Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Nov 1917, p. 4

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A MOTHER'S APPEAL, Mrs. P. D. Crerar, of Hamilton, who has lost two sons at the front, sounds the ringing note of loyal lead- ership to all patriotic Canadfan wo- men. . ~ Speaking at a women's meeting on behalf of the Union Government, she said: "Are you going to help your boys who are fighting for you, or are you not? Your husband may be a Lib- eral and your father may be a Con- servative, Never mind either of them. Vote for the boy." That is sound, sensible advise, It is at once an appeal to forget party and, to rally to the help of the brave lads "over there." Every mother, every sister, every daughter, every wife--yea, and every widow-----of a Canadian soldier should respond to AID OF THE ALLIES Italians When the Great Rome, Nov. 27.--It is announced on the best authority that the reason why the French and British troops sent to Italy have mot joined Italians so far on the fighting front is because their help has not necessary. the Italians when and wherever they were needed, but the Italian army has made such a wonderful recovery in esprit and organization that not only have they checked the enemy, but recently have gained some ad- vantages. It is impossible to predict when the decisive battle will begin or whether the present Ines will be held for the great test, but tle NOT NEEDED SO FAR, But They Will Back up the American Consul Speaks of | Test Comes. {son on Tuesday said: the been | They were sent to assist! | now DEVELOPING COUNTRY'S RESOURCES Tremendous Increase in Exports. F. S. 8. John- "The citizens | do not seem to realize the tremen- dous development process which is going on in this district because of the war and that its effect will be permanent to a great extent. Sul- | phurie acid is being shipped at the | rate of $1,000 worth a day. The ex- ports this year have reached now Vthe sum of $4,200,000, which is al- | ready more than double last year's a, The exports have been in- | creasing in the same proportion and | if the war was to stop now it would result in Canada resources being |'the source of supply of hundreds of | American industries, whose regular American Consul Published Daily and Semi-Weekly by THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO, LIMITED. La) guid ++» Managing Director and Treas. iC. SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Daf 00 Lees $6.00 ces $2.50 2.5 Va mail to rural offi to United States Qe y by maf], cash 1.0 year, if not paid in advance $1.50 One Jour, to United States .. . X and three months pro rata, MONTREAL REPRESENTATIVE R. Bruce Owen 123 St. er B TORONTO REPRESENTATIVE F.C. Hoy ... 1006 Traders Bank Bldg. UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE: F.R.Northrup, 225 Fifth Ave. New York F.R.Northrup, 1510 Ass'n Bidg., Chicago Attached is ome of the best b printing offices tn Canada. J The circulation of THE BRITISH WHIG is authenticated by the ABoU Audit Bureau of Cireciations. The Kaiser is finding out that this year spades are trump. Victory loan--$20,000,000. Kings- ton can do it. Will she? : This nippy weather is full of nerve and verve. If ought work for victory both for bonds Canada and in the war zones. We all ought to do without some- thing these times. It is resolved that we do without Laurier candi. dates. Blood is thicker than water, and also more unifying than party poli- tics during a war. The 'women who have soldier relatives at the front will not desert them in their hour of direst need. Winning the war is all that now should concern us. After that is done, after 'the captains and the kings depart," we can then take up our party alignments once more. But until that happy day shall dawn, let us stand united. The difference between the two sides in the political campaign is as between the phrase "We will" and "We may." The Union party says to the boys overseas, "We will send you help." The Laurierites say "We may help; we cannot say." adians in the mud and horrors of war? The objective of the Victory Loan 1 has heen advanced to $2,000,000, and the surprising thing is tha' the general committee has no hesitation in making it at so large a figure, | tories and on the farms are to be ABT MEA, Two objectives have been