Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Nov 1917, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, ' Ba EER] . Prod GRAND Ir uction | TONIGHT at 8.15 Increased _eftory ana em-| [ast Chance to See. slency in labor, more econ- > : and less waste In livin THE ng up capital by har er work and greater savings, will enrich you and your country. The Wen And wo- I , T n at hoe mu rod r i more to cover BT ws noe ono CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES HEI® WANTED. td FOR SALE It is easier to make money than to save First insertion, lc & Word. Baek com- | MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSE "WORK, FOUND : Te Ce He: Avis. ous Savings Account at The Bamk of Toronjo wi tals secutive insertion thereafter, balf- PRin cook: as ng oi He ---- one week, $i. , . save what your increased effort provided cent a word. Minimum charge for Best, 144 Albert street, or Best's 2 SMALL KEY ATTACHED TO ¢ Drug Store red tape, on streei 'last night. SMALL GROCERY FOR SALE, DOING wn ene insertion, 30¢; three ingertioms, Arug iy Apply at Whig Office. . good business. Address Box 700, ranches in Toromte, 119 Branches In Canada 50c; six $1; one month, $3. WOULD YOU LIKE $1 OR $2 DAILY . a Whig Office, » " ] x ; de at ome, knitting war sox on A FRIENDSHIP LINK BRACE. - - k . - " "STABLISHED 85. HELP WANTED Auto Knitters? Experience junc {ll let. on Princess street inst [CREW mcravamiay 1b cnEvRo. hop, I further particulars *0., Toronto. J. Lockhart, "kinds of second hand furniture, A ualnry, eics ADPIY between ston U9. Teron Clarence street, Kip@hton: 3, Thompson. $33 cess street. Phone he p10 and 3 o'clock to rentenns AMAZING SELLER--TABLETS THAT 1 a ehold q An experienced male book- low ice; big profit; freight paid; goods. Phone or write for terms china cabinets, also , good 1 keeper, for. out-of-town machine I Ten. Sample free. Win. to E. L._ Amey, the leading auc { springs and mattresses. We buy 2 , tioneer, Verona, or re . 9 . . Wi Mirtam Co r 3 necessary. Send 3c stamp, week. Owner may. have same fet. Apply Dr. H. A. Boyce, 83 Wel . With Guo vata, Miva, pape - - = . = 24C, Auio Knitter Company, Col- by calling at 24 York street. lington St. HE Direct from Lyric Theatre, N.Y. NH small amount of change and ality. First class trade Apply King street FOUND ARTICLES A ~ Wed. Nov. 14th 8 Whig Office, RT ICL DYER. ONK-TON SANFORD MOTO COMEDY EVER WRITTEN do so work. Apply C. Polson & Co. »r cash or in part ment of tisement will be pri near cor. of Frontenac. All mod- MR. WORKINGMAN g 268 Ontario street pianos and grafanolas C Lind. column free of No n Shi ern convenieaces. Apply C. Harri. / may be ad- Modern improvements, Barrie St. aS With Georee I. Hillier, Rath oad Terms: $5 gash, §1 per w mailing Department. TRAVELLERS CALLING UPON MER. LOST f storey cle, 1917 model in ood side. Jide, | b ing to Box H SMALL 1? aged Whest at Commercial eleva. MARRIED MAN, WIT : tor, foot of Princess street. wo, The J. K. CARROLL AGENCY. : A family, to work by the year, on a&| WE WANT TO BUY ALL KINDS OF & ; . Bath, Ont. heaters, clothes, etc. . Open Every Saturday Evening. % 5 everything in, the second-hand Nngton. oral PRIVATE SALE OF WALNUT AND Miss McCallum, N. C. Polson & Co, STOLEN. range, Jawn mower and refrigera- WITH F. Terl, 403 N. Wolfe St, Baltimore, gave further trouble. cold. weather. Have your top ree Md horse barn for removal: must be One Went until you read Successful land and Perfect Models; also tires good reference necessary dern improvements; at a bargain. THRILLING STORIES OF THE GREAT and Frontenac. 