+ unless Canada can furnish the credit PAGE FOURTEEN The British Whig 84TH YEAR. Pusnns Published Dally and Semi-Weekly by THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING wv CO, LIMITED. . G, Elliot President aging Director and Sec.-Treas. Telephones: siness Office ... itorial Rooms Job Office SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Daily Edition) One ear, delivered in city ,, Jour: it pald 1h Bavanes mad] to rural offices 5.0 $2.50 to United States ..... $2.50 0 | ernment, o | the liberals on this question MONTREAL REPRESENTATIVE R. Bruce Owen .... 3 TORONTO F. b oo , 4 1006 Trad UNIT STATES REPRESENTATIVE: F.R.Northrup, 225 Firth Ave, New York Pr. 'orthrup, 1510 Ass'n Bldg, Chicago Attached is one of the best job printing offices in Canada. The circulation of THE BRITISH WHIG is authenticated by the ABO Audit Bureau of Circziations. A CALL TO ACTION. o'{ Borden Government, A FAIR DIVISION. The statement has been sent out from Ottawa that the liberal mem- bers of Ontario will, so far as the Union Government can regulate it, vince in the new parliament will have the liberal ministers be with that? satisfied evened up. Why should Ontario be lopsided? To offset glump from unionism in Quebec? That does not seem to be right. Why punish the liberals in Ontario for the perversity of the race in Que. bec? Good news, The smallest war bond 'issued by the Government will be registered, and thereforé made unsaleable except with the buyer's or holder's consent. TAXING THE PROFITS. Sir Wilfrid Laurier would, if he could, tax the profiteers to the limit, The Toronto News says the Union 2} Government has agreed to go as far as the leader of the opposition. Per- haps. The fact remains that the which "1s so largely represented in the new gov- resisted the demands of and that the country has only the pro- mise of the finance minister that he will continue the taxation of excess profits beyond the end of this year. It cannot be any harm to remind some men that their promises are not made to he broken. A resident of a town not so far from Kingston has written to a city coal dealer to ask if he can be sup- 3 plied with fuel of any kind at any price. How fortunate the people of Kingston are to be served so well The terms of the new war bonds | are now made known, and the de- sirability of them becomes the:more apparent, The time was, not so long ago,- (shortly before the war), when the bonds that sold at 4 per cent. were very much in demand. A little | longer ago interest was 3% per) cent., and the municipalities had no difficulty in getting money at this rate." Tie 1¥ger Municipality: of} Toronto sent its treasurer, and some. | times its mayor, across the ocean with a bag full of securities which wore eagerly bought up by the Bri- tishers at 2% per Cent. Maney fis scarcer now. England has none to invest in foreign securities, or se- curities for sale outside the Mother Country. She has none to send to Canada for the purchase of her sup- plies of munitions and foods, and this trade must go elsewhere, Hence the need of this new loan, and one that spells Victory in more #énses (han one. $150,000,000, and under entirely now conditions, Formerly only the few, the recognized moneyed men in every community, or those best known to the brokers and bond sales. men, were reached. Now, and at the expressed command of the finance minister, every man and woman, every wage-earner, saver, or thrifty ' person, old and young, will have the opportunity of supscribing on pre- cisely the same conditions. The "honds run from $50.00, the lowest The call 18 for]. under the circumstances, + SETTING AN EXAMPLE, The Montreal. Council spasm of economy a Pear ago and cut down the civic salaries half a mil- Hon dollars. Now it is proposed to increase this account so that the an- nual outlay, under this head, will be four and a half millions. Mayor Martin is probably -- tmitating the Federal Government, which has a falling for gver-maning or over- womaning every branch of the pub. lic service, and. paying out salaries]. which are the envy of every com- munity. Kingston just now is of- fering an object.lesson of this kind which will not be forgotten, EDITORIAL NOTES. Canada's men' irresistible in their dash. This is the announcement, Is there any national ambition which is not gratified by it? There will -be-mere people grow: | cile themselves to coalition. | ties will bring together strange bed- | fellows in the ensuing wéeks. be confined to twenty; and the pre-1 a representation of sixty-three. will | Alberta, Saskatchewan, | British Columbia and the Maritime |lines of a chariot, and the man in Provinces are as nearly as possible | barge looks like a bloomin' prince the possible | had "a! THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1917. only by stalwart Grits, but also by discontented Tories who can't recon- Poil- Coal Mans' Day. (Guelph Mereury) A coal cart's not much of an orna- ment in a general way, but when the thing pulls up algngside a house with an empty coal bin, it takes on the Their Day is Coming. (Toronto Mail) Sir Eric Geddes says that the net losses of the British merchant marine since the outbreak of war have been 2,500,000 tons, or 14 per cent. Con- sidering how mueh more shipping is needed, and how much of neutral shipping has been sunk, the position is not comfortable. The Allies must have