Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Nov 1917, p. 18

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PAGE SIX ra i RT THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1917. in d-- -- EXTRA SPECIAL -- CAPE COLLARS And DEEP MUFF CUFFS, Cut To Order. For Your Winter Coat Store Closes 6.30 O'clock Daily, Like Plucked Beaver. NUTRIA Collar $11.00 Cuffs £4.00 BLACK WALLABY Collar Cuffs $6.00 $3.00 BLUH OPOSSUM Collar Cuffs $13.50 $4.00 MINK MARMOT Collar Cuffs $10.00 $3.00 MUSTRAT, Collar $9.00 Natural Cuffs $3.00 CONEY, Brown Color and White Collar Cuffs $5.50 "$2.00 HUDSON SEAL FOX, All Colors WOLF, All Colors, Ete. , Cut to Special Order Collars and Cuffs Like Cuts. JOHN McKAY, Limited Kingston's Reliable Fur House. 149 to 157 Brock Street. | Chalmers Church--Rev. H. Dickie | ! of Chatham, Ont., 11 a.m., "Christian | | Growth," 7 p.m., "What is it That} | Saves?" go { -- ® St. Paul's--Canon FitzGerald, M. IA, rector. Morning prayer, 11 o'- | clock. Preacher, the rector. Sunday | { school, 3 p.m.; evening prayer, 7 | o'clock. Preacher, the rector. St. Mark's, Barriefield--His Grace | the Archbisuop of Nova Scotia, Dr Worrell, will preach at St. Mark's, | Barriefield, Sunday at 11 a.m. St. Andrew's Church--Rev. J. W.| Stephen, minister. Services at 11 a. | m., and 7 p.m. Sunday school and ! Bible class at 3 p.m. The minister! | will preach at both services. Stran-| [ gers, students and soldiers cordially invited, -- | Princess Street Methodist--Rev. | H. BE. Curry, pastor, Services, 11 a.| m., and 7 p.m., conducted by Hev. J. A. MoNeil; 'of Cobden. Sunday school, | 2.45 pm,; Epworth League, Monday, | | 8. p.m., conducted by Women's Mis: Wel- sionary Society. come, Everybody St. James' Church, Corner Union and Arch streets--8 a.m., Holy Com- munion, 11 a.m, morning prayer and Litany. Sermon subject, "Where and How to Pray." 3 p.m., Sunday s¢hool; 7 p.m., evening prayer and | sermon. Sermon subject, "Family | Life." Queen Street Methodist Church-- | Rev, J. D. Ellis, pastor, Public wor-! ship 11 am. and 7 pm. Sunday school, 2.45 p.m, ~The pastor will preach at both services Morning | topic, "An Old Time Anniversary." | Evening topic, "Winning the War." | Seats free. Everybody welcome, | Brock Street Methodist Church-- | Rév. Geo. S. Clendinnen, pastor, will | preach at 11 am., and will be as- | sisted by Geo. D. Pound at 7 p.m.| Communion service in morning, and | IS BEST BOLVED BY COMING TO US. You are assured a thorough scientific examination and ac- curate glasses at Asselstine's. Consult 1.S. ASSELSTINE D.OS. King Street. STANDARD PATTERNS COLLEGE BOOK STORE, lantern slides in evening. Epworth] League, Monday; Official board, | Tuesday; Prayer service, Wednes- | day; W.M.8., Thursday afternoon, First Church of Christ, Scientist, | Johnson street, between Bagot and | Wellington streets--Sunday school ! 9.45 a.m.; service, 11 am.; subject, | "Adam and Fallen Man." Wednes-| day, 8 p.m. testimonial meeting; | public reading room same address, | open every afternoon, except Sunday, | 8 to 6 o'clock. All are cordially in- | vited to the services and the reading | room. i i LBS.A. Class--Meets for Bible | study, in LB.S.A. hall (over Sam | gent"s, entrance Montreal street),| Sunday, 3 p.m., topie: 'What Texts | Prove That Christ's Sacrifice Will be| LEfficacious for 'Every Man'?" 7 p.m., topic: '"'Heavenly Wisdom Without Partiality and Without Hypocrisy." uesday, 7.45 p.m., topie: "The | Significance of 'On the Housetop' and | 'In the Field.' " All welcome, Sydenham Street Methodist church | --Rev, W .T. G. Brown, minister. | Rev.-- WH. Stevens--awilt preach; | 11 a.m., "The Cure Transformed to a Blessing" ; 7 p.m., "The Twofold| #ppeal of the Cuhrch." Young| Men's Club, 2 p.m.; Bible school, 2.-| | At the AUTO! Insurance [|| Ge'den Lion Grocery Only three of the fourteen Ji cars burned in Boyd's garage JH! were iusured. t Is there not a lesson in this for you? We write automobile insur- ance co loss by fire or theft anywhere, : HONEY il: Fresh Californias Prunes, nice and Juicy .. mem mm 2 Brock Street. Phone 336 or 621. Golden Lion Grocery | Fancy Clover || In one pound sections, 25 cents each. IW, R. Mckea & Co. %5 p.m.; Epworth League Monday, | 8 p.m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, | 8 p.m. Woman's Association, Fri-| day, 2.30 p.m. | Calvary Congregational Church | 11 a.m., Psalm 23, "The Autobio-| graphy of a Sheep." 7 p.m., "Refor-| mation or Conversion." $8 p.m., Sun-| day school and Bible class; Monday, | 8 p.m. Christian Endeavour; Tues- day, 8 p.m., Mission Circle, "His Do- mindon;"'; Wednesday, 8 p.m., prayer service, choir practice. We welcome ! all. Come and worship. Rev, J. Lyall, pastor. Telephone 2202. First and Bethel Oongregational-- Pastor, Rev. T. Dg Courcy Rayner. Residence 220 Johnson street. Phone 2116. United services in First Church. The pastor will preach. 