Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Nov 1917, p. 14

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PAGE EIGHTEEN LIVE STOCK MARKETS. ¢ Montreal. Montreal, Nov. 9.--Choice steers, $10; good steers, $9 to $9.50; choice butchers' bulls, $.50 to $7; good bulls, $6; choice butchers' cows, $7.50 to $8; good cows, $6 to $6.50; canners' cattle, $5.25 to $5.50; sheep, $10.50 to $11.50; lambs, $15 to $15.50; calves, $6 to $6.50 for grass-fed; milk-fed are like hens' teeth; hogs, choicest selects, $17; sows, $15 to $16. Toronto. Toronto, Nov. 9.--Heavy steers, $10 to $11; cholce butcher, $10.25 to $10.60; do, good medium, $9.25; do. common, $8.50 to $9; heifers, good to choice, $8.50 to $10; butcher cows, choice, $8 to $9; do. medium, $7 to $7.50; butcher bulls, choice, $7.75 to $8.50; do. good, $7.50 to $7.15; do. medium, $6 :to $7; feed. _ ers, 900 to 1,000 lbs, $8.50 to $9.75; do. med., 650 to 750 1bs., $7.50 to $7.15; do. light, 600 to 650 1bs., $7 to $725; sheep, light, $11 to $13; do. yearlings, $10 to $11; canners, $6.25 to $6.75; cutters, $6 to $6.25: jambs, ¥15 to $1635; do. heavy, $6 to $9; calves, $8 to $15; hogs, fed and watered, $16.75 to $17; do. off cars, 17.25. ' - e Chi Chicago, Nov. 9. ttle, receipts, 20,000; market firm; beeves, $6.60 10 $17.15; western steers, $6 to $13.- 35; stookers and feeders, $5.85 to $11.60; cows and heifers, $4.50 to $11.80; calves, $7 to $13.25, Hoge, receipts, 22,000; market firm; Mght, $15.40 to $17.05; mixed $15.70 to $17.25; heavy, $15.70 to $17.20; rough $16.70 to $15.90; pigs $11.50 to $17; bulk of sales, $16 to 17. * : Sheep, receipts, 15,000; market firm; wethers, $8.60 to $12.75; lambs, native, $12 to $16.25. Buftalo. Fast Buffalo, Nov. 9.--Cattle--Re- ceipts 650; steady, Veals--Receipts 500; slow, $7 to $14.50, Hogs--Receipts 4,400; easier; heavy, $17.26 to $17.40; mixed, $17 to $17.26; Yorkers, 317 to $17.10; light Yorkers, pigs and roughs, $15.- 50 to $16.75; stags, $13.50 to $14.- 50. "Sheep and lambs--Receipts 4,000; slow; lambs, $12 to $16.25; year-|\s lings, $11 to $14; wethers, $11.25 to $11.50; ewes, $6 to $11; mixed sheep $11 to $11.25. cn. GRAIN QUOTATIONS. Toronto. Toronto, Nov, 9.--Manitoba wheat '=~No. 1 northern, $2.23%; No. 2 northern, $2.20%, store; No. 3, $2.« 17%; No. 4, $2.10%, including 2% cent tax, in store Fort Willam. Manitoba oats--No. 2, 69%¢; No. 3, 66%c; extra No .1 feed, 665%¢; No, 1 feed, 647%¢, in store, Fort Wil- Ham. - American corn--Nomlinal, not quoted, ¥ . Ontario oats--No. 2 white, 65¢ to 66¢, nominal; No. 3 white, 64¢ to 65¢; nominal. Barley--New $1.20 to $1.21. Ontario wheat--No. 2 winter, new, $2.22, basis in store, Mon 1 i -2,-$3.60 to-$3.70, ac cording to freights outside. Buckwheat 3 nal. yo--No, AD, oe Manitoba flour--First patents, in Jute bags, $11.50; second patents, $11; strong bakers, $10.60, Ontario tlour--Winter, according | Pike, to sample, in bags, rg shipment, $9.80 Montreal $9.55 to $9.60 To- ronto, $9.60 bulk, seaboard. Milifeed---Car lots, delivered, Mon- treal; shorts, $42; bran, $35; feed flour, per bag, $3.26; middlings, $45 to $48. Hay--RBaled, track, Toronto, car lots, No. 1, $14.50 to $15.50; No. 2, n $13.50; mixed, $11 to $13; car lots, per ton, $7 to No. 1 N-W.C., $3.- C.W,, 33.13%; No. 3, 3.7 == 23 i 23 in | Hope, 45c to 47¢; Kitchener, 44¢ to! i 45¢; London and St. Thomas, 48¢ to! | 50c; Owen Sound, 42¢ to 44¢; and! i Peterboro and Stratford, 46¢ to 50ci per 1b, Eggs Belleville, and Brantford, 50c to 55¢ per doz.; Chatham and Peter- bore, 50c; Cobourg, 45¢ #0 47¢; Kit. chener and London, - 48¢ to 60¢; Owen Sound, 42¢ to 44c; Port Hope, 48¢; St. Thomas, 60¢ to 52¢; Strat ford, 50¢ to 53c; and Woodstock, 60¢ per doz. Chickens Belleville,. 25¢ to 28¢ per ib; Brantford and Guelph, 25¢ to 30¢; Chatham, 30c to 40¢; Cobourg and Kitchener, 28¢ to 30¢; London and 8t. Thomas, 22¢ to 26¢; Owen Sound, 20c to 24c; Peterboro and Wood- stock, 23¢ to 25c; Port Hope, 25¢; and Stratford, 26c to 28¢ per 1b. Potatoes. 