vietory in 1918. CONTEMPORARY OPINION] Voting Act Has Peculiarities, Toronto Mail There is an aspect of the soldiers' Voting Act which may cause some confusion. The Premier is to desig- nate who shall be entitled in each constituency to receive ' the votes cast by soldiers for "Government candidate," The Opposition leader is to say who shall receive the votes cast for "Opposition candidate." This seems to leave no room for a con: scriptionist Liberal or econscription- ist Conservative who does not run under the aegis of the Union Gov- ernment, Many of these will not wish to be designated by Laurier, and they do not belong to a recog- nized "independent party" whose leader could name them. Their only chance of getting part of the soldier vote would seem to be by reason of soldiers writing the name of such a candidate on the ballot, there being a space for that purpose. But very few soldiers will write a name when they can vole by making a cross. So the candidate who is not offi cially chogen a Unionist or a Laur- ferite, or named by some recognized 'independent' leader (which would séem to be a job for W, F. Mac- lean), will have little to hope for from the soldier vote. Some people contend 'that the Act permits Sir Wilfrid Laurier to designate a can- didate as his follower, despite that candidate's wishes. A nice question arises as to how many candidates would refuse the few soldiers' votes which might thus come to him if it meant the difference between defeat and election. Speeding Up. Netw York Times The Italian crisis will speed up the preparations of the United States government. to real and active participation in the war Phis government now has a small eontingent of srgops on the western front, hut ita great gmatiopal army has mot- yet heen moved, and in fact has not yet been completely organized. It was not expected to move it before next spring or sum- mer, but the Italian crisis may cause probably | it to. be sent overseas before that to enable the French and English to send a portion of their troops on the western front to the aid of the Italians. It is very probable thai at least the National Guard contingent, already well trained and equipped, may be sent very early, and it is probable also that there will be a shorter period of training for the national army than has been con- templated. The Italian situation de- mands prompt assistance, and will probably change all the plans of all the Allied countries in the conduct of the war. There is no time for further preparations, but immediate action is needed. This government must not only speed up its armies, but the building o# ships, the manu- facture of munitions and war equip- ment. The Italian catastrophe stirs} the whole world into action. The New War Loan. Ottawa Journal-Press. Great [Britain has been able to pay. out of current revenue not only the interest on her war loans but considerable eapital amounts for the calls of the war. In this respect she stands alone of "all the European belligerents. She has met her own needs and loaned over four thousand million dollars to her Allies. And she is still far from the end of her wealth. Nevertheless, it is wali that the even greater wealth of the Un. ited States hag come to be available for the Allied cause. While Great Britain has loaned $4,000,000,000 to her European Allies and her over- seas Dominions, she |has in turn borrowed nearly. $2,000,000,000 from the United States. So, there is every need that we in Canada should keep on doing our share with money as well as with men. Every doliar subscribed to the new Canadian war loan is a direct help to the cause of the Mother Country, and keyond that to the cause of freedom and justice in the world. Let none of us imagine that his help can be too small. A large number of small efforts can achieve a mighty totaly, AUSTRALIA IS READY To Adopt Conscription, But Will Hold a Referendum. London, Nov. 9.--The Times an- nounces that Australia, up to Oct. 31st sent 380,000 soldiers overseas, but that the imperative demands of the western front and the splendid part of thé Australian troops in Haig's latest advance convintes Aus- tralians here that the Common: wealth, having proved the failure of the voluntary system, will now adopt compulsion by a large majority. The majority against it-~last-year- wis 61,000, in a total poll of 2,231,000, while the vote of the Australian sol- diers serving overseas showed a sub- stantial conscription majority. Irish Play Drew Big House. "My Irish Cinderella," an Irish elodrama, drew a full house at the Grind on Thursday evening and proved most entertaining. Daisy Carleton as "Peggy" played her role cleverly and made a big hit with the audience. Harry Everest and Fred Hoadley werg exceptionally good in the comic roles. A capable company produces the play. ing hogs next year than potatoes. A porker at $14 or $15 pays hand- somely and does not need so much attention. Prices 'would surely drop if Can- Ada lost Britain's trade. Our sur. plus products would go to the Un. ited States, and middlemen there would have their profits at the Can- adian producers' expense, i ---------------- The banks will help the buyers of securities by lending on install- Rippling Rhymes every fa pruneless. CONSERVING THINGS want to save the food supply, and so 1 follow ist, and this explains my heartfelt sigh, and why I find each week the