Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Nov 1917, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, 'TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1917. The British Whig 84TH YEAR. Published Dally and Semi-Weekly by THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO, LIMITED. G. Fillott n A. Guild , President + Managing Director d SéC.-Treas. Telephones Business Office .. Editorial Rooms .. Job Offic SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Daily Bdition) delivered in city i paid in advance .,.. $5 240 rural offices $2. One year, e year, ce $1. One Bg $1.5 nd ree months pro rata. MONTREAL REPRESENTATIVE Rn Bruce St. Peter St. RONTO REFRBSENTATIVE P, Hoy 5 Traders Bank Bld a5. UNITED YStATES REPRESENTATIV F.R.Northrup, 225 Fifth Ave., New York F.R.Northrup, 1510 Ass'n Bldg. Chicago Attached 1s ome of the best job printing offices in Canada, The cireniation of THE BRITISH WHIG ia authenticated by the ABoU Audit Burean of Oircziations. IN Pd Mt PPMP PNT INA BP LAST BORDEN MANIFESTO. Sir Robert Borden has issued an- other manifesto. It is an indirect' reply to that of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, and a document which will have its effect in the elections. It deals mainly with the Military Service Act, or conscription, which is- the issue of the day. All others pale into significance before it, and the need and wisdom of i, and its en- forcement, ' will be settled by the people. Practically a Te- feréendum 1s. beln taken on the most serions subject with regard to 'which the people havé been con. sulted. re ~ Before polling day the electors will have information which will en- able them to act judiciously in this matter. There has been a compul. sory registration of the members of elass A in conformity with the call, and the exemption courts are deecid- ing upon "who can he 'hest relieved from the occupations in which they are engaged and service in the field under conditions as honorable as those which surround their fellow. Canadians in uniform." The proces of selection is slow' enough, hecause its is-being exactingly done, and with a: result which, thus far, has been very disappointing. Evidently there are few eligibles in class A who can be spared from thelr present positions, and class B will be called out in or- der to secure the required comple- ment of men. The premier says the Union Gov ernment is pledged to many reforms; to an extirpation of the patronage evil; to economy in every branch of | the public service; to necessary and reasonable transportatidn facilfties; to the greater taxatioh of wealth: to the wider franchise for women; and to the solution of problems.that con. cern the roturned soldiery. The'out- look for the Unjon Government, be it said, is not too rosy at this jungture. There ave differences among the people, conservatives and liberals, that cannot be seconciled, 'and it is possible that the pending election may not dnd the difficulties of the hour. 'A second appeal may follow at once unless the majority in favor of 'the union is large and of a most, decided character. , The military drag net is not pro. ducing as many members of class A active service as the Gefvernment "was led to expect. The first draft may not prove a success, unless there j «wait and see." are Tewar exemptions. ' CANADA HBARS HE CALL. The Victory War Tian is on, That 4" has been well adiertised, and that the people have 'been thoroughly aroused with 'regard to it, we made ye, weitapt by the demon- Stratiop Mor ming. Who. ever, 4 this ¥ and 'military city, saw a finer garrison parade, [ih every brasefi at; @ service re. |; er Be a on rod i only' the ek spots had ne or, herd dy vo a hone. sol; can Every one can that way have individual and never-to-be-forgotten place in the greatest .event of the times. All is being moved to an exhibit a profound and un- changeable interest. All America is concer the result of this | personal appeal for financial aid. All| Britain knows what Canada has done | and when these three weeks oney getting are over the! world Il know that among the | overseas Dominjons this fair land, which Germany desires and would like to get, is the one that can be de. pended on, to do her bit, and more than her bit, in every struggle where national stake. an Canada fon of ned abbut with her army, 0 The next great parade will be of school children. At least that. is the suggestion. There is to be a great juvenile victory display of the school popilation of Toronto and Kingston is not to he behind in this movement. FIGHT AGAINST SEDITION. The Washington Government finds that the socialistic eircles of the Un. ited States are being filled with Ger- mans and pro-Germans who are in this way working out their destruec- tive plans as they dare not presume to do in other relationships. The game is the same the world over. It is to create discontent with the Governments of the day, and to pro- test against thé war. The cause of the Entente is at stake. The enemy is losing notwithstanding all its boasting and occasional desperate dashes. It wants peace and cannot have it now, at any price. The na- tion that talks about jt, and at the same time, even now, through its Government and Government depart. ments, plans for the next war, on a colossal scale, with all the raw ma- terials and foods which can guar- antee a prolonged siege, is not to be trusted. It went into this war be- cause the war lords thought they were prepared for anything. There must be no chance of a revival of to- day's awful scourge through the ac- cident of 4 premature peace. The Germans of the United States, as Socialists," may not