EI IN WHITE, RED, BLACK, TAUPE, ( INNAMON, BATTLESHIP . GREY, CROSS, McKAY FURS are made from prime full furred silky skins. Your inspection invited, JOHN McKAY, Your Windows and Doors Are drafty and cold. Our metal weather strips put on by experts will make them wind and storm proof. Give us the chance to prove this to you. Ring 810. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street Kingston, Ont. Se $ TO US. STANDARD || sii PATTERNS Specialists Consult D.OS. King Street. At the Real Estate Investment | | Four dwellings within three fi! blocks of Clty Park, having an [|| annual income of $700. Pay- ing over ten per cent. net. GOING FOR $5200, 'McCann, 82 Brock St. Phone 326 or 621. HONEY fi Juicy ... {| Evaporated Apricots ... i Sweet Cider ... .., Weare Optical IS BEST SOLVED BY COMING thorough scientific examination and ac- curate glasses at Asselstine's. J. 3. ASSELSTINE THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, N ~SERCT. STRACHAN KILLED INCIDENTS | LETTER TO J.C. K. TAINS STARTLING NEWS, | OF THE DAY MUNSIE CON.|LOCAL NOTES AND FTEMS OF | GENERAL INTEREST. -- { Well-known Soldier of the 146th Happenings In the City and Vicimit) | Batt Price Germans dion Pays Highest istant District Mliitary Ser 2 letter from | | to| | | --What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. Ring up 645 for sweet Black tea, 45¢ Ib. at R. H. 1T n Tuesday. There was no session of the police -| court Tuesday mbérning 1 action, mm received O.'s death and it i 1 tted. He was with the ng section of the 146th Bat-| rt Barriefield Camp, and was |gea y was used as ar Munsie in the|Tp I letter came and reads: it as you were a great Sergt. Strachan that you » to hear that I saw him twelve hours before he was| 1 and he was speaking of you. going ahead with the bat- » establish a signal station | and a shell burst very close He bled to death before any- | could be done for him. He] n extremely good soldier and | ieve =meé everyone had not his | nerve "Pte. G llet@bf your old sec | {tion was also killed while in the 43rd | | Battalion and under about the same | {circumstances, Dalton Williams and W. O. Vrooman and myself are to-| | gether in the battalion. They both | | wish to be remembered { "We are seeing plenty of mud out | | here, but of course, that is part of| |our business. Signalling is very in- | teresting of course, when Fritz drops a shell on the line and stops com! {munication for a few minutes it is different. Flags are used very sel- | dom, but we occasionally have to use lamps." Sergt, Mrs. C. R land, YMCA. CAMPACN ENDS | WITH $717 IN CASH AND 220 NEW MEMBERS, | Mother of a Queen's Graduate Who | Fell in Action Contributes $200 to Buy Memberships for About | | Seventy Boys, | The splendid. enthusiasm has prevailed | automobile membership race con | ducted during the past week by the Kingston Y.M.C.A. came to its-climax | | of excitement Monday evening when {the corridors of the association build- ling were thronged by an eager | ecrowd of boys for the hour of 9.30, | when the final campaign returns | were posted up. | The score board showed a total of | $717 received in membership money {and locker fees, which also indicat led that 220 members (mostly boys) had been enrolled. An interesting and touching inei- {dent of the campaign was the gift {of a mother whose son (a graduate {of Queen's) recently paid the su- | preme sacrifice in his country's ser- | vice, and the cheque of $200 pre. sented to the general secretary of the 'Y" in his memory will provide membership tickets for about seven- ity poor boys who cannot afford the | small fee charged by the association. Strachan's next of kin is Strachan in Perth, Scot-| whieh} { --_-- Golden Lion Grocery Fancy Clover | In one pound sections, 25 cents each. | Fresh California Prunes, nice and ve 10e, 12% ¢, 15¢ Ib. f | Evaporated Peaches, 2 lbs for 25c. i! The Giving of Is a very important thing, and especially this season when economy is the watch- word. In our store you will find a great many articles of real use and value. Eiderdown Quilts are cheaper than coal and we have them in many qualities | and prices, from $6.00 up. We will lay them aside for you until | 4 x Sa RTE ES % 3 Sonia R. | McFaul, i James Andrew" The winning car in the race was the "Chevrolet," a team of boys cap- tained by "Bill" Eason, with a score of $140.50; while following a close second was the "Saxon," captained by Lachlan MacKinnon, with $127.