VINOL MADE THIS TURBNA OFF 10 COST [con ewe. creates strength, We guarantee it. Mahood's Drug Store, Kig Also at the best druggist in tario towns, ' * | To Remove Dandruff | N & 3 Get a small bottle of Danderine at any drug store for a few cents, pour a little into your hand and rub well into the scalp with the finger tips. By morning most, if not all, of this awful scurf will have disappeared. Two or three more applications will destroy every bit of dandruff; stop scalp itching and falling hair. ANOTHER ONE GONE, Cecil Healy, Australian Swimmer, Pays the Supreme Sacrifice. Another famous Australian ath. Jete has made the great sacrifice, for, according to late reports from the European front, Cecil Healy was killed in a recent charge. He was an adjutant, having achieved an ex- cellent record for bravery and re- sourcefulness under stress of severe fighting. Healy was one of the best of the Australian middle distance swim. mers, and at the time of his death held several antipodean records at distances ranging from 150 to 400 yards. At one time he possessed the world's record for "150 yards in open water. Mrs. Agness Huffman, Enterprise, met with a serious dceident by- fall ing into an open ditch and striking her side on the pavement, which was followed by a slight stroke. She is still very ill. LOOK AT CHILD'S TONGUE IF SICK 'CROSS; FEVERISH When Constipated or Bilious Give "California Syrup of Figs." Hook at the tongue, mother! If coated, it is a sure sign that your little one's stomach, liver and bowels need a gentle, thorough cleansing at once. When peevish, cross, listless, pale, doesn't sleep, doesn't eat or act natu- rally, or is feverish, stomach sour, breath bad; has stomach-ache, sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and ina few hours all the foul, constipated waste, undigested food and sour bile gently moves out of its little bowels without griping, and you have a well, playful child again, You needn't coax sick children to take this harmless "fruit laxative," they love its delicious taste, gnd it always makes them feel splendid. Ask your am! for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," .which|age has directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly on the bottle. Beware of counter- felts sold here. To be sure you get the genuine, ask to see that it is made by "California Fig Syrup Com- pany." Refuse any other kind with contempt. ---y THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1917. Probs: Tuesday, fair and cool. THIS STEAMER WAS IN PORT ON} MONDAY MORNING { | Sherbrooke, has accepted' renomina- Will-Be Taken For Work on the 10D as a straight Laurier candidate. Coast--The Movements of Other Vessels Reported Around the Har | inated for the riding. of Macleod at a bor. Non-partisan League convention at The steamer Turbinia, which has| Macleod, Alta, been used in the passenger trade| ry between Toronto and Hamilton for| H. H. Stevens was nominated by some time, was in port on Monday | the Conservative Unionists of Van- morning ,on her way to the coast, | couver Centre. where she will be used for special a work. J. 8. Crowe, former city Alder- The steamer Hinckley and the| man in Vancouver, is the choice of steamer Isabella Hinckley cleared | ldberal Unionists in Burrard Centre, for Oswego, after discharging at -- Richardson's elevator, 50,000 bush-| Liberals in Victoria, B.C., are split els of damaged grain taken off the| Since the decision 10 put a Laurier barge Hamilton, which went aground | candidate in the field, and a new at Pdint Peninsula, organization of Unionist Liberals will The steamer Jeska arrived from | De formed at once. Oswego, with a cargo of coal for Sowards. S. Marshall, a rancher, was nom- A Unionist convention at Camrose, M. T. Co's Bulletin: . The tug|Alta., chose James" B-Holden as Gov- Magnolia arrived from Montreal, | @rninent candidate for Victor, Alta. with three light barges, and cleared sia --- for Montreal, with three grain bar-| While declaring the Military Ser- ges; the steamer Arablan passed up,| Vice Act an "immoral and unjust from Montreal, on her way to Port| one," but advising all young men to Colborne; the steamer Oakland dis-|Tegister in order 'to preserve their charged grain into river barges and| Votes, L. A. Lapointe again accepted cleared for Port Colborne; the|Romination in St. James' Division steamer India discharged a grain| Montreal. cargo into river barges, and cleared -- : for Port Colborne; the steamer Jex| Allan T. Mode, a barrister in Ed- arrived with coal, from Sodus; the|monton South, is the Laurier candi- steamer Joyland transhipped grain| date in Strathcona, Alta. into river barges and cleared light - for Port Colborne; the tug Bromsom| A joint convention to select a is due to arrive to-day, with two| Unionist candidate for Nanaimo, B. grain barges; the tug