smashed taken wholesale, these sources and the Whig's thenmometer had set the final goal. Senator Richardson was brave enough to say the object ive was not high enough, HOW WOMEN CAN HELP. Every regiment sent to the front under the working of the Military Service Act will help to relieve the strain on the men now facing the foe. Wives and mothers, sisters and daughters of those gallant boys who hawe served and sactificed for three long years and more, will you not unite in helping to succor them? There is only one way you can be sure of sending them the aid they need so much, and that is by work- ing and voting for the Union Gov. ernment and its candidates, It would be an insult to ask any Can- adian woman to do otherwise. -------------------- A LESSON FROM KITCHENER. When a Kitchener mob' howls down a Liberal Unionist and a Con- | servative Unionist and shouts for Laurier, it is quite clear on which side the German element stands. Are the rest of Canada going to line up with them and vote for Laurier can- didates? There can be no half way measures in the coming election. He that is not 'with us 8 against us. Union Government, at this moment. | Sus time in our history, demands our support and oud allegiance if Can. adians are to stand fast and quit themselves like men. When Canada armed her men and sent them over- seas she promised to stand behind them to the last man and the last |erican. dollar. Are we now going to emu- late the Germans and render that promise a mere "scrap of paper"? on 92 to give t6~ stimulate | such an appeal. HYDRO-ELRCTRIC POWER, The announcement that Hydro- Electric power from the Trent will, within ten days, be helping to light "Kingston and make the wheels of its industries turn, is good news in- deed. [For over eight years Kingston has been waiting for Sir Adam Beck it electrical energy from waterralls, "At last the long-hoped- for and greatly-need supply fs at hand, and it comes at a time when very urgently needed, in view of the greatly increased cost of coal. The 9 {load the engines and boilers of the Publie Utilities plant are at present carrying will be to a large extent taken care of by the power which will come over the Hydro-Electric Commission's transmission line from the Trent, the Kingston connection being made at Napanee. Not only will this city benefit as a result of the carrying of Trent power this far east, but small places like Cataraqui will soon be able to dispense with coal oil lamps and have their houses lighted by electricity. The Hydro. Electric Commission has kept this district waiting for a long time, but at last the benefits of a cheaper source of electrical energy are to be felt here. EXEMPTING THE FARMERS. The attitude of a section of the farming community in regard to the new Union Government has been a little difficult to understand. They have opposed this* Government be- cause they were mot in sympathy with conscription, believing that the farmer and the farmers' .son, who were responsible for the production f food, should be 'left on the soil. | There was, too, a strong resentment against the old Borden Government, which, we are willing to admit, there, was ample reason for. Now, how- ever, when a new Government had replaced the old, this feeling should not have been transferred to the Borden Government's 8, be- | French and British will participate | source of supply has been over the whenever it comes. | ocean in the countries now under the | shadow of war." MARRIAGES IN LENT. { 36S IV LENT | "LILAC TIME" AT GRAND New Regulations of Church -1 RE nounced by Archbishop. {An Interesting Drama Presented on Montreal, Nov. 27.--In future| Monday . Night, marriages may be celebrated in| "Lilac Time," charming play of Catholic churches in Lent and Ad-|!ove and duty with settings in a vill- vent. In a circular letter from Arch-|@ge in northern France, was present- bishop Bruchesi read in the Catholic | ed at the Grand last night before a churches yesterday, he states: "It is! large audience. The play shows] decreed 'iff the new code of canon | British officers and men in billets at law that marriages may be contract. |® humble French home. The com- ed at all times during the year. The |Pany is composed chiefly of English nuptial blessing only is forbidden ,h and French players, who give