Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Nov 1917, p. 10

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PAGE TEN STRICKEN IN THE SIREET Restored To Health Gmc Sos 882 Sr, Vaux Sr., Mowrz=as. *In 1912, I was taken suddenly ill with Acute Stomach Trouble and dropped in the street. I was treated by several physicians for nearly two years, and my weight dropped from 225 pounds to 160 pounds. Then several of my friends advised me to try "Fruit. natives". J began to improve almost sith the first dose, and by using them, I recovered from the distressing Stomach Trouble--and all pain and Constipation were cored. Now I weigh 208 pounds. I cannot praise 'Fruit. a-tives' enough", H. WHITMAN. 60c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25e. Atall dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit o-tives Limited, Ottawa. Fi NEW FRENCH REMEDY. ERAPION Hot, TF No. 3. con THERAPION i RAPION 7% ERI 1878. 5 1 VITAL WEAKNESS A LH! CHEM PRIOR IN Eien dd on sul your case. Noto row CLERC M Ev Rsrock oN. LoNpow. S17 S0%1, STAMP APFIERD 0 ALL GENUINE PACKETS GLASS OF SALTS IF YOUR KIDNEYS HURT Eat less Meat if You Feel Back- achy or Have Bladder Trouble, = ---- Meat forms uric acid which excites end overworks the kidneys ia their efforts to filter it from the system. Regular eaters of meat must flush the kidneys occasionally, You must relieve them like . you relieve your bowels; removing all the acids, waste and polson, else you feel a dull misery in the kidney region, sharp paims in the back or sick headache, disziness, your stomach sours, tongue is coat- od and when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment; the chan- nels often get irritated, obliging you to get up two or three times during the night. To neutralize these irritating acids and flush off the body's urinous waste ®eot about four ounces of Jad Salts from any pharmacy; take a table- spoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for & few days and your kidneys will then act fine and blad- der disorder disappear. This fa- mous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon- juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys and stop bladder irritation. Jad Salts is inexpensive; harmless and makes a delightful ef- fervescent lithiawater 'drink which millions of men and women take now slope, age & and then, thus avoiding serious kid-| = ney and bladder diseases, nian WANTED To rent a farm of 200 acres with priv- ilege of ing. W. H. Godwin & Son 39 Brock Street Phone 424 ------reeeed) PAINS IN SIDE THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, The R THE CONFESSIONS OF ROXANE | (By Frances Walter) Ja 3 J) We Discuss Mr. Higginbotham. ------ (Copyright, 1916, by the McClure Newspaper Syndicate), r Mrs. Palmer hardly had shaken the dust of Enville from her feet to seek larger and greener fields in New York when Mr. Higginbotham re- turned His coming was as wmnex- pected as his departure, and was as free from fuss as the arrival of a ghost. Kenneth told me one evening that he was back, and that he had taken up his residence in his old quar. ters quite as usual. "But will he not want this place?" I asked. "I do not know. We did not dis- cuss the matter, but | asspme that sooner or later he will want to move in. Meanwhile, we can be looking about for a place of our own" / "You mean a home?" I asked with sinking heart, feeling that as a matter df course we would return to an hotel existence. "Would you be satisfied anywhere elsé except in your own home now?" I looked at him sharply. Something in his manner convinced me that he was questioning himself more than he was me. "And you?" 1 asked in return. "Would you be satisfied to go back to the Chadwick?" He gave a short laugh "I don't think 1 should ever be sat- isfied anywhere except under my own roof," he declared emphatically. "These few weeks have taught me many things." "You can appreciate my own feel- ing, then," 1 told him. "Before we kept house you could not understand a woman's feeling for her home. Now you can." "Yes," said Kenneth, "and I can understand a man's, too. I always have lived in a sort of accidental way, and home meant nothing to me until I had this one. Now | know what it means and if the good Lord con- tinues to be kind to me I do not want ever to be homeless again." "I am very glad, then, that you have had the experience." "There is nothing like it, Roxane," he went on. "There is really as mugh difference between having a home and not having one as there is between being married and being unmarried The only difference is that when mar- ried people are homeless there are two to be miserable instead of one" "We shall tel] fd Higginbotham, then,(that he "thdy have his whenever he wants it?" "Yes, but the poor fellow will be miserable here. But 1 suppose it cannot be helpell. He would be mis- erable anywhere; so it is merely a question of scene with him." "Did you ever fathom the mystery of his relations with Mrs. Palmer?" "No, but