Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Nov 1917, p. 2

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_THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1917, Waterloo, $29, 600; Perth Co., $107,- UST TICKLED 10 DEATH 300; Lincoln Co., $63,000; Huron OCo., $72,900; Lambton Co., $106, 300; Lennox. and Addington, " $55,-| {OVER RESULT LT OF FIRST DAY 450; Leeds and Grenville, $314,000; OF CANVASS. County Middlesex, $25,200; Parry} -- Sound, $62,300; Kent Co, $1 50,000; "A Good Start, a Strong Pull And a| Wellington, $132,250; Pete rboro, Strong Finish"--This Is the Slogan 150.000; Rout aterioo. a. 330 0; in 0, $27,754 uskoka { of the Headquarters Staff. hiss 0; Durham Co., $59.750: { The first big day 0 the Victory | mand, $14,550; Hastings, $136,000; j campa is OY § the canvassers 1g v, $50,250; Norfolk, $81,000; ni results A quar- | 7 asa ne . = 1 f a million the result, and the Er Hay, $60,200; Nipissing. | sum of | me n behind the project in Kingston Ros 1 Oxford Co., $160,000; Ken-| I + enthus aver the result, ora, $6,000. | iA 4 Asse Bi" vagy. happy, returns on your first RE i Soi on a > "21 BW} ith report from Victory Blasts. e of Do onry half the districts the splendid The car of Mr, Lessee of the Clar- | ry Farin: of the campaign is shown in the | ence street garage was electrically | "is the ten « milli n subscribed. A good start, | decorated with the words "Vietory | nd wealth y pull, and 'then a strong fin-| Loan" on the front. | CHRISTMAS MAGAZINES NOW ON SALE of Can- was the message received by G Sakell brothers, T, Sands, Frank] RAB GINK WHAT THAT { R. Warbt , disftiet officer, from | Newman and .others had beautiful Cosmopolitan, Pictorial Review, Blue Book, McCall's, Metro- MEANS : yi tg tia headquarters of the eastern divi- | gute turnouts. : { politan. The College Book Store, represents { "Those last few words express my | novel idea of electrifying his car| 160-162 Princess St. Open Nights Phone 919 Fess for Tonig Large 24-inch flags of the Allies, mounted on staff with gilt spear head. Price 25¢ each. Everyone tonight will carry a flag. -| | i | iook at dt, entiments perféctly," said Mr, War- | yng (ne illumination he had was| that gull { burton on Tue >sday morning. "I'm| unique and pretty: » Y n elinr to death with the first-class Tue purade judges were Lisut-Col. | better, because ing of a quarter of a million dol-1 pengit * Lieut-Col, W. Y. Mills, and | WN Ny ar lars from this district im the first day. | ji001 Askwith, As yet the prize! it can pat fhe peop! e mist Femembes tha has not been awarded but the win-| at an 14 EY . : : . Em 4 ner's name will probably be an- bank © nd dealer ahead Unles ¢ ve consistent ed Wednesd tell you how to sub- attention to the drive for that time Ryne ea nesJay. c thelr duty to tell y we won't get the results We don't 1 T! . by ys of the Y.M. A. helped as it Is your duty to sub want to get too enthused over the |last nig ts parade by carrying c- seribe first day's work, but strive to reach tory Loan" banners. od You can Duy 2 Hand beat the million by steady, hard{ Some of the slogans {oF the | Sm-- - me of $100, 3500. $1,000 plugging. Mind you, 1 don't th rink | crowds to read were: '"'Big meeting YOU CAN PAY IN IN. Kingston can't do it. We are all | at City Hall towmight follow the par- is STALMENTS : very much pleased with the results, | ade." "A million dollars from King- ty you len Zo un and only hope that we can all do our | ston." "Do your bit." "Help King-| utmost to make this the banner dis-|ston and help Canada--Buy Victory fis you are able to help finish the 'war and maintain Canada's prosperity? trict of the Dominion' : Bonds." "Kingston must lead with | Remember, you are noc GIVING this money; you are lending "Will you kindly make the Victory | a million dollars." t, SAVING ft. It is going t o- work for you, bring you an income Loan a little clearer? wrote a reader a-------------------------- and be paid back 40 you by your Country of the Whig. "Would one wishing INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. These bonds are the safest dnvestinent you can make. to buy $400 or $700 or $300 have to -------- 'buy four one hundred dollar bonds, | Loeal Notes and Items of General etc, or would there be bonds issued Interest. for those amounts? ' Kindly state err : ral ey Mc KA Y, this fact in a prominent place in your C anada can--if Canada will, GREAT We have an excellent show- much read paper and oblige A Would Pianos to remt. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd ing just now of High quality Je Victory Loan Buyer." . 