Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Nov 1917, p. 5

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STE HE IS PAGE FIVE THE HOG CAMPAIGN 15 ON { | MEETINGS OF FARMERS IN vARt.| N | ors PARTS OP COUNTY. | A. W. Sirett, Assisted by John More- | | land, W. 8. Reed and Dr. Spankie | Have Done Excellent Work. | A. W. Sirett, distriet agricultural | | representative, is now leading a drive | | througn the county which in all pe Mad | bability will be of importance suffici- Ik . Her Strong and | 7 to make it rank alongside of the Well | Victory Loan campaign. It is the drive to have the farmers of Fron- | Barneveld, Wis.--"I was in a weak, | 672° raise more hogs. nervous, run-down, anaemic condi- | This week addre ; tion, so that my housework was a |§iven or are to be given at the fol- burden. Vinol was recommended, | 10Wing places by the speakers nag and it made me well and strong. It (ed: Sydenham, John Moreland and is. certainly the best tonic and A Ww. Brett, Monday, 38 pad have », arrowsmith, W. § 26 « Ws rent crema 1 over alien -- | Sirrett, Monday; Cataraqui, Dr. Ww Vinol is a cod liver and iron con- | Spankie, Tuesday; Fermoy, A. 4 stitutional remedy for weak, nervous, | iret, Tuesday; Parham, WV Sok run-down conditions of men, women | Reed, Tuesday; Sunbury, Dr. Span- and children. Your money will be re- | kie, Wednesday; Arden, A. W. Sirets, turned if it does not help you. | Wednesday; Sharbot Lake, W. 2 Mahood's Drug Store, Kingston. | Reed, Wednesday: Barriefield, Dr. Also at the best druggist in all On. | Spankie, Jednesday; Mountain tario towns. | Grove, A. W. Sirett, Thursday; Wolfe | island, Dr. 8pankie, Saturday. Bacon is the most compact form lin which meat and fats can be sup- plied tp the armies. It takes up a $icsa of space, is easily handled { | Start Tomorrow ' and if keeps. On account of its large THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1917. A Sluggish Liver Causes Lots of Trouble When the liver becomes sluggish it is an indication that the bowels are not working properly, and if they do not move regularly many complica- tions are liable to set in. Constipation, sick headache, bil- fous headache, jaundice, heartburn, water brash, catarrh of the stomach, ete., all come from a disordered liver. Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are a specific for all diseases or disorders arising from a slow, sluggish, lazy or torpid liver, and they have been unjyerpally used throughout Can- ada for over 20 years with the great- est success. Mrs. W. A. Harrison, 7 Poplar Grove, Halifax, N.S., writes: "I take pleasure in writing you concern- ing the great good I have received by using Milburn"s Laxa-Liver Pills for a sluggish liver. When my liver got bad I would have severe head- aches, but after using a couple of vials of your pills I have not been bothered any more." Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25¢ a vial at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Mil- burn Co. 'Limited, Toronto, Ont. and Keep It Up" { serennsr'o at 1 eo sit os : | Every Morning quire enormous supplies of bacon, the Get In the habit of drinking a glass of hot water before breakfast. day. There is a shortage of 32,425, 000 hogs in Europe. The hog popu- lation in the United States is ten per cent. below normal. The situation is serious and a great increase in the production of hogs in Canada and the United States is a military necessity. We're not here long, so let's make | Young sows which are slaughter- our stay agreeable. Let us live well, [ed now only produce about 1650 eat well, digest well, work well, sleep | pounds of meat per sow, whereas well, and look well. What a glorious each of these sows, through her pro- condition to attain, and yet, how very | geny, could produce 1500 pounds easy it is if one will only adopt the [within twelve months. The Govern- morning inside bath. i | ment is taking steps to control the Folks who are accustomed to feel spread in the price between that re- Syl! Turted by the iaioes 204 HHL pii2 e Sha, 0 POM, TC v the consumer. e grower is as- tongue, nasty breath, acid stoma