eS BR CN Ms ure * COLUMBIA Grafonolas! THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1917. Are now con- sidered standard of the world. We sell you these beautiful machines on Easy Wonderful tone, good finish and moderate price. » We will sell six of these ma- chines, such Geor; H. Goulding, Olympic, | Canadian and United States walking champion, has decided to re. tire from the track. He has accepted a position on the physical staff of the Toronto Central Y. M. C. A. He will be ineligible for further competition. rge Although the American Amateur Hockey League has decided to sus- pend until after the war there will not he any lack of hockey in New York this winter. Boston and New York clubs are to play an exhibition series, while university clubs aiso play "informal" matches. Wilfrid Vian, owner of Omar Khayyam, Westy Hogan and other turf stars, is after High Cost. Viau and Edward McLean are said to have offered $20,000 for High Cost, which raced at Saratoga under the silks of R. O. Egan. The ¢ream of Canadian sportsman- ship continues to pay the supreme sacrilide in Britain's great Struggle for democracy. Yesterday there was added to the long list the names of Don Lyon and Walter Jeffrey, both prominent footballers, who were well known in Ottawa; also that of Earl McCallum, a London hockeyist. Professional hockey may be re. the bottom cut Hor ' Just six--will you get one ? Ai wi ands TREADGOLD Sporting Goods Co, 88 PRINCESS STREET. KINGSTON, PHONE 520, » A-------------- TRY Sc. Poet Cigar 5c. Look for Bilk Thread on Tip of Each Cigar, S. OBERNDORFFER, Maker, Kingston, F-- vived this winter, according to the latest reports from the Prairie City. Clem Loughlin, Cully Wilson, Dick Irvin, Stan Marples and other pro- fessional stars are interested in it. A tablet has been erected in Holy Trinity Church, Winnipeg, to the {memory of the late Capt. W. J. (Ollie) Turnbull, Winnipeg, hockey player and all-round athlete, who was killed in action in France. Legislation to stop racing in Mary- land will be introduced shortly, but is 'not likely to be carried. Laurel recently paid $85,000 as excess pro- fits. Pimlico will give over about the same, while the Havre de Grace and Bowie clubs will likely hand in about $50,000 each. Lieut. Connie Smyth, Toronto 'hockeyist, who played on the junior O.H.A. team, is not dead, as at first reported, but is a prisoner of war in Germany. His parents were noti- fied to this effect this week. Speaking of the best athletic age, Jerry Travers won his fourth golf championship at' 26, and Chick Evans at 26 won both the open and amateur championship for the first time on record. Now it is Teported that all the baseball prophets are wrong and that Miller Huggins will retain Slim Caldwell for the New York Yankees next season. Perhaps he thinks he can make a real pitcher out of him. All his prédecessors say that Hug- will | When you get an ARABELA for 10¢, why accept less in size and qual- ity? The nice and very mild cigar. Scales & Roberts Limited, Toronto, Kingston's Electric Store! * The Hydro Electric Power Commission will con= nect ug with the city in less than one month now. Get Your TOuse NGhLed by elocthoNy now ard enjoy all privileges from the start. Let us give you a price. H.W. Newman Electric Co., 167 Princess Street. Phone 441 IRON AND BRASS BEDS Special Prices $ © $4.50, $6.50, $8.50, $12 and up. SPORTSMEN SUPPORT NEW LOAN. Tom Watson, of Toronto, is authorities on Association Footh ing up for his share of Victory 1 DILLON AONQUIT RING. Hoosier Lightweight Has Decided to Drop Out, Jack Dillon, the Hoosier light heavyweight, who has fought over } 200 battles in his career and held the title in that class besides being considered a near champion 'when he was able to make the middle-weight limit, is thinking seriously of quit- ting the game for good and taking up. the old trade--eleetrician. Jack intended entering the naval service of the United States, but evidently there has been a hitch