Smith arrived|C., has been agreed upon. Liberal from Montreal with two light barges | Conservative, labor and Win-the- and cleared with two grain barges| War League delegates will take part. for Montreal; the steamers Ionic, -- Westerfan and Simla, are due to ar-| N. T. MacMillan was selected as rive to-day, to discharge grain from | the Laurier candidate in South Win- Port Colborne. nipeg. Canada Steamship Lines: The -- steamer City of Ottawa passed. up Liberal and Conservative Execu- from Montreal Monday morning} the| tives have agreed on the selection of steamer City of Hamilton passed| George M. Byron, a Liberal, as the down on her way to Montreal; the| Unfon Government candidate in steamer Hamilton passed down mid-| Charlotte, N. B. The last member night Saturday, with the barge] Was T. Hartt, a Conservative, A Eagan in tow, on her way from Erie | section of the Conservative party to Montreal. disagrees with tie choice, and a con- A -------- vention will be held. SECOND SON WOUNDED; Db. Bipud Lovie ied 1h DER r. n e receive e oL SON KILLED Liberal nomination for Hochelaga Pte. Nelson J. Holland of| Division in Moiitreal. Portsmouth Received Gun- Lieut-Col, P. E, Blondin, Postmas- shot Wounds. ter-General, mow overseas, has been offeréd the nomination as the "Win- To have lost one son only a short | the-war'" candidate in Wright county, time ago and to receive a message| Que. Should he mot actept, H. on Monday morning that her second | Pritchard of Wakefield. Que.; son liad been wounded, was the in-| named as alterhate candidate. telligence that Mrs, Mary Holland, etm seen Portsmouth, received on Monday. Only a short time ago, her son, San- Sureon Holland, was killed in ac- tion. Director of Records notified her that Missing Trips. Pte. Nelson Joseph Holland had been| Stella, Nov. 6.--The annual fifth admitted to No. 8 Field Ambulance|of November ball, held under the Depot on October 31st with gun shot | auspices of Derry Lodge No. 2, P. A. wound in the right thigh and shoul-|{ P.° B., in Victoria Hall on Friday der. Pie. Holland went overseas|evening last was a decided success. with a draft fromi the Canadian|The hall was well filled, and excel- Mounted Rifles of Hamilton. lent music was furnished by F. Sals- bury of the city, assisted by Miss Old Time : Bessie McDonald and John Glenn. Perth, Nov. 10.--Hon. Peter Me- | An excellent supper was provided by Laren, Perth, Lanark County, who | Mrs. F. Henderson. hes long been a regular attendant at J. A. Tugwell is building a new the sessions of the Senate, was here | cow stable. B. Pearsoll, Picton, and all through the debate on on con-|F. Laidley, Kingston, were over the scription, and saw the measure sent | island last week buying cattle, hogs, on to the Governor.General for his | etc. signature, says "United Canada." The steamer Rideau Queen did Since the passing of the venerable | not make her trip on Monday as ex- and picturesque de Boucherville, | pected. The island people have been who was in the nineties Senator Mc- | put to considerable inconvenience Laren, now ranks next in age to Sir | several times this season by the Mackenzie Bowell, and is in his [above named steamer. Several eighty-seventh year. Senator Bow-|farmeérs came out to the wharf on ell is ninety-five, but the late Sena. | Monday. Some had produce, and the tor 'Wark of New. Brunswick was |boat did not put in an appearance. 104 when he died, a few years ago. | This is only one instance. The man- Senator McLaren was in a reminis- agers of the steamboat company cent mood one evening and recalled |should inform the wharffagers if the the changes in Eastern Ontario in |steamer is unable to come on the set his own time. He told United Can- | day. ada that he drove timber down the W. H. Preston and Wesley Brown Ottawa River for $6 per month, | have had telephones put in their re- when he was only thirteen years of | sidences. Miss Retta Kilpatrick left e. "Some people predict indus. jon Monday to visit friends in Buf- trial depression after the war, but I{falo, N.Y. Miss Elizabeth Reid and hive no such fears. The great ma- [| D. G. Brown were quietly married in tural resources of 'the country have | Kingston on 'Tuesday last. Théy are been brought to the attention of the |taking up residence on the groom's world since the war began, and fin- | farm on the south shore, ancial developments will be more Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Samuel safe in the future." Glenn, Detroit, Mich., at W. Glenn's, #7.; Miss Anna Filson, Buffalo, N.Y., © What He might Have Done. at D. Caughey, jr's; Miss G. BE. "How much cider did' you make | Preston, Clifton Springs, N.Y., at W. this year?" enquired Farmer Puttey H Preston's; Miss S. Tugwell, also of Farmer Savall, who had offered [of Clifton Springs, at K. Tug- him a sample for trial. . well's; Miss