase furs of any kind this season, should do so without delay. The un- recedented demand for urs is almost sure to ¢ in many lines, and higher prices later on. Our stock to-day is quite complete, inclu ing: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1917. Christmas Cosmopolitan "America's Greatest Magazine" AUTHORS ARTICLES AND FEATURES The Evening Hour--Cover Design Stars, Not Scars - - - - Knowledge (Poem) - - . On the Trail of the Cowardly Congar la - - - - The Stage Today - - Some Axioms of War-Work - Myself and Others - - - The Fable of the Rise and Flight of the Winged Insect - SHORT STORIES On the Heights - TT, The Other Lobster - For She Loved Much The Stimulant - - In Came a Fat Man - NOVELS Virtuous Wives - - Camilla - - - - The Restless Sex - - Herbert Kaufman - Ella Wheeler Wilcox Rex Beach - - Afhold Bennett Lillie Langtry - George Ade . Fannie Hurst - Gouverneur Morris - Edith Macvane - Samuel Merwin - - George Randolph Chester Owen Johmson - = Elizabeth Robins - - Robert W. Chambers . George Gibbs - - Alonzo Kimball . . W, D. Stevens .l wl ILLUSTRATORS Harrison Fisher, - . W. T. Benda -. - W. T. Benda John T. McCutcheon PD. Skidmore - - James Montgomery Flagg George Gibbs - - Howard Chandler Christy Charles E. Chambers 24 53 70 The College Book Store, 160-162 Princess St. : Open Nights Phone 919 A clearing lot of middy blouses in sizes 34 to 42. All white, and also white with colored trimming. Priced up to $1.75 each. Saturday special .. .. .. . 98¢c Penman"s black cashmere hose for ladies, all sizes 8} to 10. - Today's price 75¢c a pair. 'Special .'. i... J. 00 80 x= * Beautiful coats for ladies who care. Ladies', men's, boys' 'underwear in the wanted makes. Last year's prices. Our "Dollar" special corset leads the pro- cession. All sizes 19 to 30. Flannelette blankets, three sizes, white and grey. Remnants of wool dress goods, specially priced for shrewd shoppers. Be sure and get your supply and save money. ' Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE ---- DRESSED SPRUCE CLOSING OF MAILS Brith mall closes (resumen. Information posted at P.O. from t to time. 11.8 11.3 A very fine lot of » matched spruce lum- h ber for floorings, par- . B. Walkem Preparing For Coming SELECTING ENUMERATORS titions, ceilings, etc. Election of Kingston's Member J. B. Walkem is electing the enum- who will prepare the voters' der Franchise We have an excellent show- ing just now of High quality pearls for the meck. The prices vary and many patterns are not at all expen- sive. See our newly decorated win. dows for suggestions, Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Headquarters for Whitby Jet Necklets Also. Orders taken for HUDSON SEAL COATS W. F.Gourdier Phone 700. 78-80 Brock Street. Four Dwellings On Clergy St. West, to to be sold for $2200, $2100, $2000, $2000 A double dwelling in Portsmouth, with garden, for $1600. A dwelling on Pine St., with large stable, for $2850, Money to Loan, Fire Insurance, Place your property on our selling fi EW Mallio&Son Sellers of Real Estate. Pp ready Bl sugac.. zetl's chocolates in Li 'N.B.--Mauy of the large can Cor, Johnson and Division Phones 580 and 1450, factories have al- ceased operations owing 1o the scarcily of 'We are now taking orders for Page & Shaw and § 1, 2, 3, 5 Ib. boxes for Xmas 4 das c