msm : TRY .- THEM ;i"- The next time yor suffer with | tion, bilious- | ness or loss of appetite, try-- Twilight - © | S5bE S400 00 SESMEIEIEIII IO | | * * = | The Daughters of the Empire are - : | very grateful to alf*those who so gen- { erousty contributed cake, money, cig- {arettes and -handkerchiefs to the / ' Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World. Sold everywhere. lL. boxes, 25¢. [ shower for soldiers' Christmas gifts| | Ic ----", +4344 04 | held at "Rutland," the residence of] { Mrs. Sanford Calvin, on Thursday af- | i ternoon, The hostesses were the | Regents of the several loeal chap- | ters, those receiving the guests in the hall being Mrs. Hamilton of the La Salle Chapter, Mrs. Macnee of the the Cataraqui, Mrs. Smith of the Frontenac and Mrs. Constantine, ré- resenting the regent of the Annan- ale Chapter. Mrs, Ellis and Miss B. Mowat collected the admission fees. Mrs. Francis Macnee, Miss Eva Rich- ardson and Miss Minnie Crothers had charge of the shower table, while Mrs. A, P. Christmas and Miss Cun- ningham of the Prince Charlie Chap- ter sold home-made bread and cakes. Mrs. Hemming of the Annandale, Mrs, C. N. Perreau of the Catara- qui, Mrs. John McKay of the Fron- tenac and Mrs. J. M. Campbell of the La Balle poured tea, all four being Vice-regents of..their chapters. As- sisting them in looking after the tea table supplies were Mrs. Henry Mooers. Miss Swift, Mrs. Wother- Spoon, Mrs, Gibson, Miss Hora and iss Helen' Campbell, and refresh- ents were passed by six members of the Victory Chapter, Miss Bthel Kent, Miss "wey Waddell, Miss Mar- garet Hemmiug, Miss Gwendolyn Waddell, Miss Gwenneth Merrick and Miss Helen McKay, A very delightful part of the affair was the 'musical programme between five and six o'clock. Those who so kindly took part were Mrs. Callan- dar, Mrs. Arthur Craig, Miss Ethel Kent, Mrs. Cuthbert Gummer, Mrs. James Rigney, Miss Phyllis Knight, UL MAHOGANY CAB- 50 PYECES VERWARE~- ¥ FREE, To the person holding the Key that opens the Padlock to the Cabinet, Wateh Our inden Jor the date to Try Your Keys. With every $1.00 cash purchase at our store, you are entitled to a key iy hold! tha will re- cel Rn be Vabhiet % AA Si verware ABSOLUTELY FREB. now on view. One of the keys given away will open the Padlock, and the The Best Drug Store L. T. BEST and 124 Princess a ngaton, Ont, Branch, n and Princess Sts. Doctors Fail "Terrible case of Ecxema--con- tracted when a mere boy--fought Creighton. The proceeds of the shower are for Christmas comforts for the sol-! diers who are in the military hospitals| disease for ten years, with half doz-|at Christmas time--just what fom | en specialists. Both legs in terrible %f presentation will be used has yet | condition. Almost a nervous wreck. to. be decided, but on Christmas It took just 8 bottles to clear up this | day these gifts will be divided disease." | amongst the soldier patients at Ong- This is the late testimony of a|wanada, Elmhurst, Mowat Memorial, prominent newspaper man. His name | Queen's Hospital and the Military and his remarkable story in full on | Hospital on Queen street. request. We have seen s0 many Some of the guests noticed were other cures with this marvelous Mrs, H. W. Richardson, Miss Mabel liquid wash that we freely offer you| Richardson, Mrs. 'Waiter Connell ,& bottle on our personal guarantee.| Mies Ford, Mrs. W. J. Fair, Mrs. Try it to-day. Mahood's Drug Store, | Whiting, Mrs. White (Toronto), Mrs. Kingston, Jones; Mrs. McGowan, Mie. Charles, Miss Ferris, Mrs. A, L. H. Callaghan, Mrs. Squire, Mrs. Howard Kennedy, Mrs. Woodruff, Mrs. McPhail, Miss Mowat, Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Fortt, Mrs. Ronald Fortt, Mrs. Dewar, Mr, and | Mrs, Fair, Miss May Bolger, Miss| ® ® for Skin Disease | a - Semi-ready Suit for every event When you are the *'cynosure of all eyes" it gives you élan to feel that your clothes are pre- possessing and correct. Semi-ready Suits are made to measure from 400 different patterns in 30 different styles and designs. Every size from 34 breast to 44--in every height, waist and shoulder type. $18 buys a good Semi-ready Suit. $20 and $25 buy better David J. Will _The Semi-ready Store. 