0 It is easier to make money Savings Account at save what your Increased eff 75.0000 11 Branches in Toreste, ESTABLISHED 1888. JHE Producti Increased effort and clency in bor, more econ- omy and less waste in living | building up capital by ha er work and greater a, will enrich you and your | Country men at more to on home must produce cover war's waste. than to save of Toronto A ted rt provides. The Bank 119 Branches In Canada, BANK or JORONTO Tv CALIF ORNIA CHOICE ¢ Bananas, Oranges, Grape-Fruit, Pears, Snow Apples, € VY FRUIT STORE -- FRUITS Calis fornia Apples, McIntosh- Apples, Mixed Nuts, California® Grapes and Lemons. Moir's Chocolates, 50c a pound. delivery. Phone 2168, All kinds of home made Candies fresh every day. Phone orders taken. Prompt CHARLIE DAFNAS, Prop. Adhd Ahhh ddd Ahhh Have You Seen Mahalia The latest creation in face pow- der, talcum powder, vanishing and cold cream, toilet water, etc. Our upper window display is "A Beauty." Hoag's Drug Store Branch Post Office. . Kingston, Ont. ------ Potatoes! By the bushel or bag; qual- ity high and prices low; also a choice variety of apples and vegetables. Friendship's S$! 210 Division St. r---- Sowards Keeps Coal and Canada Victory Loan Bond wil Help Keep You. One eax Advertisement To Contractors Lump tenders for the complete er- ection of a Vocational Building for the Military Hospitals Commission at Queen's Military Hospital, Kingston, Ont., will be received up to Tuesday noon of November 20th. Plans and specifications can be seen and forms of tender obtained at the Office of D. J. Mullarkey, Mili- tary Hospitals Commission, Randolph Hotel, Kingston, Ont, The lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. Tenders are to be addressed and mailed by registered post to, J. H. W., BOWER, Esq. General Supt. of Works, Military Hospitals Commission, Ottawa, Ont. Another Carload of .the ~-Wonderful "EGG-O" Baking Powder. Just Unloaded For (= Everybody Uses EGG-O 8) W. G. CRAIG & 00., LIMITED. .~. Wholesale Distributors. effi. | The men and wo- | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, OPERA HOUSE GRAND: | TONIGHT Last Chance to See. Polite Vaudeville | A Five-Act Photoplay Madame Petrova, in "To the Death" The Pathe News, Com- edy and Other Features. Mon., Tues., Nov. 19, 20. POLITE VAUDEVILLE Five-Reel Photoplay Harold Lockwood, in "Under Handicap" The Pathe News, Comedy and Other Features, Evening 10e; Matinee 10c ----Ttucrveq, be Extra Any Seat = Saturd'y Nov.17 Matinee at ay Evening at 8.15 Ekg $1.00. $1.50. - Prices--Mat: 23¢, 350¢, 75¢, Evening, 25¢, 50c, 75¢, $1, SEATS NOW ON SALE. GRIFFIN'S Thurs., Friday, Saturday Marguerite Clark, in BABS DIARY Valeska Suratt, in "The Slave" The Neglected Wife Mutual Weekly. Prices--Mat. 15¢; Evening 25¢ Coming--Civilization Watts, ies, Bulbs Bulbs Bulbs Just Arrived from Holland ---- Plant. Now, We have just received our new goods for your Christmas Cake and Pu dding. New Peel. New Raisins, New Currants, New Walnuts, New Almonds. Choice Oranges and G he Mixed Candies and Chocolates and Nuts. E. H. BAKER Cor Montreal and Charles Sts, Phone 1268. li Marine .. i! Marine pfd. STRAND First Screen Appearance of a Noted Beauty. Goldwyn Presents Maxine Elliott, in "Fighting Odds" By Ral Cooper Megme and Irwin 8. Cob A Story of a Wife's Loyalty and Big Business, Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Matinee--Children, 10c; adults, 135c. Evening--Children 15¢; Adults 23c. STOUR MARKETS, Ryerson & Co., 44 Clarence St., Howard 8. Folger, Manager. New York Stocks, Open--2.45 p.m. 72 Am. Smelters FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1917 . AO tl CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion, 1¢ 8 word. Each con- secutive insertion thereafter, hailf- cent a word. Minimum charge for one insertion, 25¢; three insertions, 50e; six $1; one month, $2. HELP WANTED DRIVER--MAN OR WOMAN; STEADY job. Apply 79 Princess street. WANTED AT ONCE; A GENERAL servant; wages $5 per week. "Ap- ply 19 Aberdeen street. GENERAL SERVANT, ONE WHO CAN cook. Apply in the evening to Mrs. Brigstocke, 7 Wellington St. -- MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSE WORK; one dha: can sleep at home; re- ference required. Apply 263 King gtreet. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, for cooking and general house- work, family of two. Apply Mrs. A. W. Brown, 144 Barrie street. A MAID Sede dodeds WANTED GENERAL THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS OR A small house located nes University. Apply Box 350, SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, for cash or in pant payment of new pianos and grafanolas. C. W. Lind- say, Limited, 121 Princess street. THREE FURNISHED ROOMS WITH bath; suitable for housekeeping, or small house, for family of three. Address Fax 1115, care British Whig. TRAVELLERS CALLING UPON MER- chants and business men in East. ern Ontario can Sonnaet with a ood side ine b plying | to Box I . Wh oftce. ictly cou- déntial. WE WANT TO BUY ALL KINDS OF stoves, 8. Suapiro, 45 Prin- cess rh "Phone 13 active boy for mailing Department. wages and steady employment. Apply British Whig © PRT RR RPP EET EPEN + the & Good & . 4 . * 4 -> > +» -* Bebe ee WANTED-OLD FALSE don't matter if broken. to $15 per set, and 'receive check bY réturn mall F. Terl, 403 N. Wolfe St, Baltimore, Ma. A TEETH; 1 pay $2 RTTeeee TEETTETETTeTe COMPETENT MAID FOR GENERAL housework, family of two; no laundry; wages §20 pes month. Apply between 3 and pm. or 7 and 9 p.m. to Mrs, Witiiain F. Casey, 213 King St, cor. of Earl. (GIRLS! With or without experience, on TO PURCHASE SEVERAL LOW 1 priced houses, $500 to $1,600; also a worse barn for removal; must be cheap. Geo. A. Bateman's, Real Estate and Insurance Agency, Siarence street, Kingston. Phone SITUATIONS VACANT. AMAZING SELLER---TABLETS THAT wash clothes spotlssly clean with- out rubbing. Promise to solicit ors ders with ten cents will bring sam- ples for four washings. Make dol- Jar an hour. Bradley's Co, Brant- ford, Ont, FINANCIAL Send by parcel post} LOST A WATERMAN PEN, IN A BLUE BOX, on Unbdon street, Finder please leave at The Whig. STRAYED PURE BRED BARRED ROCK COOK- erel, from 127 Beverly street, Please telephone 970. BUSINESS CHANCES INVESTORS WARNING DONS INVEST one cent until you read Successful Finance, and learn w fortunes are made and lost by « investors. Free trial subscription. Success- ful Finance, 608 Dearborn St, Chicago. . THE PUBLIC - LICENSED AUC. tioneer for Lennox & Addington and Frontenac. 1 have sold in the last two seasons $100, 290. 00 worth of farm stock and implements, household furniture. an store Phone or write for terms to E. L. Amey, me, leading auc- tioneer, Verona, or J. Lockhart, Clarence street, SE ingston DR. REEVE, Nerve Years of experience .enables me to treat difficult cases suc- Call, or. state case by letter. 18 Oariten Street, Toronte, DENTAL A, NAPP, B.A, LDS, BE K D.D.S,, Cflice, 358 Princess street Phone DR J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, corner Princess and Bagot streets. Phone 626, TWO OR THREE SMART LADY CAN. vassers to canvass Kingston, east to Prescott, then west to Port Hope. Wages three dollars per day and commission. Apply by letter to H.O.P,, Whig Office, : BOY, 15 OR 16 YEARS OLD, FOR OF- fice work. Must be good scholar, and handy with typewriter. Apply by letter only to Chief Govern- ment Examiner, Shell Inspection Department, IMM. Canadian Loco- motive Co. An experienced . lady book-keeper with a know= ledge of shorthand and typewriting. Good salary. Apply Electric Railway Company or phone 107, between 6.30 and 7.30 has thrille? thousands. depicting The role steve of the Tacouliny the 1s Sil ver collection in ald of the 'SERBIAN RELIEF FUND. Fe ira, COMINGMONDAY ; November 19th, 8 p.m. Miss Helen Losanitch Hon. Sec. Serbian Relief of America. ~~ CONVOCATION HALL, Queen's University. Miss Losanitch will deliver her lecture on SERBIA that FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Society; incorporated 1863; resident, olonel H, R. Smith, M.G.; vice-president, W. F. Nic- kle, K oney issued on city and farm 0 properties, municipal and country entures; moriga, chase A bt sale; depots received and terest allowed. R. C, Cartwright, manager, 87 Clarence St., Kingston. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Available assets $61,187,215. In addition to ich - the policyholders have for security the unlimited Hability of city property, insured at Jowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. Phone 3 in- DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. tists, 169 Wellington street, G. C. Dewar, D.D.8.,, L.D.S. essistant, Phone 34 Dr. Ernest B. Sparks, DENTIST. To No. 7 General Hospital, Queen's University, in England, Egypt and France, after two and a half years overseas has resumed his prac- tice at Sparks & Sparks, 159 Wel. Kisignon Lape Vincent Daily Except Sunday Lv. Kingston ... . 