Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Nov 1917, p. 7

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EC It is easier to make money Bavings Account at Increased effort and aft ciency in labor, more ec omy and less waste in livin building up capital by har er work and greater savings, wil] enrich you and your country The men and wo- men at Home must produce more to cover Wars waste. than to save It, The Bank of Toronto will hein save what your Increased effort provides. 11 Drauches GSTABLISHED 1888. Tue ia Toromte, 119 Branches in Canada, BANK IK or TORONTO A MR. WORKINGMAN Your chance to get a home, $1800. Mouern improvements, Barrie St, One block from Princess St. Information gladly given Phone 68. by calling at my office or The'J. K. CARROLL AGENCY. 56 Brock Street. Open Every Saturday Evening. Have You Seen Mahalia ? Iino The . latest creation in face pow- der, talcum powder, vanishing and cold cream, toflet water, ete. Our upper window display is "A Beauty." Hoag's Drug Store Branch Post Office. Kingston, Ont. Watts", Fresh Out Flowers Dall Funeral Dasigng and Wedd Ing Potatoes! Ry the bushel or bag; qual- ty high and prices low also a TS riety ot apples and Friendship' S| 210 Division St. Sowards Keeps Coal and Canada Victory Loan Bond Will Help Keep You. Buy One. TAXI SERVICE RING 960, Used. a Big Assortment of Can- ned Fish on Display Including Tuna Fish, Fish Flakes, Shrimps, Abalone Lobster, Sardines, plain and tomato sauce; Salmon; also Sardines tomato sauce; Herrings, plain and and Anchovy Paste for Sandwiches. The Bon Marche Grocery Phone 1844. Cor. King and Earl ay 'WANTED To sent a form of 200 acres with priv- ilege of buying. A W. H. Godwin & Son 30 Brock Street Phone 424 Ee COAL CUSTOMERS Please Notice ! On and after first of May Coal Sales will be for Cash Only. BOOTH & CO. Phone 133. I REET A . - . Carpenter and Builder W. R. BILLENNESS Specializing Store Fronts and Fite tings. Remodels Buildings of sh ESTIMATES i EXPERIENCE Address 272 University Ave. FOR SALE FORD CAR In A-1 Condition; el- ectric starter, lights, Ete. Central Garage, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, OPEEA HOUSE GRAND TONIGHT at 8.15 Tomorrow at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. THE Honor System With Geo. Walsh, Miriam Cooper and Gladys Brockwell, The Cinemelodrama De Luxe Direct from Lyric Theatre, N.Y. Special Prices | Mat. at 2.80 Bvg. at 25¢ any seat. 25¢, 85¢, BOc Wed. Nov. 14th SPECIAL MAT, 2.30; EVE, 8.15 THE MOST POPULAR MUSICAL COMEDY EVER WRIFTEN YOU LOVED HER BEFORE YOU WILL LOVE 'HER AGAIN. SHE WINS YOUR APPLAUSE WITH MELODY. LOMEDY AND +DANCE AT THE PRICE MAT,, 250, *& Soc GHT, 23c to $1 Seats Now on Sale. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1917. PAGE SEVEN The People's Forum =e CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion, 1c a word. Each con- secutive insertion thereafter, 00c; six $1; ome month, $2. HELP WANTED A WAITRESS, AT ONCE, Hotel. WANTED Apply Albion A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Apply 252 King street AT ONCE A WOMAN OR GIRL FOR dining room work. Apply Queen's Hotel, IMMEDIATELY, TWO EXTRA (TABLE macds., Apply Jelvidere, 141 King street HELP WANTED. MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, plain cook; no washing or ironing; references required. Apply Mrs. Best, 144 Albert street, or Bests Drug Store WOULD YOU LIKE $1 OR $2 DAILY at home, knitting war sox on Auto Knitters? Experience un- necessary. Send 3c stamp, Dept. 24C, Auto Knitter Company, Coi- lege street, Toromto. SALESMEN TO HANDLE OUR OOM- plete Mne or artistic advertising calendars and novelties in King- ston and vicinity, Anvtractive pro- position te the right man. Either short contract covering first few months of 1918, or for entire year. Liberal commission. Experience in this line unnecessary. Apply The London Printing & Litho- graphing Co., lad, London, Ont. BOYS AND GIRLS AT ONCE, Oberndorffer Cigar Mfg. tario street. APPLY Co., On- A GENERAL MAID, NO WASHING OR ironing. Apply MBE Lyman, 127 King streai, west. A mood active boy for the mailing Department. Good wages and steady employment. Apply British Whig Office. b 4 L 4 " 4 . 