213 Princess St. 1 asing Mrs, Hugh Ryan and Miss Elinor ; Mrs: Asselstine, Mrs. Smith; THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1917. Er pe -- 'NOT A PARTICLE Told In OF DANDRUFF OR A FALLING HAIR Save Your Hair! Double Its Beauty In Just a Few Moments. "Danderine" Makes Your Hair Thick, Glossy, Wavy and Beautiful, Within ten minutes after an ap- plication of Danderine you can ngt find a single trace of dandruff or falling hair and your sealp will not itch, but what will please you most will be after a few weeks use when you see new hair, fine and downy at first--yes--but really new hair-- growing all over the scalp. Danderine is to the hair what fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right to the roots, invigorates and strength- ens them. Its exhilirating, stimulat- ing and life producing 'properties cause the hair to grow.lqng, strong and beautiful. A little Danderine immediately doubles the beauty of your hair. No difference how dull, faded, brittle, scraggy, just moisten a cloth with Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time, The effect is am- your hair will be Hght, flufty and wavy, and have an appearance of abundance; an incomparable lustre, softness and luxuriance. Get a small bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store or toilet counter for a few cents and prove that your h is as pretty and soft as pol hg, has been: ne- glected or injured by careless treat- ment--that's all---you surely can have beautiful hair and lots of it if you will just try a little Dandeyfne, y, the Misses Folger; Miss / Sybil Miss Aileen Rogers, Rogers, Mrs. P. G. C. mpbell, Miss Bessie Dolan, Mrs. Cappon, Miss Macnee, Miss Muckle- ston, Miss Helen Muckleston, Misses Lyman, Mrs. Murray, Mrs, Laidlaw, Mrs. Mills, Mrs. Hinckley, Mrs. M, Macgillivray, Mrs. Emery, Mrs, Mec- Manus, Miss Dalzell, Mrs. Betts, Mrs. Carey, Mrs. Dolan, Miss Gibson, Mrs. Campbell Strange, Mrs. Hicks, Mrs, Higgins, Mrs. Hendry, Mrs. J. C. Connell, Miss King, Mrs. Steacy, Miss Mclean, Mrs. Graham, Murs. Benningham, Mrs. Saunders, the Misses Saunders, Miss Macauley, Mrs. Beecroft, Miss Beecroft, Mrs, W. Kirkpatrick, Miss Mary Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Torrance, Mrs. Carr-Harris, Mrs. Bridger, Mrs, Ingpen, Mrs Kent, Mrs. Hugh Ryan, Mrs, Hubert Ryan, Mrs. Hubbell, Mrs. Herbert Robinson, Mrs. H. N. Robertson, Mrs. Bellhouse, Miss Agnes Bell- house, Mrs. H. V, Callaghan, Mrs. Johm Carsont, Mrs. Burley, Mrs. R. | J. Carson, Mrs. Hubert Stethem, Mrs. Burns, Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. Pense, Miss Marjorie Pense, Mrs. Mundell, Mrs. Walsh (Brampton), Mrs. A. W, Brown, Mrs. Slater, Mrs, Williamson, Mrs. Lavell, Mrs. Meek, Mrs. J. G. { Elliott, Mrs, Crawford, Mrs. Mahood, Mrs, F. Mahood, Mrs, Leslie, Mrs. W. J. Crothers, jr, Mrs, W. [F. Nickle, Miss Gordon, Mrs. H. C. Nickle, Mrs, H. E. Richardson, Murs, W. G. Craig, Mrs. R. D. Sutherland, MTS. Tandy, Miss Tandy, Miss Flanagan, Mrs. McDonald, Miss Fairlie, Mrs, Stone, Miss Redden, Mrs. A. B. Cun- ningham, Miss Gilderslieeve, Mrs. Kenny, Mrs. Finkle, Miss Sullivan, Miss Joe Browne, Mrs, Morton Hall, Miss Chown, Mrs. Strachan, Profes- sor COappon, Sanford Calvin, Rechab Tandy, The Dean of Ontario, Major Kidd, Major Birdsall, Major Goodwin, and Major MeLellan. At the dance at Rockwood Hos- pital on Wednesday evening Mrs, Ross. invited as her guests Major and Mrs. Eaton, Major and Mrs. Scott, Mr, and Mrs. Hubert Ryan, Miss Helen Campbell, Miss Mary Strange, Miss Afleen Folger, Miss Margaret Cunningham, Major Hop- kins, Captain Frank Ryan, and Messrs. Sherman Hill, Charles Dun- ning and Eric Stuart. i . * . Several