I have heard enough ahout them to be able to form my own con- clusion." ; "What is it?" Kenneth hesitated a moment, as if he were trying to get his ideas in form * (To be continued.) WAR MENUS How to Save Wheat, Sleef and Bacon for the men at the front. fs. sued from the Office of the Food Controller for Canada MENU FOR TUESDAY. Breakfast anges Toast a Tea or Coffee Milk nuner Beef Loaf Mashed Potatoes Creamed Onjons Cornstarch aa With Fruit oa Bread and Butter Jelly Ciscoes Sugar 'Potato Salad b e 'ea The recipe for Cornstarch Mold, mentioned above, is as follows: -- 1 pint of ralkk 4 tablespoons cornstarch mix. ed with a little cold water. cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 well-beaten egg 3 teaspoon salt 1 cup chopped cooked peach- és, apricots or pears. Scald milk; then stir in ecorn- starch mixed with a little cold wa- ter, and cook five minutes in dou- ble bofer. Place upper part of double boiler on fire, let corn- starch boil, return boller to place, add sugar, egg and salt beaten to- gether, and cook two minutes, stir- ring continually, Flavour with van- illa, add frult, and pour into mold. ill and serve with sugar and cream. An excellent way of using up small amounts of canned fruits. Wheat uid Meat Saving Recipes by Domestic Science Experts of the Food Controllers' Office, What He Noticed. A prominent churchman in the United States, who is very fond of a joke tells of an amusing incident in connection with an ordination cere- mony in Virginia. As is usual on stich occasions, the bishop wore a red university hood at the back of his surplice. Among the most interest- ed of the congregation was an old darky. After the ceremony he was asked by some one how he liked the proceedings. "1 was clean taken by de preachin' of de bishop," answered the negro. "An' at the same time I felt kind of sorry for him. He ain't got no wim. min to look after him, has he?" "Why, what makes you think that, Sam?" "I noticed, sah, whenever de bishop turned around de back of his coat was busted, an' de red undershirt was a- showin' thru!" { Can't Find Dandruff | Every bit of dandruff disappears after one or two applications of Dan- derine rubbed well into the scalp with the finger tips. Get a small bottle of Danderine at any drug store for a few cents and save your hair, After several applications you can't [find a particle of dandruff or any falling hair, and the scalp will never ~ - Gary Lerrons By Pictorial Review & Practical | Home Dress Makingf 'A a 4 i ( Prepared Specially for This Newspaper Gils' Coat With Panel Front. coat like this for girls and juniors. There is a panel front, the inserted side Sections being gathered and at- tached to extensions on front and back under the belt. The deep poc- kets are inserted in the side sections. The large pointed eollar is closed to the neck. It may be rolled with the fronts forming revers, - however. Turndack cuffs finish the two-piece sleeves. In medium size the coat re- quires 2% yards 54-inch material. a Naar to dr the coat without sl est e of material, f low the guide he AHA house, ASHAMED TO GO OUT. Many an otherwise beautiful and attractive face is sadly marred by un- sightly pimples, blotches, flesh worms and various other blood dis- eases, Their presence is a source of em- barrasament to those afflicted as well as pain and regret to their friends. Many a cheek and brow cast in the mould of beauty have beén sadly defaced, their attractiveness lost and their possessor remdered unhappy for years. Why, then, consent to rest under this cloud of embarrassment? There is an effectual remedy for all these defects, It is Burdock Blood Bitters. This remedy will drive out all the im- purities from the blood and leave the complexion healthy and clear. Mrs. Katherine Henry, Port Syd- ney, Ont., writes: "Two years ago my face was so covered with pimples I was ashamed to go out at all. tried several remedies, but they were of mo use. At last a friend gdvised me to try Burdock Blood Bitters, I got a bottle, and by the time it was used I could see a difference. I then got two more, and when I had used them the pimples were completely gone. 1 can highly recommend B.B.B." Manufactured only by The T. Mil- burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Where She Beat Them. The superintendent of a charitable institution for the aged poor in a cer- tain district says that there is no topic more pleasing to some old wo- men than the discussion of their "bet- ter days," when they were the fortu- nate possessors of "everything heart could wish for," as they are apt to ex- press it. . One old lady in the institution mentioned, never tired of describing the finery she had when she was a bride; another boasted of having once owned a "gold-band chiny tea-set" and six solid silver teaspoons; whilst the third dwelt at length on the ele- gance of a flowered silk gown and sat- in parasol with fringe fifteen inches long. One poor old lady stoed this -sort of talk as long as she could. Then she calmly interrupted with: "Well, I never had no chiny tea things, nor no silk gowns, nor em- broidered petticoats, nor openwork stockings, nor "gold ear-rings, nor nothin' o' that sort; but I have had four husbands, an' I'd like to khow whether any of you can beat that" What He Called For, Mr. and Mrs. Newbride had taken a modern little villa in a suburb and Mr. Newbride was hanging the pic- tures. There was a certain photo- graph of his wife which he decided must go up. He therefore got a substantial nail and hammered it into the wall. Then came a knock at the door. "It's Mr. Nexdor," said his wife," running to the window. "Your ham- mering's disturbed him." : Mr. Newbride hastened to apolo- gize. : . 