ho his fair share of the price can, instead, feel:as fresh as a daisy paid by the consumer. - Bran and DE ne shorts will be availablg at reason- whole of the interndl 'poisonous stag able prices. Hi nant matter These facts are presented to the : B : i farmers of the county by the speak- dyeryone, whether ailing, sick or '® Aves a Gan VEST well, should, each morning, before ers and at the same me ! breakfast, drink a glass of real hot is being made to learn just what this water with a teaspoonful of limestone | county is doing in the matter of hog phosphate in it ta wash from the production. stomach, liver and bowels the previ- It is expected that in a few days ous day's indigestible waste, sour bile | the figures secured by this canvass and poisonous toxins; thus cleansing, | will be announced. In the meantime, sweetening and purifying the entire|the farmers are planning to give alimentary ¢anal before putting more their individual assistance and un- food into the stomach. The action of'| doubtedly the missionary work by hot water and limestone phosphate | mr Sirett and his delegates will-re-| on an empty stomach is wonderfully gy)t in a material increase in this | invigorating. It cleans out all the jine of production. sour Termentations, gases, waste and acidity and gives one a splendid ap-| reat petite for bremkfast. While you are| enjoying your breakfast the water| Appliés Only to Normal Schools. and® phosphate' f¥" diletly extracting' jon Dr. R. A. Pyne, Minister of a large volume of water from the pgucation, yesterday made the fol- blood and getting ready for lowing statement in reference to the thorcush flusiing: of all the .1gsile report that high school students The millions of people who are bo-| Vere beag Srdeted to rewrite their thered with constipation, bilious lower school su jects. 1 #pells, stomach trowble; ofliers who The-. examination affects only have sallow skins, blood disorders |those who are in attendance at the and sickly complexions are urged to Normal Schools. It does not affect get a quarter pound of limestone those now in attendance at Collegi- phosphate from the drug store. This!ate Institutes, high schools or con- will cost very little, but is sufficient; tinuation schools." to make anyone a pronounced crank No explanation was made as to on the subject of inside-bathing be-| why the students have to rewrite the fore breakfast. examination. The Ears of the DEAF Must Be Stirred To Activity ta lh Send You for The Asousticon For If you will write us that are hard of hearing and will try the Acousticon we will send you, charges prepaid, the instrament for 10 days' free trial without deposit tt or expense to you, si has Seeulted up to the present in making nearly 300 Candler Building, New York Farmg-f and you can now take more time to énjoy your papers and magazines, ARE YOU FULLY EQUIPPED for comfortable reading? If not, have your. eyes examined and glasses made Personal Service Given. " J J. STEWART, Opt.D, Species snd Opposite Post Office, Kingston, ¥ HOT WATER - BOTTLES ALL GUARANTEED At All Prices. SARGENT'S DRUG STORE . "Telephone 41. Commencing ey Saturday : we will discontinue our Saturday night de- "livery, owing to conditions caused by the Please let us have your order before 7 p.m. ; \ Crawford's Grocery ration being a quarter of a pound a' | OFFICERS ELECTED By Companion Court Frontenac, | LO.F., No. 437, Tuesday Night Companion Court Frontenac 1.O.F., No. 437, at their meeting Tuesday night elected their officers for 1918, as follows: , Court Deputy, Mrs. M. Deyo; Court Physician, Dr. A. E. Ross; Acting Court Physician, Dr. A. R. B. Williamson; Past Chief Ranger, Mrs. M. A. Watson; Chief Ranger, Mrs. M. E. Stinson; Vice Chief* Ranger, Mrs. "B. Rees; Rec.- See. and Fin.