Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Nov 1917, p. 10

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i AA SI SR "THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1917. Worman--Some THE CONFESSIONS OF ROXANE api (By Frances Walter) DR. WOOD'S em J '| ralabow. = NORWAY PINE SYRUP 'Ever get like that? KENNETH MEETS FAILURE to accept the estate, I shall, as 1 and Children. - {! > : Had Awful Coughs{t 3 08 To Be Nat. You may want to change your automobile, or your piano, or even your home-- but you will never want to Shaan Jane Doe, in Pearson's Weekly. "It's great tJ be married." Isn't it just! fally when you feel lke a Some women hold to the idea that bread-mak- ing is a long and difficult operation, but this is a i i oyal asked Mr. Gordon presently. mistake, for with R "There is but one thing that I can Yeast Cakes, light, sweet ask you to do," I replied after a bread can be made in a moment's reflection. "That is to re- T lease Mr. Higginbotham's property." few hours with but little "1 suppose it can be arranged trouble." (through your husband," he replied FREE: Our new Royal Yeast Bake Book carelessly.' "We will talk about it will be sent free upon request. Itcom- when he returns, which I hope will daina Toll insirictioys io be soon, for I shall have to leave name and address written and here at once" this valuable litle will be mailed peomptly, "l am expecting a telegraph or E.V.CILLETT cO.LTD telephone message from him to- WINNIREG MONTREAL (Copyright, 1916, by the McClure Newspaper Syndicate), "What do you wish me to do?" night," I told him. "If he succeeds in inducing some of his friends to stand spenser for Mr. Higginbotham I am sure he will return tomorrow. Chicago several days." "Tell him to come on home," said have said, be compelled to tharn it into court and when that happens its management will be out of my hands." 1 opened my mouth to thank him but he held up his hand. "You owe me no gratitude," he said, . "It really was officious of me to undertake to manage your af- fairs without consulting you. My only excuse was that 1 wished to see that your investments were good ones -and that you should get as much as possible out of them." "But, { do owe ou a great deal of gratitude," 1 told him, my eyes shin- ing and my face speaking my thanks very plainly. ? But he would not allow me to pro- ceed. . *I shall see' Mr. Holman in the morning, I hope" he sald, as he moved toward the door. In another iment he had found 'his coat' dnd 'Bat and with a bow Mrs, Arthur 'Appleyard, Novar: Ont., writes: "This past winter my children and I had awful colds and coughs which we got by heing in drafts. 1 tried a number of differ ent remedies for us, but got:ne pe 1 lief. I thought I would try Br. found it a most excellent and sure m Blue with the pip. Brown with boredom. , White with anger. A nasty salmon pink with re- orse. Green with envy. i Well, when you get that colorful jeling all in one it is nice to know one nice man, with a nice Wood's Norway Pine Syrdp, and I bd face, who will give you a nice, cure. It gave relief to tne tickling in the throat and stopped the cough and with a few bottles we were all cured." 8 big hug, and say in a nice quiet way: | *Buc k up, Kiddie." And you buck up. And lots quicker # he tells you how sweettempered you are, how Dr. Wood's Norway Pie Syrup is} 3%able. patient, and hig-hearted. a remedy that has been on the mar- : With all of which you agree and ket for over twenty-five years, and|°& OR his knee and brazenly fish for we can recommend it as being, with- out doubt, the best cure for coughs and colds that you can possibly pro- cure, 4 There are a lot of imitations on the market, so when you ask for "Dr. [84 Wood's'" gee that you get if. Put np more, When I come to think of it, I don't think there is any more con. ceited person on this earth than the Happy Married Woman. Other folks nudge each other and y: "What could he have seen in her. change the COFFEE, when once you taste the delectable flavour of Chase & Sanborn's "SEAL BRAND" COFFEE. In J6. 1 and 2 pound tins. Whole--ground--pulverized--aiso fine ground for Percolators, Never sold in bulk. Mr. Gordon promptly, "As I have] which was almost painfully formal up in a yellow wrapper, thrne pine Shes 2 sod, -looking man, toe. why, sald, the matter can be arranged|he disappeared into the night. frees the trade mark; price 25¢ |*he ba nt Sen 80t a decent. skin, without trouble. 