THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1917. "Educational WORLD-FAMOUS UNIVERSITY LOCATED IN THE CITY And There Are Also Colleges and Schools of Every Kind. Addi- tions Have Recently Been Made to the Victoria School and Col- legiate Institute and These, In Turn, Will Soon Be Outgrown. At the head of Kingston's educational facilities stands the great university of Queen's, which has won a Dominion-wide reputation as one of the leading establishments of its kind in Canada. Queen'sis described in a special article in another part of this series and need not therefore be further referred to here. Kingston also possesses one of the finest and best equipped Col- legiate Institutes in Canada, with a teaching staff of seventeen in- structors, most of them specialists in their subjects. The enrolled attendance for September, 1917, reached the record figure of 486, an increase of 45. In E. O. Sliter the Collegiate has a principal of exceptional merit. ; All the schools of the city show highly satisfactory progress in the number of pupils as well as in the results achieved. = Inspector J. Russell Stuart in his Report for September states that the public school enrollment has increased by no less than 277. The enrollment in grade classes stands at 2,452, with an average attendance of 2,208, which will probably compare favorably with that of any other city in the province. The enrollment at the Orphans' Home 1s 32 with an average attendance of 31, and the kindergarten 207, with an average attendance of 171. The health of the pupils is also well looked after. Miss Jean Mc- Callum, the school nurse, reports for September that 560 pupils have been inspected, 64 instructions given, 17 consultations with parents, and 19 home visits made. During September the general health of the pupils was exceptionally good and the improvement in their ap- pearance was most marked. Kingston, like most other progressive cities in Canada, has to be continually making extensions to its school premises. It is less than two years since extensions were made at the Victoria school and the Collegiate Institute, and already the growth in the number of pupils a these places is causing the trustees to plan still further accomme- ation. In addition to the University and the public schools, Kingston is also equipped with a thoroughly up-to-date business college, and a branch of the Y.M.C.A., which do useful work in taking care of the rising generation at what is probably the most dangerous stage of their development. The Y.M.C.A. started in the shape of physical culture classes rather more than thirty years ago. Particular care is still taken in the courses dealing with physical development. There is first the Junior B class consisting of the youngest members. Then there is the Junior A and after these the senior school boys. These three classes consist of boys who are still attending school. There is also the Junior Employed Boys' Class and the Inter- mediates for those who are a little older. e senior class for young men and the Business Men's class also have their place in the insti- tution. Altogether, Kingston is thoroughly well equipped for fitting its little citizens for the battle of life. The growth of these establish- ments shows the public appreciation of, their merits and shows also that the city is growing and progressing as it grows. ++ A.Few Firsts in Canada. First: Agricultural College established at Guelph, Ont., 1874. First Canadian bank note was issued by the Canada Bank in 1792; it was for "5 chelins." a white settler in Belleville was Wallbridge, a fur dealer, in First use of the word Dominion as applied to Canada was not in _. connection with Confederation as generally supposed. The word was first applied to this country in address of American Coloilies in Philadelphia in 1797. Te n 1760 when 300 First German immigration to Canada was i ; Gerla an sale to Nova Sovtia irst Thanksgivin was on ember, 1763 in Halifax to celebrate the pe enon the 28th Sep the French. v ~ First use of the maple leaf as Canada's national emblem was at Toronto in 1860 in connection with the visit of the then Prince of Wales, the late King Edward. First railway in Ontario was the Northern Line, started in 1850. First Orange Lodge in Canada was formed at Brockville in 1823 Ha " . 1 . The origin of words is a study of the most fascinating i How many people who have read the Whig pethat for : or van erie, Most and Tory are the slang terms for Liberal and Conservative, but the words go back a long way behind that. Te enemies the O'Neills, ! become such a by-word in thi part of the world. i saa yy | in this faraway PRICES. fr a gE eo a AT | Whe the little band of horse drovers frdm Gallowa . led in CE cy + #3 ¥ et nA ; Re BL Phone 292 < Rit wri SS i eat Sty ae = i The Underwear of Unimpeachable Quality --the underwear that has given a winnin i g punch to underwear departments in dry good stores throughout the country. P gl on Insist on getting Imperial Underwear, don't be put off with a substitute. The Imperial Line includes Merinos, Nat- ural Wool, Scotch Wool, and heavy elastic- ribbed combindtions - and two-piece suits, every one of which is a well-fiinished, per- Kingston Hosiery Company Kingston . Ontario fect-fitting garment. Imperial Underwear is sold by all leading Men's Furnishing and Dry Goods stores, SHAPE. Some Pointers For You, Mr. Business Man 1 ADVERTISING IS A GREAT SINK HOLE OR A'GREAT BOOSTER OF uta BUSINESS 1 L A - . 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