Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Nov 1917, p. 2

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EEE EE ie ~~ PAGE TWO HUDSON The McKay Coats carry that individuality of style Popular, Good-Wearing, tich-Looking Fur and artistic workmanship of finish, so much desired by women who know. We invite your inspection. Comparison tells the tale. It pays to buy McKAY QUALITY. John McKay, LIMITED. Kingston's Reliable Fur House, 149-157 Brock Street. {| kinds Your Windows and Doors Are drafty and cold. Our metal weather strips put on by experts will make them wind and storm proof. Give us the chance to prove this to you. Ring 819. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street Kingston, Ont. aa e--, . E STANDARD PATTERNS For Sale at COLLEGE BOOK STORE, REAL ESTATE and Weare Optical Specialists IS BEST SOLVED BY COMING TO US. You are assured a thorough scientific examination and ace curate glasses at Asselstine"s. Consult J. 5. ASSELSTINE D.O.S. King Street. -- ~ied it was the duty At the Golden Lion Grocery Fancy Clove THE DAILY BRIS WHIG, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1917. A STRONG ORGANIZATION SECURE THE | FLECTION OF | W. F. NICKLE. | TO Many Rideau and v ictoria Ward Me ni and Women Gathered at The Prin- | cess Street Rooms 'on Wednesday | Evening. ~. | ' f {y for this city 3 | g strong organ- | the majority of) Nickle and the Gov-j he to represent campaign rooms on are being used con- meetings of various her this object. esday evening two meet- » electors of Victoria and Rideau wards were held. The men's meeting was held in the second storey of the building and F. Harold Hughe as in charge The wo- men's meeting was in the women's room on the ground floor and Mrs Hora was in gharge there W. F. NicKle, date, gave addresses to both gather- lings He explained the need of a Union Government to supply the de | lencies in men, equipment and {food for the boys overseas. He then {showed how this object could be ob- {tained by the Union Government electors' union and co-operation. The | wards were taken separately and the sub-division chairmen; workers and |warious other details were attended ito . Both gatherings contained repre- sentatives from both Conservative and Liberal ranks and they filled tho | halls to overflowing. [ SEP ett bbb bbb bid bbs NOTIFY THE WHIG ABOUT CASUALTIES. is t 'he Princess street tinously for to fur Ou Weg ings for w& Upon receipt of messages of casualties relatives are request- ed to notify the Whig as soon as possible. By doing this they will be conferring a favor and at the same time take the most convenient and expeditious manner conveying the news tn their The not published in the C3 lists till four or five days fol lowing the receipt of the offi- cial telegram, and the publica tion of the news is therefore de- layed, unless the Whig is noti fied. Telephone 229. dole fe Bode Ea - a of dope 2, 3 bobbed PER r Peer rere PP rer pute WAS A GREAT SUCCESS. ue [Crowd - 'af Sale and Concert at Luke's Church. ! The annual Christmas sale and concert of St. Luke's church, which | was held tin the church hall on Wed | nesday, proved to be a great success. | The hall itself was nicely decorated {in a patriotic manner with flags and [ bunting, while the different booths {encircling the room were decorated | with the ensigns of the Allied na- | tions. | From three o'clock till six o'clock | the sale proceeded, and as the large and varied assortment of goods was | displayed. it was generously patron tized. | Ald. Hugh Nickle lat 5 p.m., {thoughtful and forceful speech, pre- {sented the claims of " the Victory | Loan. At eight o'clock the enter {tainment was put on, consisting of recitations with vocal and . instru- mental music. During the evening Robert Meek, {chairman of the Victory Loan c¢om- | mittee, delivered an inspiring and patriotic address, in which he show of each one to ribe to Canada's loan. His ad dress was heralded by the singing of { Rule Britannia by James Saunders, the audience joining heartily in the chorus. The proceeds, which will be large, will be announced next week {at a business meeting, when the | various departments will present | their report. St. in a the Unionist candi-|' | players were INCIDENTS OF THE AY LOCAL NOTES AND FTEMS or GENERAL INTEREST. Ta In the City and Vieinity | ~--What the Merchants Offer to the Headers of the Whig. Ring up 645 for sweet I your share in victory; tory bonds I'he body of William } drowned near Crow Lake ered | There prospect that tur-| keys will be scarce and dear for the Christmas market. W. Swain, piano wuner, street west. Orders left at ley's, or phone 564. The Whig can see the blown off its Victory Loan thermo- meter before Saturday night Principal Sliter, of the Collegiate] Institute is slowly improving. He will be off duty for several weeks yet | Dr. A. E. cider buy Vi app, as re ir.,} ov- is every 100 Clergy | McAu-| top being 1 is in| undergoing satisfactory | McColl, Belleville, hospital in Kingston treatment and making progress towards recovery, Rev. J. D. Ellis is to speak in Win-| chester on ' Friday and will preach anniversary sermons at the camp,! near Ottawa on Sunday. W. F. Nickle. has gone to Paris, ¥here he speaks to-night with Hon. N. Whwell indavor of John Har-| + ek North B¥W Unionist, Now is the timé to. have your | piano tuned, we carry two ee) tuners and will assure entire sat-| isfaction. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd A quorum of members did not at- tend the Board of Works meeting | called for Wednesday evening. Alds. O'Connor, Nickle and present Now is the time to have piado tuned, we carry two expert tuners and will sfaction. C. W. Lindsay. Lta. Queen's Dramatic initial performance of ings" at Rockwood nigat "Green Stock- Hospital hv the hospital authorities We will rent you a piano, and at! end of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we wili low the 6 months' rental on pur-| on balance. * C. W. Lindsay. Ltd. Prevost, Brock street, ed a large shipment of mens' youths' ces. which he will make up into suits or and guarantee first class fit, LHIEUT. FRANK PURDY Contracted Trench Fever to Convalesce. Lieut. Frank Purdy, Purdy, county treasurer, street west, arrived back in the city on Wednesday afternoon to spend a convalescent period here before turning to France. Lieut. Purdy talion, Belleville, Ketcheson. moted to the rank of orderly room sergeant. Filling this position so satisfgetorily, he was - granted opportunity to attend the provisional school of infantry and qualified as a lieutenant, later being appointed to a commission in the 146th Battalion After 'serving several months in France he contracted tremch fever, and had to be invalided to England, and then came to Canada. Queen's Officer Married. Captain Gavin Scott MacFarlane, M.C., eastern Ontario Regiment, has been married in London to Esther Frances Barlow, second daughter of Hon, and Mrs. A. W. Black, of Ham- ilton, Bermuda. Ns Wright were | your chase price, and arrange easy terms | All the new are new, Vogue, Cross, Etude, Metropolitan, The New 1917 Gibson CHRISTMAS CARDS, BOOKLETS, CALENDARS, ETC. Reprints of $1.50 and $1.25 Books 1917 and some advance number s of 1918 Gibson Art Line is now being shown. reason of their enormous production the prices o f the Gibson Art Line are no more expensivfe than the cheaper and poover lines on the market. Now is the time to make your selection, while MAGAZINES RECEIVED TODAY Harper's Bazaar, Good Housekeeping, Picture Play, Hearst's, Motor, Motor Boating, Red Forest and Stream, Electrical Experimenter, Rooks for holiday gifts. More than 2000 of the latest and most popular reprint books in stock. A Art Line Now 60¢ By stocks 160-162 Princess St. The College Book Store, - Open Nights Phone 919 Pp { assure entire sat- | Club gave it ! | last | It was capably presented. The | entertained afterwards al- | has receiv. | and | winter overcoats and suits, | which he will sell at very close pri- In his order clothing depart- | ment he has a full range of cloth | overcoats at a very reasonabls price | and is Here | son of David | Clergy | re- left a bank position | to enlist as a private in the 80th Bat- | under Lieut.-Col. | His ability was recog- | nized to the extent of him being pro- | the | OATS T0 PLEASE TO SEE IS TO BUY. $13.50 UP. | Newman &éShaw |. THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE VICTORY BONDS Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Headquarters for Whitby Jet Necklets Also. 1 Orders taken for HUDSON SEAL COATS W.F.Gourdier Phone 700. 78-80 Brock Street. I, HONEY In one pound sections, 25 cents each. Fresh California Prunes, nice and Juicy .,. ... 10e, 12%¢, 15¢ Ib. Evaporated Peaches, 2 Ibs for 23c. | Evaporated Apricots ... Sweet Cider ,., ... be ARERR ER RE ER ER PENSIONS. Capt. MacFarlane is a graduate of Arts 1914 of Queen's University. He was a Heutenant in the Queen's O., T.C. and his home was in Ottawa, { . INCREASING INSURANCE REMOVED 86 Brock St. American Government Makes a Big Increase. The American Government has is- . 