be any safer in the new societies and roles than they were' in the old; and President Wil- son and his Government ;may see the wisdom even yet of interning a larg- or number and so pitting thera out of harm's way. The scandal of distributing hon- ors and titles for money is being re- vived in England. Hereafter the King must -be informed of the grounds on. which knighthood is be- stowed. It is well. BENNETT DISLIKES SIFTON. R. R. Bennett, K.C., makes a re- 'markable statement when he says that he will not be a candidate in the pending federal elections be- cause "of fundamental differences between himself and Hon. Mr. Sit ton, dating back: to the entrance of Siftoh into the Alberta legislature." These men: may. be so far and so | completely estranged that they can- not be reconciled, but Mr. Bennett at the last session of parliament an- nounced that he would not be a can- didate for re-election. Rumor con- nected his name with a seat in the Senate. That was, however, before and Hon. Mr. Sifton, the premier of Alberta, accepted of the overtures of 8ir Robert Borden and agreed to become a member of the Union Gov- ernment, Mr. Bennett, an able man, but not at all tractable, politically-- a high kicker at times and under spectacular circumstarced-- may lati er find "himself in the changed comn- He is a nich maw, and has been in parligmentary life simply for the pleashre or excitement or gratifica- tion ghich it afforded. EDITORIAL NOTES. A judicial commission will aminky into the condition of the feeble-minded of Ontario. At } somexhing is to be done for the g of a most unfortunate class. ee Tile German admiralty has been abuser] because its submarine terrors are fading away. The advice is, The expectation now ie that Britain will surely sur- render in the next six months. Kerenrsky coming: back? For a time. He is giving another denmion- stration of his resourcefulness. That is all.. BWt he has truckled a oouple of times to the Bolsheviki, and a sdecestul dictator never weakens. inti or So Ten battle line are Notes. ms interior of the honor and integrity are at | {performance to be the coalition movement took shape,| ditions' which will follow the war.| ex. Te cluding the regular naval forces, the naval reserves, the naval militia, the | marine corps. { it should not be forgotten, too, os | that of this respectable number of {fighting men more than two-thirds, or about 1,400,000, represent volun- A | Victory . d is a promissory, lary enlistment. And volunteers are note signed by the Dominion of Can- g still coming in at a surprising a. Soon there will be a second dra, ada, th all the wealth of the Do-, ! behind it. | call, raising the total to more than e wm 2,600,000, nig. the end of the Rowell is | present calenda¥ year, therefore, and st. Thomas Journal) { only nine months after war was de- Mr. Rowell has long - been the|clared, we shall have, in addition to champ on of equal suffrage. Woun-{a naval forced of more than a quar- at he thinks of Borden's War-| ter-million, an army of two millions time Franchise Act {and a quarter. By the end of next Ta { year, if it appears necessary, the Sight of the Day. | army can easily be raised to 4,000, Iph Mercury) { 000 men, with half that number Next to a 'three- ring circus the best | | available for the fighting. seen now is the | man of the house putting on the up-| stairs storm windows, I pugc oPNION Ww hat 1s a Bond? r Globe) fon Silent. 1s Socialism Defeated Cadorna. | ew York Times* The Italians gave way before the | the same Austrian Army Which they (Ottawa Citizen) { had previously defeated, reinforced Complete wireless outfit was|pe German units whose number has found by Americdn federal officers|yoen greatly exaggerated. Why did concealed in trees near Norwich, they give way? The Italian official Conn. This easily beats sermons in} jietins, in the first shock and hor- stones. {ror of the catastrophe, ascribed it to | "cowardice" on the part of certain | units, but subsequently eliminated ¢| the word. What was back of that | charge and ite subsequent withdraw- | al without retraction? General Maur- {ice says: t It is clear that a great part of the disaster, for it can be called nothing | else, was due to insidious propaganda 1 which has gone further than Cadorna -- Caught Again. No Crosses For Them. (London "Advertiser) Cooks get iron crosses, but trench fighters go without decora- tions. German officers gye more grateful fof good meals than heroic; behaviour of tagir troops. Boys and War, (Beeston Globe) suspected, Germany shows loss of man power, of course, in calling to the front boys But not further than von Below of 17, but there were 844,891 boys |suspected, not further than he posi- of 17 years old and under in the|tively knew. The German peace northern armies in the Civil War. | propaganda is a military manoeuvre, ---------- | conducted with the intention of | bringing about German victories in the field. It brought about such a Canada's national debt is only a)victory im Galicia last summer. It few millions short of one billion.) has brought ahout another in the Tae addition of 100,000 men to the| julian Alps this fall. It intends to army will bring a . correspondingly bring about more. A peace propa- big increase in our expenses. The | gandist, a Socialist, is doing more Victory Loan and all other loans | effective work---actual military will have to be distributed very wide - work--for the German arms than iy in order to keep the money -chost|cown Prince Frederick William, supplied, Hindenburg, and Below put together. Nor need We expect that our own armies will not be attacked in the same manner than