4 rls for the neck. Limi ited { The communication was gokn Wo 3 Mopan; Iovmany of Whose low descending sun, finds in your "The prices vary and many { Mr. Wz . who explained that| Kingston, has been woun in ac- - Kingston's ble Far House. ir arburton, whe explaine a patterns are not at all expen 149 to 157 Brock Street. bonds are issued in denominations of | tion, hand } sive. $50, $100, $500, $1,000 and any author- A woman who fainted in front of See our newly decorated win- ized multiple of $5,000, Since the | James Reid's furniture store on dows for suggestions, printing of the prospectus the Minis. | Monday evening was removed to her Weare Optical Specialist CERTIFICATES Safe and profitable. Good for their face value any time, in exchange for real estite or ne- which might make a coupon bearing duplicate it. Regarding the purchase of such a bond as an example. This bond denominations sixteen $50. bonds, eight $100 bonds, one $500 bond and three $100 bonds, or one $500 bond and six $50 bonds. Meetings During the Day. During the day' a number of meet- ings were held in various places around the city. The pupils and teachers of the Collegiate Institute Robert Meek at 130 p.ni., and the school later in the afternoon. This is part of a plan to have the Victory Loan so simplified that it can be un- derstood by pupils in the schools. foyees of the Davis tan- 2g, and the employees of the Tuesday afternoon, Mr. Warburton Mayor. A simplified plan of buying Golden Lion Grocery for the working man was explained. A duplicate car tain amount taken off his weekly weeks, and if human ingenuity can | bring success Kingston. is to be the | speaking at the latter place with the wages to pay for the bond, making at the same time a gilt edge invest- a Century. ment, Fancy Clover oe cumpaigat is gojug 10. be puch ter of Finance has announced that | home on Johnson street. bonds with denominations from $530 W. Swaine, piano and pipe organ up may be registered at Ottawa, thus | tuner, 100 Clergy street W. Orders ensuring absolute safety for the pur-|left at McAulev"s or "phone 564. chaser from fire, theft or other causes Rev. D. W, Best, B.A, "of To- ronto, a Queen's graduate formerly, | bond in the hands of the purchaser | of Beaverton, has been inducted into! forfeited because of the inability to | the pastorate of St. Paul's Presby- terian congregation, Bowmanville, Now is the time to have your bond, Mr. Warburton took the $800 | plang tuned, we carry two expert tuners and will assure entire sat- could be" purchased in (he following [rgtaotion. © W. Lindsay, TAQ. Samuel McQueen was fined $200 and coets for a violation of the tem- perance act, and Frank O'Toole was fined $50 for a breach of the same by-law at the Police Court to-day. .We will rent you a piano, and at end of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we will al- low the 6 months' rental on pur- chase price, and arrange easy terms were addressed, by the Mayor and on balance. ©. W. Lindeay. Lta. G. R. Warburton and W. F. Nickie public school teachers in Macdonald have boen asked to give addresses in tive interests of the Victory Loan at the bazarr to be held on Wednesday evening at St. Mark's church, Barrie- field. nery were addressed on Tuesday A Keeping the Qualit ty Us Nor: Canadian Locomotive Company on LAXATIVE BROMO Y QUININE, the World Famous Cure for Colds and Grip, is now 30¢ per box. On account of the advance in the price a Victory Bond 'specially proposed of the six different Medicinal, Con- | centrated Extracts and Chemicals is handed fo the em- | contained in LAXATIVE BROMO ployee, who can arrange to have a cer- QUININE, it was necessary to in- crease the price to the Druggist. It has stood the test for a quarter of it is used by every Civ. lized Nation. a Victory Bond or un . Newman & Shaw, The Always Busy Store. Smith Bros. Orders taken for HUDSON SEAL COATS | W. F.Gourdier gotiable 'at. any bank at same HONE \ ite of interest. ers, is 3 All help win the war, help ||| In one pound sections be the byword and watchword for the ] : our soldiers, help Canada and ||| Fresh California Peer ror aye next three weeks. ' Be"prepared to | ; ( . Britain, july ... ... 10e, 1234¢, 15 Ib, buy a bond even ifit is only of a $50 i ; é or <Bubxcribe. today, Evaporated Peaches, 2 Ibs for Se, | (cNomination; emember thy par-l . _-.® : LosiNG © MAILS Evaporated . vir oes ASG I] ADI of the widow's mite : Brith mati Closes. trreguiariy. information P.O. Lobby Hom the to Hime. reat district of the Dominion. "Carry In," the motto of the soldiers, is $o Autumn Time is Buying Time Here Arve a Few on Our List, BUILDERS SUPPLIES ewe WOOD SPLIT PULLEYS At a meeting in the Board of mings to about thirty |McCann's |; . % | | Err, ter the address the following com- Tie a oR and CPR .. 1 Aha EET PE For power transmis- sion. A large stock of : small and large pul- leys of various sizes, on hand for immedi- ate use. S ANGLIN & CO. Bay & Wella Streets, = Rengton, Ont $3100--$300 eash, balance monthly, buys douhle brick veneer. good location, possession Dec. 1st, $3700-80lid brick, Alfred street. $6500-----Double, William .8t. below Barrie. Grocery business, Princess street, rea- sonable, For quick vesults place our pro- perty on our list. EW. Mulin & Son A daw should prob the ae oF matin aa to clean) bottles and nipples with

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