saddest. faddist bunch, I started making Mondays meatless; on Tuesdays I've a sickly lunch, for Tuesdays are ap- pointed wheatless, song, is dismal now, and dumb and tuneless; I do -not smile the whole weék long, for every other day is Persuaded by the My heart that once was lilting aD re Suits and Overcoats For Young Men and Men Who Want to Stay Young. » Men today are boys at forty, young men at sixty. We're ready, splendidly ready, to aid young men in every way to learn the most admired and desired fash- ions for the coming season. So come in-- just to look and learn. New "Trench" Models Suits and Overcoats Newest of the new in men's attire. «9 See Bibbys Trench Style Suits at $18.50 $20.00 $22.50 $25.00 See Bibbys NEW JAP SILK NECKWEAR. Beauties at 75¢, $1.00 and $1.50. RNR (rr ---- CHINESE SACRED Lillies Nice large bulbs; easily grown. Start growing now for Christmas blossoming. DR. CHOWN'S DRUG STORE Phone 343 185 Princess ry amount, to $1,000, the highest, at' ments, and charging only 6% per 5% per cent. All will 'be issued at ,oent., which is the interest horne by par, When the order is given 10 per. the bonds, 80 that the investor is not 1 hope my self-denying stunt may help tc the front by disciplining my abdomen. The Prussian squelch the beastly foeman; I hope to aid things at . - Seal cent. is deposited or made payable at 'the bank. Four other payments follow in, the succeeding five Sea] and though the contribution of funds is gradual, and the last 1s not made | until May, the full half year's inter. ost is payable on June 1st. Thus a bonus is practically paid, and with the effect that the five.year bond yields 5:81 per cent; the ten-year bond, 6.68 per vent; and the twenty- year bond, 5.61 per cent. The investment can be regarded out to the extent of a cent. * A -------------------- Now listen to this. Sir Sam Hughes has not yet been endorsed by the Union Government, and is not sure of an acclamation until he is. It may be that Sir Sam will 'regard the Union Government as in doubt | until he endorses it, and he has not yet done this, oe d Y. now, is.stewless. deuce with Wilhelm's logions. When Kerepsky saw the wisdom of departing suddenly from Petro. strength I hope to break, and so my diet's stale and wooden, on Saturdays I have no cake, on Sundays | cut out the puddin'. the kronprinz of his martial splendor, and so 1 gnaw an old shinbone, where once I ate the sirloin tender 1 am too thin to fill my duds, my cheek is hollow, wan and hueless; for Thursdays see me shun the spuds, and I hope the gripes, are not in vain, which now disturb my midriff regions; 1 hope my colic and my pain may play the 1'd rob the kaiser of his throne, --WALT MASON. THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN ; By GENE BYRNES ' YOUNG WOMEN MAY AVOID PAIN Need Only Trust to Lydia E. CEI EY SYSTEM LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE In effect Sept. 30th, 1917. Trains will leave and arrive at Oty Depot, Foot of Johnson Street. Golag W en I 2 ® a® -~ < =e 5 3 a 9 - 210 Sle Mall .. .. .. Express . .. OAL sess Intern'l Ltd. afl ,, ¢v .. 8 Going Eas Mall .. .. .. Express . .. 2, Jm, all .. .. ..12.20 p.m. Intern"l Ltd. 1.08 p.m. > kt 21 Sweana te -e o0 of p™ § = {SIE400.08 004 ity 0» ot oe » 2 --_ OW NGI = TUTEEG PUSS S3gs3ag psEag ~1mtaoaa' don, , Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Montreal Ottawa, Quebec, Portland, St. Joh Halifax, Boston, and Y Pullman accommodation, all other information, apply to, J. P. Hanley, Agent. Agency for all ocean steamship lines. Open day and night [QLLLORE Passenger Service Montreal and London. (CAINE Falmguih to Ie samsengpy) Montreal and Bristol fculars of saill and rates we Joost agents or tory Robert ih Wing Street Fast. Toronto. "Racks with the Strongest" "HUDSON BAY Insurance Company FIRE INSURANCE See Bibbys Trench Style Over- coats at $18.50 $20.00 $22.50 $25.00 $28.00 Crd sl in two ways: (1) As a profitable one, and (2) as a patriotic one. - Never before has a Government bond been issued on a basis so favorable grad one can realize the seri nun MONTREAL . of the situation. If there is one i PERCY J. QUINN, chivalrous man in Russia, one whol. ¢ a | Sanager, Ontarie Brineh, has showit' his nerve and courage W. H. IN & to the buyer: © He has something Under extraordinary circumstances, 'which will. not depreciate in value, De is Kerensky. On the contrary it is calculated to! rise in value, for when the war is over and-its first-effects have passed i . away the rate of interest must fall, *% PUBLIC OPINION and the long term bond at a high | seeew rate of interest will become the more "Not Very Likely. and more in demand. That Is t Toronto Globe) . financial sido of the fase. The other | i388 18 stil in the war to do her side, the patriotic, Is quite as poten. | _ Ual in the appeal to reason. Can. ada is in the war to the finish. It cannot weaken In or recede from the conflict." It must stand by the Moth- er Country. Nay, more, it must stand by its own army, and give it the assurance that mo sacrifice or 'offering 18 too great to secures the 'success of the case. The man who can help atithis time, in any way, ot ci) that union govern- have to deal with, -------------------- ment will In the Comb {wit Yee Comb Extracted (In glass ... ..... ... 20c and 25¢ | Sealers: .. ... ... i. ib. tims... LL. 00 LL ene SINE vse raisin inns suns B00 5