4Oh, 1 don't mind the noise," re plied Mr. Nexdor, cheerily. "I only came to ask if I might hang a picture on the other end." ARE YOU LOSING YOUR GRIP. Tablets are the Remedy to Your » and to Re build Health Vitality, If an d, w Dr. vitality has been lowered 'whose any cause, nerves are overstrained or "J 2 will take a he or ne who feels weak or lan. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1917. * POLITICAL NEWS. w= A three-cornered contest in Wemnt- 'Worth is assured. South Rssex Liberals nominate Hon. George P. Graham. Dr. A. C. Hamma will be unionist candidate in Lanark Lloyd Harris has retired as Liber- al nominee in Brantford. Farmers and Labor party at Brant- ford demand a straight Laurier can- didate, Sir Sam Hughes advises all true Canadians to back the union gov- ernment, Stormont and Dundas Conserva- tives decides to support unionist now in field, Su of unfon government in North Waterloo nominate W, G. Weichel, Liberals of East Toronto mominate Frank Regan to oppose Sir Edward Kemp. > Parties fail to agree on a man in East Simcoe and Liberals nominate Manley Chew, Edmund Bristol, was, without op- p , nominated as unionist can- didate in Centre Toronto. Hon. N. W. Rowell receives the un- animous nomination of a unionist convention in Halton County. Union mass méeting at Milton en- dorses Dr. R. N. Anderson as union candidate in Halton County, -- Fusion efforts failed. in South Oxford. David Henry of Shorgrave will carry Laurier Liberal colors in Dauphin; Man. Laurier Liberals and Labor agreed upon Ald. MacBeth as candidate at Regina. West Hastings Conservatives en- dorsed E. Gus Porter, ex-M.P.., as Union candidate. Ald. H. J. Hushion, Liberal, will oppose Sir Herbert Ames in St. An. toine division, Montreal. Laurier Liberals at an unadvertis- ed meeting at Morden, Man., nomin- ated R. W. Quinn, a Winnipeg iaw- yer, for Lisgar. The contest in Charlotte, N.B., will be between Thomas Hartt, Unionist and former member, and F. Todd, ex M.P., Liberal, | Liberals in 'YorkSunburv, N.B., selected Nelson W. Brown as a Laurier candidate, Dr. T. Brien chosen in Sotith Bdsux to oppose Graham and Laurier Liberal. Ata unionist convention at Pefer- boro a futile attempt was made to agree on a candidate. Representative convention at Belleville nominates E. G. Porter. K.C., ex-M.P., as candidate in West Hastings. R. L. Richardson, editor of the Winnipeg Tribune, will contest Springfield, Man., as a unionist can- didate, A Laurier man has entered the feld. Hon. N. W. Rowell, president of the Privy Council, will speak with Sir George Foster at Port Hope on Monday evening mext. Mr. Rowell will also speak at Bowmanville on Thursday evening. At Winnipeg Dr. B. IM. Gordon, brother of Rev. Dr. C. iW. Gordon, novelist, was nominated in place of Andrews and Dr. Bland.. Dr. Gordon went overseas with an am. bulance corps. Alexander MacGregor, of North Toromto, received the unanimous nomination as Liberal candidate for the riding of South York at the an- nual convention of the South York Liberal Association The best "tip" ever given a Canadian a | Fine, Flavoury Teas are used to produce the famous "SALADA" blends. Every leal is fresh, fragrant full of its natural deliciousness. Sold in sealed packets only. 8107 A Piano of Merit & Quality Williams {| Master Touch player in very different from the Melodian made 68 years ngo, but the quality of the Williams proauet --- the durabiiity that has provem Meelf by an G85 yours' tesu still main through the efiorts of Canada's bruins awa expert work. This beautiful Call snd ses the many models at our showroom. We will arrange terms to suit your pocketbook. J.M. Greene Music Co., Ltd. Cor. Princess and Sydenham Streets. HR Set LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE In effect Sept. 30th, 1917. | Tralns will and survive at Oy 1 ty No. 18 Mall .. .. ..1 am. Fe Express . .. 2.68 am. 0.27 Local .. .. S.45am. No, 3 Intern' Ltd. 1.41 pm. No. 7 Mall ., .... 3% m, No. 18 Man .. . No. 18 Express Nos. 1, 6, 7, 18, 14, 18, 18, Other trains dally ex Direct route to Hamilton Buffalo, Ohicigo, City, 8 Dine Bisons: anc ax, Pullman all other in fon, ark AGEL Af I w, Mon Bt, York. teke J : 55 Ha ~ N | Hl) Li | 1% 7) WILIN {

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