~ PAGE TWELVE , NOVEMBER 28, 1917. oo NE ---- Join the Home Defence |, asa [FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE movement for the conserva- tion of food. Help to pre- to Kingston on Tuesday where a re- LOST APPETITE POOR BLOOD, €. E. Sapper Says Dr. Cassell"s Tablets Best Tonic Anyone Can Take for Weakness. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY I Sapper A. Hartley, Canadian Engin ears ( address, 906 Trafalgar stréet, London, Ont), says: "I used Dr. Cassell's Tablets when I was in the South African war, and finding benefit have taken them since whenever I felt run-down, In my opinion they are the Buy Ganada's Victory Bonds Substitute whole wheat for meat, eggs and potatoes. The whole wheat grain is the trae | vent waste by demanding the whole wheat grain in break- fast foods and bread stuffs. ception was held for the newly-wads. Ormand Munn, Oak Leaf, bas come to live with his unele, P. F. Johnson, BUY o sect ood i y land has taken over the farm WOTK.|best tonic anyone can take for loss of CANADA'S most perfe fi given ---------- 0. A. Munn purchased a fine cover- appetite. poorness of the blood, and . rl . Q - weakn the sy " to man. In Shredded ARDEN. ed cutter from A. Taylor & Son, At-(TeCrr pay 2 knens_of ihe System ana hens, on Saturday. The white fish season is here, but there are few fish. VICTORY BONDS. 25.--The winter has made its mean to have some with me always on active service." Wheat Biscuit you have the whole wheat grain made Nov. appearance and the farmers are haul- ing wodd to the village as the roads A free sample of Dr. Cassell's Tab- -------- HT ------ Dieu undergoing treatment, digestible by steam-cooking, [are in excellent condition. Mrs. F OUTLET lets will be sent to you on receipt of Th the . : Ing, hight, who has been in the Hotell xo. 26° b a fo hent.as you ey are the most profitable investmen shredding and baking. i ae J Nov. 28, Quite a number are i packing, Ads es t They are the most driving sleighs and cutters and the rofitable invest t in| EVETY particle 6 the whole | proving. Miss Lily Boomhour Js Wl) gicighing is fairly good on smooth 10s M'Caul-st., Toronto. mn world. Fo Is we t Pp 1d. F stment In| op cot orain is used including |9f 2renmena. Yo ry hom fe doads, A number Of the young Bo Do somos. for Io aPaRais: Nilay most patriotic thing we can do just now is . , is . e attended the party at Mclntos 8 dy Jor Lyahepsia, hey the world. Fortunate are | the outer bran coat which is [sick 1st. Mrs. J. Hughes received| Xi, ® Nw qc day evening. Glen | ro bles. Sleeplessness. Anaemia Nerv. also the most profitable. Ask about Can- we that the most patri- word that her son James is wound-| poiq made a trip to Athens on Friday so yseful in keeping the bow- Weakness in Children, . a ih A OS Te jon. duis Mariel Detlor is at H| fast. "Mrs. William Crozier ls visit. [able for nursing Specially Yalu. ada Victory Bonds. otic thing we can do just | cis he y and active. Or |Hannah's. L. Gendron intends mov-};,, per gon and family in Charleston uring TE a in any meal with milk, and fresh !ing in his new home on Bridge street. |, ° "oop Tq A Bradley Athens rd Grawford ¢ & Walsh Princess and Bagot the price of five, from Druggists and now 18 also the most pro- Mr. Heeh iz at his home in Montreal : isi friends here on Sunday even-|Storckeepers throughout Canada. Den't fruits 1 few days Mr. Barr isat J visited : | waste y ° 1 3 fitable. A - - Or & 1eW GAY. ale ling and Monday. Mr, and Mrs, W. e your money on imitations; get sk about Can Made in Canada. Gendron's, Arnendale. A number of G. Vanderburg and children spent the genuine Dr. Cassels Pablets. the boys have gone to the city to be examined. Mr. Reid, I.P.S., has been visiting the schools in this district. M. Thompson has gone to Oshawa, where he has secured a position. Proprietors, Dr. ©@assell's Co., Ltd. Manchester, Eng. 