Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Nov 1917, p. 2

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PAGE SBE TWO one ps MeKAY FURS Season 1917-1918 » The wearer of McKay Furs has the satisfaction of knowing the furs bear the reputation of a house known Canada over, and that the style and workmanship whether simple or expensive are beyond criticism, ki Hor BY The McKay label in a fur gar- ment is an absolute guarantee of the genuineness of the skins -- as well as. the style and workman- ship. FAVORED FURS Hudson Seal leads in coats for generdl wear; - Persian Lamb is always good. X All varieties of Fox and Wolf are smart for setts. Fox furs in red, white, cross, black, blue, gray, cinnamon, Battleship grey, taupe and silver. Also splendid values in skunk, Beaver, Mink, Martin, Hudson Seal, Opossum, Raecoon, Lynx, Fitch, Etc. Everything de- creed fashionable in Ladies', Misses' and Children's Furs. Kingston's Reliable Fur House. 149 to 157 Brock Street. WeareOptical Specialists fr ria lesion =D 2 IS BEST SOLVED BY COMING TO US. You are assured a scientific examination and ace curate glasses at Asselstine's. Consult J. 5. ASSELSTINE DOS. At the Golden Lion Grocery | Fancy Clover | HONEY I In one pound sections, 25 cents each. il | Fresh California Prunes, nice and Will Secure a NEW BRICK BUNGALOW Furnace, electricity, all ime provements, Price $2250. McCann's Real Estate and Insurance. A Special Sale THE DAILY A NEMBERSHP CAMPAIGN f tempting supper served by the La- | dies' Auxiliary of the "Y," Mr. Ward HAS BEEN STARTED BY THE KINGSTON YMCA, It Is Hoped to Add 200 Boys and 100 Men to the Present Member- ship Lists. A. splendid start" is the way R. H 8¢ Ward, membership chairman de- bed the affair in connection with launching of Y.M.C.A. annual hip campaign Monday night association rooms, After about workers had partaken | { (att sixty of a called the meeting to ordes. He ex- plained the conditions of the cam- | paign for members, which will be {in the form of a huge automobile race with fourteen teams participat- { ing. The speaker told the boys that | they were asked to secure 300 men and boys to fill ip the gaps in the | membership rolls this year. { General secretary F. J. Wilson | also spoke briefly telling the work- | ers that it was up to them to make | @ continuation of the Y.M.C A. work | possible both for the soldiers and | the citizens. { It was pointed out to the team | workers that the work of the Associa- | tion, both locally and abroad, es- i pecially in its relation to the soldier, should conmimend itself to every fair minded citizen and the boys should have no hesitation in asking" any business man or man exempt from military service to pay the small { membership fee to assist keeping the work strong. The campaign will last one week, closing on Monday, November 26th, at 9.30 p.m., when it is hoped that at least 200 boys and 100 men will have been enrolled as members dur- ing the canvass, METHODIST ANNIVERSARY TEA An Enjoyable Entertainment Pro- vided at Queen Street Church The Sunday school room in Queen Street Methodiet church was crowd- ed on Monday evening when several hundred people sat down to the an- niversary supper under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society. In the evening an entertainment was held in the church, with R, Meek, presiding. Rev. John. D. Ellis made a few remarks expressing gratifica- tion at the success of the ladies' ef- forts, and the greetings from the other Methodist churches in the city were received from Rev. W. T. G. 1 rown, Rev. G, 8. Clendinnen and Rev. H. E. Curry, Rev. A, BE. Run- nells of Montreal gave an inspiring address in the mission of Methodism which was enthusiastically received. Durigg the evening QM.S. Harte, Judge wv Af Lavell, Mrs. Goode and Rechab Tandy rendered pleasing contributions to the musical pro- gramme with vocal solos, and Miss Goldie Bartels played a violin solo very sweetly. Capt. R. Crawford and G. A. Bate- man extended a vote of thanks to those wha had aided in the success of the evening, ALL STUDENTS MUST REPORT Senate of Queen's University Keeps "Tab" on Students. The senate of Queen's University has issued a notice insisting that all students in the university either pre- sent their service recipts or exemp- tion claims under the Military Ser- vice Act, or explain why 'they have not fulfilled the regulations of the act, Men under twenty years of age, those over thirty-four years of age or married men, or men of Am- enican or foreign parentage must state this fact in a letter to the Sen- ate before November 26th. This is part of a plan to keep '"'tad" on all students lest they be not acquainted with the provisions of the Act, and anyone not complying with the re- quest will not he allowed to attend lectures after December 1st, LIEUT. MALLOCH HOME Arnprior ' Officer Who Trained at Kingston Has Arrived, Lieut. Edward Malloch, Armaprior, has arrived at his home from France BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1917. INCDENTS OF THE DAY LOCAL NOTES AND FTHMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings In the City and Vicinity --What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. Pianos to remt. Ltd. Buy your winter supply of pota- toes at Friendship's, Frank McCambridge is in-Hotel