11 a.m., "The Challenge of the King- dom." The sacrement of the Lord's 3 pm. strangers, students, and soldiers, to worship in "The Church With a Wel- come." -- CHURCH SERVICES | all services, | meeting supplies, church v } p.m.; mid week prayer service, Wed nesday, 8 p.m.; boy's club, Thursday, at 7 p.m. Soldiers, students ana strangers courteously welcomed at ws k Special Notice to Churches. Honor rolls, cradle rolls, pledges, moto cards and general church, Sunday school and young peoples' envelopes and chureh printing neatly and quickly done at lowest prices. Job department, British Whig Publish- | Ing Co., Ltd, Golden Rule Service, "Phone 290, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY LOCAL NOTES AND ITHMS OF GENERAL INTEREST, Happenings In the City and Vicinity ~~What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. Sign to rent. C. W. Lindsay, Fresh ground coffee, 40c iIb., at Pickering's. ' "A million in bonds" is to be a | Kingston slogan. St. Paul's Woman's Guild, Christ- mas tea and sale, Thursday, Nov. 22nd. : Total collections for the Regio- polis Building Fund in Bathurst and Burgess parishes were $4,015, Read Nurses' Alumnae adv, for tea and sale for Red Cross purposes, page 11, W. Swaine, piano and pipe organ tuner, 10¢ Clergy street W, Orders left at McAuley's or 'phone 564. The band of the Salvation Army has been asked to turn out in Mon- day night's parade. ' Now is the time to have your plano tuned, we carry two expert tuners and will assure entire sat- 'sfaction. C. W, Lindsay, Lta. T. J. Nugent, late of the 'Strand Theatre, left to-day for Brockville to | spend the week-end. The Archbishop of Nova Scotia will preach at his old charges on Sun- day at Barriefield and St. Luke's church. Hat sale now going on. new hat bought trimmed free. Miss Adams Parlour Millinery, 252 Alfred street. Prevost, Brock: street, has receiv. ed a large shipment of mens' and youths' winter overcoats and suits, which he will sell at very close pri- ces. In his order clothing depart- ment he has a full range of cloth which he will make up. into suits or overcoats at a very reasonable price and guarantee first class fit, Every Dr. Hall's Cough Balsam. Cures coughs ana colds, 25¢ a bot. tle. Prouse's Drug Store, Those intending to pur- chase furs of an ind this season, should deo so without delay, The un- recedented demand for burs is almost sure to mean a sho in many lines, and higher prices later on. Our stock to-day is quite complete, Romaine Just Issued THE MAJOR, by Ralph Connor: From the trenches in Flan- ders, this gifted and dauntless Sky Pilot" (himself a Major) has look- ed back over the years. to discover what went to the making of the Canadian soldier -- the finest example of patriotic manhood on the battle line. day for today. The White Ladies of Worcester, Just as the "Man from Glengarry" and "The Sky Pilot" depicted the life of their day, so "The Major" is a novel of to- by Florence Barclay, author of "The Rosary." * This is the first full length novel by this author since October 1st, 1914. Price $1.50 The College Book Store, 160-162 Princess St. Open Nights Some Lines That Cannot Be Duplicated at The Prices: Ladies' black cashmere hose at . . . 50c ., 35¢ . 39¢ Misses' Tan Cashmere Hose at Boys' Heavy Ribbed Wool Hose . . Heavy wool sox for soldiers overseas, 25c¢, 35c¢, 40c, 50c a pair Khaki Handkerchiefs, large size . . 10¢ Underwear for all the family, still selling at last year's prices. A beautiful range of ladies' white marquis- ette blouses, all sizes, $1.00 up. The best dollar corset in the trade, sizes 19 to 30. Pictorial Patterns for December. Shaw, The Always Busy Store. BUILDERS SUPPLIES wean DRESSED SPRUCE ----esessse------ CLOSING OF MALLS Brith mall closes trresulerty. Information posted at P.O. Lobby from time to time, 'A very fine lot of matched spruce lum- of . p.m. and 1 CPR. .. 10.15 am. and CORR oo sor von ann as ber for floorings, par- | white and colored Il We wit rent you a piano, and at ¢ of six months - titions, ceilings, etc. Just received our new waists for November. See the voile waists at $1.25 and $1.49; also the silk and crepe waists at $2.98, $3.49 and $3.98. Heavy white waists for winter, high or low collar. '8, 'or Good Pictures. Phone 919 We have an excellent shows ing just mow of High quality pearls for the neck. The prices vary and many pages are not at all expen- ve, See our newly decorated wine dows, for suggestions. Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Headquarters for Whitby Jet Necklets Also. SEAL COATS W. F. Gourier Phone 700. 78-80 Brock Street. wt Autumn Time is Buying Time Here Are a Few on Our List, $8100--$300 cash, bdlance monthly, buys double brick veneer, good location, possession Dec. 1st, $3700----8olid brick, Alfred street. $6500---Double, William St. below Barrie. Grocery business, Princess street, rea- sonable, ' For quick results place your pro- perty on our list. Have your films dev a nted at Prouse's Drug Store. . ready ceased ration We dre now taking orders for Liggett's chocolates in 1, 2, delivery. N.B.--Many of the large owing lo the scarcity of candy factories have al- & Shaw and 3,5 ie for Xmas &

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