1 have sold in the upper window display is "A Beauty." OLIVER MOROSCO red blooded Canadian. Easy seller: household furniture and store b Loman And Iavestmedt wash clothes spotlSsly clean with- Smee bp - Clarence Street. out rubbing. Promise to solicit or- a " * A GIRL ¥OR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. treet. Toronto. The Cinemelodrama De Luxe Apply 262 King street. lege street, Torome, eo x SMALL PURSE, CONTAINING GROCERY BUSINESS IN GOOD lo MAIDS FOR KINGSTON AL a key, on King arTeet © Box 218, Whig Office Special Prices Hospital Apply to the Makron, Monday evemne ow ner nay FARM CONTAINING ONE HUNDRED have same by cali at 52 v A 25c, 35c¢, 50c IMNEDIATELY, TWO EXTRA TABLE | POSITION AS COMPANION LO. beat | TAT stay. OY aldng. al and elghty-three acres. Apply to aa OF Lx Snm---- maids. Apply Belvidere, 141 of references. Apply Box 118, 2 George Gibson, R, 1, Cataraqui UR RDERLY WORK AT Truck in frat class condition. A SPECIAL MAT, 2.30; EVE. 8.153{A MAN TO DO. 0 bs : r : General Hospital. Apply Superin- \ Anyone finding anything and ply to W. O. Craig & Co, or STA THE MOST POPULAR MUSICAL| icndent WANTED GENERA], wishing to Teach the owner may Garake y reporti the facts EXPERIENCED PACKER, STEADY SECOND-HARD UPRIGHT PIANOS, The British Whis The oS SEW HOUSE ON PRINCESS -- 3 ------ say, Limited, 121 rr Wein "Found articles" does tn-/ son, Builder, or Phon® 1860. h i ERAL MAID, NO WASHING OR clude lost dogs, Your chance to get a home, $1800. A toning. Apply Miss Lyman, 127 KINGSTON OW OLA Ls etc. = These, If fost by be Boras! GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND seit, west any as AS n King stree!, wes! Jas ya ad Prinaas ilect, Of vertised for in the "Lost" column, CW. \ Fed d Lindsay, ted, 131 Prin st. ' - . PEEP PPPRTRRRTITTYRTREY x Post Office. 3 rrrmr---- . One block from Princess St. ; A mood metive boy for the - = A THREE-SPEED HARLEY-DAVID. > 1 wages and stendy employment. chants and business men In East- condition, To ba wold Information gladly given by calling at my office or Apply British Whig Office. ] ern Ontario can Sunnact with a|™7 = cheap, Apply 431 Johnson street. Phone 68, bat nk ihe Rab ols | WILL THE PERSON WHO HAS ROBT. : = = = 4b b bb i bebe b Ibi oti doadar NE © ce. Seriuy on I Reid's Umbrella kindly return| PAMAGED GRAIN FOR S{LE--DAM- a AN BEAGLE LOCK KEY ON TUESDAY. dallars per 126 lbs. in buyers 56 Brock Street. farm. Apply Arthur Wartman, second-hand fumityte. a Finder Kindly return to 100 Wel bags. GIRLS FOR WRAPPING AND LABEL. line for sale. 8 Sh apjro, 45 Prin- -- oak furniture, carpets, curtains and ling, ¥ght pleasant work. Apply cess street. Phone 12 poles, gas range, Pandora coal 5 CO' yg SEN 2 WANTED---OLD FALSE TEETH; . t Cler St, West. " YOU LOVED HER BEFORE 0 Ontario strest. : don't matter if broken. I pay $2 | WILL THE PERSON WHO TOOK THE aby Nay : YOU WILL LOVE HER AGAIN. to $15 per set. Send by parcel post robe off Ford car Friday night on | AUTOMOBILE TOPS, ENGINE HOOD . ] SHE WINS YOUR APPLAUSE| pots stb ddd dtb dd dddddPbedss | . and receive check hy return mall. Albert street, kindly return . and covers make your car start easy in fo a > - : JANCE | # Cashier. Must he quick, me- y covered and curtains repaired. Jud- . MELODY. COMHDY 2p DANCE Aoi wood venman: pre- | BUSINESS CHANCES son's Auto Tops, Brockville 3 erience. b . MAT., 25. & B0c; NIGHT, 23c to $1 Ee Address. application iu. ows PURCHASE SEVERAL LOW 2 LARGE NUMBER OF BIOYCLES, IN- een a Seats Now on Sale. A iug, British Whik. priced houses, $500 to $1,500; also a | I BS WARNING DON'S INVEST cluding the famous Atulete, Over. I ------ * A cheap. Geo. A. Bateman's, Real Finance, and learn how fortunes and bicyel accessories. George bb 9 Estate and Insorance Agency. 