PAGE TWO ([F==== MADE THIS SEASON MUSTRAT COATS -- McKay Standard For Motoring 50 inches long, made from Prime selected Ontario Ski lined with Skinner's guaranteed satin. selling i $85, $95 and $110, Your Choice Tuesday -- $75.00 Come in and examine -- they are real bargains, John McKay, LIMITED. Kingston's Reliable Fur House, 149-157 Brock Street. ] SL ik il Regular selling price, 18 BEST SOLVED BY COMING TO US. CERTIFICATES Safe and profitable. Good for their face value any time, in exchange for real estate or ne- gotiable at any bank at same rate of interest, Will help win the war, help our soldiers, help Canada and Britain, Subscribe today. McCann's 82 Brock Street, You are assured a scientific examination and ace curate glasses at Asselstine's, Consult J.S. ASSELSTINE D.OS. King Street. At the Golden Lion Grocery Fancy Clover HONEY In one pound sections, 23 cents each. Fresh California Prunes, nice and Juicy .., ... 10e, 1235c, 15c Ib. Evaporated Peaches, 2 Ibs for 25¢. Evaporated Apricots 15¢ Ih. Sweet Cider 40¢ sa%T wan W. R. McRea & Co. | will be worn on {large | service in Convocation Hall on. Sun- | day. the necessity of sms ------ pT -- SPOKE ELOQUENTLY OF VAL-; { OROUS DEEDS OF CANADIANS. | Described the Preparations For the Battle of the Somme, and Urged Canadians to Carry On. Rev. Thurlow Fraser, D.D,, for some months a chaplain with the Ca- nadian forces at Ypres and on the Somme river in France, thrilled.a congregation at the afternoon His address, which emphasized the people in Canada to "carry on" at this time and sup- port the soldiers fighting in France, was punctuated with incidents show- ing the spirit that exists among the Canadian troops. The preparation for the great bat- tle of the Somme was vividly describ- ed, and one could almost see as on a screen the gigantic battle camp of France making ready for the supreme test In the battles they are fighting for the freedom of the world the Ca- nadians, like the other soldiers of the warring nations, have come up against the stern realities of their task, and realize the need for the comfort of the divine spirit. One of the most interesting of Dr, Fraser's reminis- cences was the deseription of the sac- rament segvice on the battlefield. He bad just Fished picturing the mighty preparations for the impending clash of arms in' the battle of the Somme. At nine o'clock on the Sunday morn- ing on which the battle was to begin a great semi-circle of thousands of goldiers was formed and the sacra- @ient of the Lord's supper performed to those who wished to partake of it. Two ammunition boxes formed a ta- ble, and on these were placed the sym- bols of Christ's body and blood, who had sacrificed Himself for them as they were willing to sacrifice them- selves for those at home and for all they held dear. It was an inspiring scene to see those meek souls in the presence of the Almighty seeking the consolation of the Divine Spirit, and many of them partaking of the last Lord's supper on earth before they went to join their Master in the realms paradisiacal--a holy sacrifice on the altar of right and civilization. A YOUTH HELD UP IN MACDONALD PARK Two Men Grabbed Him But Found He Carried an Em=- pty Pocketbook. A report was made to the Whig on Monday morning that a seventeen- year-old youth had been held up in Macdonald Park -on Sunday --night about 10.30.0'clock by a man. The Whig's informant stated that the man approached the youth and asked him for a match, and that while he was searching for the match the man struck the young fellow a fierce blow on the side of the head, and he fell to the ground. At this, two men sud- denly ran out from behind a tree, and then the three ners made a search of the boy's pockets They "grabbed at a pocketbook, but this happened to be empty. A man who came to the res- cue of the hoy frightened off the hold- up men, and they made good their escape. The youth was not Seriously hurt,. ; Many Floral Offerings. The funeral of the late H. Thurs ton, 92 Barrack street, was held last Tuesday afternoon, Among the floral offerings, which testified to the high steem in which the deceased was held, were: Pillow, the family; wreath, president and directors, M.T. Co., Ltd.; anchor, employees M.T.Co.; wreath, Limestone City Encamp- ment, 1.0.O.F.; wreath, Kingston Lodge 59, 1.0O.O.F.; cross, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Davis and family; cross, Mr. and Mrs. A. Reid, Glenridge, N.Y.; spray, Mr. and Mrs. Richard | Taylor; wreath, Mr. and Mrs, W. H. | Derry; wreath, St. Paul's Sunday School; spray, St. Paul's Women's Auxiliary; sheaf, Mr. James B. Stew- art, Toronto; sheaf, Mr. and Mrs. William Smith; star, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Taylor, Goderich, Ont.; star, Mr. and Mrs. George Fleming; 8] sy. Mim Florence O'Donnell, Ir. Bajus, Mr. and Mrs. 8 Anglin, Mr. and Mrs. K. N. H. McCullagh, Mrs. Woodrow and famil, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Derry, George A. Wright; wreath, Mr. and Mrs, W. H. O'Leary; spray, Capt. and Mis. Liddell. A Business Change. For the past two years and more, the Strand Theatre has been success- fully conducted by its propriétors, One thousand Victory Loan butt pid distribution have been feceived at be local headquarters. One will be given to each purchaser of a bond, and the coat lapel like the OR. FRASER AT QUEENS[NCOENTS OF THE DAY i Damong Bishop, Miss Grace |' Loan b were in the tes. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1917. LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. fdappenings In the City and Vicinity ~----What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the . ! Pianos to rent. C. W. Lindsay, | Ltd. | Some noise this morning. . Eh! Kingston is ablaze with color, ad- vertising Victory bonds. Buy one. | Read Nurses' Alumnae Advt for| tea and sale for Red Cross purposes] page 7. { Portsmouth taxpayers can save 2 per cent. by paying on or before Fri- day the 16th, E Dr. F. H. Trousdale reached the city on Saturday op his return to Vancouver after visiting his mother } at Hartington. a W. Swaine, piano and pipe organ tuner, 100 Clergy street W. Orders left at McAuley's or "phone 564. Lieut. P. G. Hawkins. Montreal, is now listed as killed, He was mies- ing last March. He has a brother in Kingston training for overseas. ! We will rent you a piano, and at end of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we will al- low the 6 months' rental on 'pur- chase price, and arrange easy terms on balance. _ C.gW. Lindsay.~Ltd. ton, was ried on Nov. 7th to Miss Gladys. Emeline, the only daughter of the late T. E. Doyle and Mrs. Doyle, Kewatin, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey left on the evening train for Edmonton and Vancouver Now is the time to have your plano tuned, we carry two expert tuners and will assure entire sat- 'staction. C. W. Lindsay, Lta. Hon. N. W. Rowell, K.C., presi- dent of the Privy Council, has sent his regrets ito the Frontenac County Liberal Association that owing to the pressure of official business he will be unable to address the meeting on Thursday next. Prevost, Brock street, has receiv- ed a large shipment of mens' and youths' winter overcoats and suits, which he will sell at very close pri- ces. In his order clothing depart- ment he has a full range of cloth which he will make up into suits or overcoats at a very reasonable. price and guarantee first class fit. The president of the Board of Trade acknowledges the receipt of five 'doHars from the Christian En- deavor Society of Bethel Congrega- tional church to be applied to the Belgian Children's Health Fund. Recovering From Blood Poisoning. Herbert Holder, son of Mrs. H .B. Holder, William street, who has been || confined to an hospital in Banff, Al- berta, for some time suffering from a severe case of blood poison, the re- sult of an accident which he met with while at work, and for which he had to be operated on, has so far recovered as to be able to leave hospital and is now staying with friends while recuperating. --g---- Monday's Police Court. One drunk was the only offender in the Police Court on Monday. Cor- nelius McMahon was the victim of the Blue Monday session. He ad- mitted his guilt, and gave the name of the party who supplied him with his ligmd refreshments. Now there is trouble for the party who took part in the transaction. The case was laid over till Thursday for final set- tlement. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take LAXATIVE BROMO-QUIN- INE Tablets, Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature is on each box. 30¢, Horse Ran Away. A horse drawing wood to the city buildings man away on Monday morn- ing when the whistles started to blow- the annguncement of the Lib- erty Loan, It was caught on King man Godfrey, Kings-| S==0 Flags for Tonight Large 24-inch flags of the Allies, mounted on staff with gilt spony head. Price 25¢ each. Everyone tonight will carry a flag. CHRISTMAS MAGAZINES NOW ON SALE Cosmopolitan, Pictorial Review, Blue Book, McCall's, Metro- The Colleg 60-162 Princess St, L Open Nights e Book Store, Phone 919 FLANNELETTE BLANKETS The celebrated "Ibex" brand -- best quality cotton blanket. Three sizes -- medium, large and extra large -- white or grey. Popular Prices. Good Warm Underwear For all the family. mean a saving to you. Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE Last year's prices street before any damage was done except that the wood was scattered over the road. RS Dr. Hall's Cough Talsam. Cures coughs and colds, 25¢ a bot. tle. Prouse's Drug Store. Portsmouth taxpayers can save 2 per cent. by paying on or before Fri- day the 16th. WOOD SPLIT PULLEYS For power transmis- sion. A large stock of small and large pul- leys of various sizes, | Grand T a ee am. Bes saw 428 ses ae i Th Ld on hand for immedi- ate use. | Pearl Strings We have an excellent show- ing just now of High quality pearls for the meck. The prices vary and many patterns are not at all expen- ve. See our newly decorated win. dows for suggestions. Smith Bros. SEAL COATS | W. F_Gourdier Phone 700. 78-80 Brock Street. Here Are a Few on Our List, $3100---$300 cash, balance monthly, © buys double brick veneer, good location, possession Dec, 1st, $8700---8olid brick, Alfred street. $6300---Double, William 8t. below Barrie. Grocery business, Princess street, rea- sonable, For quick resyits place your pro- perty on our list. ONCE "A law should prohibit the use of 'small-neck (hard to clean bottles and nipples with tube attachments pr harbor deadly germs.