a from the first Sunday of Advent un-| faithful picture. of what is daily til Christmas Day inclusively, and |transpiring behind the lines in war- also from Ash Wednesday until stricken France. Adelaide French Easter Sunday inclusively." in the role of "Jeannine," Charles Another announcement made by | Henderson as "Major Halloway," the archbishop is this: "In future we | Alpheus Lincoln as "Lieut. Philip shall not have the customary fast| Blythe" and Jean Coste as "Jacques days of Advent. Fridays alone shall | Riffard," are splehdid characters. remain days of abstinence." The latter role is taken by a veteran Ember week, however, is excepted } French actor. All the parts are from this rule. splendidly portrayed. a Kingston is the first place in Can- RUSSIAN DECREES | ada to be visited by the "Lilac Time" ARE BEING ISSUED company, which plays next in Ot- Two Months' Moratorium De- tawa and Toronto. The play had a long run in New York, where it was clared--S8chools Under Municipalities. An enthusiastically received, Lieut. R. W. Diggory, C.A.P.C, has been detailed for duty at the clearing depot, Quebec, as assistant depot paymaster. A charwoman surprised a Victory (Canadian Press wvespatch.) London, Nov, 27.--The Council of! People's Commissaries, according to' Loan canvasser by purchasing seve- an Exchange Telegraph despatch. ral hundred dollars' worth of bonds. from Petrograd has declared two| Rev. Dr. Bruce Taylor is expected months' moratorium from the day of to leave the hospital in Montreal in the beginning of the recent revolt, A a few days. .. By decree issued by the council creates a, Fine snappy weather. It puts life special state education commission into everything worth while. to replace the ministry of education. All schools are placed under the control of municipalities. Victory For Allies. Beis a dh id dd 4+ FAVORABLE TO ALLIES, Ld Washington, Nov. 27.--The United States War Department in its summary. of the week's war developments says recent events are very favorable to the Allied arms. The success of the British offensive in the re- gion of Cambraj and the steady resistance of the, Italians in Italy are given as the chief in- cidents of the Allied victory. (Canadian Press Despatch) * New York, Nov. 27.--A delegation | of the United States Congress, ar-|+ riving here to.day after a tour of! # the western front, say the general | % opinion overseas is that the war may { + last four years more, but will be a | % complete victory for the Allies. 4 * Do not figure on how few Victory + Bonds you can buy. Figure on how ls Feb eb ete Pb tle ebed cause the present administration ,is not a Borden administration. Nearly half of the new ministers--it will be exactly half in a few weeks--are | Liberals. General Mewburn, the new Mini- ster of Militia and Defense, has made a most important announcement in i regard to the conscription of farmers and farm employees, He has stated that there must be no depletion of Which the farming class and that general will be most heartening to the Can- | exemption will be given them. In his address at Dundas he promised that the appeals on this ground would be acceded to. Within reason this was a very wise and necessary announcement of policy. Back of our fighting forces must be food and. supplies, and if workers in the fac- of the fighting man's strength and sup. plies will be dried up and the people at large would suffer of hunger. Therefore, we say that the Minister's announcement was a timely and sensible one. It ought--and will-- do much to bring the farming com- munity into line with Union Govern. ment, They can support it now without sacrificing any of their prin- oiples or altering their stand in re. ,8ard to the comseription of farm help. : - READING NEWSPAPER WHILE BARN ABLAZE A Mysterious Fire at the Home of W. ©. Crozier on Division Street. William C. Crozier was engaged reading a newspaper at his home, 381 Division street, shortly.after 9 o'clock .on Monday: night, when a man came to his door and informed bm that a frame barn in the rear of is home was on fire. A call was sent in to the firemen from Box 67, and the firefighters succeeded in ex- tinguishing the blaze, but the barn got a severe § hi The cause There was for a blaze Crozier ba Tu start he was used for storing pur. poses. . | War Training. She d iy) -- weren't Rory ie th car to meet me as usual?" (meekly) --"My dear, you to get into this habit of some days."