Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Nov 1917, p. 3

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i 4 A DE PEOPLE Deafaess and | notnes in the head can now he Juans red by r 1 Tiscover "French T 2 € € iy tual da ample to cure any ordinary glven almost immediate ireds of cases which had ered "nopelese.' hwick, of Dalbeatite, N.B, r new remedy, which I re- une time ago, has completely cured my hearing, after more than twenty Years' denfness. will be pleased to 1eGommend ft to all my friends." Soores of other eqially good reports. Try one box today which gan be for- warded spcurely pacted and post paid to any address up the recefpt of postal or money orde" for $1. There is nothing better at arr price, Address: "Orlene" Os H, F, Richards, Watling Street, Dagfi Kent, Eng. Please mention this paper, AAA et AA AAA AAA or THE NEW \ PLO REMEDY. » THERAPION %.\.: THERAPION %:2:° THERAPI LEADING CHEMIST s envelope, af on suitability io your crses 9' Li CLERC Med, Co. Ha LONDON SEE THAT TRADE MARKED Waki THERAPION ® IS OR BRIT. GOVT. STAMP AFFIXED Fs GENUINE PACKETS. PA ct A lt PM PA rin . Dyspeptics Shauld . Avoid Dngs ' [oe And Medicines ---- = Try a Little Magness Instead Some people instinctiviy shut thelr eyes to danger, and it nay be that instindt, or custom or Bbit causes dyspeptics to take i patent foods and medicines, artificial digestants, ete, But closing the eyes ds not ban- ish the danger, and it wertain that neither drugs ner m eS DOSSess the power to. roy the larmful ex- cessive aeld In the stores, which is the underlying cause of ft forms of indigestion and dyspepsia. They may give temporary rellef, WwW ever-in- creasing quantities must ib taken and all the time the acid remins in the stomach ag dangerous ag eer. Physicians know this and sat is why their advice so often to sufirers from digestive and stomach troutk is "Just get about an ounce of pur bisurated magnesia from your dpugist and take a teaspoonful fn a (le water immediately after every mal. This will instantly neutralize all fe harm- ful acid in the stomach &nd stop all food fermeptation, thus ehvling you to enjoy 'hearty meals without experi. encing the least pain or 'wyleasant- ness afterward. DR.DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS {ke Pill for Women. $5 0, jon Co. Bh. Catharisies, Ontario, PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN, Fort i Vim and 3 Nerve and Brain; increas 'grey re oii you up, Jshex, or two for at drug stores, or by on ol} price. ScossLL Dave Co., St. Gurines, "Sold at Mahood's Drug Sure." lt Works!_Try It Tells how to loosen a' Buy: tender corn so it lifts * out without pain. Ri » Good news spreads rapidly druggists here are kept busy dispens- ing freezond, the ether discoveryola Cincinnati man, which is sa&id to loosen any corn so it lifts out with the fingers. & be Ask at any pharmacy for a qur| ter ounce of freezone, which will cost very little, but is said. to be sufficient | that look like dt? THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1917. Ra ? Letters to the Editor | Stick to the Nationalists. Kingston, Nov. 13.--(To the Edi tor): So John of Frontenac and Wil liam of Kingston, like Kaiser Bill, have bossed their party, yet stick to the Nationalists without any word from the electors of Fronténac or Kingston nor a representative meet- ing of any party or people. Have they thrown away their Conserva- tive friends or denounced Sevigny or Blondin? They simply said, like a past Minister of Militia: "The people be hanged," We are it. You have got to know it sooner or later. What has Dr. Edwards done for us in the county? As farmers, stock breeders and dairymen, this is what has been done by his party at Ot tawa without a protest from him to protect your interest: He supported a bill to allow our wheat to go to the United States free, which I think was all right, but he did mot want us to get our flour, bran and shorts back free, and we have to pay duty on the same to feed our cattle, hogs and fowls, thus «costing us very much more. He supported extra duties on implements you have to buy to run your farm. He supported extra duties on. goods coming from dear Old 'Englaid to wus, and you all know that ships taking troops and to 'England cannot return empty, but must be loaded to a cer- tain extent to ride the high seas. He would not support a vote to conscript the wealth of the country, but would conscript your sons. If the amount of wealth that could he conscripted even in Kingston, not including the railways, shipping companies, wealthy church parishes, foundries, mining concerns, ete. This would have given more money into the treasury of Canada, and not try to get it from duties on your flour, shorts, farming implements, etc. The same Government set a price on your cheese and potatoes to your loss. Also, Controller Hanna was here and said he would not allow sugar to go over llc per 1b., and almost immediately sugar