lass of Hot Water Before Breakfast | a Splendid Habit | 4 | Open sluices of the system each || morning and wash away the | poisonous, stagnant matter, i Those of us who are accustomed to feel dull and heavy when we arise; plitting headache, stufly from a cold, foul tongue, nasty breath, acid gtom- ach, lame back, can, instead, both look and feel as fresh as a daisy always by washing the poisons and toxins from the body with phosphat ed hot water each morning. We should drink, before breakfast, a glass of real hot water with a tea- poonful of limestone phosphate in it to flush from the stomach, liver, kidneys and ten yards of bowels the previous day's indigestible waste, sour'bile and poisonous toying; thus cleansing, sweetening and purifying the @ntire alimentary tract before putting more food into the stomach. The action of limestone phosphate and hot water on an empty stomach is wonderfully invigorating. It cleans out all the sour fermentations, gases, waste and acidity and gives one a splendid appetite for 'breakfast und it 18 sald to be but a little while uptil the roses begin to apppar in the eeks. A quarter pound® of lime- tone phosphate will cost very little at the drug store, but is sufficient to make anyone who is bothered with billousness, constipation, stomach trouble or rheumatism a real enthus- iast on the subject of internal shni- tation, Try it and you are assured that you will Jook better and feel better dn Syery way phortly. THE NEW THERA HERAPIO THERAPION fie: a: PRIOR INENGLAND, ip address envelope, age & syriptoms for FRE No. 1. cures C1BOHARGES, No.2, cures £LOOD POISON. ENOCH REMEDY. » 0 {iviceonsd ow up' circulars, Med. Co. HAVERSTOCK RD. N.W., LONDON, $8 Tur Ts ThaCE MARKED WOKD 'THERAPION * 18 OR AMP AFFIXED TO ALL GENUINE PACKETS itabiiity in yoor cise. No follow ---- "Ranks with the Strongest' HUDSON BAY Insurance Company FIRE INSURANCE Frean Office, R. en Rion 1 Insurance Bldg. REAL PBRCY J. QUINN , Ont ; Branch, Toronte _W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. ¢ TREMENDOUS PROPOSITION DISTRICT REGISTRAR FOR MILI- TARY SERVICE ACT BUSY. t » Handling Thousands of Names of Men Who Are Eligible Under the Military Service Act. Major district registrar, handling n now It able Lo gran of ing made on hi tent what he Cot is w which he was te of tire hundreds telept | personal calls be- handling, The sub- post office in the building is sending out 2,500 registered letters every day. Hundreds {f letters besides this are being dictated and despateh- ed to medical boards and tribunals. Lists are being prepared and sent to the proper sources Everything is nervous energy and system in the Ontario Hall. There are ninety-two girls and many sol. diers and civilians 'all engaged in the task of filling the names and parti. culars of the men who come under the Military Service Act of this dis- trict, In speaking of the work Major Cooke said: "I must say that the pst office [is helping wonderfully. is a big amount of work, and the preparations, while not perfect, are working out satisfactorily. To date we have been dealing with men to appéar before exemption tribunals. Therejs still the task of sending out the results of the tribunals. When a tribunal decides on whether a man should join the colors or not a regis: tered letter is sent to him. Later on when some of the pressure on the district registrar's staff lightens up a formal notice will be.sent. 0 ® IN MARINE CIRCLES Movements of Vessels in and About Kingston Harbor, M. T. Co's Bulletin: The tug Thomson arrived from Monreal, with three light barges and cleared with three grain barges for Momt- real; the steamer Simla passed down with grain from Port Colborne Zor Montreal; the steamer Westerian ar- rived from Port Colborne, wil tran- ship grain into river barges, and clear with the barge Quebec, for Port Colborfie; the steamer Ionic is discharging grain from Port Col- borne, and will clear for Port Col- i port on Monday, fro borne; the tug Magnolia is due to arrive to-day, with two light barges | from Port Colborne, and will clear { for Montreal, with two grain har- ges. The steamer Haddinglon passed | down at £30 p.m., Monday on her | way from. Erie to Montredl. The stéamer Rid Queen was in Picton, and re- turned to South Bay, Mr. and Mrs, William * Woods, Charles street, visited their little granddaugliter at Hartington re- cently, ' ' w mm " Security Fi EXCELSIOR INSURANCE Send Offess "Torcato, Can. i L LIFE ews A Victory War Bond and an Excelsior Policy are A1 investments. cation to-day. Make appli= PASTEURIZED Visit This Yourself, -- This Dairy and Decide for Guaranteed. Satisfaction Oficial Test by H. B. Smith, Milk test od Butter ' 24 JOHNSON STREET THEM AS 50 IF THEY TROUBLE 'WHAT To DO AFTER OUR EXAMINATION. BODY -- DO YOU TREAT YOU WE WILL ADVISE YOU STEWART, Opt.D, Opticen sm and Clarence Sts. Opp. Post Office, Phone 000 HOT WATER BOTTLES ALL GUARANTEED - At All Prices. AT SARGENT'S DRUG STORE 51 Commer Pringass anel Moutren! Strests, " of Ad eg tre ea A att? immense proposition | | showed to some ex. | ha Consider all