Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Nov 1917, p. 2

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TT -- 8 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1917. \ CTY MUST PAY IN FULL FOR THE LIGHTING OF THE STREETS THIS YEAR. ll! The Utilities Commission Will Not il} year lil' City Accept the Amount in the Budget Owing to the Higher Cost of Pro- duction. The Fire and finds that th Light Committee lities Commission is fiot going pt the sum of $16,- 000 in full street lighting this That amount was all that the Council provided in the bud- ll get, and if Hydro-Electric power had }| arrived in Kingston early- in the sea- dl on and saved some of the Utilities ommission's coal, perhaps the $16,- ll 000 would have covered the lighting bill. But Hydro power from the Trent will not be here for another week at least, so that the year has ll! practically. gone without any benefit being got from it. , The Utilities li Commission, owing to the high prices ll} of coal -and oil, faces deficits in both electrical and gas departments, and it is not to be wondered at that it wants the city to pay in full for street ll! lighting and is not agreeable tq take You have all Canada behind you" as guarantee of the safety of every dollar you invest in this loan. Britain needs our money to carry on her trade with us--it's'a national duty to lend to her. No one who has money to invest can refuse to take part in this aid. John McKay, LIMITED. Kingston's Reliable Fur House, 149-157 Brock Street. VICTORY BONDS J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street Kingston, Ont. VICTORY BONDS Canada's Victory Bonds are always as g , and at most times better, than cash. For this - reason, if, for example, you put $100 in a safe, at the end of fourteen years you would still have your $100, but only that, and nothing more.. But if you put a $100 Canada Vic- tory Bond in the safe, and then put the interest on the Bond in the Savings Bank each six months and let this interest ac- STANDARD PATTERNS VICTORY BONDS 'McCann, 82 Brock St. Phone 826 or 621. © you will have at the end of fourteen years at least 1S. ASSELSTINE King Street. | Canada's Victory Bonds Measure Your Victory Loan Investment by a Soldier's Sacrifice. IW. R. McRea & Co Golden Lion Grocery You will help your Country and do well for yourself in buying a Hl 'so the jl have 30 provide he money for the li! final 'Qirter of the year. That means ll an overdraft of over $5000 for next }| year's the $16,000 provided in the civic bud- get as was done last year. . The October bill was before the committee yesterday afternoon, Tt amounts to $1,770.31, and the com- mittee hasn't a doMar to meet it. The September lighting bill overdrew the Fstreet lighting appropriation by $35, civic finance: committee will Council to carry. Ald. Polson, chairman of the com- || mittee, stated that next year the city might have to pay a higher rate ior street lighting. At present the ordi- nary arc lamps cost the city $60 each and the "white way" lamps $75. Un- less the advent of Hydro power makes a difference, the city may be taxed twenty-five per cent. more. It seems that the tendency in other places is to charge for street lighting so that the commissions may be able to offer power to manufacturing con- cerns at the lowest possible rates, It was decided to notify the Utili- ties Commission that a number of arc lamps are reported>to be continually going out, and that they should be given attention. Chief 'Armstrong, who had his foot badly injured in the Boyd garage fire some weeks ago, was able to be pres- ent at the meeting. The members in attendance were: Alds. Polson, Clugston, Millan and Hooper. STEAMER COMPTON HAS GONE AGROUND Went on in Lachine Lake Running Light on Way to Treriton. The steamer Compton went aground in Lachine Lake on Tues- day. The vessel was running light, on her way to Trenton. The Don- melly Wrecking Company was noti- fied, and sent the tugs Frontenac and Johnson to the scene peal, with a scow, on her way to Buf- alo. The wrecking outfit of William Lesslie has been brought to Kingston from Chippewa Point, work on the raising of the Keystorm having been abandoned on account of the cold weather. Y.W.C.A .TEA AND SALE. The Fellowship Club Raised $32 on Tuesday Afternoon, The Fellowship Club of the Young Women's Christian 'Association rais- ed $32 on Tuesday afternoon by a sale. The numerous guests were re- celved at the door by the president of the club, Miss 8S. King, and the "Y" secretary, Miss Foster. Mrs. H. Breck and Mrs, R. N. Chase had charge of the tea table, Miss Godwin of the candy table, Miss E. King, Miss Mima Mackenzie and Miss A. Stevens of the work table, and Miss Margaret Mackenzie and Miss Ethel Shannon of the home-made table, St. George's A.Y.P.A. Social. The sum of $29 was raised at a most successful box social held by the Anglican Young People's Asso- clation of St. George's in St. George's Hall on Tuesday evening. There were some seventy-five present as guests of the A Y.PA., and an en. tertaining evening was spent, New Winnipeg Trains, Travel between Eastern and West- ern Canada is always heavy in the winter months, particularly during December, with its holiday season. To meet the requirements of the pub- lie, therefore, a special daily service between Toronto and Winnipeg is