'The "WILHELMINA" Montreal. 242 Mountain Street. Rates -- 75 Cents Per Day Up. Telephone, Uptown 5346. ada Victory Bonds. [Sunday under the parental roof. Miss M¥rtle Reid is spending the present week with friends in Athens. Claude Goff, Sand Bay, was at George Reid's on Wednesday last. Patrick Kelly passed seddenly and peacefully away between twelve and one o'clock, Mr. Kelly had been confined to his bed for some time but was not considered any worse. He had eaten a hearty dinner and conversed brightly with BUY VICTORY BONDS INVERARY.......... ; Nov. 26.--Robert Knight expects to come rome this week from Kings- ton, where he underwent a success- ful operation in the General Hospi- v I ) Streets. op 3] Bl GeOrEe rely 3 Kiggoton: his daughter, Mrs. Flood, while eat- A Home for Strangers. E. H. BAKER Methodist Church on Sunday morn- jae, vu. wien Mis. Flood elt the -" -- jy Cor Monreal and Charles Sts. ing. Melville Patterson has donned| . oo a Oe aa : hone 1263. the khaki and is now undergoing|Shicren nearc r. Kelly call an when Mrs. Flood hurried to his bed- side she found he was sinking fast and the other members of the fam- ily and some of the neighbors were training in Kingston. He is the only young man from this section who did not obtain exemption. Mr. and Mrs, WEEE Shoe Store William Wills and family motored] aa , " . Yi) 1 N CY YIN SA | from Morton on Sunday and spent Senmoned, but hal ob Seuitial Ihe 212 Princess Street. AERA A EW [the day at A. F. Holmes'. The Model Kelley, was a mah of sterling worth, factory will finish the season's make on Friday. Earl Warner and family have moved to their farm at Yarker. Walter Oliver came home and spent the week-end prior to his leaving for overseas. Word has been received that 'Archie Kish, who was gassed, and spent some time in a hospital in England, cannot come as was expect- ed but must go back to the trenches. Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson and daughter, Amelia, have arrived home from the west Mrs. Bartels of Kingston, is renewing acquaintances fiere, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lake have moved into their new home. Mrs, Chrisley; a life-long and highly re- spected resident, passed peacefully away at the ripe old age of eighty, 'Her husband predeceased her a few years ago. She leaves a family of seven children to mourn the loss of a kind and affectionate mother. Mrs, Richard Arthur attended the cele- bration of the eighty-fourth birth- day of her mother, Mrs. Moveland, > a kind and loving father. The re- mains were taken to his old home on Monday and on Wednesday his fun- eral, which wds very largely attend- ed, took place to Brewer's Mills Ro- man Catholic church and cemetery. Phone 159 CRA A A A i 5 BUY ALL THE LI VICTORY WAR LOAN BONDS YOU CAN Every bond bought counts in maintaining Canada's fighting forces at the front, and a guar- anteed investment tothe purchaser. J.P. HANLEY G.T.R. Agent Foot of Johnson Street. BUY VICTORY BONDS Thompson's Grocery PHILLIPSVILLE. Nov. 26.--The good sleighing of the past few days is'a boon to the far- mers who have wool to draw. Miss V. A. Davison, Brockville, has been spending the past month at the home of her grandfather, W. B. Phelps. A. quiet wedding took place here re- cently --when~G. Lawson and Miss Bertha Hawley of Chantry were unit- ed in marriage by Rev. F. C. Chis- holm at his home here. Benjamin Shire has returned from the west to spend the winter with his mother. A Srumber of young people from here motored tq Athens on Friday to at- tend the H. 8S. commencement. The 4 ; many friends of Miss Johnston of For- at 'the homie of her daughter, Mrs. | tar, former teacher, will be sorry to John Toland, Kingston. Willlam|pear she is suffering .from typhoid TAN Dennee is