--Baltimore Am. many. Do not take one to get rid of Rippling Rhymes THE SCOLDING ERA I read the monthly magazines; they tell me I'm a traitor foul, if I don't cut out pork and beans, and live on slaw and roasted owl. Perhaps the magazines are right, perhaps their counsel is sublime; they have a noble goal in sight--but why abuse me all the time? The gifted speaker comes to speak, in our town hall, whose lights are dim; he says I am a knave and freak if I don't quite agree with him. "He says I am too base and mean to look my own self in the eyes, because I'm pies. He's doubtless right; but why get sore, and call me names to beat the Dutch? For hungry folk I'd do much more if I were not abused so much. We want your store of hard earned gold, to beat the kaiser's wicked wiles, and s0 we rant and chide and scold, in- stead of wearing winning smiles, We wish you to economize, and live on prunes and salted hoss, and to encourage you we rise, and tell you you're a total loss. You hand out seven hard-earned bones to help things out on foreign shore; we roast you then, in strident tones, because you don't give seven more. This scolding stunt will have to stop if we would see good feeling live; the termagant's barbaric yawp won't make 'men strip their rolls and_give. MASON. THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN By GENE BYRNES THE HE MATE 'burning gasoline, when countless folks are needing | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1917. ° BE A ey SHOES Fe Bibbys Men's and Boys' Wear Store FINE SHOES CHINESE SACRED i ® Lillies Nice large bulbs; easily grown. Start growing now for Christmas blossoming. DR. CHOWN'S DRUG STORE Phone 343 r-------------- LOLOL LLLLL SOA l Od VOI IVIOTIIIIIIIOIIINIOe OPEN NOSTRILS! END A COLD OR CATARRH How To Get Relief When Head and Nose are Stuffed Up. ODL ll lll POOP IVIIVO00OIOP Yoo County fifty! Your cold in head or catarrh disappears. Your clogged nos~ trils will open, the air passages of your: head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more snuffling, hawking, mucous discharge, dryness or headache; no struggling for breath at night. Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist and apply a little of this fragrant antiseptic cream in your nostrils. It pene- trates through every air passage of the head, soothing and healing the swollen or inflamed mucous mem- brane, giving you instant relief, Head colds and catarrh yield like magic. Don't stay stuffed-u Relief is sure. SOSA POOP O Sool ; A photographers conclusively that truth is stranger than fiction, ' i | 185 Princess |} p and miserable. Also McGregor's Plum | Puddings--1 lb. and 2 Ib. 3 Young Men's Suits and Overcoats New Militdiry Models Received This Morning: New Suits -- The Clifford Fancy cheviots in rich shades of brown, green, and greys. Beautifully tailored by experts. Special values -- $20.00, $22.50, $25.00. New Overcoats -- The Emerson ( Fancy Scotch tweeds, plaided back; shield lined and full lined. Special values -- $18.50, $20, $22.50. NEW HATS MAKE YOUR DOL- LARS COUNT FARMS FOR SALE ! For one week only, you can buy for $10.00 cash: 1 bag potatoes pie x 1ibeoffee ... ... «co ions 1 1b tem ... ... ... 4 corm, 4 peas, 4 tomat; 3 phkge ammonia 2 tins snap 3 best stove bea 10 Iba, sugar 3 pkgs. panen 5 Ihe raisin Xe flour" @ have Goblin Soap .. Worchentér sauce ... ... 20 Orders delivered to all parts of the elty. ree. 90250 + + $10,000 « $11,000 For particulars apply to T.J.Lockhart Real Estate and Insurance. Clarence Street, Kingston, Phone 103853 and 1020, - sea a Phone 1844, Cor. King and Earl v NOW ON SALE Snow Apples, St. Law- rence, Mcintosh Reds, Wolf Rivers, Tolman Sweets WINTER APPLES Northern Sples, Gi Cran- reenings, berry Tani, Pewahkee and Talman. for Sale This Week. DUSTLESS CLOTHES LINE price 50c, sale price .. 40c FOR SALE FORD CAR In A-1 Condition; el- ectric starter, lights, Ete. Central Garage, Be Sinodi Batter Soe UNITED GROCERY 138 Princess Street, BEN LEE & CO. " CRAWFORD » : Magia So otify His Customers It wouldsi't be so bad if people) who have nothing to say would let it]! go at that, % .

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