Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Nov 1917, p. 7

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Be] | It is easier to make money than to save Savings Account at The Production Increased clency omy bull er wi enrich you and country. men at more to effort and effi. in labor, more econ-| and less waste in livin ling up capital by hard- your The men and wo-| home. must produce cover war's waste. it. Bank save what your increased effort provides. 11 Branches Ia Toreuto, 119 Branches in Canada BANK or TORONTO im MR. WORKINGMAN Your chance to get a home, $1800. Modern improvements, Barrie St., One block from Princess St. Information gladly given by calling at my Phone office or hy The J. K. CARROLL AGENCY. 36 Brock Street. Open Every Saturday Evening. Have You Seen Mahalia sn The latest creation<.di\/ face, pow- der, talcum powder, vanishing and cream, toilet water, etc. Our upper window display is "A Beauty." Hoag's Drug Store 'Kingston, Ont. Watts, Hes. Fresh Cut Flowers pany Funeral Designs and Wedding Bouquets to Order. Potatoes! Jy pig high and as ws Shoes variety of of upples mud Friendships 210 Division St. Phone 545 er ------ RENE SS Sowards Keeps Coal nd, Bond Will Help Keep You. Buy One. GRAND ious: Tonight and Saturday POLITE VAUDEVILLE A Five 'Reel Metro Photopiny Mabel Taliaferro, in "Peggy; the Will o' the : = oF Pyeng 10¢; 0c neverves = Extra GRIFFIN'S Thursday, Friday and Saturday DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS And His Own Company, in IN AGAIN OUT AGAIN Also BARNEY BERNHARD, in "PHANTOM FORTUNES." The Neglected Wife. Prices: Mat, 18; be: Noung 3 25¢. STRAND Monday, Tues., Wed. Feature Photopiay "The Jockey of Death" "DO CHILDREN COUNT" Comedy Reels, Evenings 13¢ The Pathe Matinee Any Seat Matinee 10c¢ Another Carload of the 'Wonderful "EGG-0" Baking Powder. Just Unloaded For W. G. CRAIG & CO., LIMITED. Wholesale Distributors, o Everybody Uses EGG-O <8) 'work and greater savings | al of Toronto will help THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1917. GRAND Monday and Tuesday November 12th and 13th, THE "Honor | With Geo. Walsh, Miriam Cooper and Gladys Brockwell. The Cinemelodrama De Luxe - Direct from Lyrie Theatre, N.Y, Special Prices Mat. at 2.30 Evg, at 8.15 25¢ any seat. 25¢, 83¢, 50c Wed. Nov. 14th SPECIAL MAT, 2.30; EVE, 8.15 THE MOST POPULAR MUSICAL COMEDY EVER WRITTEN YOU LOVED HER BEFORE YOU WILL LOVE HER AGAIN. SHE WINS YOUR APPLAUSE ¢ WITH MELODY, COMERY AND DANCE LOOK AT THE PRICES: MAT. 25¢ & 50c; NIGHT, 50c to $1. SEATS MONDAY Saturd'y,Nov.17 Matinee at 2. Evening at 8.15 OLIVER MOROSCO i 4d IRINA La} n : Prices--Mat: 25¢, 50c, 75c, Evening, 25¢, 850c, 75¢, $1, Seats on Sale Thursday. LA ---------------------------- ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY GALA PERFORMANCE SATURDAY NIGHT Nov. 24th Max Rabinoft Presents America's Most Artistic Institution, the Boston 9) vi RSI $1.00, $1.50. 5. Company In Puccini's ' Madame OPEEA -- ystem T™WO Sra HELP WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 252 King street. |A GIRL Apply SMART BOY OR GIRL TO LEARN photography Apply Weese's Art | {A | ! Store. ONCE dinipg room work. Hotel A WOMAN OR GIRL FOR Apply Queen's AT BOYS AND GIRLS AT ONCE. Uberndorfler Cigar Mfg. tario street Ceo.,, On- | WANTED BREAD BAKER AT ONCE. Day work. Apply to Ry H Toye Co. 195 Ontario street Bede dds Sd Sd Soiled & ree TIETPTETTYeTTTeY A good active boy for the rtment. Good wages and steady Fbleyment. Apply British Whig SAS 880080 s a A tas aa as doit TEPPER eTeT A MARRIED MAN, WITH SMALL fanwly, to work by the year, on a farm Apply Arthur Wartman, Bath, Ont { FIVE MEN AT MeKAY'S WARE- house," Cataraqui street, Monday mourning, © o'clock, Wages 40c per hour GIRLS FOR WRAPPING AND LABEL. ling, Mght pleasant work. Apply Miss McCallum, N. C. Polson & Co, Ontario street A SMART YOUNG shipping oom; the business preferred. Crothers Co. Ltd. MAN FOR THE one accustomed to The W. J. 