7 am, 1 pm. j Close connections for New York and all New York State points. Automobiles Carried. Phone No, 2195, F.J.JOHNSON The Leading Florist _ Floral Designs, Wedding B and Cut Flowers our a Brock lingt: St., city. (Over Carnov- sky's). Phone 346. i FURNITURE FINISHING P. DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FINISH. er. Call or drop a card, 23 John street. LEGAL CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER and solicitor. Law office, 79 Clar- ence street, Kingston. ARCHITECT POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, chants Bank Building, Brock and Wellington corner x Y DRESSMAKING MISS RICHARDSON, DRESSMAKER, having resumed business, solicits orders for fall 'and winter work. Address 202 Alfred street. PERSONAL A HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS and Lali growths and skin blem- olalist, 25 treet. y the lecture, Atchison .. , . .. 84 B.&0 .. .. . IY C. P.R.iaines on 132% Erie .. EE see. HOUSEKEEPERS--THE KNOW HOW bo save al a third of your win- ter coal by using your waste; prov- en by experfments and nothing to buy; wit | be mailed for a fifty-cent express order. * Wil also tell yom W to gett the best results from ahatevor Fo. u burn. "The Wilson prog Cob 0 cladtie Mont ®, 2642 Hutchison, One Chevrolet--5 top, 1917 13 po One Chevrolet Roadster, 1917 model, eg- uipped with bumper, tire carrier and extra tire; run only 2700 miles. : One Ford Roadster, with Genemotor self- a ek teas citi 3 sib i balk mow. as we need She storage room. . tne. LARGE STOCK FOR SALE. THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. OOS? little. Once, Soe: three times $08: one week, $1. A NEW MCLAUGHLIN AND CHEVRO. let. Apply Dr. H. A. Boyce, 93 Wel lingron St, A ROYAL STANDARD TYPEWRITER, modern and as good ag new, Ape ply Box 99, Whig Office. > FARM CONTAINING ONE HUNDRED nd eighty- three acres. Apply to SMALL BUILDING, 7 x 1 condition Suitable Apply 475 a Gibson 1, Cataraqul, IN GOOD or poultry Princess street. house, ONE-TON ~~ SANFOR Truck in first ar condition. Bly to W. G. Craig & Co, or Boy arage. A nis GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEN selections, your own cholce, $30.65. Terms: §5 cash, $1 per week. C. W. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St. PRIVATE SALE OF WALNUT AND oak furniture, carpets, curtains and poles, gas range, Pandora coal range, lawn mower and refrigera- tor. Apply 98 Clergy St. West, AUTOMOBILE TOPS, ENGINE HOOD coverg make your car start easy in cold weather. Have your top ree covered and curtains repaired. Jud. son's Auto Tops, Brockville. A LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES, IN- cluding the famous Athlete, Over land and Perfect Models; also tires and bicycle accessories. George Muller, 378 King St, Phone 1033. S-ROOMED COTTAGE, WELL-BUILT, central locality, on car line; mo- dern improvements; at a bargain. Terms easy. Apply F. W, Meagher, 99 Lower Albert street. P| 1408. a etter estes 4 OF EXTENSION TA. les and dining chairs, buffets, ohina cabinets, also go springs and mattresses. all kinds of second hand furniture, mpsou, 338 Princess street. Phone 1 1600. TO LET FURNISHED FRONT BED ROOM. AP« ply 229 Brock street. A FURNISHED BEDROOM, LADIES preferred, Apply 273 Brock St, TWO NICE FURNISHED ROOMS AND sitting room. Apply 240 Johhison street. OFFICES IN CLARENCE 8ST. CHAM- bers. Apply to A. B. Cunningham, 79 Clarence street. FRONT BED ROOMS; ALSO ROOMS for Mght housekeeping: no child- ren. Apply 396 Princess street. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE OR MER. chandise, clean and dry. McCann's Real Estate Agency, 83 Brock St, Phones 326 or 621. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS WITH PRI. vate bath, steam Aeated; also bed sitting room, rices reasonable, Apply 27 Wellington street, FARM OF 150 ACRES, FOUR MILES from Kingston; estate of late Rob. ert Reid. Apply to R. J. Vair, Executor, R.R No, 2, Kingston, Ont, 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, SUITABLE for Hght housekesbink also two furnished bed rooms; use of parlor, Terms reasonable. 27 Nelson street. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, ULEAN dry, y, alty rooms; Four own lock and rost's City Storage, 299 oen street. Phone 526; res. 989. TWO STORES ON PRINCESS ST. BE- low Clergy, one at $18.00 and the other at $20.00 per i Apply The J. K. Carroll Agency, 658 Brock _ street. BOARD AND-ROOMS FURNISHED ROOMS WITH OR WITH. out board. Apply Mrs. Beardsell, 32 Ontario street. PIANO TUNING. JOS. HODGE, CERTIFICATED PIANO tuner. Leave orders at McAuley's, or Phone 868, MEDICAL DI srs and Sales Agents RB. H. 8. ANGROVE, PHYSICIAN AND urgeon, 98 Clergy nroet oimane rock). 7t Of- fice phone 2163; reine Tin 7 WANTED HELPERS, HANDY MEN AND LABOR- ERS, CAULKERS AND CHIPPERS.