E. Pollie, who has been "Fifteen bar'ls," was the answer, ; spending the summer here, has re- Farmer Puttey took another sip. [turned to the city. It's a pity," he sald, "that you STELLA PEOPLE UP IN ARMS Very tmportant it Is tn this age to have a cool head, a strong F. N. McCrea, late member fot | A second telegram from the |At the Steamer Rideau Queen For! Four Men Many sober-minded people. influence on the ignorant masses of - HAS BEEN GASSED Killed and Three Badly Wounded Alongside of Him. Horace Attwood, has received word that his son, Pte. Charles Att- wood, had been gassed, and was now jo ua hospital in Birmingham, Eng- Pte. Attwood went overseas with the 146th Battalion, and: was trans. ferred to the 10th Battalion. He has been doing his "bit" in the front line trenches. At the time he was knocked out with gas, four men alongside of him were killed and three badly wounded. Meaning of Names. American Press, Bolsheviki is the name applied to the extreme Socialist-revolutionary party, As an organization it has been aptly compared with the Indus- trial Workers of the World--the LW.W.--whose ruthless operations, especially in United States labor circles, have terrorized and ar ed 'heir Russia has been strong and danger- ous. Soviet is the name applied to the Russian Councils of Soldiers and Workmen's Delegates. The word is said to be the combination of the ini- tals of the Russian title of the or- ganization, in the same way that "Anzac" was formed from -the ini- tials of the Australian and New Zea- land Army Corps, ¢ Maximalists is the name of ex- tremists who want everything and do aot stop at any means to accomplish the conservative revolutionists as op- posed to the Maximalists. Robert Blair has sold the Kirk- ham farm on the Maberly road, which he recently purchased Robert Taylor, Bathurst. Child i i : g § Hi : HB . Do "Buy a Your Bit Victory Bond ! Everyone who has the winning of the war at heart will want to share in the Victory loan. When you lend money to the government -- at better than 519, interest -- you help feed, clothe, equip and maintain our brave boys overseas -- they help Great Britain, who has so far borne the heavy burden of financing the cause of the allies -- the cause of civilization. Money and more money is needed to win the war. BUY BUY BUY Victory Bonds Steacy's - Limited END INDIGESTION OR STOMACH PAIN IN FIVE MINUTES "Pape"s Diapepsin" Makes Sick, Sour, Gassy Stomachs Time it! In five minutes all stom- ach distress -will-go. No imiigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas, acid, or eructations of undigest- ed food, no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headache. 3 Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its speed in regulating upset stomachs. It is the surest, quickest and most certain indigestion remedy in ithe whole world, and besides it is harm- less, Millions of men and women now eat their favorite foods without fear ~--they know Pape's Diapepsin will save them from any stomach m¥ery, Please, for your sake, get a-large. fifty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin, trom any drug store and put your, stomach right. Don't keep on be-| ing miserable---life is too short--' you are not here long, so make your, stay agreeable. Eat what you like and digest it; enjoy it, without dread of rebellion in the stomach. Pape's Diapepsin belongs in your home anyway. Should one of the family, eat something which don't agree with them, or in case of an attack of indigestion, dyspepsia, gas- tritis or stomach derangement at day time or during the night it is handy to give the quickest, surest relief known. i A A AA Aint PERTH ROAD NEWS ' District Meeting--/The Late Mrs. George Brooks, Perth Road, Nov. 8.--The Kings- ton district meeting was held at Perth Road on the evening of Nov. 6th at the Perth Road Methodist Church. The theme "The Sunday School Work of the Methodist Church." Able ad- dresses were given by Rev, J. D, Ellis, President of Conference; Rev. HB > , Kingston; afternoon and | BERNE EE ER ON PTE. CHAS. ATTWOOD | xX We have ev g to make a home feel that way, at very moderate prices. We study comfort at the least cost. Rugs in all sizes, all shades and designs. Dining room and bed room furniture. Up-to-date Visit our new Victrola department--a com- Plete stock of Victrolas and records always on T. F. HARRISON 00, LIITED 229-237 Princess Street. Closely Related . There's a closer relationship be- tween feed, poultry and dollars than you may suspect. Right feed means better birds, quicker returns and more money. For bigger dividends on your poultry, let us supply your eed. The kind you need is here, and our advice is free for the asking. We 'have Just received our new goods for your Christmas Cake and ew Peel. New Raisins. New Walnuts. and Oranges an Grapes, and EAE RI ST A ae a AA SAR 055A 0 BA