1 shall tell him| I stood for a tow moments look. and Be ponanytactured only by a/one a "gure. merely that I have changed my mind | ing blankly at the door throug e, T. Milburn Co., 'Limited, 'Toron- a about the investment and that he can which he had gone. He had begun (to, Ont. DIED OF SHRAPNEL WOUND. have the stock if he wants it. his visit by intimating that he still . fg 1 assume that Mr. Higginbotham | loved me and he had ended it with disconsolate Voidl eames. & Vv The Yate Dio William Turland, a will be glad to take it off his hands|{an abrupt departure which seemed the tele hon I oh me S o oung Man, when he can be found. If he isn't,|to signify that he had shut me com- failed Spor arcs ate ha Delta, Nov. 12.--A message re- then Mr. Holman can make what-| pletely out of his life by coldly drop- "Take the first train h "oq shrapnel wound in the stomach. ever disposition of it he sees fit. In|ping a curtain upon the past. I nila bh an: home, Deceased was a native of England 3 . : a cried to him exoitedly. ceived here to-day stated that :Pte. as much as the property is really hoped that it was so and that he A ~ y on E What do y¥i mean?' was his! William Turland, formerly of this . yours, 1 can do no more than fol-| would soon cease to think of me A " k ' y low your wishes in the matter. La-|at all, Shious Suuey Inireturn. "What has Blass. had died in France from a : . . ' el ? and came to this country after be- ter on, if you insist upon decliningl Late that night when Kenneth's "Nothing," I returned illuminat-|ing married to Miss Atkins. He ro. ingly, 'but take the first train home. | sided in Soperton, 'where he enlisted Everything is all right." He leaves to mourn his loss a wife Of course Kenneth did not under-|and four small children, who reside stand and as I could not explain to|here, him in detail what had transpired Miss Irene Brahman, Athens spent betwecn Mr, Gordon and me, it was |the week-end the guest of Miss a very much pernlexed man who iin- {Gladys Kilborn. A large congrega- ally hung up the receiver with the |tion gathered to hear Miss Parker announcément that he would take me [in the Methodist church on Sunday at my word and return at once. And evening. She very ably spoke on when he faked how I knew that Mr. Blissions and aroused much enthus- Gordon had decided that he did not|iasm. S$ Misses Lucile Whitmore, . a i want Mr, Higginbotham's ratlrond |Lauré award and Loreen Phelgs the assimilation of Food; giv: health and natural sleep, and had decided not to squeeze Mr. |Visited relatives in Brockville last The Children's Panacea The Mother's Higginbotham and the other coal|Wkek. Miss Florence Simes, Lynd- mine owners until they gave up ss burst, is the guest of Miss Vera much of their wealth as Mr. Gordon| Whitmore. Miss Mary Roddick is GENUINE ALWAYS wanted, Fe spending 'a few days with her aunt, wa - ha sail, Bears the Signature of Santiago, Chile, Nov. 14.2 Chilean Government is looking into & project for the centralization of the purchase of saltpetre for the En. tente Governments, It is studying especially what course to take to. ward the producers of saltpetre. \ \ The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has besa in use for aver thirty "years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per- sonal supervision slace its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this, All Counterfeits, Imitations and * Just-as-good " "are Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of "W ™ Children--Ex A 5t Timent. at is CAS Castoria is a harmless substitute 101 = Qil, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is at. It coptains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more 'than thirty years it' Ba been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Fevetishness ising , and by regulating the Stomach and Be Srisng A stalwart of the Conservative party has been appointed to the Sen- ate in the person of William H. Ben. nett, K.C., Midland, former member for East Simcoe." He succeeds the late Sengtor Corby, Belleville, : he does not he may remain in Til TT -- oO ed igs CNG with a wonderful, rich tone, § ; OF TeUOTINg sag the Teprodiae: De sen to be fully appreciated. | WOH The funeral of the late £ by means. of & amooth, Sap- We heartily invite all those Dita: : e music Caird, of Keelervi) ph Ball that never wears considering a talking machine . - 8 b ndergoing out, instead sable, to write for literature contdin- ' ! sorstehy noedlen a ane J ing interesting chats on Period dive ar BR A eens furniture; as well as scientific | ae WR Shion thi Taek metaad of vo BE mE The Pathe Freres Phonograph Co. of Canada, Limited. ws E 4-8-8 Cliftard Street - = Toronto, : Ea eer Read receive condenses Sookie on he voustmionte fo Rel Tames © "Sufficient unto the day," I quoted | Mrs. H. N. Phelps. A number from at length, after tossing for an hour|heére attended the funeral . of Dr. or two in bed. "If the worst comes [Bright at Athens on Sunday, Spec- to the worst I shall tell Kenneth év-|ial meetings are being held this week erything. If it does not, then I shall | for the young people of the Methods get out of it the best way T can." ist League. Dr. 1. Wood called on : ¢ And with that makeshift resolution | friends here to-day. 2 " I 'turned over and soon fell into a - Fr -------- 4 NG § sound sloup. BS Hagerty-McKane Nuptials. : (To. be continued) The marriage took 'place 6u Nov. : I ett cee «| 8th at St. James. rectory, Kingston, by SC er { ears § = a = ! 