- 50. The other scores are: Grey Dort, $60; Cole, $42.50; Hudson, $28; Paige, $22; Regal, $19.50; Cadillac, $17; Briscoe, $12; Reo, $10.50; Overland, $10; McLaughlin, $10; Packard, $6, while $205 was secured by the office. Bert Sutherland won the prize for Securing most members, with eigh- teen to his credit, being closely fol- lowed by Don Nickle with sixteen; "Lack" MacKinnon with fifteen: and Frank S. Nicholson with fifteen. The other boys who will secure the association emblem for securing five mambers or over are: W. Easson; S. Gibson, Gord, Bilis, Mack" Doug- las; Ab. Wright, "Doug." Geiger, "Jack™ Robinson, "Jack" Renton. The winning teams will partake of a | Joy feast in the near future, - In discuséfhg the campaign, the { committee and both secretaries, Wil- son and Lilley, expressed themselves as more than pleased with results, which proved to them in another tonicrete way that "it pays to adver. tize."" CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR RALLY. Bethel Church Carried Off the Ban- ner on Monday Night. A Christian Endeavor Union rally was held on Monday night in Prin- cess Street Methodist church. Well. Ington Simmons, president, presided, assisted by Rev. Mr. Currie and Frank Newman. A report on the recent convention, held in Hamilton, was presented by Samuel Lilley, while the address the evening was given by Prof. Mathers. Miss Shirley Parrott ren- dered a solo. and there was also a duet by Miss Flynn and 8. H, 8. Jones. The banner which is awarded by the union for the society having thé largest attendance at the meetings of the executive, the weekly meet. ings of the society, and the attend- ance at the rallies was carried off by Bethel church. Calvary church held "it previously: 3 Church to Invest. W. Swain, piano uner, 100 Clergy | reet west, Orders left at McAu- ley's, or phone 564. i Boxes of cigars will be sent to all m rs of the Curling Club over-| rge B. McKay and Capt. James } and (overseas) are me ie OHA, executive for Now is the time to have your plano tuned, we carry two expert] tuners and will assure entire sat-| isfaction. CO W. Lindsay. Ltd Miss Ethel Kennelly, of Renfrew, | who- underwent a critical operation | in the Hotel Dieu three weeks ago, | returned to her home yesterday. "Rev. T. W. Neal, Toronto, is to be! the special preacher in Sydenham Street Methodist cHureh next Sun-| day, when an appeal for $12,000 to! remove a debt will be made. Now is the time to have your| plano tuned, we .carry two expert | tuners and will assure entire sat- | 'sfaction. C. W. Lindsay. Lta. A. Jack, Children's Aid inspector, | brought four children from a home in the county to the city on Tuesday, placing three in the Orphans' Home and one in a fester home. We will rent you a piano, and at end of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we wili al- low the 6 months' rental on pur- chase price, and arrange easy terms on balance. C. W. Lindsay. Ltd. Fire Chief James Armstrong con tinues to improve. He is getting around with the aid of a pair of crutches; but it will be some time yet heafore he k aft i duties. | Chief Thunderbolt, who has been spending the last few davs in Gan- anoque, is coming {fo the city Wednesday evening to give an is able to ! s able to ! 3 er his ad- dress to the boys of the Y.M.C.A. on | "Woadcraft." Prevost, Brock street, has receiy- | jed a large shipment of mens' and youths' winter overcoats and suits, whith he will sell at very close pri- | ces. .In his 6rder clothing depart- all through the big ment he has a full range of cloth | which he will make up into suits or| overcoats at a very reasonable price | and guarantee first class fit Capt. H. W. Burnett, of whom Sir | Sam Hughes says "he was one of the best chaplains overseas," will preach in Queen Street Methodist church on Sunday next. He is on a month's leave of absence to see his son in the flying corps and to st at his daughter's wedding, Miss Beatrice Ryan, of Erinsville, was removed from the C.P.R. station to Hotel Dien on Spdurday morning suffering from acutd 'appendicitis, and is now resting comfortably. after the operation. Miss Ryan pad only returned to her home the previous Thursday from the Hotel Dieu, be ing under treatment for ear trouble. Keeping the Quality Up, LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE, the World Famous Cure for Colds! On| and Grip, is now 30¢ per box. account of the advange in the price of the six different Medicinal, Con-, centrated Extracts and contained in QUININE, it was necessary to in- crease the price to the Druggist. It