9 pb > Bhd d todd did died ied ded ded ds TITER ETee PRET TTITTTTeY POSITION WANTED. POSITION AS COMPANION TO AN elderly lady, or elderly couple; best of references. Apply Box 119, Whig Office, WANTED GENERAL : v SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, for cash or in yment of new pianos and pd oid as, C. W. Lind- say, Limited, 121 Princess street. A MARRIED MAN, WITH SMALL family, to work by the year, on a farm. Apply Arthur Wartman, Bath, Ont. GIRLS FOR WRAPPING AND LABEL- ling, Mght pleasant work. Apply Miss McCallum, N. C. Polson & Co, Ontarko street. Beedle ce diode TEPTERTTY Cashier. Must be quick, ac- curite and a good penman;: pre- ferably ome th experience. plication ian own British Whig. ee oe iby ale ie i 4 4 + L E L F Griffin'S Mon., Tues., Wed. Adolph Zukor Presents Pauline Frederick, in "Double Crossed" Also George Beban, in "Lost in Transit." Chaplin in "The Champion." Prices -- Mat. 13¢; Evening 25¢, Coming-- Civilization STRAND Feature Phetopiay "The Jockey of Death" "DO CHILDREN COUNT" Comedy Reels. Matinee 10¢ Evenings 15¢ DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP 1 beg to notify thé public of King- ston that the partuership of Nugent (& Martin, owners of the Strand Theatre has this day been mutually dissolved. ¢ taken over sole control of said ess and will be responsible for debts contracted by sald firm. H. J. MARTIN. 73 ARE EXEMPTED 80 FAR AT GANANOQUE The Board Sat All Day and Was Open For Interviews 'on Sunday. (Irom Our Own Correspondent). Gananoque, Nov, 12.--Exemption Tribunal No. 169, composed of Wal- ter T. Sampson, Gananoque; Nelson Webster, Lansdowne, and with Ma- jor H. A. Lawson as military repre- sentative, for the enforcement of the Military Service iAet, during Nov. 8th, 9th and 10th, disposed of ninety-nine requests for exemption. Contrary to official instructions the tribunal held sittings for the con- venience of the public continuously from 9 am. until 10.30 p.m. with- out intermission, and no applicant had te wait for his or her hearing more than twenty minutes, Out of the ninety-nine applicants twelve were refused, seventy-three {wera granted .exemption, and four. teen were held over for further con- sideration. For the convenience of the public the tribunal was open for interviews etc, on Sunday, 11th inst, from 2 to KINGSTON WINDOW CLEANING COM- any ask that you leave all orders or work at 316 Princess street, or with George L. Hiller, Bath Ilvad Post Office. TRAVELLERS CALLING UPON MER- chants and business men in East- ern Ontario can Sanfiect with a ood side' Jigs 3 applying to Box 7 Wh ce, trictly cou- fidential WE WANT TO BUY ALL KINDS OF second-hand furniture, stoves, heaters, clothes, ate. We" also have ------ LOST ASIII. FOR BALE WILL THE PFRSON WHO HAS ROBT. Reid's Umbrella kindly return it? ------ SR BLACK PURSE, STRAP ON BACK, containing $11, on Wednesday night between 230 Barrie and 214 'Ean Finder kindly return' to 214 Earl sireet and 'receive reward. BLACK POCKET WALLET BETWEEN Ongwanada Hospital and Princess street, containing a sum of money, rallway ticket and two photos. Finder kindly return to E. Tillett, Ongwanada Hospital, and receive reward. STRAYED ONE WHITE AND BLACK HOLSTEIN bull, on the premises of J. Hayes Bath Road. If not claimed by owner within ten days same will be sold to pay expenses STOLEN, WILL THE PERSON WHO TOOK THE | robe off Ford car Friday night or Albert street, kindly save further trouble. return. and BUSINESS CHANCES INVESTORS WARNING DONS INVEST one cent until you fread Successful Finance, and learn how fortunes are made and lost by Investors. Free trial subscription. Sueccess- ful Finance, 608 Dearborn St, Chicago. THE PUBLIC -- LICENSED AUC- tioneer for Lennox & Addl and Frontenac. I have sold In the last two seasons $100,000.00 worth of farm stock and implements, household furniture and store goods. Phone or write for