'WOMEN be 5 ft. 6 vears of ag reet Railway CONDUCTORS, MUST and over eighteen r work. Apply IMMEDIATELY 15 OR 20 MEN TO handle damaged wheat. Good wages paid. Apply James Richardson & Sons, Foot of Princess street YOUNG MAN WITH EXPERIENCE IN butcher business: state previous experience. God chance for re- « liable young man. Box G.C, Whig, PARTRAIT AGENTS, A NEW LINE OF proofs, first class finished portraits, frames at lowest prices. Call or write the United Art Co, 4 Bruns- wick Avenue, Toronto. MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, plain cook; no washing or ironing; references required. Apply Mrs, Best, 144 Albert street, or Best's Drug Store LADIES WANTED TO DO PLAIN light sewing at home, whole or spare time; good pay; work sent any distance; charge pr id, Send stamp- for partieulars: National Manufacturing Company, Montreal FORD STARTER, GUARANTEED; BIG commission; sells for $10.00, Agents and distributors wanted... Send $6 for sample starter. 4RD Starter Sales Co. 701 Penohacor om Detroit, GIRLS!) With or without experience, on sewing and kaitting machines. Light work; highest wages paid while learning. Apply Limited. MEOHANICS WANTED TO LEARN secrets of tempering cast steel and high speed tools. Modern meth. ods never before published, $1.50 post free. J. White( 25b McDon- nel Street, Peterboro, Ont. DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVES wanted at once for Kingston and the District. Good opportunity for a live salesman, experience not necessary. Big prospects for the season's business now starting. Wirite for further particulars. Stone & Wellington, he OM Reliable Fonthill Nurseries," Toronto, Ont: APPLY | | SECOND-HAND POSITION WANTED. POSITMIN AS COMPANION TO elderty lady, er elderly couple; of references. Apply Box Whig Office, | an | best 118.4 WANTED GENERAL TO BUY A WICKER BABY CARRIAGE, must be in good condition. Apply Box $8, Whig Ofice. UPRIGHT PIANOS, four cash or in part yment of new pianos and grafanolas. C. W, Lind. say, Limiteq, 121 Princess street. KINGSTON WINDOW CLEANING COM- pany ask that you leave all orders for work at 316 Princess sireet, or with George L. Hillier, lath Road Post Office. i WANTED, WOMAN OR GIRL 70!) board far two dollars a week with | a woman, living alone, for comd pany. Apply: 459 Division street! three doors from Steven street. TRAVELLERS CALLING UFON MER- chants and business men In East- ern Ontario can connect with a good side line by applying to Box J. W., Whig Office. Strictly cou- fidentlial WE WANT TU BUY ALL KINDS OF second-hand furniture, stoves, heaters, clothes, etc. We also have everything in the second-hand Hne for sale. 8 Shapiro, 456 Prin- cess street, Phone 1237. WANTED-OLD FALSE don't matter if broken. I pay $2 to $15 per set. Send by parcel post and receive check by return mail Ey 403 N. Wolfe St, Baltimore, TEETH; ™ PURCHASE SEVERAL LOW priced houses, $500 to $1,500; also a horse barn for removal, must be cheap. Geo. A. Bateman's, Real Estate and Insurance Agency, 67 Clarence street, Kingston, Phone SITUATIONS VACANT. WE WILL PAY YOU 8225 TO DISTRI- bute « war Itefature in your lo- calkity, Splendid opportunity for patriotic maa or woman, At least 90 days' work. International Bible Press, Toronto. THRILLING STORIES OF THE GRE. AT war; profusely illustrated. Eve mother wants it as well as ev red blooded Canadian. Easy sell low price; big profit; freight pa credit given, Sample free. Win- ston Co., Toronto. AMAZING SELLER--TABLETS THAT wash clothes spotissly clean with- out rubbing. Promise to solleit or- ders with ten cents will bring sam- les for four washings. Make dol- ar an hour. Bradley's Co, Brant- ford, Ont. . TO LET FURNISHED HOUSE, ALL IMPROVE- ments, Apply 369 Brock street. WO NICE FURNISHED ROOMS AND sitting room. Apply 240 Johnsen street, OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST, CHAM- bers. Apply to A. B. Cunningham, 79 Clarence street. FRONT BED ROOMS: ALSO ROOMS for light housekeeping: no child- ren. Apply 396 Princess street. FIVE-ROOMED APARTMENT, FUR. t west end. --Possesst Hr . Apply 18 Market street, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE OR MER- chandise, clean and dry. McCann's Rea] Estate Ageney, ot Brock St, Phones 326 or 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, SUITABLE for light housekeeping also two furnished bed rooms; use of parlor. Termg reasonable. 