_ consin man ribs radiate from a cen- ead pencil. PPE A Be BFE OF SCIENCE borer rarer ~ | NEWEST NOTES | | Single trees have bees known to produce 20,000 oranges India consumes one-sixth of world's supply of quinine yearly the Clips for letters: or memoranda fea- |" ture the frame of a new desk clock. Some of the best gasicoal in the world has been. discovered. in Vene- zuela. / A safety pocket to hold a watch se- curely features a new apron for work- men. Telephone service between England and Switzerland is maintained over two routes. In a kite frame patented by a Wis- tral disk of metal. According to a Paris physician pre- Hh mature baldness is due to some trou- ble with the teeth. Enough matches to ligh®@l its con- tents are attached fo a regently in- vented cigarette box. A The winds at Curacoa are 'so steady that three wireless stations depend upon windmills for power. Dry battery electric lamps are mounted over a new eye shield to give a wearer light where needed, French postal authorities are ex pefimenting with American automatic and semi-automatic telephones. So that it can be easily moved, a new milking stool is strapped to its user and has but a single leg. Coffins of waterproof cardboard, to which the lids are attached with glue, are a European invention. Made of stiffly crimped material, a ribless umbrella has been invented by a resident of New York state. Herring, great quantities of which are caught in Japan each year, are used chiefly to fertilize rice ficlds Beneath a new washing machine is a stove so that water can be heated in its tank without additional *hand- ling. A watch enclosed within a pearl a tittle more than half an inch in diam- eter has been made by a French jew- eler. : A reservoir within a Chicago inven- tor's massage device permits massage cream to be applied as it is being used. Deposits' of asphalt that are heliev- ed to be practically inexhaustible have been discovered in the Philippines, A porous glass for ventilation is being made in France, the holes being small enough to exclude dust and drafts. 3 Nen-slipping tongs to handle cuspi-J dors by inserting the points in their openings have been patented by a Kansan. 2 A simple but accurate method for measuring the surface of a human be- ing has been invented by "a French | scientist, { Experiments are under way at Ho- nolulu with the use of banana trunk fibre in the manufacture of bags for raw sugar. Although built early in the Chris- tian era withost metas a. stone church 'in Ireland still is in excellent condition. ~ ; One of the new folding drinking cups, made of waterproof fabric, col- lapses info a tube no larger than a "Electric Hghts that can-be-nsed for signalling are included in policemen's | helmets that have been invented in England. Once it has been started a new pho- nograj h: putomaticalty plays twelve records of after another. A steel for safes that breaks the host hits and defies hydrogen-acety- lene blow pipe flames has been per- fected in Europe. Inside the ornamental cover of a, new watch fob in a revolving disk bearing numbers to make the affair serve ne ga calendar 'A Japanese .ig the inventor of a street sprinkler that distributes water | so as to form advertisements on ~- smooth pavements. A patent has been granted a De- troit woman for a Screw hook that holds a plate above it ahd a cup below 1 it at the same. time. © 3 According to the United States bu- reau of standards ccloth 2 [Stop hazards a against. Call at our expense. the cylindrical type, one "THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, In Th e relied upon to po acy better th cor 1 can 'be varied by ed needle mounting eight to reg- reg-1 swvinéed Jan ==rs====== he m 5 A" Pi easily grasped sh scientist is t ction picture cam carried in the hand a1 rate inventor of ich can be ie to the yy compressed air as long mn, 18 pressed. doors' of a new sirect car de- with the safety of passengers canfot be opened while'lt fn mn and the'car cannot be started hile they are open. as- a Atomik Engineers in Sweden are . experi- menting with perforating the webs of street car rails to increase their resil- ch is ape- | iency and increase their life when laid ' on rigid foundations. A 'recently patented eye shade is supported from the nose like - eye- glasses and is reinforced by a malle- able metal band that permits it to be fitted to heads of all shapes By systematic reforestation Java "1 constantly increasing its teak forests. which now cover mere than 1,430,000 acres, despite the great amount of timber cut every year. Among the new locks to prevent theft of automobiles is one that se- cures the steering wheel after it has been turned slightly, enabling a car to be moved only in a circle. Mechanism consisting of a series of jointed strips of metal has been in- vented in Germany for raising or low- ering several ventilators at once by manipulating a single lever. Seme Javanese spiders make webs so strong it requires a knife to cut them. Water valves twelve feet in diame- ter and so constructed that they will close automatically in event of a break in the pipe line have been built for a hydro-electric plant in Utah. The Quality Goes Clear Through AGENTS: W.P.Peters - - - Kingston W. S. Fenwick & Sons, Enterprise Howard Brash - - Gananoque G. A. Hartman - Napanee Overton Ball . Bath Woodman & Cramer, Wolfe Island J.E.Sullivan - - '- Elgin Ramsey & Winters - Newburgh Dealers in Every Locality Lem we EY - ¥ dew ir Ei Tr er 00 Wn. Gray Sons Company, Chatham, 1855 Gray-Dort Motors, Limited, Chatham, 1915 Durant-Dort Carriage Company, Flint, 1885 we = g good vehicles should be a broad preparation for the motor car field. Se years successfully building Especially when those , vehicles have been so 'well known that their name is a household word in practically every home in Canada.- i Gray has been building' good vehicles since 1855. Thirty years building vehicles should : 172 Dart Motor Car Company, Flint, - 1915 Duplicate this situation in Flint, Michigan, with J. D. Dort and the Durant-Dort Carriage Company. Then bring these two men and these two institutions together. Unite them in a common effort to build a motor car success. It is not surprising that the entire output of 1916 Gray-Dorts was sold in three days. It was a foregone conclusion that such institutions ~~ and 30Years would build a car that would win unstinted praise from owners. Praise freely given to the extent of overselling a doubled output for 1917. teach something of transportation equip- 4& Praise that may oversell the again doubled output ment -- when those thirty years' have been years of continued growth and success, Dort has been successfully building vehicles since 1885. Place one of these institutions {n° Chatham, Ontario, with a man at its head who builded successfully be- cause he builded well--at reasonable prices. * Give him a keen interest in the motor car industry plus the patience to wait till he knew he could make a good car at a nominal price. There you have Robert Gray LE © for 1918. The Car Itself MOTOR--Gray-Dort, 4 cylinder, cast en bloc, L-head type bore 314 inches, stroke 3 inches, speed 2000 revolutions per minute, horse-power 28. t iron removable heads. Carter carburetor. Thermio-syphon cooling. Westinghouse two unit starting and lighting system. Connecticut battery ignition. Three speed and reverse selective transmission, with double row New Departure bearings. soline tank under cowl. | beam heavy duty front axle: ge floating rear axle, with forked tube torsion and Hyatt High Duty heafin gs. so inch internal expandin and external contracting es. rings -- front inc iptic, r 50 an a doris. Lott amd dmc. 16 oth reareible and nut type steering wheel. Centre brake, right pedal. Service brake, Detroit. i amtabile rims. 30.314 tread rear. Westinghouse electric ing. Li board. Lock ignition switch. Dashlight, ammeter, windshield, one-man top, tools, Car, $943; Roadster $045, A Ae Prices subject to change without notice. LTD. n# Chatham. fob.