terms to L. Amey, the leading auc- tioneer, Verona, or T. J. Lockhart, Clarence street, Kingston. in 8, 'Ene iro, 46 "Prine cess street. Phone 1237. A SMART YOUNG MAN FOR THE shipping room; one accustomed to the business preferred. The W. J. Crothers Co., d. (GIRLS! MECHANICS WANTED TO LEARN secrets of tempering cast sieel and igh speed tools. Modern meth- ods never before published, $1.50 post free. J. White( 256b MeDon- nel Street, Peterboro, Ont, lhousework, fami Jaundry; wages Apply between 7 Mrs, William F, Covey, St, cor. of Earl, of two; no book~keeper with a know= ledge of shorthand and typewriting. Good salary. Apply- Electric Railway Company or phone 107 between 6.30 and 7.30 p.m. <M Iommi) THE WORLD'S NEWS IN BRIEF FORM | Tidings From: m-All Over Told In| a Pithy and Pointed sop Ex-Queen Lilinokaiani, eighth and last mongqreh to hold sway over the Hawaiian Islands, died Sunday morning. Fire at Ingersoll caused $100, goods; Bowman & Co. Grand Trunk Railway system traf- fic earnings from Nov. lst to 7th, $1,287,185; 1916, $1,244,959; crease, $42,226. Mrs. Nellie L. McClung has receiv- ed a cablegram asking that shé come to England for the first two months sporting campaign. West flastings Lieut.<Oel. The mails on the Petrograd-Gat- COMPETENT MAID FOR GENERAL Pp. 213 King 000 to John Northway & Co. dry | in- | of the year to assist in a prohibition { At a convention of the beats of Flynn was or " Atmination. His acceptance is await- china railway have been torn up to WANTED---OLD FALSE don't matter if broken. I pay $2 to $15 per wet. Send by parcel post and receive check by return mall F. Terl, 403 N. Wolfe St., Baltimore, Mad. TRETH; PURCHASE SEVERAL LOW riced houses, $500 to $1,600; also a pores barn for removal; must be cheap, Geo. A. Bateman's, Real Estate and Insurance Agency, 67 Siarence street, Kingston, Phone 6. SITUATIONS VACANT, FHRILLING STORIES OF THE GREAT war; profusely illustrated. Every mother, wants it as well as every red blooded Canadian, Basy seller; low price; big profit; freight paid; credit given. Sample free. Win- ston Co., Toronto. AMAZING SELLER--TABLETS THAT wash clothes spotlssly clean with- out rubbing. Promise to solicit or- ders with ten cents will bring sam- ples for, four washings. Make dol- lar an hour. Bradley's Co. Brant- ford, Ont. FINANCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN AND Boot ingorporat Erestdent, 1" M.G.; vices kie, K.C. and farm country de chased; Investment sale; deposits received terest allowed. R. C. Cartwright, manager, 87 Clarence St, Kingston. INVEST ed 1868; olonel resident, . oney issued on cit ropert es, municipal an entures; mottgales pur- . and for in- LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Available assets $61,187,215, In additien to which the policyholders have for security the unlimited Mability of city property, insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from range & Strange, Agents. Phone 325. MEDICAL | OR, H., 8. ANGROVE, PHYSICILN AND a Clergy hat, (near Brock). Hours 2 to 4; 7 to 8. Of- fice phone 2163; residence 1783. ARCHITECT POWER & SON, ARCHITEOTS, MER. chants Bank uilding, corner Brock and Wellington Another Carload of the Wonderful "EGG-O" Baking Powder. Just Unloaded For W. G. CRAIG & CO., LIMITED. Years of experienice .enables me to treat difficult cases suc- cessfully. Call, or state case by letter. 18 Cariton Street, Tordante, FURNITURE FINISHING PF. DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FINISH. er. Call or drop a card. 23 John Street, PERSON. AY = HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS and all growths and skin b ishes removed permanently, w! out scar; 30 oars Sxperisnce. or. Elmer J. e, Kar, Throat "nd pecialist, Now Bagot ati TO LET FURNISHED HOUSE, ALL IMPROVE. ments. Apply 359 Brock street, TWO NICE FURNISHED ROOMS AND sting room. Apply 240 Johnson reet, OFFICES IN CLARENCE CHAM bers. Apply to A. B. AR ey 79 Clarence street, TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS; one furnished bed sitting Apply 260 