has stood the test for a quarter of| a Century. It is used by every Civ- ilized Nation, Odessa Personals. Mrs. Brown, Toronto, has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Benja- min. Perry Hogle, N.Y., has been visiting friends and relatives and renewing acquaintances of his boyhood days. Buy your groceries at Pickering's. | Information 'Jji=olos by Mr. Haffner, | Mrs. (Col.) Hargrave; ydenham Street Methodist church $12,000 to clear off Prim re ' Stewart on behalf of western beef at Fickering's. | Chemicals | LAXATIVE BROMO] Il Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE Watertown, | Hi phone solos, A. E. Haunt; bible read- 1 ings, Rev. J. W. Foster, cornet solos, }i Tree at the OVEMBER 27, 1917. wr HE CAMP OF: THE f another series of sia was | upheaval actually saw is A page of Pen and Inklings, by \ FIRST HALF 8 -iHustrate b WILLIAM G. SHEPHERD, The Biggest and Best Magazine Published at 15c¢. EVERYBODY'S December Christmas Number Containing 28 Special Features, clud ing: t Ke 3 the rd fortable happy THE WOMAN'S PORTION A ren ry by & 1 ON MILLI ng the man ALLEN HAMILTY } who Short stories hy Hall and others. Webster's "The White Are," and of Jackson Greg. ory's "Judith of Blue Lake Ranch ™ tuli-puge reproductions of paintings in d with Four Oliver Herford. color. SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER December Everybody's, 84 x 113, 166 pages, and equal to 232 pages of old style magazine, together with any other 15¢ or 20c mag- azine, the two for 25c. Only while present stock lasts. : The College Book Store, KEEPING THE HOME x A 1 me tory by ar « W FRANK SCOTT AMERICAN f heads the WwW RES RURNING NRY. ROOD arkabl r Ish author B. MAXWELL War Industrie Loulse Closser Hale, Wilbur Continuation of Henry Kitehent |W SAA | NOBBY COATS .. | For the Ladies on | .. $13.50 UP a c CREPE DE CHENE ING SHADES . . WHITE MARQUISETTE rN WAISTS, ... er ov. $1.00 UP WAISTS, IN EVEN. co... .. $350UP SERGES . . .. i WHITE SILK BLOUSES ..-.. $1.25 UP il PRETTY SKIRTS IN TWEEDS AND 3 i | ER Se | CLOSING OF MAILS bop | Briti.h mail closes irregularly. !| a posted at P.O. Lobby from time to time. ¢ United States, dally . goirg 11.30 a.m. and 11.38 pan. Grand Trunk, Toronto and west, including Western on ... . 0 pm, ¢ pam. { W pam. | Ar remem i-------------- GAVE A GREAT CONCERT. | Big Crowd Entertained at the Salva-| } tion Army Citadel. | The concert given at the Salva-| | tion Army Citadel on Monday night, was enjoyed by a big crowd. The band gave one of the finest program- mes they ever put on, and the audi- ence was loud in its praise of their i work. The different selections were {rendered with fine effect. Adjutant (&nd Mrs. Smith assisted in the pro- gramme, Mayor Hughes was the chairman, and he delivered an ap- propriate address. In addition to by bandsmen Brooks and MecConnel, readings by vocal duet, rs. Adjutant Smith and son: saxo- Y. P. Bandmaster Baker. At the close, Sergt-Major C. J. Graham, moved a hearty vote of thanks to Mayor Hughes and all whe | bad taken part in the programme. -------------- "The Voice on the Wire." It is saying a whole lot when we ual to "The Gray Ghost." sister serial and the first episode] vill be shown at the King Edward e Wednesday and Thursday. n order to encourage the ladies to in the afternoons for the {Orst episode they will be admitted matinees. Dr. Hall's Cough Balsam. . Cures coughs le. Prouse's Drug the selections by the band, the duets] and colds, 25¢ a bot- J Btore. gt tC. W. Lindsay, poe BUILDERS SUPPLIES weeag HARDWOOD FLOORINGS 3 flooring in Birch, Maple, Plain Red Oak and quartered White Oak. 13-16 Maple floor- ing. All end matched and bundled: ADA FA\ Keep Your The Ready-to-Use Chocolate CHOCOLATTA No cooking or milk required Add boiling water only Condensed = coffee, - milk and sugar combined ready to use. Baker's Grocery Phone 1016. Princess & Frontenfic | J) COAL CUSTOMERS Please Notice ! On and after first of May Coal Sales will be for Cash Only. BOOTH & CO. Phone 133. : mm ) | Orders taken for HUDSON SEAL COATS W. F.Gourdier Phone 700. | 78-80 Brock Street. Nin, A semi-detached dwelling, with 8 rooms, B. and C., cellar and good yard, for $1450. A double dwelling on Pine St., for $2000, ~ A New Bungalow, all mod- }i ern, on Markland St., at $2,000, Houses to Rent. | Money to Loan, E.W.Mullin & Son Cor. Johnson and Division Sts. Phones 589 and 1456. mi STOR Warm ! The cold nights are here and you know how you dread to get in between cold sheets. Why not ga get one of