-Sec., Mrs, E. R. Pra- ger; Treasurer, Mrs. J. Brown; Ora- tor, Mrs. M. Potter; Organist," Mrs. E. R. Prager; Senior Woodward, Miss M. J. Grant; Junior Woodward, Miss M. Doran; Senior Beadle, Miss E. Ell- wood; Junior Beadle, Miss H. Day; Trustees, Mrs, C, Murray and Mrs. M. A. Watson; Finance Committee, Mrs. J. Brown and Mrs, C. Wilkin- son; Hospital Board, Mrs. C. Mur- ray, Mrs. M. Potter, Mrs. M. A. Wat- son, THE HIDDEN PARTS ' pn . Where the Proof of Good Tailoring Is Found. David J. Will, of the Semi-ready store, carries a line of men's shirts, collars, cravats and haberdashery. "But 1 took a long lease of this store chiefly to build up a business in Semi-ready tailoring, the clothes that have in twenty years earned the highest reputation of any men's gar- ments tailored in America," said Mr. Will. "Every overcoat and every suit I sell is finished to the exact physique form of the customer, and the fit and expression must please me before I recommend the purchase. 1 have a large stock and every garment was tailored to my order and from cloth chosen by me. I believe always that a man will pay a dollar more for a well-tailored in the inside or hidden parts." Cataraqui"s Fine Contribution, The Cataraqui Red Cross Society met at the home of Mrs, (Rev.) Kel- ley on Tuesday ' afternoon, with a large altendance. Each member contributed canned fruit or pickles as donations to Ongwanada military hospital in Kingston, and the soldiers at that institution Will have cause to be grateful to the Cataraqui la- dies for their thoughtfulness. Wins $5 Gold Piece. Miss Ursula Sproule, daughter of J. L. F. Sproule, Westbrook, has been awarded the $5 gold piece generously donated by the Abernethy Shoe Co. Princess street, she being the largest prize-winner in children's depaft- ment at the Kingston Industrial Fair this year, \ Theatrical News | ob (Continued From Page 8.) "The Brat" Coming. When the United Producing Co.; Ltd., last season produced *'Peg O' My Heart" it was the intention of 'the company to use this play as a {| means of showing «the puble that a Canadian producing company could "deliver the goods." In every town visited the business was enormous, and in several cases house records were broken. With the success of this dnitial venture, the United Pro- ducing Co. went direct to New York | and were able to show the big pro- ducers there thatthey were well able {| financially and otherwise to hande Canadian rights for successful plays handed over to them. 'The Brat" ere outside of nywh 'Philadelphia, and comes to Kingston direct from a re- cord-breaking week in Toronto. An all-star cast headed by (Rea Martin, Moraste 8 own star, will give it a perfect interpretation om Saturday, matinee and night. . | ---------- Cunning at the Grand. Cunning. with his company of suit or overcoat which he knows is]. ONCE A HARDSHELL GRIT H. M. MOWAT NEPHEW OF A GREAT LIBERAL LEADER. Dropped Old Party to Help Win the War--Conservatives Will Help ! Him Head the Poll in Parkdale. Toronto Star Weekly, "Now Herb Mowat has 'joined up with the Union. forces, there is no reason why any Liberal should not do 80." That is the sort of thing one!| hears said on all sides with regard to the Liberal Unionist candidate for the Parkdale division of Toronto. It is said that the Tories did a gener- ous thing in giving up their Liberal allies the representation of one of the Toronto seats. But they certainly did a wise one. They did a thing, more- over, which will prove of great ben- efit to the Union cause far beyond the confines of the city. For "Herb Mowat" is known far and wide throughout the Province as a nephew of old Sir OMver Mo- wat's. As such, his is a name to con- jure with among the 'hardshell Grits" of Ontario. When a Mowat will sink all differences with his for- mer party foes for the sake of a com- mon cause, that cause must be one transcending all mere party issues. Large numbers of Liberals in the Province are taking note of the fact. Morever, Mr. Mowat has earned for himself a very considerable nime as an efficient political organizer. For six years he was president of the General Reform Association for On- tarfo, and for a considerable time he was in charge of the Liberal or- ganization in Toronto. His patriotic decision to join the party of Union for the purpose of concentrating on winning the war is of ail the more importance and significance by rea- son of his former close connection with the Liberal '"'machine." Mr. Mowat has, in fact, always been intensely interested in politics. It is in his blood. At the last gen- eral election he contested North On- tario as a Liberal, but was defeated. In Parkdale on this occasion he should have a thoroughly safe seat. The feeling between the two wings of the Unionist party is reported to be of the best, and the Conservatives are said to be resolved to show their Liberal allies that when they offered them a seat it was a safe one. Mr. Mowat was born at Kingston fifty-six years ago, his father, the Rev. J. 