engaged with Carmen Dra-|in Ottawa. Miss Amanda Alquire »)der for the ensuing year, and Simon pag the misfortune to fall on the Young is with Elwood Thompson. ice at her home here, badly spraining her wrist. Mr. and Mrs. Cottes have recently moved into Arren Brown's cottage. A large carloalt of stock was shipped from this station to Montreal by F. Atcheson on Saturday. Mrs. J. Dorway has returned home after visiting her brother, D. W. Downey of Brockville.' "The Farmers' Pride" shipped three tons of cheese on Fri- day last. There have been several farmers in his vicinity who have lost young stock this fall. Of course, calves and young cattle will wander away at times if they get the chance; but the fact that the cditle, in almost every case this fall, have entirely disappeared in an ineredibly short time makes it seem doubly strange, such losses coming in these times of good prices is pretty hard on the farmers. Lennox and Addington NEWBURGH. Nov. 26.--The Red ;Cross Society Lauder Will sing again So. r nif in your own home on the Victrola. J There are no farewell tours of the World's great artists to the owner of a Victrola.--Order yours now for 'Christmas. BUY VICTORY BONDS JOHN M. PATRICK 149 Sydenham Street Passenger Service Halifax and Bristol For particulars of sailings and rates apply to Loenl Agents, or The Robert Reford Ceo. Limited, General Agents, 50 King Street East, Toronto, | A few of the many Lauder selections on "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" Records LYNDHURST. Nov. 26.--Death has claimed the infant son of Mr, and Mrs, William Moorehead. There is to be a me- morial sermon in St, Luke's church on Sunday evening. Mrs. Amoz Weeks has returned home after spending two weeks in Yarker with her sister, Mrs. Levi Fluke. Mrs. Robert Moulton, of Berryton, spent the last week with her father, R. R. Tate. George C. Roddick will soon have his mew grist mill in running order. British Bulldog's Watching at the Door Wedding of Sandy McNab Trixie from Dixie Bonnie Maggie Tamson Kilty Lads Beautiful Bust and Shoulders are possible if you will wear a scientifically constructed Bien Jolie Brassiere. The dragging weight of an unconfined bust so stretches the supporting muscles that the contour of the figure is spoiled. Bo at the bust back where it be- longs, prevent the full bust from having the appearance of flab- biness, eliminate the danger of dragging muscles and confine the flesh of the shoulder giving a graceful line to the entire upper body. ' Thex are the daintiest and most sezviceable garments imagi- Bbble--soms in all materials and styles: Cross Back, Hook t, Surplice, Bandeau, ete. Boned with " Walohn," the rustiess boning --permitting washing without removal. Have your dealer show you Bien Jolie Brassieres, if not stock- ed, we will gladly send him, prepaid, samples to show you. BENJAMIN & JOHNES, 51 Warren Street, Newark, N, J. Any "His Master's Voice" dealers will be pleased to play these and any other records you may be interested in. Ask them! PORTLAND. Nov. 26.--The ladies of the Eng- lish church held a bazaar here on Saturday afternoon and evening, The sum of $118 was realized. The snow storm of last week enabled the farm- ers to supply some of those who were in need of wood. Earl Bolton has re- Berliner Gram-o-phone Co. weived a carload of flour and feed, which was much needed as there was not anny to be had for some time, Miss Duffield, Elgin, spent the week- end here the guest of Miss Bell Mor- ris. Owing to the {lines of Miss My- ers, teacher in the junior room, the school was closed for a few days last week. W. H. Murphy, Smith's Falls, was in the village last week. CAINTOWN. © Nov. 26.--Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Powell of Escott spent one day last 'week with Mr, and Mrs, John Kiu- { her father, James Davy. gave an entertainment in the Stan: dard Bank hall on the night' of No- vember 23rd. C. Le Roy Kenney of Toronto gave the programme and A. Aylesworth acted as chairman. The proceeds were $70. Mrs. J. Mathes- on of Kingston spent a few fays with Miss Clar- gie of Shanmonville, a returned mis- sionary, spoke in the Presbyterian ehurch on Tuesday evening the 13th. Mr. and Mrs, Wilffid Sutton and 'Mr. and Mrs. Walton Hogan motored to Kingston last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Caton of Chicago is visiting his dn from the local tribunals' decisions. ol ERR I: from 2 Yt wih Smite Fale H.C, ee peng ea which stove . friends. P. Finley and sister-Maggie \ Toronto, said he to have s ma-ill SE Se fre" E Mr. Purvis and bride'jority of 5,900, : { MONTREAL LIMITED Lenoir Street "His Masters Voice" Kingston Dealers F. W. COATES, 158 Princess Street | MAHCOD BROS. 113.115 Princess Street iT, F. HARRISON CO., Limited, 229.237 Princess Street Don't Forget There are no others! You cannct purchase Vidrolas, Vidor Records or cald. Mr. and Mrs. James Bligh |brother, A. Caton. Rev, Dr. Young any other "His Master's Voice" products at any but our authorized dealers left Monday morning for their home|of Toronto was in the village last i: 1073-447 il S Bere: All after Ee Ang around week. d = : Remember-- There are no others \ | have n granted exemption. rs. ARK . . » . vo N oe H. R. Knowlton of Athens, spent last] Nov. 22.--Word has been received . =~ 0 " week at Caintown. Wilfrid Ronan|here that Pte. Arthur Smith has been 4 Will there be a Vict ola mn your home and sister Winnie of McIntosh Mills|wounded the second time. Mr. and this Christmas? 9 ® were Sunday visitors at the home off Mrs. William. Bell and family have n t VO ns ' George Luder. Sleighs and cutters|moved to Belleville where they will ; fare hb Mise tow, i ar Sud J. hiv. 8 reside in future. Miss Lizzie Brown sr But Don't Keep Them Song fiends Ivy Law wi LADS | Com af Mr. ond Mrs A Showa | | | 5 . ; . Mrs. Sanford ing has re- 3 wh 3 oh ,|downe. Mrs. Sanford D A Ross Serrit of Watertown, N.Y., vis- We a 1 leased d - i turned to her home at Lillfe's after], "the Cp oe bie grandmother We are always p to demonstrate With dainty footwear, corns move it -- in 48 hours -- the spending & with her parents, Trish: MPS. a. Bon . . can hardly be avoided. But whole corn is done for. Blue- Sr ang Mre. Thomas Dickey, Mpw|Mre. J. Trish: Mrs. Ewart and son Victrolas and Victrola Records. they matter little when you jay is a scientific method. A Nancy Tennant is visiting er daugh-| Clarence and etandgausnier RAve fe, know the way to end them. noted chemist invented it, ter, Mrs, H. R. Knowlton, of Athens, [turned from the West, where th = g As soon as a and a famous laboratory pre- Mrk William Graham, sr., spent lst, Spent to months visiting her : : : a "ind forget pares it. week with her sow, Bert, of Puryis|ter, Mrs. Sullivan. William ° : : The corn never It is not mussy, it is not street. Donald Morris, Charleston,|house and brothér Jack, of P r . . - . two if it is a new harsh. It centers action on spent Sunday with his brother Clif-|visited their mother who is ill. Mrs. rE me: Pod ma A ee er Hee abe 229.231.233-235-237 Princess st. Phone 90 r SeC~ rrr ton rs. - ond application. sure. No corn can it. CHARLESTON house, who is improving. Miss st. It is almost -- Jia = % pa or th death 1 Wh ' BO . ober the deaths in ac r assitupleas se. Ptes. Leonard McConnell, Bennie » a plies 1s Lyndhyrst. qui a number from E jifty. 2 the at Athens on W. y evening, = you re- evening. There will be a memorial 4 BAUER & BLACK, United. Moers of Surgical Dressings, Eve. Toroste, Connie service held at St_Lunts hutch, : . a.m. for t > Pte, leonard, g B i= the RAR which gently kil in action on Oet. EERE rs 30th, ory. Mle 3s good sleighing