info teas have been given this week in or of Mrs. Edmonds of Ottawa. . Mrs. Ross, Rockwood House, en- tertained at a small bridge on Fri- day afternoon. * hd - Mrs. Clarkk Wright, . Colborne street, with her daughter, Mrs. T. E. | Paterson, of Calgary, and. Nursing | Sister Gussie Wright will receive the second and third Wednesday in No- vember and not again this season. * * Mrs. Arthur Dorland will be at home on Thursday afternoon, 15th, and afterwards on the second Tues- day of the month, at 32 Frontenac street. * » * Miss Eva Richardson leaves on Monglay to visit her sister, Mrs. T. G. McGinnis, in Philipsburg, Que. Hillyard Stewart and little daugh- ter, Ottawa, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart, Colling- wood street, . The Archbishop of Nova Scotia and Mrs. Worrell arrived in town to-day and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Kirkpatrick, Victoria street, Mrs. Kirkpatrick will receive on Tuesday afternoon when Mrs. Worrell will be with her. Mrs, White, Toronto, is the guest of her sister, Mma. John L, Whiting, Clergy street. Mrs. Mitchell, Lowell, Mass., who has been the. guest on Mrs. Frank Phillips, Johnson street, is now vis- iting Mrs. S. Anglin. Major and Mrs. F. B. Eaton arg] leaving for Ottawa this month. be - Mere. H. W. Richardson, "Alwidg- ton," was hostess at a. children's party on Wednesday afternoon 'when her small granddaughter, Miss Norah McGinnis, was the guest of honor. Miss May Chown, Montreal, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Y. Chown, "Sunnyside." Mrs. Edmonds, Ottawa, who was Miss Marion Booth's guest is now with her aunt, Mrs. G. Y. Chown, "Sunnyside." Mr. and Mrs, C. Bermingham, Bar- rie street, expect to leave about the 20th of the month to spend the win- ter in California, . = Keith Robinson, Hawkesbury, is spending the week-end with his mother, Mrs: Robinson, Alfred street. Mrs, King, St. Catharines, is the guest of her sister, Mrs, A. McMahon, Wellington street. Major and Mrs. R. F. M, Scott have taken an apartment at "The Belvie dere." Mrs. Regan, who has been the guest of her daughter, Mrs. James Rigney, has returned to London. * - Mrs. (Prof.) Matheson, Kings- ton, and Mrs. George Hambly, of Napanee, spent a few days visiting their father. James Davy, Newburgh, Miss Quirt, 'Kmngston," spent & couple of days with her friend, Miss Helen Perry, Camden East, and at- tended the Red Cross hallowé'en party in Hinch's Hall Jast week. Dr. ID. J. Smith, Napanee, gone to Eureka Springs for winter. has the * * * Mrs, Robert Duncan and little som, Kingston, are spending a couple of weeks with Mrs. Finley Markland, High Shore. ' Mrs. A. Beach and little son, Ed- gar, Tweed, spent the week with Kingston friends. Miss Anna MoGree, R.N., Kings. ton, is visiting Mrs. (Dr.) Cavanagh, Second street, Cornwall. Peter McArthur, Toronto, will be the guest of Prof. and Mrs. John McGillivray, Albert street, when here next week. » * Mrs. Watchorn, Kingston, is visit. ing with her daughter, Mrs. W. H, Hammond, Boyd's. ! A. Legault, McDonald's Corners, was the guest of Dr. Hagyard during the week-end. Capt. Dancey is bidding farewell to Cornwall friends before proceed- ing overseas to England. Miss Marjory Rogers, Toronto, is the guest of Mrs. Arthur Dorland, Frontenac street. Miss Gladys Carroll has gone to her home in Gananoque for the week-end. . Miss Edith Stark, Gananoque, was in the city on Friday. Fy Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. McGeein, Portsmouth, announce the engage- ment of their second eldest daugh- ter, Catharine Carmel, to Angus James Murphy, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. William Murphy, Alex- andria, Ont. The wedding is to take place on Tuesday morning, Nov. 20th,- in the Church of the Good Thief. % . (Continued on Page 14.) r | Theatrical News | a (Continued From Page 12.) "The Honor S > That "The Honor System" is well worth secing is testified to by