'B. Mowat, Sir Oliver's bro- ther, being the professor of Oriental languages at Kingston Unliversity. He was educated at that University, and was called to the Bar in 1886, be- coming a K.C. thirteen years later. -He ts head of the firm-of Mowat, Mac- Lennan, Hunter and Parkinson, of Toronto. He has been engaged in many important cases in most of the Canadian courts, as well as before the Privy Council in England. He was Government counsel in the matter of the Allien Labor Enquiry at Win- nipeg, in 1904, On the platform he makes an ex- cellent impression. He is a lucid and logical speaker, with a good presence anda very pleasing manner. Quite recently, his brother, Major Mowat, was killed at the front. For many years Mr. Mowat has been an active member of the Execu- tive Committée of the British Em- pire League in Canada. Warm CAMPBELL'S FINE FURS These are 'war times," and the spirit ¢f thrift pervades our country. Yet, practical and reliable apparel is just now in- dispensable, so we -are ready with very carefully prepared values in ladies' fine furs, Fine Fur Setts. Hudson Seal Coats. Fur Lined Gloves, Winter Caps, Men's Winter Hats, All at economical prices. Campbell Bros Kingston's Oldest Fur Store. Late Mrs, Janssens-Devarebeke. The funeral of the late Loretta Cecelia Kingsley, wife of . Louis Henri Janssens-Devarebeke, was held on Thursday morning at 9 o'clock from the home of her sister, Mrs. M. Conroy, 305 Alfred street, to St. Mary's Cathedral, where a solemn requiem mass was sung for the re- pose of her soul by her brother, Rev. Fr. Kingsley. There was a very large attendance of friends and ae- quaintances. Six of the deceased's brothers were pall-begrers and the other chief mourners were her hus- band and two sisters, Mms. Conroy and Miss Blizabeth Kingsley. Dance at Austin's Cabaret, Gan- anoque, Friday, 880 to 11.30. Good music. Admission, 50c couple. HOT WATER BOTTLES Guaranteed for One Year. Price, $1.00. Prouse's Drug Store. Phone 82. 26 YEARS AGO Dr. D. E. Mundell has been asked to be an aldermanic candidate in Frontenac Ward. Capt. Joseph Dix has been engaged building the embankment in his ice skating rink. John Jenkins was given the con- tract to reshingle ten of ithe build- ings at Tete de Pont Barracks. | NGSTOR EVENTS! The Royal Naval A limited number of men are required _ for the ROYAL NAVAL AIR SERVICE. Very high physica! and educational stand- gids ars rouired. and svplicanirmutt be | All the training is dose io England. Useal age from | 17% to 23; extreme age 25th birthday. Pay on $ Warm Felt Slippers-- Warm Lined Felt Boots for men and women-- Warm Slippers for Children-- It Pays to KEEP YOUR FEET WARM. Abernethy's Shoe Sto "d 1 GOOD TASTE IN THE HOME Heretofore 'good taste' was looked upon as a thing apart from com- monplace life; to- day good taste is defined as the knowledge of what human be- ings require to make their sur- roundings more livable. Choosing the right kinds of farniture for Christs mas gifts at the Busy Store with thé Large Christmas Stock, JAMES REID The Leading Undertaker with Motor Hearse. Phone 147 for Motor Ambulance. Misha Closely Related There's a closer relationship be- tween feed, poultry and dollars than Jou may suspect. Right feed means birds, quicker returns and more money. For bigger dividends on your poultry, let us supply your ised. The kind you need is here, and our advice is free for the asking. W. F. McBROOM 42-44 Princess Street. City Dairy | It is important {hat you buy mone but EDDY'S ./ CHEMICALLY SELF-EXTINGUISHING "SILENT 500%"

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