THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1917. =" PAGE ELEVEN mone _--_--_ THE Hospital for Sick Children College St, Toronto | ITS CHRISTMAS MESSAGE | Dear Mr, Editor: -- | Thanks for your kindness in allowing me the privilege of appealing to your readers this Christmas time on bebalf of thie Hospital for Sick Children, the 'Sweetest of all Charities," which has as its mission the care of the helpless, the sick, the crippled and the deformed. There never was a ygar in the his- tory of the Hospital when funds to carry on the work were more needed than now. Your purse is the Hospital's Hope. Your money lights the candles of mercy on the Christmas trees of health that the Hospital plants along the troubled roadway of many a little life. So 1 am asking you for aid, for the open purse of the Hospital's friend is the hope of the Hospital at Christmas, just as the open door of the Hospital's the hope of the little children throughout the year. Calls on generous hearts are many in these times. Calls on the Hospital are many at all times, and especially when food and fuel and drugs and ser vice costs are soaring high. YOU know the high cost of living. Do you know the high cost of healing--of helping the helpless to happiness? What you do to assist is the best in- vestment you will ever make. Dovyoun realize what this charity is doing for sick children, not only of Toronto, but for all Ontario, for out of a total of 3,740 in-patients last year 646 came from 254 places outside of Toronto, The field of the Hospital's service covers the entire Province from the Ottawa to the far-off Kenora from the borders of the Great Lakes | to the farthest northerly district The Hospital is doing a marvellous | work, If you could see the children with crippled limbs, club feet, and other deformities, who have left the Hospitai with straightened limbs and perfect correction, your response to our appeal would be instant, In the Orthopedic Departments last year a total of 330 in-patjents were treated; "and in the Out-Patient Department there were 1,946 attendances Let your money and the Hospital's mercy lit the burden of misery that curses the lives, cripples the limbs and saddens the mothers of the suf fering little children. Money mobilizes the powers of help and healing for the Hospital's drive day and night against the trenches where disease and pain and death assafl the lives of the little ones Remember that every dollar given to the Hospital is a dollar subscribed to the Liberty Loan that opens the prisons of pain and the Bastilles of disease, and sets little children free to breathe the pure air, and to rejoice In the mercy of God's Sunlight WAIL you send a dollar, or more if you can, to Douglas Mavidson, Secre- tary-Treasurer, or J. ROSS ROBERTSON, Chairman of the Board of Trustees. EXTRA CHOICE PRESERVING PEARS 204 Princess Street, Phone 387. By the peck and fine snow and Macintosh Red apples and fresh mixed nuts. Thompson's Grocery SALTS IF BACKACHY AND KIDNEYS HURT Stop Eating Meat for a While If Your | Bladder is Troubling You. When you wake up with backache | and dull misery in the kidney region it rally means you hdve been eating too much meat, says a well- known authority. Meat forms uric acid which overworks the kidneys in thejr effort to filter it from the | blood and they become sort of par- alyzed and loggy. When your kid- neys get sluggish and clog you must | relieve them, like you relieve your | bowels; removing all the body's urin- | ous waste, else you have backache, sick headache, dizzy spells; your stomach sours, tongue is coated, and when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine is gene cloudy, full of sediment, channels of- | ten get sore, water scalds and you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night. Either consult a good, reliable physician at once or get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act | fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, | combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to clean stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize acids in the urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is a life saver for regular meat eaters. It is inexpensive, cannot injure and makes a delightful, effer- vescent lithia-water drink. cook's Cotton Root Compound, 'e veliable a THE COOK MEDICINE C6. TORGHTO. AN". (Fermerie Wades FOR VICTORY WAR BONDS Phone 503 or 842. J. B. COOKE, 332 King St. NOW ON SALE Snow Apples, St. Law- rence, Mcintosh Reds, Wolf Rivers, Tolman Sweets WINTER APPLES Northern Spies, Greenings, Cran. berry Pippin, Pewahkee and Tallman. Special for Sale This Week. DUSTLESS CLOTHES LINE Regular price 50c, sale price ,. 40c 60 FOOT CLOTHES LINE Regular price 85¢, sale pric Cooking Eggs ... ... ... . soc Fresh-Hggs-, 00 Eastern. Dairy School Butter... oc UNITED GROCERY 138 Princess Street BEN LEE & €0, © ---- EE ES The Royal Naval Air Service A limited number of men are required for the ROYAL NAVAL AIR SERVICE. Very high physical and educational stand- ards are required, and applicants must be natural born British subjects, and the sons of natural born British subjects. All the treining is done in England. Usual age from 17}4 to 23; extrome age 25th birthday. Pay on entry $2.50 per day; while undergoing training $3.50 For further particulars apply to the Chief Naval Recruiting Officer 305 Wellington Street, OTTAWA 1-11.17 ge Shaving Cabinets, Music. Chests; Music Benches Plates, Doll y AF ew Suggestions for Xmas Presents Children's High Chairs, Low Chairs, Rockers, Cradles, Cribs, The Largest and Best Stock in Robt. J. Reid The Undertaker and Furniture Dealer, 230 Princess St. enderakar. ae Famiture § Phone 577, - yes, ChilGren's Table and the City to Choose From. and Bowl; Cas wy and | Jin Centreville on Friday night. Miss -B. Fisher here. TWO SORROWFUL SCENES AFTER DESPERATE BATTLES AT THE FRONT a. TESA AR ON HRT IOI, Sei The.two exclusive photos give a very good idea