Colborne street. ALSO room FRONT BED ROOMS; ALSO ROOMS for light housekeeping: no child. ren. Apply 396 Princess street. TWO FRONT ROOMS, FURNISHED, for Nght housekeeping In good Jocality. Rent reasonable, Apply 286 Jihnson 'street, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE OR MER- chandise, clean and dry. McCann's Real Estate Agenoy, 82 Brock St, Phones 326 or 621 THESK EFFECTIVE ALVTS. Oust little. Once, 2c; three times $00; one week, §1.0\ SMALL GROCERY FOR SALE, DOING gopd business Address Box 700, Whig Office. | A NEW MCLAUGHLIN AND CHEVRO. let. Apply Dr. H. A. Boyoe, $3 Wel Hnglon St IN GOOD LO. GROCERY BUSINESS ality. trade Apply First class Whig Office HARM CONTAINING ONE HUNDRED and eighty-three acres. Apply to George Gibson, R, 1, Cataraqul ONE-TON SANFORD MOTOR Truck in first class sondition, I Brio to w. G. Crate & Co. or Bo, Box 216, \ NEW HOUSE ON PRINCESS STREET, near cor. of Frontenac. A} mod- ern convenieaces. Apply C. Harri. son, Builder, or Phone 1960, GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND THN selections, an own cholce, $30.65, Terms: $i . $1 per week, C. . Lindsay, botasn 121 Princess St. A THREE-SPEED HARLEY-DAVID= son motoreydle, 1917 madel, in splendid condition. To be wold cheap. Apply 431 Johnson streel. PRIVATE SALE OF WALNUT AND oak furniture, carpets, curtains and poles, gas range, Pandora coal range, lawn mower and refrigera- tor. Apply 99 Clergy St. West, AUTOMOBILE TOPS, ENGINE HOOD covers make your car start easy in cold weather. - Have your top re- covered and curtains repaired. Jud- son's Auto Tops, Brockville, A LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES, IN- cluding the famous Athlete, Over- Jand and Perfect Models; also tires and bicycle accessories. George Muller, 873 King St, Phone ti S-ROOMED COTTAGE, WELL-BUILT, central locality, on car line; mo- dern improvements; at a bargain. Apply F. W. Meagher, Albert street. Phone Terms easy. 99 Lower 1406. LARGE STOCK OF EXTENSION TA. bles and dining chairs, buffets, china cabinets, also gO sprin s and mattresses. 's buy 1 kinds of second hand furniture. Thompson, 338 Princess street. A 1600. FOR SALE OR TO LET. HOUSE 1. COLLINGWOOD street. All modern conveniences. Apply C. Harrison, Builder, or Te o- phone 1960, NO. EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE IN BARRIE- field; may be let to one or two families, or for sale on easy terms. ply 79% Quebec street. Wm. Abramsky. DENTAL A, LDS, DDA, Once, ae 8 Princess street Phone DR J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, corner Princess and Bagot streets. Phone 626. DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN- tists, 169 Wellington street, G. C. War, D.D. LDS. assistant, Phone 346: Dr. Ernest B. Sparks, DENTIST. To No. 7 General Hospital, Queen's University, in England, Egypt and France, after two and a half years overseas has resumed his prac- tice at Sparks & Sparks, 159 Wel- lington St., city. (Over Carmov- sky's). Phone 346. 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, SUITABLE for light housekeeping also two furnished bed rooms; use of parlor. Terms reasonable. 27 Nelson street. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, ULEAN oy Biry Ros Sama; our own Jock and y Storage, 299 Aen -- Phone 526; Eres. 989 0 STORES ON PRINCESS ST. BE- es Clergy, one at $18.00 and Sie other at $20.00 per-month. Appl Pot e : Agency, rock street. pen. BIGHT ROOMED HOUSE MAY BE rented furnished or unfurnished, whole house or Apartments for light housekeeping. *- Apply. - 605 Princess street, between 6.30 and 8 o'clock in evening. LEGAL AB NNINGHAM, BARRISTER and eitor, Kia oof office, 79 Clar« ence street, BOARD AND ROOMS Tink} CLASS BOARD' ANT ROOMS. Apply Mrs. Tierney, 151 Ear] St DRESSMAKING MISS RICHARDSON, DRESSMAKER, = having ressmed business, solicits orders for fall and wipter work. Address 203 Alfred street. ° | a WANTED HELPERS, HANDY MEN AND LABOR- ERS, CAULKERS AND CHIPPERS. HIGHEST WAGES PAID. PANY, Ontario

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