18¢ Ib. [sued an order which will affect some +++ 40c gal. |thirty widows in the district, of men | proves BUILDERS SUPPLIES eee CLOSING OF MALS Brith mail closes I on Easy Colds Cause Headache and Grip. LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE re-! Two doors west of old office W. R. McRea & Co. Golden Lion Grocery Is a very important thing, and especially this season when economy is the watch- word. | Sn Pd In our store you will find a great many articles of real use and value. Eiderdown Quilts are cheaper than coal and we have them in many qualities and prices, from $6.00 up. We will lay them aside for you until Christmas. R. McF aul, who served as soldiers in the Ameri- can Civil War of 1865. The order [states that because over 100,000 «Dames have been struck off the pen- {sion list during the past year by |death, the pension to the remaining survivors will be increased to $25 a month in every case. The amounts {that have been paid according to the {aka order range from $12 to $20 a {month, aceording to the nature of | the case. The announcement comes as a | pleasant surprise to those benefiting {by it, not only in this district, but throughout North America, IN MARINE CIRCLES. Movements of Vessels Reported Along the Waterfront. The steamer Fairfax passed down at six o'clock on Thursday morning with coal from Erie to Montreal. The steamer Calgarian was in port Thursday morning, loaded with coal, on her way from Erie to Montreal. The steamer Hamiion : arrived from Toronto, and will be laid up for the season. The steambarge Waterlily cleared for Picton, and will be laid up there for the season. M.T. Co's. Bulletin~--The steamer Arabian passed down with grain i from Port Colborne to Montreal. The tug Smith arrived light from Mont- real, and will clear for Sarnia. moves the cause. There is only one 'Bromo Quinine." E. W. signature is on box. 30e¢. A bond in every home! bought yours yet? A on Have you HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR RAW column of to-day's paper of the com- ing to Kingston of one of most lecturers of he Christ! en Wellington and Bagot, oni Tuesday evening, Dec. 4th, at 8. 1% o'clock. The li vited to this lecture. Victory bonds save soldiers! you saved Sour sill soldier? ° 'Gananoque | $10,000 in Victory bonds. Pianos Have blic are cordially in- ||| has invesled or rregularly. Information posted at P.O. Lobby ime to time. from t GROVE'S | olrg east, Grand Trunk, Tor ud Fi ronto Toot. Including Western all wade Pe, Grand Tris end" i | DEATH OF COR = {TAKEN FROM M HIS HOME 10! i QUEEN'S MILITARY HOSPITAL. | A Returned Soldier Passes Away-- His Wife and Family Lives at 4 Chestnut Street, Corporal Joseph Buse, 4 Cheatnut street, died at 3.20 a.m., Thursday. in the Queen's Military Hospital as a result of a stroke of apaplexy.. The {dead soldier enlisted on January 25th, 1917, with Capt. J. E. Free- man, to serve as a private in the 256th Railway Construction Bat- talion. (He went to Toronto and then to England, returning to Canada from overseas service on November 15th. On his arrival the hospital authorities granted him fifteen days' leave. On Thursday morni hurry call was sent for an ambul. ance, and Corpl. Buse was taken to the hospital in an unconscious con, dition, having been stricken while visiting his wife and family. The late Corpl. Buse was bord in Burton, England, in Febmary, 1869, The case has aroused the sym- pathy of the returned soldiers, and the Great War Veterans' Association i will supply the pallbearers for the} burial. R. J. Reid is conducting the funeral arrangements, which will be of a military nature and held én Friday. There will be a zun: car- riage and band, witha firing party Bade up of returned mea. Rev. J. D. Boyd will officiate. "Give your children a share in their cvenntry; buy ure Victory bonds, DRESSED SPRUCE A very fine lot of thatched spruce lum- ber for floorings, par- S ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory, Lume ber Yards Terms A semisdetached dwelling, with 6 rooms, B. and C., cellar and good yard, for $1450. A douple dwelling on Pine St., for $2000. A New Bungalow, all mod. ern, on Matkland St., at $2,000. Houses to Rent, Money to Loan. E.W. Mullin & Son Cor. Julipsn. it Diviklon Sts. get one of Our Special Water Bottles 9c MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE

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