announced by the Canadian North- ern Raflway; westbound, December 3rd to January 2th, 1918 only; east- bound, December 1st to January 5th, 1918 only. Thereafter, regular tri- weekly service will be resumed. A The tug Luts is in port from Mont- d INCDENTS OF THE DAY ee bat LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings In the City and Vicinity ---What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. Ring up 645 for sweet cider. Splendid work in behalf of the Victory Loan has been done by Miss Oberndorffer, Come to Unionist Rooms to-night, and help thé boys overseas (See large adventisement), hy W. Swain, plano wuner, 100 Clergy street west. Orders left at McAu- ley's, or phone 564. Sleighs were much in evidence on the city today. This is the earliest sleighing in years. There was quite a fall of snow during Tuesday night. The weather man's forecasts were correct. Are you entitled to vote? Come to Unionist meeting to-night and find out. (See large advertisement). Ald. H. C, Nickle will speak on be- half of the Victory Loan at St. Luke's bazaar to-day (Wednesday). Now is the time to have your piano tuned, we carry two expert tuners and will assure entire sat- isfaction. C, W. Lindsay, Ltd For King and Country come to Unionist Rooms 'to-night. (See large advertisement). To make the Victory Loan reach $2,000,000 will require the effort of every citizen. Invest all the"money you ean. Now is the time to have your plano tuned, we carry two expert tuners and will assure entire sat- 'staction. C, W. Lindsay. Lta. For King and Country come to Unionist Rooms 'to-night. (See large advertisement). The city is again entitled to the name of "Kingston the Good," for there has not been a session of the police court in two days. We will rent yon a piano, and at end of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we wili al low the 6 months' rental on pur- chase price, and arrange easy terms on balance. C. W. Lindsav. Ltd. Come to the Unionist Headquar- ters to-night and learn how to get your name on the Voters' list. (See large advertisement). One young fellow in writing to one of the local tribunals, asked for ex: emption on the grounds thdt he had to keep his Aunt Mary. He did not appear in person before the board to give details. Prevost, Brock street, has receiv. ed a large shipment of mens' and youths' winter overcoats and suits, which -he will sell at very close pri. ces. In his order clothing depart- ment he has a full range of cloth which he will make up into suits or overcoats at a very feasonable price and guarantee first class fit. Men and women. of Victoria and Rideau Wards, don't forget meet- ing to-night at Unionist headquar- ters, At the annual meeting of the Ot- tawa Queen's University Alumnae Association Dr... F. A. Jones was elected president. Prof. John Maec- naughton, of McGill, gave an ad« ress. Keating's Powder kills with ease, bugs and roaches, moths and fleas. It is a fact that any insect coming into proper contact with Keating's dies. "Keating's" kills the lot. Sold in tins only, 10¢, 25¢c, 85¢. But be sure you get "Keating's." Made in Eng- land. Harold F. Ritchie & Co., Lim- ited, Toronto, Sole agents for Can- ada. Queen's Theology Students. Queen's Journal Divinity Hall, like the other halls at Queen's, is but a shadow of for- mer years. Of the eight students in theology, four are Macs; three of the four are able to talk in a foreign tongue other than Hebrew and Greek; and one of the Celtic trio can, on occasion, give vent to his feelings, not on a ten-stringed instru- ment, but on the bag-pipes! Only One "BROMO QUININE." To get the genuine, call for full namé LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look for signature of E. W. GROVE. Cures a Cold in One Day. 30c. What's a COUPON ? The word Coupon, my son, is really French and means "something cut off." It comes , from the French verb "Couper" to cut, On a Coupon Victory Bond, there are a lot of tickets like little bank bills, each one dated and good for six months' in- terest on that bond. When 'that date comes you just "Cou- per" or cut off the tigket or "Coupon," take to to any bank, and they will hand you out the monev like trying to col- lect & ebt, is it? Just "as off a log." as The. "Coupon" shows the bank you are entitled to the interest just the same as the "Coupon" of a reserved | For the Good of Your Country BUY VICTOY BONDS | The College Book Store, 160-162 Princess St. Open Nights Phone 919 No safer investment in the world. All ! Canada is their security. Every furrow in the field -- every fish in the lake, every pound of ore in the ground is the guarantee back of Victory Bonds. Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE J CONVICTS EXAMINED ~~ FOR MILITARY SERVICE Medical Officers Are Carrying on an Examination at Penitentiary. Medical officers are at making an examina of men in the penitentiary. The itary Service ct covers the entire population, It $ stated that many fine, able-bodied men, who would make great soldiers, are confined in this institution. There are many men in the big prison who have expressed present oes BUILDERS SUPPLIES eeeg Buy Victory War Bonds + They good and as certain ae Victory. ~, VICTORY BONDS VICTORY BONDS W. F. Gourdier Phone 700. 78-80 Brock Street. a RE R80

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