of the tremendous power exerted during a mod- ernattle. It will be a long time after peace ip declared before this section of France will again show the fertility it once abounded in. No. 1 shows the wreck of a bridge. the troops had swept onward. From The Countryside ST. LAWRENCE, WOLFE ISLAND. | Nov. 27,--The recent cold spell | has left the roads in a very bad con. i dition. A number of the young | people are practising for a concert | in No. 13 school. An enjoyable | time was spent at the home of | George Woodman last Friday even- | ing. Dancing and games were in| dulged in till the early hours of the morning. R. Larush landed a lcad of coal here from the city last Thursday. W. G. Woodman has purchased a large quantity of hay in the neighborhood lately. School is progressing favorably under the | management of Miss Nellie Good- | friend. G. V. Allarie has installed a | new grist mill. Quite a number of the young men were exempted on the island. Prank Briceland shipped | a large quantity of cattle from here | last week. | { SUNBURY. Nov. 29.--The Red Cross Society | held its last meeting at Mrs. C. Lang- | with's on Friday last week, and L. Patterson and Miss A. Hoffener | were quietly married last week. Rev. | Mr. Carwell performed the ceremony | at the manse. The Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian church are to hold a | meeting - at = the residence of Mrs. | Robert Kells on Thursday. Mr. and | Mrs. Silver, Elginburg, visited with | their daughters, Mrs. J. MeBride, | last week. With the very high price | of feed, and also the scarcity of corn, farmers will find it difficult to | properly prepare fowl for the poultry | spent without relief. {in Dr. Chase's Almanac of his Kid-| PAINS OVER LEFT KIDNEY -- Warned This Captain Yhat The Kid- neys Were Responsible for His Pains and Aches -- Freed of Pain and Suffering by a Well- known Medicine. Hereford Que., Nov. 30. Captain Peabody is well known all through {this section, and his cure by use of | Dr. Chase's Kidn aroused great int medicine. > The Captain had been suffering for a long time, and-could never get any treatment © afford lasting relief un- til he began using Dr. Chase's Kid- ney-Liver Pills. Captain A, abody, Que., writes: .** from indigestion, neura ey-Liver Pills has erest in this great Hereford, Tr years I suffered rheymatism and gia. Lightning pains would !shoot all through my body, and I also | {had severe pains over my left kidney | and through the hips. 1 doctored for years and tried all kin dies, but the only result was money At last I read ney-Liver Pills and decided to try them. 'One box made such a change that I sent for five more. Before I had finished them the pains in my kidneys and hips had disappeared, and I was clear of those sharp, shooting pains through the body. not be without them, as have them to thank for my cure. "I can also speak highly of Dr. Chase's Catarrh Powder and Linseed and Turpentine, The former cured me of catarrh in the head, which caused frequent headaches. 1 am completely cured of this now, and breathe freely as when a boy. The Linseed and Turpentine proved of great benefit for a bad cough which bothered me continually for three winters. Last winter I took one bot- ds of reme- 1| still take these Pills occasionally to| there was a very good attendance. , keep my bowels regular, and would | No. 2 shows the battle field after A cc ct tA tt ¢ | Drysdale, enumerator for this polling |} | sub-division, and Philip Plotz, col- | lector of taxes for this municipality, | have been calling on the electors and jratepayers in this vicinity lately. The young men of military age have been much away in Kingston or Ren- frew for medical examination or in | Fiinton to obey the calls of the local exemption tribunals. VETERAN SOLDIER DEAD. | Thomas Brown | War, Aged 102, Jasper, Nov. 29.--Thomas Brown, {aged 102 years, Jasper's oldest resi- |dent, died on Saturday. The deceas- 'ed had resided with his daughter, Mrs. David Ireland for many years and was well known in Kitley Town- ship. Mr. Brown was a veteran of {the American Civil War where he | was wounded and from which he has Fought in the Civil {drawn a pensign of one dollar per |) day for years. Two Fingers Blown Off, | Brockville, Nov. 29.--Peter { Thompson, a young man residing at Rossmore, Prince Edward County was the victim of a painful accident { He was endeavoring to extract the contents of a loaded gun which had become jammed -when it exployed | with the result thai two fingers of { his right hand were blown off and the hand badly lacerated. The vie- tim was breught to the Belleville ! hospital where his injuries were at- tended to after which he was taken home. Thompson is well known in Belleville, having been for some time |a clerk in the Anglo-American hotel previous to the enactment of the On- | tario Act. i | Locating the Plunder. | Brockville, Nov. 29.--James Rod- | derick, arrested on a charge of theft | has been assisting Chief Burke in lo- | cating the articles stolen from resi- | dents of the town. C. E. Baynes | Reed's Hicyé¢le was located in Kings- |'ton; W. E. Brown's bicycle in Morris- { { town; Eck Kilborn's motorcycle near fair, which will take place shortly. [tle of the Linseed and Turpentine, | ' . A number of dairymen are lessening [and have not been bothered with a | O8densburg; a fur lined coat belong- their stock, the scarcity of labor be- i ing the great problem to face at the | present time. cough since." Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, one pill a dose, 25 cents a box, all ing to "Ted" Eyres was located below Morristown; a rifie belonging to a Mr. Brownbridge who resides near { dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co; {Kingston was located in Morristown: 1 | Limited, Toronto. Don't be talked and boats belonging to Mr. Eyres and | into accepting anything said to be) Mrs. Crawford were located up the | | i storm last | week has made very good sleighing.| John Flake, