Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Nov 1917, p. 7

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ES It ia easier to make money than to save | Bavings Account at The Bank of Toronto will save what your Increased effort provides, 11 Branches in Toronto, ESTABLISHED 1855. Production Increased effort and clency in laber, omy and less waste In iivin building up capital by hard- er work and greater savings, will enrich you and your country. The men and wo- men at home must produce more to cover wars waste. t. help 119 Branches in Canada HE BANK of TORONTO 0 Brick veneered house, seven rooms, B..and C., down town section; six hun- - dred dollars required; balance to suit purchaser. Best value in the city. Price eighteen hundred dollars. The J. K. CARROLL AGENCY. ". 56 Brock Street. Open Every Saturday Evening. Have You ~ Seen Mahalia ? -- The latest creation in face pow- der, talcum powder, vanishing and cold, cream, toilet water, etc. Our upper window display is "A Beauty." Hoag's Drug Store Branch Post Office, Kingston, Ont. People's ik Watts, Florist! Bulbs Bulbs Bulbs Just Arrive rum Holland wo OT -------------------------------------- Carpenter and Builder W. R. BILLENNESS Specialising ' Store Fronts and Fit. tings. Remodeling Bullatugs of all ESTIMATES 1: EXPERIENCE i Address 202 University Ave. The Leading Florist Floral ein, ets Designs, and Cut Flowers our ty. Orders Sliced prompury, Phone 239, 115 Brock Potatoes! hI Friendship's ! 210 Division St. Phone 545 TAXI SERVICE RING 960. .J.JOHNSON|: Kingston--Cape Vincent Ferry Daily Except Sunday oo ve pim, Jam, + Kingston ... iv C1 es Carried, Phone No, 2193, . Returned Soldiers For the purpose of assisting returned soldiers the Legislature has provided for the formation of an association called "The Soldiers' Aid Commission of Ontario." The Head Office is at No. 116 College St, Toronto. Hon, WwW, D. McPherson is the Chairman and Mr. Joseph 'Warwick is the Secretary. All communications intended for either of them should be addressed to Ne. 116 'ollege street, Toronto. W. F. Hlekle, 8q., K.C, MP. of Kingston, 4s a mem- ber of the above-named Commission, and represents #t locally at Kingston and in this neighborhood. we Ridgaton Branch is located at e Board o rade Rooms, Kingston. Telephone No. 701. wi The public are cordially Invited to co-operate with us in seourjng suit- able employment, and in ng other helpful work for Returned Soldiers and their dependents. Classes for Vocational Re-Bducdtfon of Returned Soldiers who have been so disabled as to prevent them from re- suming their former occupations have been provided, and every Soldier who re s his disab¥lity as of such & na- ture &s to entitle him to the benefit of these Classes is requested to make application to Mr. James H. Maonee, the 'under-mentioned Secretary, or to WW, « Nichol, Vocational Officer for Ontardo, at the Head Office, No. 118 College . Toronto, when full particulars will 'be gladly furnished Hoard to enable those entitled to ob- tain courses of instruyotfon in the sub jects suitable to their particular dls apility, In addition to getting instruc. on free, the support of the soldier and 'his family or endents during the period of retraining and for one month after it is completed, is pro- vided for according to scale. Cases where assistance for the fam- Hies of soldiers is required are daily reported to us, and subscriptions to the Relief Fund will be thank re- ceived. Subscribers to this Fund are assured that payments from same are made only afer careful official inves. tigation of the merits of each case, and particulars will be furnished on réquest to subscribers as to th of Ontamio, and forwarded to Joseph Warwick, Esq. 116 College St., Toronto, and in each case &n oMolal receipt will be issued therefor. Dona- tions will be expended as far as Pos- with the expressed ns, sible in compliance wishes of the dono AR service are free of charge. For fumhar pa: Hare a8 to our Work, write or telephone any of the Rowing officers: y James H. Maenee, Secretary. Elevator 3! Seated tenders will be aay, Nove at r ouse, Cereal M Half-Milion Bushel Grain situated on the water front Suih at ng: effi- | more econ- | 4|Wed., Thur., Nov. 21, 22 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1917. | GR AND opeRA| HOUSE | TONIGHT POLITE VAUDEVILLE Five-Reel Photoplay | Harold Lockwood, in "Under Handicap" The I'athe News, Comedy and Other Features, Polite Vaudeville A Five-Act Photoplay Mabel Taliaferro, in "Jury of Fate" The Pathe News, Com- edy and Other Features. Matinee = Evening 10¢; Any Seat 10c Reserved, Se Extra Friday, Nov. 23 One Night Only ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY NOT A MOVING PICTURE MME. SARAH BERHARoT The People's Forum sss -------- CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion, 1¢ 8 word. Each con- secutive insertion thereafter, half. cent a word, Minim h ene insertion, 26¢; three ingertions, 50c; six $1; ome month, $2. HELP WANTED GIRLS OR BOYS AS MESSENGERS, Apply GN.W. Telegraph Co. A YOUNG LADY WANTED FOR OF. fice work. Apply Warwick Bros, EXPERIENCED NURSE FOR BABY. Apply Mrs. Fraser, 86 Jarl street. A GOOD SERVANT; GOOD WAGES. Apply to Mrs. Dalton, 54 Johnson street. WANTED, AT ONCE, A TUG ENGIN- eer, wages $125 per month. Apply by Phone 745. MAIDS FOR HOSPITAL. © APPLY TO Matron, Kingston 'General Hos- pitad, » GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK, NO laundry, only three in family. Ap- ply 320 Earl street. SALESLADY FOR SHOE STORE. Ap. my, siating, references and salary expected toldox 1120, Whig Office. |, Bibi itil i id Sd ssa HERSELF Direction W. ¥, O'Connor With complete productions, scenery and effects. And her own company of 34 Artists from Theatre: Sarah Bernhardt, Paris. CLEOPTRA and PORTIA "Bernhardt still holds supremacy. Art superb as ever."--N.Y. Sun. "Bernhardt once more defies time the accepted symbol of the irres- istible- spirit of the French."--N. Y. World. At each performance the following TIETTTTIETTTYeY TYR Reedy + . A boy to carry a route. Apply 4 bp Biritiah Whix Office. : a TAPP MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, family of two. References re- quired. Apply Mrs. J. M. Hughes, 166 University Ave, BOY WANTED, + JOHN LAIDLAW & SON. & *| $4300 ON FIRST MORTGAGE ON CITY WANTED GENERAL WICKER WILLOW BABY CARRIAGE, in good condition. Address H, L. Wilson, 208 Frontenac Street. SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE OR FLAT. Must scrupulously cleaned. No children. Apply Box 1119 Whig Office. SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, for cash or in part payment of new pianos and grafanolas. C. W. Lind- Say, Limited, 121 Princess street. THREE FURNISHED ROOMS WITH bath: suitable for housekeepipg, or small house, for family of three. Address ox 1115, care British TRAVELLERS CALLING UPON MER- chants and business men In East- ern Ontario can connect with a good side line by applying to Box . W., Whig office. trictly cou- fidential \ WE WANT TO BUY ALL KINDS OF second-hand furniture, stoves, heaters, clothes, etc. We also have everything in the second-hand Hne for sale. S Shapiro, 45 Prin- cess street. Phone 1337. FOR SALE, FOUND CHILD'S RED WOOL MITTEN at corner of Princess and Al- bent streets, Owner may have Same by calling at 414 Albert Street, A LIGHT BROWN SCARF. OWN. or can learn of its whereabouts by applying at this office and proving property, BUNCH OF KEYS PICKED Up in the Post Office lobby can be secured from Postmaster James Stewart. FOUND A CLES ADVER. TISED FH, Anyone finding anything and wish ng to reach the owner may do so by reporting the facts to The British Whig® The cdver- tisement will be printed in this column free of charge. "Found articles" not In. clude lost dogs, cattle, horses, ete. Th if lost, ma be ad- THESE EFFECTIVE little. Once, 36¢; one week, $1.0M\ A NEW MCLAUGHLIN AND CHEVRO. let. Apply Dr. H. A. Boyoe, 93 Wels lington St BRILLIANT FAVORITE HALL HEAT. er, in good conditdon. Apply 37 Stephen street. A SECOND, HAND LIGHT DELIVERY waggon, in good order. Apply W, B. Datton & Sons, GARDEN LAND « 13 ACRES TWO miles from Kingston. Apply to R. A. Marrison, Cataraqul, Ontario, ONR-TON SANFORD MOTOR Truck in first class condition. Ap ply to W. G. Craig & Co. or Boyd's Garage. A FARM CONTAINING 200 ACRES; good buildings and well watered. RY oly to W. A, Smith, Westbrooke, R. R. No. 1, a ADVTS. Oos® three times 60s; A €; vertised 16% in the * LOST WANTE OLD FALSE TEETH; don't matter if broken. I pay $2 to $15 per set. Send by parcel post and receive check by return mall Raerh 403 N. Wolfe St., Baltimore, MONEY WANTED. , property, $1000 ON FIRST MORTGAGE ON CITY property. $1000 ON FIRST MORTGAGE ON CITY property. $800 ON FIRST MORTGAGE ON CITY property. A FIRE INSURANOE RATE BOOK, ON Nae, 14th. Please return to this office, A WATERMAN PEN, IN A BLUE BOX, on Union street. Finder please leave at The Whig. A BLACK FUR, BETWEEN KING AND Brock. Finder please return to Wihig Office and receive reward. DEER HOUND DOG, WHILE HUNT. ing deer at Long Lake, near Flower Station, with mark *"T" on left hip. J. M. Theobald, Kingston, Ont, BLACK UMBRELLA WITH SILVER top; initials "N.M.W." on Saturday morning; llkely in Island market. Kindly return to Mrs. A. L. Whit- ing, §2 Clergy. Reward. GEO, A. BATEMAN, REAL ESTATE figent, 67 Clarence Street, Phone STRAYED. A MARRIED MAN TO DRIVE SAND to city. Steady work round and good wages. H. Fair, R.R. No, 5. the year Apply R. Kingston. artists will appear: Jean Duval Co., Boies Bele BoB Sd Sd Gems of Art; Albert Donnelly, Sha- dowgraphy; Florence Hardeman, vio- linist; Annie Louise David, Harpist; Rome Fenton, tenor, 50¢ to $2.00. 4 TEFTTETETETTTTYeeeeRe MY A good active mailing Department. wages and steady p . . . bh Apply British Whig 0 b Shh iid tas Mail orders received and filled .now if accompanied by money order. Positively no phone orders or reserva tions for this engagement. Box Office Sale Wednesday. Monday, Nov. 26th. This is NOT a Moving Picture, THE SWEETEST PLAY IN ALL THE WORD FULL OF LAUGHS AND NEW IDEAS JANE COWL"S WONDERFUL HIT TEEETTTTeITY LILACTIRE AS PRODUCED AT THE REPOBLAC THEATRE RI 11580 Prices -- $1.50, $1, 75¢, 50c, 25¢ Seat Sale Friday, Nov. 23rd. A. B. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER and solicitor. Law office, 79 Clar. ence street, Kingston. BOARD AND ROOMS Tues. Nov. 27th One Night Only American Tour AREWELL AMERICAN TOUR HARRY LAUDER Assembled. y T5¢, $1, $1.50, $2. Seats on Sale Nov. 24th. y Griffin'S FURNISHED ROOMS WITH OR WITH. out board. Apply Mrs. Beardsell, 32 Ontario street, SITUATIONS VACANT. AMAZING SELLER--TABLETS THAT wash clothes spoilssly clean with- out rubbing. Promise to-solicit or- ders with ten cents will bring sam- fies for four washings. Make dol- r an hour. Bradley's Co. Brant- ford, Ont. THRILLING STORIES OF THE GREAT war. Profusely Hlustrated. Ev- ery mother wants it, as well as every red blooded Canadian. Easy seller. Low price. Big profit, Freight pald. Credit given. Sam- ple free. Winston Co. Toronto. PREMISES OF B. JAMES, 435 rie street, a cow Owner may have same by applying to 4356 Bar. rie street and proving property. THE Brown, PREMISES OF JAMES R.R. No. 2, Kingston, a lamb. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this advertisement. OCT. 14TH, TO THE PREMISES of Henry Morrow, Sr, Lantana, Ont, a three year old steer, color, red and white, mer can have animal by proving property and paying for adventiging and ex- penses. BUSINESS CHANCES FINANCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Society: incorporated 1863; resident, olonel H. R. Smith, M.G.; Vice-president, W. F. Nic- kie, KC. XN i a INVESTORS WARNING DONS INVEST one cent until you read Successful Finance, and learn how fortunes are made and lost by Investors. Free trial subscri n. Success ful Finance, 608 Dearborn St. Chicago. LC. y on sity and farm properties, municipal an country debentures; mortgages pur- chased: imvestment bonds for sale; deposits received and In- terest allowed. C, Cartwright, manager, §7 Clarence St, Kingston. ERFOOL, LONDON AND GG Fire Insurance Company. Availab) Assets $61,187,215. In addition te which the policyholders have for security the unlimited Mability of city property, Insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewin old *or giving new business Pr rates from Strange Strange, Ag Phone 325. MEDICAL DR. H. 8. ANGROVE, PHYSICILN AND Surgeon, 98 Clergy street Brock Hours 2 to 4; 7 to 9. Of- fice phone 2163; residénce 1783. Public Notice Public notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the Children's Ald Society of the city of Kingston and County of Froutenac, will be held in the Counefl Cham! November on evening, No at 8 o'clock. Citizens of 'the City © Kingston and County of Frontenac are urgently requested to attend. Br order, : W. BANDS, Secretary. W. \ Kingston, Nov. 20th, 1917. Court of Revision Notice 4s hereby given that a Court | be held by ThE The the Judge Connie of Fahne} AR AGOREOR af oun 0 nnox and hy the Councll Chamber, Buidings, Kin n, on Friday, November 29th, at 10 am. to hear perso gr he asin av! are od. To. ast at the same time and place. 3 a! W. W. SANDS, Clerk, Court of Revision. Kingston, Nov. 20th, 1817. Tenders Tenders will be received up to Saturday Noon, November 24th, 1917, for the Food Require- ments for the month of December. The Department retcives tis right to accept all or part of any , Lowest or any Tender not neces- accepted. Tenders to be addressed to, EE a REEVE, Nerve ' Years of experience .enables me to treat difficult cases suc- Soanfy Hy. Call, or state case by 18 Carlton Street, Toronto, ee DENTAL E. KNAPP, B.A, LDS, DDS, A Ofllcs, 258 Princess street Phone DR J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, corner Princess and Bagot streets. Phone 626. DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. tists, 159 Wellington street, G. C Dewar, D.DS., LDS. assl Phone 346. | Dr. Ernest B. Sparks, DENTIST. To No. 7 General Hospital, Queen's University, in England, Egypt and France, after two and a half years tice Sparks ~ Bparks, 130 Wel at 1 lington St., city. (Over Carmov- sky's). Phone 846. es -- PIANO TUNING. JOS. HODGE, CERTIFICATED PIANO tuner. Leave orders at McAuley's, or Phone 868. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEN selections, your own cholce, $30.85, Terms: §5 cash, $1 per week. C. W, Lindsay, Limited, 131 Princess St. + mes ---------------------------------------- PRIVATE SALE OF WALNUT AND oak furniture, canpets, curtains and poles, gas range, Pandora coal range, fawn mower and refrigera- tor. Apply 89 Clergy St. West, AUTOMOBILE TOPS, ENGINE HOOD covers make your car start easy in cold weather. Have your top res covered and curtains repaired. Jud- son's Auto Tops, Brockville, A LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES, IN« cluding the famous Athlete, Over- land and Perfect Models; also tires and bicycle accessories. leorge Muller, 373 King St, Phone 1033. ---------------------------------------------- -- SIX BEAUTIFUL WHITE LEGHORN hens, $6.00; one 2-storey portable coop With steal nests, automatie ers and all modern convenien- ces, $20.00, Apply 402 Johnson St. LARGE STOOK OF EXTENSION TA. bles and dining chairs, buffets, china cabinets, also go rings and mattresses. We bi all kinds of second hand furniture, J. Thompson, 333 Princess street. Phone 1600. TO LET TWO NICE FURNISHED ROOMS AND sitting room. Apply 240 Johnson street, OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. - r Canalo bers. Apply to A. B. 79 Clarence street, R MER~ ohandise, clean and dry. Socanms Real Estate Agency, §2 Brock St, Phones 328 or 621. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS WITH PRI. vate bath, steam heated; also bed sitting room. Prices reasonable, Apply 27 Wellington street, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, ULEAK dry, alry rooms; ad own loo! key. Frost's City Storage, 129% Queen street. Phone 526; res. 988. TWO STORES ON PRINCESS ST. BE- low Clergy, one at $18.00 and other at $20.00 per month, Avplz Carroll bl The J. Agency, Brock street. t FOR SALE OR TO RENT NEW BRE A FARM OF 50 ACRES. house and bank ba good n. Has two good wells. Close church, factory and school particulars apply to Mrs. W. P, {Dundon, Brewer's Mills, Onit. FURNITURE FINISHING DRISCOLL, FURNITURE "ie Jona P. er. Call or drop a card, -- al street. ARCHITECT R & SON, ARCHITROTS, MER. rows nts Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington PERSONAL HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, snd all Srowihe and Te MISS J having "orders Address DEON, r SHAKER, Foam fone solicits for fall and winter Ww 202 Alfréd street. ----r

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