those of Italy and Russia have been. The German pro- Canada's Debt, (Toronto Mall) Gold For Canada. (Windsor Record) By reason of huge exports of wheat and other produce. Canadian i iH, money is at a premium. The United pagandist will do his best to weaken in States is releasing = $26,000,000 in their momle in the same way in gold to equalize the exchange. The |W hich he yeshenod those of Rod: sum of $10,000,000 will be shipped | off and Cadorna me to rec aE; this. month, $10,000,000 in Decem- | nize him, not for a misguided theoris ber and $5,000,000 in January. | but for a German soldier doing mili- Canada's credit is "as good as the) tary work or Ludendorff, and for the wheat." same purpose for which Below. is do- -- ing it--+to bring about disaster to our arms. Throughout the war go- clalism has worked on the side of Germany, slways-helping the enemy of the democracies of . England, France, Russia, and the States. joonTemporany orion} Joinfthe American Army. fmes. Ne metal Sere from Washington show that we actually have under arms to-day more tham 2,000,000 men, Of this number 1,735,000 are Lin the army, divided Among the var- jous branches--616,000 in the na- tional 'army, 469,000 in the national guard, 370,000 in the regular army, 200,000 in "specia} branches," such as the engineers, fhe aviation corps, ete., and 80,000 in the reserves, There are 271,000 in the navy, in- Rippling Rhymes: - GERMAN PEACE For peace that's made in Germany the allies do not care; it would be ap and 'verminy, not war- 'ranted to wear. ' The peace the kaiser's pondering, and planning with a gun, would surely fade. in laundering, the colors all would run. This war! The world is hating it, but peace would be more punk, with Ger- many dictating it," and handing out the bunk. The allies are much wiser dumb, and wielding sword and creese, than arguing with kaiserdom about the terms of peace. When peace again is given us, and people know repose, and war's red dog' that's d¥iven~us, - back to its kennel goes, that peace ,must be no plati- tude, no phrases neatly turned, of wide and yielding Adatitude; to be ignored or spurned.' No paper written gaudily, whose terms may be withstood, no fabric woven shoddily, or "something just as good. " When gentle peace has come again, sit must have come to ¢ Stay; no king shall make "things bum again by starting § @ that comes from Germany would last till Kaiser Bill Seal determine he was strong enough to kill. : : WALT MASON. "THINGS: THAT NEVER HAPPEN By GENE BYRNES top priprn soni. Molybdenite Furnaces for Renfrew. Renfrew, Nov, 13--One result of the completion. of the Calabogic Light and . Power Company's de velopment will be the bringing to Renfrew at an early date of the, furnaces of the In- ternational Molybdenum Company now located at Orillia. A large block of power will be ufed and gome thirty- five or forty mien are likely to be uti: lized as the working foreé of the new industry. i i A United |' Pam, style tendencies. $18 Bibbys ibbys ~ $20 - We are now offering some unusual values at Men's and Boys' Wear Store Clothes of Distinction The new Collegian suits and-overcoats which we are now showing express the latest and most authoritative In these garments you will have the comfortable as- surance that you are clothed in accordance with fashion's latest dictates. The popular belted models are strongly represented and all the newest and handsomest weaves, _ patterns and colors are in evidence. $22.50 « - | 78-80-82 Princess Street Limited Kingston z "Wy Four Sad Boy." 1 Yes, I know there are stains on my carpet, The traces of small muddy boots; And T see your fair tapestry glowing And spotless with blossoms and fruits, And T know that my walls are dis- * figured With prints of hands, And that your own household most truly In immaculate purity stands; small fingers -and And 1 know that my parlor is littered With many old treasures and toys; White your owrris in daintiest order; Unharmed by the presence of boys. ' And | know that my room is invaded Quite boldly all hours of the day; While you sit in yours unmolested, And dream the soft quiet away. Yes, 1 know there are four little bed- sides Where I must stand watchful each night; While you go out in your auto, And flash in your aeses so bright. Now. I think Fm a neat littte 'woman I like my house orderly, too; And Pm fond af.all.daipty belonging Yet svould not change. places with you. No, keep your fair home with its order, «Ite freedom trom bother and neise} And keep your own fanciful leisure, But give me my four splendid boys! BESTLIVERAND BOWEL LAXATIVE FOR FAMILY USE "Cascarets" aay Women, Men LL and hitmen Without + Injury. Take When 'Bilious, Headachy, For Nice large bulbs; easily wn. Start growing now gro for Christmas blossoming. DR. CHOWN'S DRUG STORE, Phone 343 183 Princess Er r---- HALT At the United Grocery, Princess Street. Next door to Standard Bank. for staple aml faney groceries, fruits and biscuits, choice fall and winter spples, nuts of all kinds. Also 2 Jail of dried and smoked fish, Fillets, Bloaters, Kippers and Skinned Digbies. Our winter's stock of Cali- fornia Dried Fruits will be on hand in a few days. Call and give us a trial order. We tee satisfac. tion and prompt delivery to all parts. of the city. Vnfio Grong Co, Colds, Bad Breath, Sour omach, CLOVER HONEY In the Comb Per section ries css oes. 35 conts n glam... srsee wad 20¢ and 25¢ att Sealers wad en sl us nse ODE Th. tins -. . sei une mane DOC | 20 weren BO meres ... «oi co ans wun 42 meres... owe 100 nerves ... ... 15 acres ... . § 60 meres ... 85 acres ...

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