somewhere, for nothing has been said about it gins is welcome to the chance. lately. Porter, only lower and superior to anything made prefer it to the old brands for LABATT IS MAKING A SPECIAL Ale and Porter FOR FAMILY USE Made from Malt and Hops, exactly like the Old Reliable percentage of spirit. It is absolutely pure summer and social I a Ale & in that line in Ontario, many drinking. his right arm. with 'which he throws, Springs, Best Made, PES $3.50, $5.50 Mattresses, $6.50, . $10.50, $15 and $18. Robt. J. Phone 577 : : : VT one of the biggest leaders and all in Canada. He is seen sign- Jonds, cl ei The Leading Undertaker vv YY -- - TORONTO WITHOUT BASEBALL IN 1918 That's What It Looks Like Now Union League Has Blown. ---- Toronto begins to fear that it' will not have a regular baseball team next year. President Barrow of the Interna- tional League declined to make a statement as to the probability of his circuit operating next season. Not ten days ago he said that the Inter- national could not exist under present conditions. That fact has been pa- tent for several seasons. The Union League looked like a life line, There is no likelihood of the International League operating in 1918. Toronto may be without organized baseball un- less the Washington franchise comes here, as it has been rumored. VN YY CALIFORNIA FRUIT STORE CHOICE FRUITS Bananas, Oranges, Grape-Fruit, Pears, Snow Apples, Cali- fornia Apples, Mcintosh Apples, Mixed Nuts, California Grapes and Lemons. All kinds of home made Candies fresh every day. Moir's Chocolates, 50c a pound. Phone orders taken. Prompt delivery, Phone 2168, CHARLIE DAFNAS, Prop. Adhd AAA A a Adhd dh dh A Adi Adana dha dh dh Ah ST hi MAYBE BUYING MATCHES Never Struck You As Being An Important Job. Butts. = It is important that you buy none but EDDY'S CHEMICALLY SELF-EXTINGUISHING ARMY SURGEON'S FEAT Graft Bone From Ball Players's Leg in Shattered Arm. Canadian army surgeons in Eng- land have performed an operation that puts any of "Bonesetter" Reese's accomplishments in the shade. Ernie Maddock, the well-known ball play- er, had his right arm shattered while serving with the Heavy Howitzer Brigade at the first battle of Lens. The arm was useless for a time, but the surgeons removed a bone from Maddock's left leg and grafted it dn Nine months in hospital effected a complete cure and the ball player soldier has recently played with a Canadian team which toured Ireland playing exhibition games in the in- terests of the British Red' Cross. Maddock has taken part in 35 games and shows no ill-effects of the wound ) MONUMENTS McCallum: Granite Company, Ltd. 897 Princess BRINGING UP FATHER - 9 ne i: Ben TRY IT. JAMFS McPARLAND 3s ES. a2 Mepecy 79 Princess St. 1 door above Elliott Bros. Phone 274. . ENBEBRANGEEE EET, a 3 \ 48 | presented each of the players with a or the operation. Y In a secent game at Dublin Lord Decies, whose guests the teams were, silver trophy. The Canadians beat the Americans 10 to 6 in this game, which was attended by 15,000 peo- ple. : Detroit's Defi. Detroit are after the Hamilton O, H. A. intermediate champions, and a3 38 i iy Manager Brown, of the Detroit Ar- ena, id issued a challenge to" the Hamilton officials this week. The defy was the result of an argument as to the relative merits of the teams, and was for a series of home-and- home games, two in Detroit and two in Hamilton, another; if necessary, to be decided on later. : The Hamilton management claims its team could have trimmed the a ] Detroiters at Hamilton last season, whereas they were beaten here, and a series of this sort should be ac- ceptable. Windsor Record devotes half a column to criticizing Chris. Fitz. gerald and his scheme for the re-es. tablishment of racing. Fitz's worthy patriotic offerings does not seem to have aroused general enthusiasm. CUTTING YOUR DAYS Mi SHORT - | MR. M1465 - YOUR LATE HOURS ARE WELL 'HE SAID I MUST BAT FROIT WiTH MY MEAL &- SEE THAT you 'DO WHAT. rE N DAD CHERRY iN MY COCKTAIL! hg.