Sissi You Pay Less Here. O'Connor's Ladies' Exclusive THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1917. A NENENEENENAEESENENENRENENSENENRESENNNARNENEEEEE VICTORY LOAN CAMPAIGN Out of the High Rent District ON SALE You Can Save Money By Taking Advantage of the Following Very Special Values in Seasonable Garments. aturday! it $12.95 Each -- 50 Stylish Coats New models just received -- belts and fancy buckle; buttoned | trimmed. Colors are brown, $3.95 Each -- 40 Serge Skirts Navy and black only; odd lines and broken sizes in values up to $5.75. A full range of" sizes in the lot. x i large collars, ocnvertible, with | navy, grey and black whitney; all sizes, worth $18.00. - - $1.98 Each--36 Girls Raincoats Fancy brown striped Jraven new styles $12. 95 Each -- 25 New Dresses * Fine Serges, poplins and silks, shades; every size in this lot and values regular to $18. 50. in all the wanted ette, with figured velvet'collar and cuffs; buttoned trimmed; ages 6 to 12 years. $2.98 Each 28 Child's Coats White - rabbit furtex, and new styles, EE MThummr™l | $6.75. $4.95 Each -- 18 Girls' Dresses Fine serges and corduroys, well made. for ages 6 to 14 yrs; Values regular to ~~ ~ heavy white corded velvet, with | padded linings, ages 2 years to | 6 years. l 59¢ Each--6 Doz. O'All Aprons Large sizes, with belt and pocx_- kets, taped edges. A Suit Clearance We have only 30 suits left and we want to clear them in a hurry. All marked i in plain figures at our usual low prices. Price for Any Suit. Saturday -- Half $1.98 Each 'Waists. 8 doz. new white silk waists in extra heavy weight, with new hi-lo collars. All sizes to 14 Silk | 98¢ Each -- Voile | Waists. 6 doz, new styles just open- ed and ready for Saturday sell- ing. Al the sizes. $1.25 Each Silk Waists. Another large shipment of new styles in our famous lace and fancy trimmed Jap silk waists. Special $1.25. New Velour Coats -- New Plush Coats -- New Children's Coats MILLINERY SNAPS. $2.25 Each -- Trim- med Hats Fine velvets, ~ Be Each -- Vielyet Shapes. 7 doz of this season's hew- trimmed in est styles; black and colors; newest idead, blacks and col- values regular to $2.00. ors. Values regular to $4.25. [ 200Prn. cess St. ] T. J. O'CONNOR [ = er Up Street, But Always Lower in Price. Children's Hats Children's Bonnets Children's Toques Children's Tams Hundreds at wholesale prices. Phone amines i ---- REA NEENEEEN PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM. oh This and Decide for ---- 'Guaranteed. City Dairy hi Sie , 34 JOHNSON STREET Phone 2083 I SOT ----" p------ ARE YOU SENDING PARCELS TO A SOLDIER OVERSEAS? | You wre probably eager to find the cor- rect box in which to pack your packages. We have specially made TIN BOXES Your home-made' cakes, 'etc., will reach France or England fresh and safe in one of our boxes. 'Crawlord 8 gros: Phone 26. of cry Tod gd d offering sense, an ich has recsived the decree o fashion's approval, are fo irs semua of VICTORY LOAN TERMS ARE WELL RECEIVED The Issue of Bonds at Par Meets With General . Favor. he terms of the Victory Loan is- sue announced by Sir Thomas White from Ottawa are coming in for a good deal of favorable comment from all quarters. The issue of the bonds at par is generally regardéd as a step in the right direction and should materially help to keep the price steady after the issue. has been placed, A considerable number of inquir- ies are being received from day to day from small investors regarding! R. the small dénomination bonds which | are being offered, and a great many subscriptions are expected to these debentures. The particularly attrac- tive terms upon which the issue is {offered involving only a few dollars down and spreading tlie payments over five months makes it possible for almost any householder to sub- ie joining in meeting in the council chamber to- r at eight o'clock to complete its THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE WERE IN SESSION YESTERDAY (A Great Military Pageant--The Pub- licity Committee Meets To-night to Further Complete its Series of "Stunts.' The Executive mmittee of the | vi jotory Loan Committee met of ' Thursday and perfected the organi- zation, Chairman Cooke of the In- dustrial Committee has arranged for addresses in all the manufacturing concerns, In some men will speak in others women. The executive highly praised the work of the Pub- Meity Committee. It was a live wire ip reaching the public conscience. To help it in its worthy endeavors money is desired. A Mayor Hughes has undertaken to raise the amount by subscription, "the executive mem- bers starting the list. The military show, with four bands, decorations, banners, ete., will be a big feature on Monday night. An appeal will go out for every auto owner to have his car in line and to be filled with re- turned soldier ors: The executive of- ficers, the spéiXers at the meeting in the City Hall will all*be out. The meeting will be in charge of Robert Meek, who will later turn