a few of the remarks made by some of the world's best critics, The Moving Picture World says: Hener System' meets every demand. It re- veals an extensive and correctly mounted production, filled with strik- ing scenes, much quick action and a human appeal that will find ready re- 8) from every true man and wor- thy woman." e. Dramatic News adds: i am, Fox has given us A icture that Ss. to shou! Ger with "The Birth of a Nation'" 1 huttan interest two "CASCARETS? SET - [to liven your liver and cléan the bows {her sister, "the | is the her or | Mes: W. Taller hi and Mrs. R. F. Holland have " PAGE SEVEN iy x m-- Probs: Fine and mild today and on Sunday. glove in the trade, with black points. WINDOW SHADES 120 pair oil shades each. TONIGHT AT STEACYS! STORE OPEN UNTIL 9.45. CHAMOISETTE GLOVES 25 180 pair of superior quality chamoisette gloves; the best $1.00 CREPE DE CHENE WAISTS 60 beautiful silk crepe de chene waists; all new styles in colors flesh, rose, white; maize and black; all sizes; regular $4.50. "LA PARISIENNE" CORSETS . 96 pair French coutil corsets with four strong garters, re-enforc- ed front and aluminum steels throughout ;in sizes 19 to 30; a regular $1.50 value. STEACY'S - Limited in colors white, black, grey, beaver and white Tonight 69c¢. in green and white; a spiendid value at 65c Tonight 48¢ Tonight $2.98 X Tonight 95¢ \ YOUR LIVER AND BOWELS RIGH They're Fine! Don't Remain Bili- ous, Sick, Headachy and Constipated. Best For Colds, Bad Breath, Sour Stomach «~ Children Love Them, i Get a 10-cent box now. Be cheerful. Clean up inside to- night and feel fine. Take Cascarets els and stop headaches, a bad cold, biliousness, offensive breath, coated tongue, sallowness, sour stomach and gases. Tonight take Cascarets and enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienc- ed. Wake up feeling grand--Every- body's doing it. Cascarets best lax- ative for children also. ' i given a performance by the celebrat- ed Boston Grand Opera Company, | under the managing direction of Max | Rabinoff, on Saturday, Nov. 24th, at the Grand Opera House. Tamaki Miura, the little Japanese soprano, whose appearance mn the title role has marked a new vogue for the Puccini opera, will be a centre of interest. Riccardo Martin, best known of Am- eircan tenors, singing his familiar role of Pinkerton . The Sharpless will be Graham Marr, the American baritone of many successes, and Mme. Irene Pavloska, formerly of the Chicago Opera Company, will be Suzuki. This company's production of "Madama Bitlerfly" has been regarded by critics of fiote as the mest perfect ever given, in 'testimony of which John Luther Long wrote that his ideal as author had been at last realized. "The Bird of Paradise." "The Bird of Paradise," the play that came from the west and made the east sit up and take notice, will on Saturday, November 17th, mat- inee and might. It is one of the big- gest and most novel of American successes and helped make five actresses popular on thé screen and . 'The play is the story of the! Hawaiian ands. It is not only picturesque, but thrilling. ---------------------------- THE TOWN OF NAPANEE. Residence in (From Our Own Correspondent) nee Nov. 10--Lieat. J. 'G. Wi addressed a large audience in e town hall on Thursday night in tl iterasst of the Vietory Loan, C. M. Hal lgary. spent a few days I: k of his par. en T. and Mrs. J. W. Hall. Tt nee. Ee Mrs. Colvin and fittle son, Furni- val, of Vancouver, are the guests of ( be seen at the Grand Opera House | Mr. and 'Mts. RT. Holland Take Up & is twelve yearsgjnce he was in Napa- | 1 ~~ Mrs. W. A. Templeton, | Bartlett; of Toronto, t nd i ung t cost. Rugs in all Visit our new Victrola department--a com- plete stock of Victrolas and records always on TF. HARRISON C0. LIMITED i 'We have every to make a home feel that way, at very moderate prices 4 We study comfort at the sizes, all shades arid designs. Dining room and bed room furniture. rn