Interests First--Consider your person. al interests first. The Vietory Bond is the best and safest lace on earth to put your You get 5% per cent, payable every" six onths--the 1st of June and 1st of December, Absos Jute safety and a liberal rate of inte opght to be good enough for any man's money. And the chance of a rise in the bonds after the war is not to be overlooked. Second--Consider the coun- try's interests. With the money the Government gets from you it helps to prosecute the War, and helps to maintain prosper- ity in the country. Without money Canada could not help England to buy, our grain and munitions, and, not only would there be great depression in the agricultural districts, but hundreds of factories would have to close. The Imperial Munitions "Board alone spends a million dollars a day in Canada, and that expenditure would stop if Canada could not advance the credits to England, and, only by the money received from Vie- tory Bonds can these credits be continued, Third---It is Imperative that you . should Buy Victory Bonds! red BOY AT NAPANEE BURNED AND THE DOCTORS SAY HE CAN- NOT IAVE money. nterest, rest Distressing Accident at Home of P. Gleeson--Mother of Little Fellow Burned While Beating Out the Flames. (From Our Own Correspondent) Napanee, Nov. 13.--A distressing accident occurred yesterday morning at the home of ' P, 'Gleeson, East street, when his little son, Jack, aged four, was so severely burned that no hope is held out for his recovery. In trying to save her little.son, Mrs, Gleeson was severely burned on the hands and arms. The liftle fellow, with a chum, "Billy" Milsap, were 1éft in the kitchen while Mrs. Glee- son went up stairs to do her work. A match was procured and the little fellow set fire to a' paper bag which quickly ignited, and be- fore Mrs. Gleeson could beat the flames out the child was badly burn- ed. Mrs. Gleeson's burns, although severe are not conbidered serious, but the doctors hold out no hope for the little fellow, W. R. Henwood, J. A. Clute, George Fralick, W. R. Purdy, W. Exley and W. Yerex returned Satur- day last from the hunting grounds near Bancroft with five fine deer as a reward for their labors. Mr. and Mrs. A, 'Wolfe and Maurice motored tg Invemary with Mr. Wolfe's sister, The returns for. tory Loan at 8 o'clock last might unted te $55.450, and this was mearly all col- lected in Napanee. Miss Wales, teacher in- the west ward school, is. confined to her home with a severe cold. Miss C. Perry is . supplying in her place. " DOCTORS SAID OPERATION When Chatham Lady Suffered From Extreme Nervous Exhaustion-- Now Feeling Fine and and Wark. ing Large Garden Chatham, Ont., Nov. 13.--This let- ter will interést every lady veuder because it describes a condition for which many doctors advisé an opera- tion. That the operation is cften un- necessary and very often leaves the patient an invalid for life is well known. You will read here of what Dr. Chase's Nerve Food-has done {for this lady and will then understand the great good it is accomplishing in many thousands of similar cases throughput the continent. ! Every woman should think long and earnestly before consenting to an operation of this kind. It is a simple fimatter to give Dr. Chase's Nerve Food lia trial and the results are almost al- }| ways entirely satisfactory. You not }| only avoid the risk and expense of an | Operation, bu but find yourself restored || to health and through the body and Fi iy Letters to the Editor | - Bet the Record Speak. Darlingside, Nov, 10.--(Te the Editor) : When is a union govern- ment wot a union government? When it is composed of two sets of men of strongly opposing principles in whieh the principles of one set are aban- { doned as a condition of attaining office, Union properly means com- promise. Mutual concessions on the part of opposing principles constitute true union. But in the case of the new Borden Government concession has been all on one side. The policy of the new Government has been announced. It is a pious declaration of good will in regard to many matters of public interest and importance but it does not 'differ in any essential particular from the like declaration made before the elections of 1911 on behalf of the Conserva- tive party by the same man who has just made the announcement of pol- icy on tye partof the so-called union government. a promises made then sounded well as far as they went. So do the promises made for the purposes of the election of 1917. But the promises of 1911 were for- gotten as soon as thé Borden Gowern- ment attained power. The promises made for election purposes in 1917 have no right to be considered valid of 1911 at the same hands, The so-called Liberals who have joined hands with Premier Borden in his disfranchisement policy, in his) C.N.R. steal, in his shielding of the food profiteers cannot claim exemp- tioh from Liberal criticism on the ground that they are Liberals, now that the mew government's liey has been declared. Without jchal- lenging them or their motives, théy have gone over to the ememy with the result