27 Nelson street. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN lrg Too oom ur own lock and key. rost', ly § torage, . 29% Queen street, Phone' 526; res. 989. ™Wo STORES ON PRINCESS ST, BE- w Clergy, one at $18.00 and the 0 per month. Apply Agency, 56 on to J. O. Hutton, Brook 'street. SALESMEN TO HANDLE OUR COM. plete J¥ne or artistic advertising calendars and novelties In King- ston and vicinity. Attractive pro- position to the right man. Bither short contract covering first few months of 1918, or for entire year. Liberal mntisston. Experience in thig @ unnecessary. A ly The London: Printing & Lit graphing Co. itd. London, Ont. « An experienced lady book~keeper with a know= ledge of shorthand and typewriting. Good salary. Apply Electric Railway Company or phone 107, between 6.30 and 7.30 BIGHT ROOMED HOUSE MAY BE rented furnished or unfurnished, whole house or Swartinents for light housekeeping $05 Princess street, arreer Ro and § o'clock in evening. A MODERN HOUSE, FURNISHED, EX. cept linen and silverware: good furnace, hot water heat; storm win- Sowa ete. ' Choice location. Close WIN rent to May 1st, or lon- Box R, Whig Office. rr PERSONAL HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS and all growths and skin blem- ishes removed permanentiy, with. out aear; 30 8 Jers' experie Hirose fund and Skin Be a, w LONESOME WRITE TO ME, AND I will se you hundreds of des- criptions of congenifl people. anx- fous to PTY hh $1,000 results guaran- Raton Hyde, San MARRY IF LONELY: FOR RESULTS me; best and most successful riage a 1, ry y a very suc+ the il years; y wishing to area] The People's " 1 FOUND PIRCE BELONGING TO of glasses, in ctoria Wnder may have same calling at this otfice. A NOSE & pair Park by FOUND ARTICLES ADVER. TISED FREE. Anyone finding anything and Wishing to reach the owner ma) do sg by reporting the facts to The British Whig. e adver- tisement will be printed in this column free of charge "Found articles" does mot in. clude lost gg Ss, cattle, horses, etc. These lost, may be ad- vertised for n the "Lost colurun. LOST BLACK PURSE, STHAPF ON BACK, containing $11, on Wednesday night between 230 Barrie and 214 Ran Finder kindly return to 214 Earl street and receive reward SILVER. MESH BAG CONTAINING |W of money And receipts, Friday noon, between MeGall's Cigar and Barrie St. on Princess Reward if returned to 327 street aslore St Barrie BLACK POCKET WALLET BETWEEN Omgwanada Hospital and Princess street, containing a sum of money, raliway 'ticket and two photos. Finder kindly return to E. Tillett, Ongwanada Hospital, and receive reward STRAYED AND BLACK HOLSTEIN bull, on the premises of J ayes, Bath Road. If not claimed by owner within te n days same will be ONE WHITE WILL THE PERSON WHO TOOK THE robe off Ford car Friday night on Albert street, kindly return and save further trouble BUSINESS CHAN PAY YOUR OUT OF TOWN ACCOUNTS by Dominion Express Money Or- ders Mive dollars dosts three cents, INVESTORS WARNING DON'S INVEST one cent until you read Successful Finance, and learn how fortunes are made and lost by Investors Free trial subscription. Success- tu Finance, 608 Dearborn St, Blcago. gq TO THE PUBLIC -- LICENSED AVC- tioneer for Lennox & Addington and Frontenac. I have sold in the last two seasons $100,000.00 worth of farm stocks and implements, household furniture and store goods. Phone or write for terms to KH. L. Amey, the leading auc- tioneer, Verona, or P. J. Lockhart, Clarence street, Kingston, DR. REEVE, Kerve Specialist, Years of exherience enables me to treat difficult cases