'Belleville, $1.75 to $1.85 per bus.; Brantford, $1.25; Chatkam and Woodstock, $2; Cobourg, $1.40 to $1.50; Guelph, $1.50 to $1.60; Kitchener, $1.60 to $1.75; London, $1.75 to $2; Owen Sound, $150 to 1.66; Peterboro, 1.75; Port Hope, $1.40; Stratford, $1.25 to $1.50 per bus. Wheat. Belleville, $2 to $2.05 per bus.; Brantford, Cobourg, Kitchener, Port Hope, St. Thomas, Stratford and Woodstock, $2.10; Chatham, $2.07; Guelph, $2: Owen Bound, $2 to $2.15; and Peterboro, $2.15 per bus. Bl Barley. Belleville, $1.10 to $1.15; Brant. ford, $1.15 to $1.20; Cobourg, $1.10 to $1.15; Guelph, $1; Kitchener, $1 to $105; Owen Sound, $1.15 to $1.18; Peterboro, $1.26; Port Hope, $1.10 to $1.12; St. Thomas, $1.50 to $1.60; Stratford, $1.30 to $140. Oats, Belleville, 70c; Brantford, 62c; Chatham, 50c¢; Cobourg, Kitchener, "eterboro, Port Hope and Stratford, %5¢; Guelph, 60c to 62c; Owen Sound, 58c to 60c; St. Thomas, 50¢c to 60c¢c; and Woodstock, 60¢, Hay. Belleville--baled $11 to $11.50, loose $10 to $12; Brantford--baled and loose, $11 to $13; Chatham-- baled $14.60 to $15; Cobourg, baled and loose, $10; Guelph--baled $16, loose $14 to $15; Kitchener, loose, $9 to $10; Owen Sound--baled 12.- 0 to 13, loose $10; Peterboro-- baled $15 to $16, loose $11 to $13; Port Hope, loose, $11; St. Thomas 'baled $16 to $17, loose, $12 to $14; Stratford, loose 8 to $10; Wood- stock--haled. $15 to. $16 loose $13. | The Kingston Marke Kingston, Nov. 10th Products, Butter, creamery, 1b 50 Butter, rolls, Ib ... .. .. Cheese, 1b... ... Eggs, fresh, doz Flounders, Ib. Ibs: +o + Finnan Haddle, 1b Hak j h i i FEE iE EE ji ft - .» . 1 | 50c; Cobourg, Guelph and Port What Will Canada's Answer Be? ONDAY next, Canada's Victory Loan campaign will begin. In the next three weeks the eyes of the: world will be on Canada. Great Britain, the United States, all the other Allies--our own boys in France--all, are expectantly waiting for the answer this' young giant among the nations will give to the call of his kin for help and support. That answer will be no more, no less than the response of each individual Canadian--you and each one of us--to the call to buy Victory Bonds. SHALL it be said that Canada spares not _ her sons from the sacrifice of battle, yet withholds her dollars to give them victory? Rather will it be said that Canada once again, for the fourth time in three years, cheer- fully puts up her millions upon millions for the cause of freedom, righteousness and justice, : ~--that the Canadian hand to the plow of Victory holds stcadfast and firm. * * * (CANADA'S answer must be, --that Canada is in deadly carnest when she says "the last man and the last dollar." That is the answer Canada will give our boys in the trenches, our kinsmen in Britain and our Allies everywhere. That is the answer we will give to the Huns who thought and said that Canada would desert the Empire before she would pay. Let us Canadians proclaim to a watching world by a record-breaking purchase of Victory Bonds, that Canada can and will see the war fought to a victorious finish. Let us by an irresistible flood of dollars declare that: _ =--our bovs in France are to be supplied with everything needful to win the war, : --their kinfolk at home are to be cared for and sustained while they are fighting for us in France, --production in Canada shall not cease till the last needed bushel of grain, the last quarter of beef has been raised and shipped, e last gun, machine and shell have been made and sent to support our fighting forces. --All About It" is the title of a pamphlet that should be in the hands of every man and 'woman in the country. Mail This Coupon at once and get your copy Chairman, Provincial Committee, ~ Canada's Victory Loan, Toronto. Kindly send me a copy of pamphlet entitled "Canada's Victory Loan--All About It." seaen AEE Eran arr rhea hee Rasen aR teins ara Ars SES Sane CY ---- -- -- -- -- ---- -- op -- -- -- rs wns Put aside all else until you get your application oe - ' ; Let this campaign bring forth positive proof that Canada stands in the great' world's struggle--actually and truly-- 1% "10 the last man and the

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