67 are made and lost by investors Stier 575 ine So Phone 1083. Clarence street, Kingston Phone ; Free trial subscription, § d ur ov DRIVER AND WAREHOUSE MAN, 396. ful Finance, $08 S. Dearborn St, |S-ROOMED COTTAGE, WELL BUILT, 2 9 * married, reasonable education; Chica, central locality, on car line; mo- The latest creation in face pow- ag TC Y ) 2.80 Evening at 8.15 C jian Gil Co. Lid. Plant, - SITUATIONS VACANT. D THE PUBLIC «= LICENSED AUC. Terms easy. Apply F. W, Meagher, der, talcum powder, vanishing and Matinee at 8 cessors td KeNy Off Co, tlonéer for Lennox & Addington| #99 Lower Albert street one cold cream, toilet water, etc. Our : 1406, war: profusely illustrated. Every last two 5easons $100,000.00 WOT | comm + soot emen-- CN FEPEEP PEEP PEPTRP ERIS mother wants it as well as every of farm stock and implements, | LARGE STOCK OF EXTENSION TA. SEA chairs, g's g Store SEALED TENDERS, marked Tenders F & hit ii ah ith Jee idk I shalt abet ders with ten eents will bring sam- Branch Post Office. on the envelope, will be received at the : SPP db bbb bbb Pb Ph bbb bib te ples for four washings. Make dol® Nerve office o Coun TO LET Kingston, Ont tflee ofthe County Clerk; Court Huuney lar an hour. Bradley's Co, Brant- Years of experience .enables || FURNISHED FRONT BED ROOM. AP- . ngston, up to lock, oon x \ . « ford, Ont. t - ly 229 Brock street. --_-- Saturday, November 17th, wir, for the » COMPETENT MAID FOR GENERAL ESI | | nt deh sult Dass Jue. | ply ock = 9 undermentioned supplies for the County housework, famtlp) of two; no a loiter. FURNISHED HOUSE, ALL IMPROVE. atts S Guol, from December Iist, 1917, to lalpdry; - wages $20 per month. FINANCIAL 1S Carlton Sirset, Toronto, ments. Apply 359 Brock street. 9 Florist|™ her 81 1918, both da inclus- . Apply between 7 and 3.13 pam. to num, ™ Mrs William F. Casey, 213 KING | cnonrmNAC LOAN AND INVRST. TWO NICE FURNISHED ROOMS AND » - 5 St. dor, of Barl. + ment Society i, Incorporated giisd: ei) sitting room. Apply 2340 Johnson 4 atmeal, Cormmeal, p resident, 'olone 3 m stree Fresh Cut Flowers Dai ' uit, Pepper, Beef, Pork, Mutton, : W. F. Nie- M.G.; vice-president, DENTAL at per ih, Milk, Molasses, at per gal K.C. issued om cit OFFICES IN OLARRNOE; 8ST. CHAM- Funeral Designs and Wedding | 2.0" gous Carrots, Potatoes, Tage kle, oney 3 § ! and farm properties, municipal and A, EB. KNAPP, bers. Apply to A. B.'Cunningham, " Bouguets to Order. uips, ut per ba, ot An experienced lady country 'd debentures: mortgages pur. Oftice, $58 Princels street' ~ FROG 79 Clarence Streetu.. i i chas investment honds or $3 Brown Famil Soap and Biectrie xX 4 i it ceived and ah TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS] ALSO pore bel I. Bana thresnea Straw ue wimde book-keeper with a know= faleit Gonos rene viens | 3. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, one. furnished bed "sitting. - room, manager, §7 Clarence St, Rings corner Frincess and Bagot streets. Apply 260 Colborne street. The whole of the above supplies to ledge of shorthand and Phone 626, » P t t Y on flat the Shave » SUTH Dee - FRONT BED ROOWS, Arse moows 0 a 0eSs. » nd to delivered cop ¢ - he Guo en required, be sub- HAWA LAL writh @Qood salary RPFOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE or t housekeeping: no Net ta SERESvAl of Usteraer of hel ' ; typewriting. » JH" Fe Inguranc Om aD a Ie eh ic, BEY, rin. Arty 155 Pnciee rect - t: rk a y [RS 3 5 ABSOUE §ELIST.2I6. IW eltington street, G. CT " By the bu bushel or bag; quale Jj] vr County Cle ! i Ft Apply . Electric Railway which the policyholders have for Dewar, *_ D.D.S, LDS. sssstant,| TWO. FRONT ROOMS, FURNISHED, al . Al : for MW hiouse-keeping. In goo iy high and i Jrices Tow; also a Tenders will be received for parts ! AL security the unlimited Mability of Phone 348. ; BL In gor apples upplies security will city property, Insured at lowest] om locglity. Rent reasonable, ply Vegetables, ol Be rrauired for Paliiment of rat. y \ Ga Company or phone 107, sible Prates. Before renewing) 286 Johnson street. old or givl new business get Dr Ernest ; § The lowest or any Tender not neces DIAY f between 6.30 and 7.30 rates from range & Strange, . 