PAGE TWELVE sidered standard of the world. We sell you these beautiful machines on Easy Terms Wonderful tone, good finish and moderate price. We will sell six of these ma- chines, such as the bottom cut for Just six--will you get one ? TREADGOLD Sporting Goods Co, KINGSTON, ' PHONE 539, LRYX 5c. Poet Cigar 5¢. bu.. [ook for Silk Thread on Tip of Hach Clges, S. OBERNDORFFER, Maker, Kingston, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1917. Sporting Notes New York Amateur Hockey League has suspended. Nearly all its players are in uniform. Christy Mathewson evidently in- tends to' have a new team of Reds for next year, for last week the Cin- cinnati club asked for a bunch of waivers on players. The Brooklyn club claimed Clarence Mitchell, southpaw pitcher. All major league clubs are said to have passed on Dave Shean, who at that looks better than some second basemen in the majors who could be mamed if it wasn't for hurting their feelings, Veteran baseball writers "cover- ing" the world's series formed a new organization during the series. It is composed of men who have been writing baseball for at least 15 con- tinuous years. Out of some fifty or sixty who were on the job during the series but seventeen were found elig- ible for membership in the new or- ganization of "Deans." Dryden was elected supreme dean. about the game in 1880 was elected super dean, is announced, but whether they ex- pect 10 see a world's series iq the Quaker City is not stated. Providence -fans are awakening to better than Class A. possibly Class B. as their portion. It remains to be Rhode Island fans. For several years up to it. 'When their alibi was a dislike for alien ownership the club was secured by local people, but the results were no better. The past sea- son the team was handled by Jack Egan, than whom there is no more popular baseball man in Providence and Egan making his debut as an In- ternational League manager, was in the pennant fight all the way, yet the public continued lukewarm. Pro- vidence will have no one but itself to blame in case it fails to get con- sideration in any plans that may be in the making. George Stallings has found some- thing to be happy over, in spite of the poor showing of his Braves, At i Hive stock show in Georgia he took two first prizes with the cattle he exhibited from his farm near Had- docks and he was highly compliment- ed on his exhibit by stock men from far and near, HOCKEY PROSPECTS. Believed That O.H.A. Team From Garrison is Sare, The hockey prospects for Kings- ton are not pressing subjects of con- versation just yet, but there are rea- sonable assurances that this city will not suffer greatly this season for want of the old game. The local bat- teries and other units contain some splendid players. These men have played O.H.A., and in other leagues before becoming soldiers. Their ex- perience as players will be in great demand and at least one if not more garrison teams for the O.H.A. will be formed. Major W. J. McManus is very an- xious to start this matter now so that all preparations can be made in plen- ty of time for the winter. To do so he is arranging for a garrison league. Any O/H.A. team or other aggrega- tion to play outside games will be chosen ' from the best players in it. This garrison league will furnish many games and train the players and form the organization for the more important contests, JUVENILE HOCKEY LEAGUE ---- Five Teams in Senior and Four in Junior Series. An enthusiastic meeting was held on Thursday evening in St. George's hall to orgamize the Kingston Juv- enile Hockey League for the coming season, . The greatest efforts will be put forth to make this league better than ever. Another meeting is to be AS CHARLIE SAYS : Thousands of demi-lasses to-day would be insipid without an ARA- BELA cigar. The 4-for-a-quarter cigar. Scales & Roberts Limited, Charley | | Hg started writing baseball in 1884. || Same Crane, who started to scribble The deans will meet |} again in Philadelphia in 1918 so it the fact that in the pending baseball | [i changes they may lose their franchise | Ji in Class AA league and have nothing | | they have been given a high grade | of baseball, yet have failed to warm |i seen if the situation will awaken the | |i Kingston's Electric Store! The Hydro Electric Power Commission will con= nect up with the city in less than one month now. Get your house lighted by electricity now and enjoy all privileges from the start. Let us give you a price. H.W. Newman Electric Co., 167 Princess Street. ~ Phone 441 For the Boys st the Froat. CHOCOLATTA "The Ready-to-use Chocolate" Contains the Lhoeolnte, Milk sad ugar, Prepared Instantly by Adding Bolling Water Only. No Cooking or Milk Required. 0) y 1 For Sale B D. Couper, Phone 76. 341.3 Princess St. ETE EEC ERECTOR MERCER OO ' New Styles in Wom- en's Street Shoes We would like to show you our line of serviceable street shoes. black and tan calf leathers with leather or Neolin soles and medium heels. Just the shoe you need for cold, wet weather. Prices range from $7.00 to $10.00, JH Sutherland & Bro. The Home of Good Shoes. 1 San; OOOO = | TARIOO WHITE ll FISH AND TROUT FRESH LAKE ON- Add boiling water only. Condensed doffee, sugar combined ready to use. B 1 er's Grocery All Kinds of Fresh Fish. "The National Smoke" Eighteen million "Bachelors" sold annually in Canada. B-A-C-H-E-L-0-R, an easy name to remember. Its enjoyment becomes one of your pleasurable recollections. Uni= form quality always, due to expert hand workmanship and selected Havana leaf. NDREW Wi MONTREAL, HALT Princess Street. TINGE cx po a The Ready-to-Use Chocolate CHOCOLATTA No cooking or milk required. milk end Phone 1016. Princess & Frontenac At the United Grocery, Next door to Standard Bank. Headquarters for staple and fancy , fruits and biscuits, choice fall and winter apples, nuts of all kinds. Also a full su of dried and smoked fish, H es, Fillets, 5 ¥ Bloaters, Kippers and Skinned Digbles. Our winter's stock of Cali- 1 fornia Dried Fruits will be on hand in a few days. Call and give us a trial order. We guarantee satisfac tion and prompt delivery to all parts of the city. . United Grocery Co. 138 Princess St BEN LEE & 00. Some men are so smart in a busi- ness way that people do not care to Ado business with time, them a second We Do As We Advertise BETTER HOARD LIVES THAN DOLLARS. -- BONDS OR BONDAGE, WHICH ? BE SAFE, BUY VICTORY BONDS. . ® DO THIS ONCE Come and look at our range of overcoats we are selling at $12.50 to $22.50. We will positively save you $2.00 to $5.00 on any overcoat in the store. We court comparison -- called to draw mp a schedule and Soot officers. Rev. C. Whalley pre- ed, The teams which will be entered jhe year will probably be as fol- WS: ' Semior----Reglopolis, St. Mary's, St. George's, Wanderers and Colleg- AEsma------eeeses-----eeansoeeann eee MONUMENTS - or dB McCallum Granite Company, Lid. 897 Princsss Street. if} Junior---Collegiates, - Regiopolis; St. Mary's and St. George's. ; | : i git £8: pi ip i Hy g | i g gt is ih : Soa! take a good look all around town, either before or after you come here, examine our clothes critically in minutest detail. Even a blind man would see that nowhere else are such values i AP - in 'to be had. We are selling a splen- : Get gne before they are gone. Over 500 pair of men's good trou- sers to choose from. Match up that ar... Others up to $10.95. ~ lo We are selling men's all wool heavy working socks They are a bargain at 75¢ today. Very scarce. Get your boy an overcoat here. It will more than pay you. Twenty-six different kinds of work aps, otc. Bl pe " Wide en