Dieu and will undergo a serious op-| eration. W. Swain, piano tuner, 100 Clergy | street west. Orders left at MeAu-| ley"s, or phone 564.. Every man exempt .from military service should keep fit for double duty at home, The Y.M.C.A. helps keep you fit. Join to-day. The president of the Board of Trade wishes to acknowledge $2 sent by "A Friend" to the Belgian Chil- dren's Health Fund. Now is the time to have your plano tuned, we carry two expert tuiers and will assure entire sat- 'staction. C. W. Lindsay, Lta. ! The Utilities Commission has not vet dealt with the resignation of A. | J. Murray as collector of electrie,! gas and water rates. Mr. Murray leaves at the end of the month. We will rent you a piano, t end of six months if you f e purchasin 0 t- we wili al low the 6 e n pur- chase price, and arrange easy terms op halance. C. W. Lindsay. Ltd. The Army and Navy Veterans' As- sociation meeting called for Monday evening . was cancelled. so that the | members could hear the nomination | speeches at the City Hall. We will rent you a plano, and at end-of six months if you feel like purchasing imstrument we will al- low the 6 months remial on pur- chase price and arrange easy terms on halance. C. W. Lindsay. Ltd. The City Council meeting last evening, was postponed till this even- ing owing to the nomination ad-| dresses in the City Hall. The mayor | and aldermen izathered but agreed | on adjournment. Show your appreciation of the splendid work the Y.M.C.A. is doing for our soldier boys at home and at the front, buy investing in a mem- bership ticket for your local associa- tion to-day. -------------------------- To Run on Fusion Ticket. A fusion ticket comprising all the faculties in Queen's University will be the election plan for the Alma | Mater Society this session, adcording to information received at the uni- versity on Tuesday morning. The ladies in the Levana Society will be allowed to contest for what- | ever offices they want, and in any | they do not enter candidates the men | will be elected by acclamation. Elec- tion expenses are to be cut to a minimum, Keeping the Quality Up. LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE, the World Famous Cure for Colds and Grip, is now 30c pef box. On account of 'the advance in the price of the six different Medicinal, Con- centrated Extracts and Chemicals contained in LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE, it was necessary to in- crease the price to the Druggist. It has stood the test for a quarter of a Century. It is used by every Civ- lized Nation. Movies of the Trial. The Whig learns that the story of the Basil vs. Spratt case will be writ- ten into an scenario for metion pic- tures and produced by a well known company. A representative of the company was at the trial, after serving for many months over-| seas. Lieut. Malloch at the begin. ning of the war was granted a com-! mission in the guard which looked after interment operations at Peta-| wawa camp. Later he was transferr- ed to the 59th Battalion and trained at | camp dn the summer of 1915. He went overseas with a draft from that battalion, and after several months' stay in England was i | be held on November 26th, when : arrangements . The New 1917 Book of lan Hay ALL IN IT. "K" CARRIES ON A continuation of "The First Hundred Thousand." .. . Price $1.50 THE CHRISTMAS LADIES' HOME JOURNAL (On sale Tuesday) Christmas stories by Grace Richmond, Catherine Van Dyke, Kate Douglas Wiggin, Dana Burnet, Frank G. Jones, Harold Mec- Grath, Our Boys in France, Cut Outs for the Kiddies, Christmas Din- ners, Etc. The College Book Store, 160-162 Princess St. Open Nights Phone 919 - Pearl Strings We have an excellent show- ing just now of High quality pearls for the neck. The prices vary and many patterns are not at all expen sive, See our newly decorated wine dows for suggestions. Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Headquarters for Whithy Jet * Necklets Also. White Flannelette Blankets with pink or blue border; three sizes; medium, large and extra large sizes. Grey Flannelette Blankets with pink or blue border; three sizes; medium, large and extra large sizes. Best quality and lowest prices. White wool blankets, double bed size, extra special at $6.50 up. Orders taken for HUDSON SEAL COATS W.F.Gourdier Phone 700. 78.80 Brock Street. Underwear -- Underwear Fleece lined, union, all wool, for every member of the household; still selling at last season's prices. Newnan The Always Busy Store. A Semi-Detached Frame | Dwelling (central) can be bought for $2200; immediate possession. A New Solid Brick Bun- galow, all modern, at $2350; immediate pos- session. Rents collected and money to loan. BUILDERS' SUPPLIES owen LUMBER We recently received from {the United States, several cars 2. Yellow Pine, Cypress and All first quality stock, suite able for interior finish. CLOSING OF MAILS -- Brith: bh mall closes irregularly. formation posted at P.O. Lokby time to time: " 0 sm. and 11.50 pam, : nd 11.30 pam. ang goin, a Trink, Or oat, achuting Western CPR 1618 an. wud 138 Ie ' enter two teams in the OHA, a t a meeting of the executive of ton Junior Hockey League 3 night, it was decided to ! Amother Medtiag will ur- nts will be made for Jack Powell.

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