it over to Mayor Hughes, The speakers willl be._Princi pal Gordon, W. F. le and Rev. Dr, Geggie, Toronto. will be music, the great aud- singing patriotic popular choruses. The platform old returned soldiers and the Sr aa of the Victory Loan cam- paign. A The county iy being organized and splendid investments are expected who have been investments whirlwind of | specialities. Re ----_-- and VICTORY LOAN IY LOAN COMMFPTEES Those in' Charge of the Big Campaign About to Open. Executive committee--R, Meek, county chairman; G. R, Warburwon, county organizer; W. W. Sands, county secretary; Francis King, pun- He speaking; J. G. Elliott, publicity; H. C. Nickle, free transpondation William Cook, industrial organiza- tions; J. M. Campbell, re local com- mittee at strategic points; Dr. Taoveil, Sydenham, anda Dr, Spankie, Wolfe Island; for townships. Honbrary committee--city, Mayor Hughes, Hon. W. Harty, Hon. H. W. Richardson, J. L. Whiting, K.C., W, ¥. Nickle, K.C., Francis King, Col. Cunningham, Eimer Davis, N. C. Polson, Jr, W. R. Givens, J. G. Ei- liott, Dr. J. J. Harty, Dr. Richardson, J. A. Minnes, D, G, Laid- law, J. M. Campbell, Rev. Dr. Gor- don, G. Y. Chown, R. F. Elliott, S. R. Bailey, B. W. Robertson, Ald. G. C. Wrignt, General Hemming, Col. Perreau, Col. Kent, Prof. Martin, Prof, Skelton, Prof, H. Mitchell, Er- nest Cain, W. J. Driscoll. - Townships--J. 'W. Edwards, M.P., A. Rankin, M.P.P,, J. W. Bradshaw, C. G. McKnight, Charles MoGregor, A: nedy; PJ. Wensley, H.-A. Calvin, F. J, Lachance, Benson Coul- ter, Elgin Stover, L. D. Parks, Charles Truscott, James Parker, T. J. Munro, W. J. Franklin, W. S. Reed, James Halliday, David Gemmell, An- drew A, McFadden, Dr. William Spankie. $ Pullicity committee--J. G. Elliott, chairman, G. K. Martin, secretary, W. R. Givens, L. A. Guild, H, C. Nickle, Enlarged publicity committee-- Stanley Trotter, Bert Abernethy, Herb Steacy, J. Nash, Edward Walsh, A. Roney, R. Sloan, W. W. Gibson, H, Angrove, Mr. VanLuven, J. Mac. donald, W. Macnee, Father Hanley, J. Burns, T. J. O'Comnor, S. Oraw: ford, R. Crawford, W. H. Dyde, W H. Mack, W, A. Sawyer, H. F. Price, W. Cussick; G. Lockett, R. J. Reid, R. Bruce, J. Hanley, C, C. Folger, F, Conway, M, C. Dunn, Lieut. Shaugh- A.W, PAGE FIFTEEN i ---- Ladies' Fine Footwear Black kid laced bouts, best grades, $7.00 to $10.00. Other grades, $4.00 to $6.00. Ladies colored kid laced boots in | brown, 'grey, navy blue and cham- | - pagne, $12.00, $11.00, $10.00, $9.00. | Grey, brown and white rubbers, $1.50. Abernethy's Shoe Store Men' s Velour Hats In these fine fall and winter hats we have the English and American makes, in the new shapes and colors. Special values at $350 and $5.00. Fine Winter Gloves We sell the celebrated Dent's and Fownes English makes. ! 73¢c to $4.75. CampbellBros Kingston's Oldest Hat and Fur Store, ERRMRNREREREENERRERRR nN » GIFTS FOR THE BOYS OVERSEAS, Safety | Razors, Shaving Shaving Sticks and Pastes, Writing Pads, Styptic Pencils, Fountain Pens. Overs = seas Boxes 15c and 2c. 'See in | | Prouse' s Drug Store. Phone 82. nessy, J. M. Elliott, James Halliday, |\ H. W. Newman, Lieut-Col, Gillespie, F. J. Hoag, W. H. Medley, C. Tay- lor, Frederick Reid, F. Kinnear, A. Treadgold, Frank Anglin, Judge Lavell J.J. 3 i G. Shannon, W. Beara json, Rev. J. D, Boyd, R. Henderson, H. Williamson, R. J, McClelland, R. W. Anglin, Francis King, G. H. Smythe, T. J. Rigney, Dr. C. C. Nash, Chief Armstrong, Norman Smith, W. VE I Let t Us Register Guild, R. S. 8. Harvey, Dr. Angrove,| Arthur Craig, Charles Harvey, D. P.| Brannigan, H. Martin, W. Whittey, Alds. Chown, Litton, Newman, re-}j presentative from Queen's Alma Ma- ter r Sodlety. J. K, Carroll, J. Gorrie, scribe for one or more of the smaller bonds. A thorough canvass will be made of every in the city and throughout the Dominion, and a Saline effert made to get all to sub-| Be ah Away Free. PENDULUM OF FASHION SWINGS -- SWING | WITH IT. "But there is more than fashion behind the rapid- ly increasing demand for period furniture in dining and living room furniture. Solid black walnut William and Mary dining room sets in velvet finish, Living room furniture. Chesterfields and large luxurious arm chairs, at the busy store with the large stock. James Reid The Leading Undertaker with Motor Hearse Phone 147 for Motor Ambulance. Closely Related There's a closér relationship be- tween feed, poultry and, dollars than you may suspect. Right feed means better birds, quicker returns and more money. For bigger dividends on your poultry, let us supply Jour feed. The kind you need is here, snd our advice is free for the asking. 5. W: F. McBROOM 42-44 Princess Street. HOT WATER BOTTLES ALL GUARANTEED At All Prices. AT SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Corner Princess and Montreal Streets. Telephone 4! 41. J.J. STEWART, Opt.D, Oricias Cor. Wellington and Clarence Sts. Opp. Post SR ee Ha i Home-made Hambugs . Be sure you get the bést of all kinds of home-made