8 1 I | | : i aM . Rev. T. W. Savary, when Olive Ma : y % ai, Z : J ATR BATTERSRA'S YOUNG: MEN. | sccond daughter of Mr. and Mr i The Kind You Have Always Bought : S 4 % ! A Be. : McKane, became the bride of H. J ? : ; : | ro Hielng Themsdives. (0 Harrow. { Hagerty, son of Mos bo Hagerty, | THE CRuTAUR CoMEANY. NEW YORK © : | smith for Exemption, Brewer's Mile The bride wore + | ER ------ If our ome . ! Battersea, Nov. 13. This: beauti. | charming suit of navy blue serge and s y | - A= y Be ful fall weather is greatly appreciat-!bhat of grey and silver lace, and the -~ - i ed by the farmers, and they are mak- grooms' gift .a set of red fox furs. The ° * . ' J ing good use of it by getting. their | bridesmaid. Miss Margaret E. Arniel; - : v 18 we - urnis == ; belated ploughing done. was attired in a suit of Russian green Dr. Collis Browne S ; Foreman Traves and his men are [with hat to match. The groom's ® Ye : : " also making up for lost time, and it gift to the bridesmaid was a beautiful < the fair weather but lasts another Sames brooch, and to the best wan, PJ ; , ~ . week 'they wi ave thé good road | H. A. Milburn, a pair of cl r r 3 4 ND You are planning to buy a the music that pours from them, 3 completed to the village. links. After the ceremony the happy 3 § / / y ho ; il fat The very loveliness of their artistic ap- Last week Battersea's hale and [couple returned to the home of the a } ' a ~ 4 phonograph, you will appreciate pearance is a delight to one's aesthetic pride, where a lancheon hag, served. (4 4 Bry WT f; pe enhances pleasur: i € happy couple left for Toronto Fa ' the beauteous appearance of the Sonat nly ® of thelr 'pos A am - This. week they are hie. {and Hamilton, 41d on their retarn ¥ 4 nl : Pathephone, {or nothing is more dis- to. the' regular ing to Harrowsmith looking for ex- | will reside in Belleville. THE ORIGINAL Y GEML.HE cordant--more jarring, than a plain emption,, with but two exe adic sc THE oni ont J gs pi » ~ A few local gun h ho oa 4 ft, 1 binet i Ho that i down to the "of the . Bath Road Young Man Killed be Most Valuable Medicine ever discovered. olien ugly, cabinet in a home 5 to stalk for big gi © instead © or} © Bath Road, Nov. 13.--Mr. and Mrs The best known Remady .£ ) : : ¥ LD . 13. --Mr. ke for otherwise tastily furnished. In attaining : Sway in the 'northland; returned [J W. Redmond, Bath Road. received ? py the supreme achievement Ini musical Per- Ir your home is not atresdy. furnished fn. period With three deer, three foxes anid :@{a letter from William Parker, Lei COUGHS. COLDS fection, the makers of the Pathephone design, a Pathephons ! ! Jreasel. How's that for Jocal: shioot- { fer," England, stating 'that his som. | ly A have also produced art objects of beauty ¢ 1 ; i anartette of city s AR a Séntes ©. o- Sather, had heen killed i : in the Pathe cabinets--worthy temples of ; to the lake in vn antonatovans ob, who was only nineteen years ASTHMA. BRONCHITIS. : Saturday night recently, well + of. g enlisted in iogston wit dhe , Alf kn a chab'e . § be a id with arms ; Battery, C. F. A, in July, A ike a hare 3 a - : yy y pe 2 ; eo ie and went overseas ia t Dotober of fhe DIARRHOEA. DYSENTERY & CHOLERA. 2 ; ; Lj same year. He ha n in Mr. Red- Cifacreally outs short a attacks of STASMS. Checks and srvasts those toe wiond's employment some time pre! : "hea fiat Glseasen- EVER, CROUP sed AGVE" ' ae, vigus, to hia RANEr 2 his Sountrys The solv palliative is NEURALGIA. GOUT, RHEUMATISM, e , for whic gave his all e : p+ ery orang gowns men" | J iinet se do secs creo ow | "1 ol * Wh ik) ees a. a. Bd cts: ands oi bu rat Soh me mien caer, Teviadios Fuki lesves Misses G. Thompson and V. Woods - CONVINCING row werg hostesses at a very delight COLLIS BROWNC'S ! ghia dh Rad : Sammy ves dverseas shortly. Dancing and sing- ing were indulged in. Refreshments being served at eleven o'clock, Those EDDY is the nad 2 of at

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