suc- Sesstully. Call, or state case by is 'Carlton Str pet, Toronto. FURNITURE FINISHING P. DRISCOLL, PURNITURE FINISH. I or drop a card. 323 John FINANCIAL WHEN ORDERING GOODS BY MALL Jend. a Dominion Express Money FRONTENAC LOAN AND ment nt Go nresident 'olo INVEST. incorporated 1863; nel H, R. Smith, ML hi resident, W. F. Nie- kie, lee joney issued on city and farm fEonartien, municipal and country debentures; mortgages pur. chased: investment bonds for sale; deposits received and in. terest allowed. R. C. Cartwright. + 87 Clarence St, Kingston LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fite Insurance Company. Available Sanots irae, Jn addition to policy erg hav security the unlimited 1 ie city property, neural at lowest Phase a ex. fore renewing ng new i RL rr usiness get Ageita, Phone 325, & Strange, | | FOR SALE A DOMINION EXPRESS MONEY OR. der for five Jollais Costs three cents, THESE HMFEOTIVE ALVIS, lttle. Unce, the, hres one week, 31.0\ SMALL GROUERY FOR SALE, DOING goud business. Address Dox 706, Whig""Ofce. A NEW MCLAUGHLIN AND CHEVRO. let. Apply Dr. H. A. Boyce, 83 Wel lington St FARM CONTAINING ONE HUNDRED and eighty-three acres. Apply to George Gibson, R, 1, Cataraqul SAFE FOR SALE, FIRE-PROOF, MED- tum size, combination loek; ood arder; cheap, Box 650, N Office ONE-TON SANFURD MOTOR Truck in first class condition. - ply to W. G. Craig & Co. or Boyd's Garage. NEW HOUSE ON PRINCESS STREET, near cor. of Frontenac, All mod. ern convenieaces. Apply C. Harri. son, Builder, or Phone 1960. GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TR selections, your owir Shoes, $30. So, . Terms: $5 cash, $1 pe Ch ' Lindsay, Limited, 151 TPrindcss st. PRIVATE SALE OF WAL T AND oak furniture, carpets, curtains and poles, gas range, Pandora coal range, fa'wn mower and refrigera- tear Apply 99 Clergy St. West ines S00; AUTOMOBILE TOPS, ENGINE HOOD covers make your car start easy in cold weather Have your top res covered and curtains repaired, Jud. son's' Auto Tops. Brockville, A LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES, IN- cluding the famous Athlete, Over- land and Perfect Models: Also tires and bleyele accessories. George Muller, 378 King St, Phone 1032, S-ROOMED COTTAGE, WELL-BUILT, central locality, on car line; mo- dern improvements: at a bargain. Terms easy. Apply F. 'W, Meagher, $9 Lower Albert street. Phone 1406, ' WHAT IT IMMORTALITY CERTAIN, is "Heaven and to die, shown in Swedenborg's great work r 400 pages only 25c postpaid. 30 Law, 486 Bucld Ave, To- ronto, Ont ---- LARGE STOCK OF EXTENSION TA. bles and dining chairs, buffets, china cabinets, springs and mattresses. b all kinds of second hand furaitore. J. Thompson, 333 Princess street. Phone 1600. FOR SALE OR TO LET. HOUSE NO. 100 COLLINGWOOD tres. All modern conveniences, Apply C. Harrison, Bullder, or tele- one 1960, EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE'IN BARRIE. field; may be let to one or two families, or for sale on easy terms. Apply 79% Quebec street, . Wm, Abramsky. 4 DENTAL A; APP, B.A 1.0.8, BE. KN as Shee, 258 Princess street one ---- -------- -------------- DR J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, corner Princess and Bagot streets. Phone 626. ons, TA SPARKS, s, LJ ar on a Dewar, ThE. e Phone 346 " Dr. Ernest B. Sparks, DENTIST. To No. 7 General Hospital, Queen's University, in England, and France, after two and a years overseas has resumed his prac tice at Sparks & Spare, | 150 Wel- lington St., city. (Over Carmove sky's). Phone 346. LEGAL B. CUNNINGHAM, and solicitor. Law office, 79 Clar- ence street, Kineton A. BOARD AND ROOMS LINES) CLASS BOARD AXD ROOMS, Apply Mrs. Tierney, 151 Earl St FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS, eve convenience, central loea- tion. Apply 243 Brock street, Kingston "HIGHEST WAGES PAID. CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE COM- ~~ PANY, LTD. Wra bel. 732

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