raised another cent. If your wheat can go to the Unit- ed, States free, why mot your hay? Still another loss to you farmers, and the Tory party nor Dr. Edwards did not protect you. How you have been fooled! Put a farmer in or a business man, and mot a pill pedler. In Dorchester Dr. Bdwards' dear friend, Sevigny, was not allowed to speak, so much was the opposition against him." How times has chang- ed from a few months ago! The Tory papers say that Bourassa and "his meanest reptiles" are support- ing Laurier. I defy the Tory press to prove it." They are trying to place an opposifion to all straight Liberals 'or Union Liberals. Does Speak the truth to the people, . be fair and speak fair. The people cannot be stam- peded now. These are serfous times, p'tand the people are thinking serious- ad fly, and the hue and ery of race, creed or politics cannot disturb the calm, thoughtful, steady fearlessness of the British subjects of Canada. Yours, --JAMES TRAVERIS. Hope For Laurier Candidates. Adolphustown, Nov. 13.--(To the to rid one's feet of every hard or soft corn or callus. ; You apply just a few drops of the tender, aching corn and instantly the soreness is relieved, and soon the corn is so shriveled that it lifts out Editor): Saturday the 17th inst., is the day for the electors to decide for the mext five years the destinies of our Canada and from sentiments I bear on all sides everywhere the Government without pain. It is a sticky substane|beople want change in which dries when applied and new:|and think that it cannot be got in inflames or even irritates the adjoin-|this Union Government scheme, that ing tissue. This discovery will prevent thou. sands of deaths annually from loek-|®traight Laurier man in the field, itis only a Tory dodge for extention {of power and office. They want A f jaw and infection heretofore resul|thy third party has to be proposed ing from the suicidal habit of cutting) at the eleventh hour he will ride in corns, more than a neck ahead at the win- it the : Laurier panty is elected. the people look forward to a bright fu- ture and say that there will be even in this gloomy hour lots of joy in There is lots of joy in Hving, lt you strike the proper gait, it you always come up smiling In face of every fate. 1 you are keeping step and whistling Sone lively little tune, You'll be living gay and happy As summer days in June. Keep 4 lovel head, don't worry Help your brothers on the way, Let the gunshine of good humor upon you every day. Speak 4 cheerful word at all times, Never i --------_--_ { conTEmPORARY opinion] (Continued ox Page 3.) An Important Victory. Montreal Star The victory of the woman suffrage forces in New York, state and city, is the most striking triumph of the woman suffrage cause yet recorded on this side of the Atlantic. In cap- turing the citadel of the "Conserva- tive East," the woman suffrage for- ces have achieved definite and sig- nificant progress. In this campaign, the woman suf- frage leaders displayed marked pol- itical ability, Mheir appeal to the public in 'general was put forward most effectively, based on the new estimate of women's efforts and sac- rifices in connection with the war. The most determined opponent of woman suffrage must admit that the politica? ability displayed in carrying such campaigns' for the vote indi- Probs: Fine, same temperature. { Do Your Bit .| Conservative, cates a maturity of political faculties mate of the result of woman's par- ticipation in politics. The capitulation of New York re- moves all doubt that woman suffrage shortly will win over the whole United States. : Here's to Henry. Byracuse Post-Standard {enry Ford is a pacifist. He hates wdr. He would spend ali he has to prevent war. L But Henry Ford is none the less a patriot because he is a pacifist. He war. Now he is for war until it makes an end to war, and he for it with all the power Iie holds in money and goods. 1 \ When war was declared he offered to turn his Detroit plant over to the government to be operated without profit. That offer still stands. He has given to the British gov- ernment' his patent rights on tractors without charge. He was asked by the government to put a price on his Boston plant. He answered, "Take it." He now announces that "until the end of the war he will devote his works wholly to the manufacture of tractors, aircraft engines, ambu- lances, shells: and other appliances and munitions of war." One hundred per cent. American, that's Henry, ' Getting Bad Names, Montreal Gazette Next to New York and San Fran- cisco Montreal 1s the "Wost immoral city on the continent, declares a local preacher. Generally in making such criticisms, it is the custom to assert that the locality being criticized is the very worst place of all. The late Mr, Stead came all the way from London to make an attack on Cri- cago, which he, in an astonishingly queer book, made out to be on a par with the nether regions. The local assailant of Montreal's inhabitants evidently is convinced that the fre- quently attacked Windy City has re- formed since then. Can it be pos- sible that the famous William Hale Thompson has really swept Chicago clean with his mayoral broom, des- pite what his opponents say to the contrary? And have the various-ofli- er "most immoral' cities" also re- 'pented and become pure? " Fusion efforts in Carleto have failed. ey POLITICAL NEWS. n County, It is denied that Hon. Sydney Fish- er will oppose Hon. C. C. Ballantyne in St. Lawrence Division, Montreal. Bast Bdmonton- Unionists nominated H, A. Mackie, formerly a A. R, May is in the field as a Laurier Liberal. 