that the forces of react in Canada are strengthened---if -th- deed under such ircumstances men do give strength to the cause with which they associate themselves, Hon. Mr. Rowell, late leader of the Liberal opposition in the provin- cial legislature of Ontario has traded on his temperance principles during the whole of his piiblic life. He en- tere a government that specificially refuses to legislate to advance those principles. Hon. T. A. Crerar, is at the head of a great organization of western far- mers, The success of the farmers of the west is bound up in the prin ciple of lower taxes and freer trade. He has entered a government plédg- ed to the hilt to high tariff and trade restriction. Hon. F. B. Carvell has been known as the hardest fighter én parliament for honest administration. He has taken charge of a great spending de- partment in the very government and under the very leadership against; which he changed incalculable graft, favoritism and corruption, and prov- ed every charge to the hilt, Hon. Messrs, Calder and Sifton were members of provincial govern- ments which owed ithe size of the majorities they received at thé pro- vincial elections held only a few months ago to the announcement made in their interest that the dis- franchisement of alien citizens was Government at Ottawa, and they have entered the very government that committed th& very crime that they so successfully traded on for their own advantage, The govern- in view of what happened to those |] by -the -Congervative| ments of Alberta and' Saskatchewan have been insistent jmégason and out of season in demanding their natural resources at the hands e Domin- jon Government. Hon. Messrs. Sif- ton and Calder have entéred a gov- ernment whose policy is distinctly stated to be the administration of the national resources of the coun- try by Dominion authority. Government is not so much a ques- tion of men as of principles. If the new Borden Government is to be | judged by the specific abandonment of principle by its new members, the sooner it foMows the late McBride Bowser Government of British Col- umbia and the Roblin-Rogers Gov- ernment of Manitoba inte gifehut- able oblivion the better f >anada. ~~GEORGE H. RARLING. HARRQWSMITH HAPPENINGS. Arrival of Carload of Coal Makes the . People Smile. Harrowsmith, Nov. 12. -- Several friends and acquaintances of the late Miss Jane Bradford attended the iu- neral services 'on Sunday afternoon at Murvale. J. Deline delivered a carload of coal among his many customers last week, and is expecting two more cars in a few days. Harry Walker is making great im- laying cement walks. 'He is now grading his lawn. Mrs. B. Botting has returned home after spending the past month with her daughter. Mrs. rles Lawson, in Detroit, Mich. C. S. Stewart and family have d from Wolfe Is- land to their old home here. Charles Redd nd William om Smith have re- turned home Plevna, where they were fishing and deer hunting. Hazel. Lawson, visiting Miss provements about 'his, residence . by | in Botting for the past two 1 Ladies' Colored Spats and Overgaiters Campbell's -~ Selected Furs Fur pelts are steadily ade vancing in price so you had better make your selection early. Any article selected now will be placed aside until want- od by making a small payment. We are .showing excellent values in fine fur setts for la- dies, including wolf, fox, Alaska sable, lynx, mink, Hudson seal, ete. Now is the tile to buy. CampbellBros Kingston's Oldest Hat and Fur Store, "Grey, Fawn, Canary, White and : Brown. : : Best quality of materials, $2.50, $2.25 and $2. WHEN THE PENDULUM OF FASHION SWINGS -- SWING WITH IT. But there is more than fashion behind the rapid-: ly increasing demand for period furniture in dining and living room furniture. Solid black walnut William and Mary dining room sets in velvet finish. : Living room furniture. Chesterfields and large luxurious arm m chairs, at the busy store with the large stock. James Reid The Léading Undertaker with Motor Hearse Phone 147 for Motor Ambulance. i -- i A Sade of rse it's bad, but a good cold is DR. HALLS Cough Balsam and DIAMOND | Cold Tablets. They quickly offset the effect of any bad cold, 25¢ Each at__ Prouse's Phone 82. Quality This beautiful Willlams Master Touch player 1 models showroom. We il or term to sult your pocketbook. : J.M. Greene Music Co, Lid § Cor, Princess and Sydenham Streets. XINGSTON EVENTS| 26 YEARS ACD - There are & great many applica- tions for the position of bookkedper at the Kingston penitentiary. M. R. Davis is engaged making a pattern for 4 new straight line en- gine for Black & Co., machinists, Brockville, to be used in a cheese factory The street car, service has been re- duced from six-to four ¥ars. 4 ------------------ #8 N Major Pense in England, A cablegram announces that Major YY hh 2 TY WY CALIFORNIA FRUIT STORE ~ HOME MADE CANDIES hoes villi Orbis Caramels Cream Caramels ... . Best Peanut Candy ... ... Home-made Humbugs . ie Be rare 10% moc ana nent of ail kinds. ok Phone 2168. Prompt . sion 8 HH " ah CHARLIE DAFN, a ri pte. dda Adhd ah py