4 B. Sparks, | *r Ghntin FOR i FURNIT! The SR MER. . $09. warily accepted. ' Agents. Phone 326. | fe Ip S | Kingston, Onis Nov. seh. 1047. RET : ; DENTIST. - | Agency, 82 Brock St, / To No. 7 TWO FURNISHED ROOMS WITH J. W. BRADSHAW, Evening, 250, Soc, ¥ General Hospital, Queen's Real Esiate Pal = 0 or n & : bath, steam heated: also a Divisios Phone 545 County Clerk. DR. H. 8. ANGROVE, PHYSICILN AND Unibarmity. in England, t and IR ac ee also. ped no a. Seats on Sale 1 Thursda ARCHITECT Surgeon, 3 Cleray eat o(mEST} France, after two and hr years ADply 21 Wellington street. mee---- AUTOMOBILE WANTED . POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER fice © e 2163: residence Jes. hracas has resumed his prac UNFURNISHED ROOMS, SUITABLE \ » S chants Bank Building, corner "|| tice at Sparks & Sparks, 150 Wel- 3 Nior Night housekeeping also two i i Brock and Wellington 8 PIANO TUNING lington St., city. . (Over Carnov- furnished bed ropms; use of parior. Sowards Keeps Coal e EA 3 . sky's). Phone 346 Tarim reasonavie 21 Nelson street "The Whiz Bang Boys" JOS. HODGE, CERTIFICATED PIANO STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, ULEAN and fe Canada Victory Loan HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BINTHMARKS | Apply C. Harrison, Builder, or tele- | other at $50.00 per month. Apply Bond pied wonders wit be venice | Pauline Frederick, in || City Hall. ~~ { fiS, "LSet, fl ake be] 2 28 Pe aaron Avior," ) : UL sour; 39 years experienc a FR : Will Help Keep You. SRE Sao tot Rotier joer Ji | "Double Crossed" | Wednesday & Thursday Binert Take = Be Eo Nas | FIGIT WOOMED HOUSE 1% HARRIE. : : i be lot to one or two DRESSMAKING Flour Warehouse, Cereal Mill and C > and Skim alist, Ws may [AKT Half-MHlon Bushel Grain Elevator, November 21st and 22nd. Bagot street. families, or for sale on easy terms, . tuner. Leave orders at McAuley's, dry, airy rooms; your own lock and T WwW rb cigorns eo Property For Mon, Jues., ed. Concert Company Or HONS hos. FOR SALE OR TO LET. Byeen Frosty er thy, Storese 245. Elevator rere Sale by Tender Adolph Zukor Presents Under the auspices of the Kingston PERSONAL AOUSE NO. 16s COLLINGWOOD TWO STONES ON PRINCESS ST. BE Chapters, 1.0O.D.E., street. All modern conveniences rEY, one at $18.00 ; a ub Also At 8 o'clock. DY iy Quebec street. Wim.| miss RICHARDSON, DRESSMAKER, B : situated on the water fromt at King : : Abramsky." cH 1 business, salicits uy One. actlbvatdy was dock front with a G . Admission 30 Cehts. LEGAL : orders for Tall and winter work. o tet of w Beban Under the patronage of Reig ign. - 3 . Mill Is of brick constructing eorge , In FURNITURE FINISHING fully equipped with oer MACRINOrY Hemming, Col. Perreau the| A+ B. OCUNNINI : BARRISTER A and solicitor, w office. 79 Clar: manufactured b is Chambers & ' : a" Great War Veterans' ation noe siree BOARD AND ROOMS Er Baines a tobers "Lost in Transit. ence afreel, Kingston - Pr. BRISCOLL FURNITURE FINISR. Vi i a hake a or * drop a card, 38 John'iIRSF CLA BOARD ASD ROOMS, TAXI ER CE Cereal Mill would make an up-to- " RA BY date feed mill is 85 113 fit \ x Sirest. pply Mrs. Tierney, 151 Bar] Bt. ate feed m . x + concrete h * Y * . RING 960. construction, gh. Chaplin in "The Champion, : : . Mill is supplied up-to-date 4 . steam plant with which it was for-| Prices -- Mat, 15¢c; Evening 25c. os, Ea Nestle Bite ia : tijuana leasl €§ 1 WANTED All Limousine Cars "Plant has bon Cc, P Ry. and G. T. _Coming Civilization .. U i Ry. tra n- the sed. EE To SE Matias some Te rT HELPERS, HANDY MEN AND L me Sgr Jot _ .. Mf ERS, CAULKER CHIPPERS. Kings a Tani Cab [fl Fit SENS = "| Monday, Tues., Wed. Dwyer. Metropolitan IL Laurentian Buliotng, Ot. i Feature Photoplay ay - be ined ' d 9 oD ation To 7 E. "Testte, The Jockey of Death 7 lowest or ary tender not neces- "pO CHILDREN COUNTY sarfly accepted. 3 Hears for Vendor, : a » dg. Quiawa, Oat, , with winter -------------- op. 1917 1 Taplin Bo 1917 yuadel, oq. uipped umper, tire carrier "Sextra tire; Sin guly 2109 miles.

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