1t.-Col. J. J. Creelman has retired from the field in St. Antoine, Mont- real, rather than appose Sir Herbert Ames, and is ready to return to the front, been tendered a Labor nomi nation for the riding. Be whic hargues against a hopeless esti- was against war before we went to have] Lt. Sid Wilson, a former Port Ar- thur Alderman, mow overseas, has Albert Champagne, late M.P. for Battleford, was nominated by a con- vention of Laurier Liberals of Battle- ford. Hon. John Morrissey of Newcastle, Laurier Liberal, and formerly Pro- vinecial Minister of Public Works, wis nominated at Chatham, N.B. D. D, McKenzie, ex-M.P, of North Sydney, was unanimously chosen as Liberal nominee for Cape Breton North at a convention" at' Baddeck. Dr. Deslauriers is the Liberal can- didate in St. Mary's Division, Mont- real, Mayor Martin having retired. Charles ("Chubby") Power; son of William Power, ex-M.P., is Liberal candidate in Quebec South, Though an invalided soldier, he is said to 0p- pose conscription and support the Laurier programme. Laurier Liberals in Provencher, Man, have nominated Dr. J. P. Mol loy, ex-M.P. Sir Rodolphe Forget has decided not to run in Charlevoix. His son- in-law, Mr. Casgrain, civil engineer, of Montreal, will run there presum- ably as an Independent opposed to the Union Cabinet. It is definitely kriown that Armand Lavergne will run in Montmagny, his former riding. An enthusiastic convention of Unionists of Lethbridge nominated W. A. Buchanan, late sitting mem- ber, as the Fusion candidate. Dutch Trawler Torpedoed. London, Nov. 15.--An Amsterdam despatch to the Daily Mail says a German submarine on Monday tor- pedoed without warning the Dutch trawler Huibertjs at a point twenty- five miles off the Dutch coast. A Dutch boy of fifteen years was killed. Ten survivors were rescued after be- ing seven hours in a small boat and were landed at Ymuiden.. Cn Everyone who has the winning of the war at heart will want to share in the Victory loan. When you lend money to the government -- at better than 519, interest -- you help feed, clothe, equip and maintain our brave boys overseas -- they help Great Britain, who Kas so far borne the heavy burden of finaricing the cause of the allies--the cause of civilization. ; ~~ Money and more money is needed to win the war. BUY BUY BUY Steacy's - Limited 3 REREREERER FH OR OO ROO OO {Try This If You Have Dandruff ---------------------------------- There is one sure way that never fails to remove dandruff completely and that is to dissolve it. This des- troys it entirely. To do this, just get about four ounces of plain, ord- inary liquid arvon; apply it at night when retiring; use enough to mois- ten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. By morning, most if not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dissolve and entirely de- stroy every single sign and trace of it, no matter how much dandruff you may have. You will find, too, that all itch- ing and digging of the scalp will stop instantly, and your hair will be fuffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred times better. You can get liquid. arvon at any drug store. It is inexpensive, and four ounces is all you wilt ~geed. This simple remedy has never been known to fail. Belleville Assize Court, s Belleville, Nov. ' 14.--At the as- sizes here thé grand jury presented no bill in the case of Pte. Horace Creasy, the young soldier who whilst on sentry duty at the British Chemi- cal Co.; at Trenton, shot and killed an aged man named Lapointe, who, it was, alleged, disrégarded a chal. lenge -to produce his passport as an employee. In the case of Samuel Rogers. who is accused of killing James Gallagh- er, of the Township of Marmora, in a quarrel, a true bill for murder was presented, also a true bill against John Evans, who is charged with a serious crime. - Be Up- o-date We have everything to make a home feel that way, at very moderate prices. ; 'We study comfort at the least cost. Rugs in all Dining room and bed room furniture. Visit our new Victrola department--a com- plete stock of Victrolas and records alws 3 on hand. vs, sel sizes, all shades and designs. T. F. HARRISON (0. LIMITED | 229-237 Princess Street. Get it fromyour dealeror, us.

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