THE GREAT WAR VETERANS ASSOCIATION GROWING RAPIDLY AND NEARS 200 MARK. Has Outgrown the Old Quarters and is Searching for a Larger Home. On Friday evening a largely at- tended meeting of the Great War * Veterans' Association was held in the club rooms A propesal was made to form a company to purchase premises for a elub: Several were inspected by the committee, but after threshing the matter out it was de. cided to rent 8 building, or part of a building, and then to buy or build in the near future. The plans for the new building will include pool tables and a canteen, ! R. Easton Burns, chartered countant, was appointed auditor. It was brought to the notice of the meeting that in the military parade on Monday units consisting of men who have not been overseas were to take precedence of returned soldiers. Comrade Goodwin was appointed to interview Brig.-Gen. T. D. R. Hem- ming, G.0.C., because it was the view of thé meeting that no other troops should take precedence of overseas men. Last year when a large number of troops were reviewed at Toronto re- turned men took precedence of all other troops. In the past two weeks forty new members have signed up with the G. W. V. A, which is rapidly ap- proaching the 200 mark. In thrée ac- FOR UPSET STOMACH, INDIGESTION, GAS, HEARTBURN -- PAPE'S DIAPEPSIN Time It! In Five Minutes Your Sick, Sour Stomach Feels Fine, Sour, sick, upset stomach, indiges- tion, heartburn, dyspepsia; when the food you eat ferments into gases and stubborn lumps; your head aches and you feel sick and miserable, that's when you realize the magic in Pape's Diapepsin. It makes stomach distress go in five minutes. If your stomach is in a revolt----if you can't get it regulated, please, sake, try Pape's Diapepsin. It's so tor your | --S A -------- i months ii is a sturdy infant, comn-: sidering it had the opposition of an- other veterans' organization in the city of many years' standing. The thanks of the G.W.V.A. are well deserved by the energetic sec- | retary of the house committee, Major | Gobdwin, who has its welfare great- | ly at 'heart | A concert fis «<o 'take place at| Mowat Tuesday instead of Thursday. re eee -- Automobile Insurance. Every form of covering issued by the "Queen" and "London and Lan cashire,"" two strong companies. Your patronage solicited. Thomas Mills, agent, 79 Clarence street, Come and Bring Your Friends To St. George's A.Y.P.A. tea and sale, Wednesday, Nov. 14th, 8 p.m, in St. George's Hall. ---- A telegram has been from Ottawa stating that "Jack™ Godard, Royal Flying Corps, and formerly a Kingston 'hocgey player, is likely a prisoner of war in Ger. many. He was reported missing ten days ago after a flight in France. Hat sale now going on. Every new hat bought trimmed free. Miss Adams Parlour Millinery, 252 Alfred street. E. W. Mullin & Son report the sale of land on the corner of Chatham and First streets, owned by Mrs. Twigg, to B. Derbyshire. George Nobes, Arch street, has re- turned home from a week's hunting lat Matawatchen, bringing 'with him a fine buck. received needless to have a bad stomach-- fe your next meal a favorite food meal, then take a little Diapepsin. There will not be any distress--eat i without fear. (It's because Pape's Diapepsin "really does" regulate | weak, out-of-order stomachs that gives it its millions of sales annually. Get a large fifty-cent case of Pape's | Diapepsin "frém-any drug store. It tis the quickest, surest stomach re- lief and cure known. It acts almost llike magic. It is a scientific, harm- less preparation which truly belongs in every home.. Tn ¥ Would You Like to Earn $1 or $2 Daily the Year Round at Home ? The hosiery trade is booming, and the Demand far exceeds the Supply. We gladly take all the goods you can send us, Fon We must have more workers at ounce to help us keep pace with the demand. The Auto Kultter is sent on faverable terms to reliable persons, and we furnish full in- structions how to knit sox, ete, also all yarn needed. work is simple and easily learned; the Auto Knitter is a high- speed machine, snd works by turning a handle. Our fixed rates of pay guaran- tee you 8 steady income the year round, no matter where you live, but our work- ers often Inrgely Increase this by work- ing for private customers. Working either whole or spare time, thiy pleasant employment has brought pros- perity to many workers In thelr own homes, and should do the same for yom. Write today, enclosing 3¢ in stamps, for Tull particulars, rates of y, ete, and see wheat yeu and your family can now earn at home. Auto-Knitter Hosiery (Canada) Co., Limited. DEPT. 24A, 257 COLLEGE STREET, TORONTO. ce LA RI Sp ~ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1917. RED GROSS SOLD WHIGS ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON REALIZED SUM OF $100. ---- AND One Thousand Papers Were Dons ated by the Whig Publishing Com- pany--Those in Charge of the Sale, Probably $100 was raised on Fri- day afternoon for the Red Cross So- ciety by the sale of Whigs. The Bri- noted 1,000 papers, and young ladies of patriotic zeal sold these to the pub- lic, and the money raised was turned over to the Red Cross for its splen- did work. Mrs. H. R. Duff, Mrs. Castleman and Miss Kennedy were largely re- sponsible for the success of the en- terprise. They enlisted the services of some twenty girls who stationed themselves at the street corners of the business district and sold the pa- pers to the people who were as usual generous towards anything bearing the name of the Red Cross Society. The girls taking part were: Miss Clara Farrell, Chrissie Goodwin, hyllis Spencer, Ruth McClement, Muriel Boyd, Lorna Stevenson, Ber- 'tha Stevenson, Myrtle Hewgili, Nora 'Minnes, Helen McLean, Grace Dun- lop, May Shepherd, Kathleen Bibby, Doreen Lavel, Aileen Hodgins, Elsie Yones, Mabel Stewart, Florence Cruse, Isabel Webster and Isabel Mooers. They handled the sales with grace and tact. ROCKWOOD HOSPITAL - REPORT Interesting Statistics Are Available in the Lidtest S Fo The annual report of the Rook- wood Hospital for the Insane for the year ending October 31st, 1916, shows that the institution was prac- tically filled to capacity at all times. During the year sixty patients were discharged as recovered and two as not being insane. Eight of the pa- tients are reported to have eloped. Since thé hospital opened 5,340 pa- tients have been admitted and 2,497 have been dischraged, Considering the total difference in the number of Germans and English immigrants in the country it is inter- esting to note that seven of each nationality were admitted during the year. More Roman Catholics were admit- ted than any other denomination with Methodists second. Persons in educational and higher domestic du- ties formed the greatest percentage of inmates. Statistics are also given showing the assigned causes of in- sanity in the cases admitted during the year, the heréditary tendency to insanity, the causes of death of pa- tients and the form of the mental diseases admitted patients were suf- fering. PTE. D. J. REA RETURNING Is Leaving Three Sons on Firing Line, Word has been received in the city that Pte. David J. Rea, 60 Bay street, will be arriving in Canada probably on the next boat. His dis- ability is not kmown. Pte. D. J. Ren went to France with a draft from 6th Reserve Battalion having left Canada with 'the 146th Battalion. He has three sons now on the firing line. Harold went overseas with the Cana- --_---- Fall Suits and Overcoats Fine English Worsted Suits Large stock of Indigo blue serge and wor- sted suitings. New Rain Coats with Belts. JOHN TWEDDELL Civil and Military Tailors 131 Princess St. THEM AS SUCH? WHAT TO DO AFTER IF THEY TROUBL OUR EXAMINATION. J. J. STEWART, Opt.D, Qpuciss aad Sptumatist _.Oor. Wellington and Clarence Sts. Opp. Post _ Phone 600 HOT, WATER BOTTLES ALL GUARANTEED At AT SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Telephone 41. All Prices. % dw Me d Rifles from Hamilton; James left here with the 38th Bat- talion and is mow with the 12th Mortar Battery and wears one cas- uwalty bar. Charles left with the 5th Battery of the First Divisional ar- tillery. CROSS, FEVERISH CHILD IS BILIOUS OR CONSTIPATED Look, Mother! See if Tongue is Coated, Breath Hot or Stomach : Sour. "California Syrup. of Figs" Harm Tender Stomach Can't N tish Whig Publishing Company do-' Suffered Great Agony FROM PAIN IN STOMACH For Over 5 Years. Most of the misery and ill-health that humanity is burdened with arise from disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels. If you are feeling out of sorts, have pains in the stomach, es- pecially after eating, bilious spells, headaches, sour stomach, coated tongue, sallow or muddy complexion, specks floating before the eyes, you should take a few doses of Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills and noie the change. Miss Ida Hogan, Dunrobin, Ont., writes: "for over five years I have suffered great agony from pains in the stomach. 1 tried several reme- dies, but got no relief until a friend advised me to take Milburn's Laxa- Liver Pills. I started with two vials and before I had one quite used I found much relief. I continued un- til I used four vials, and they com- pletely cured: me. That was four- teen months ago, and I have not had the slightest return since. The best praise I can give them is not enough." Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25¢ a vial at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. A TRIO OF DRUNKS Three Young Men Found Helpless in Pool Room. These are supposed to be "dry" Footwear Black kid laced boots, best grades, $7.00 to $10.00. \ Other grades, $4.00 to $6.00. Ladies' colored kid laced boots in brown, grey, navy blue and cham- pagne, $12.00, $11.00, $10.00, $9.00. Grey, brown and white rubbers, $1.50. ® e Abernethy's Shoe Store days, but there appears to be lots of the "strong studff" around for those who want it, Threg young men were found helplessly drunk in a pool room om Princess street early Friday after- noon and were taken to the lock-up by Constables Mullinger and McCarey in a taxi, The men were in such a state that it would have been im- possible for .the constables to walk them down to the station. They will come before the Magistrate Satur- day. Study and Exercise Overstudy and lack of exercise make thin bloodless children. Study does not usually hurt ga child at school unless the studies encroach on time that should be spent in out- of-doors exercise. But lack of ex- ercise and over-study is a combina- tion that brings on St. Vitus dance. It your boy or girl 'at school is thin and pale, listless and inattentive, has a fickle appetite, is unable to stand still or sit still, you must remem- ber that health is much more im- portant than education, and more time should be given to exercise and recreation. | See to it at once that the child does not overstudy, gets plenty of out-of-door exercise, sleeps ten out of every twenty-four hours, and takes a safe, reliable tonic like Dr, Wil- liams Pink Pills until the color re- turns to the cheeks and lips and the appetite becomes normal. For grow- ing children who become pale and thin Dr. Willlams Pink Pills are not only safe but in most cases are the best tonic that can We taken. These pills build up the blood, strengthen the nerves and assist nature in keep- Hng-pace with rapid growth. You can get Dr. Williams Pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mall postpaid at 50 cénts a box, six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. WOUNDED THIRD TIME. Pte. M. Stanford Again on Casualty Tdst. 'Pte. Michael, Stanford, infantry, has been officially reported wound- ed. He has been admitted to No. 11 Field Ambulance on Octobber 28th with gunshot wound in the right thigh. Pte. Stanford left here with the 80th Battalion, transferred to the 44th Battalion, and this is the third time he has been wounded. His parents live on Montreal street. HON, 8. C. MEWBURN. Prince Edward County Blood in New Minister of Militia. It may not be generally known that the new Minister of Militia, Hon. 8. C. Mewburn, is descended from a Prince Edward County fam- fly. - His mother, who was Rachel Amanda Cory, was born at Welling- ton. She was a daughter of the late Dr. B. 8. Cory. Many of the older January, 1917, at the age of eighty three years. TO EVADE SERVICE. It is stated that many farmers are buying farms for their sons, and hav- Men's Velour Hats In these fine fall and winter hats we have the English and American makes, in the new shapes and colors. Special values at $3.50 and $5.00. Fine Winter Gloves We sell the celebrated Dent's and Fownes English makes. 75¢ to $4.75. Campbell Bros Kingston's Oldest Hat and Fur Pink || KINGSTON EVENTS] 26 YEARS AGO | Abraham Shaw has been elected vice-president of the provincial as sociation of school trustees. R. J. Bowes is a candidate for al- dermanic honors in Sydenham ward. | McKelvey & Birch have the cons tract for steam heating in St. Vin- cent de Paul Hospital, The Young People's Society" of Cooke's Presbyterian Church is hold-] PENDULUM OF FASHION SWINGS -- SWING +a WITH IT. =» But there is more than fashion behind the rapid- ly increasing demand for period furniture in dining and living room furniture. Solid black walnut William and Mary dining room sets in velvet finish. Living room furniture. Chesterfields and large luxurious arm chairs, at the busy store with the large stock. - James Reid - The Leading Undertaker with Motor Hearse Phone 147 for Motor Ambulance. There's a closer relationship be- tween feed, poultry and dollars than may suspect. Right feed means birds, quicker returns and money. For bigger dividends your poultry, let us supply your . 'The kind you need is here, our advice is free for the asking. W. F. McBROOM 43-44 Princess Street. Glenn-Charles Our Miss Glenn will be in Kingston Wednesday, Nov, Hotel, with a full line of ladies and gen- Goods, including switches, pin-curls, motor- waves, transformations, men's wigs and toupees, etc. If you are not satisfied with the appearance of your hair consult Miss Glenn who is an authority on hair goods and individual hair styles. Free demonstration, GLENN-CHARLES f Forest City Powder, one oe pt ree fam oa ier visking | Sydney Sccbell, and from Syracuse,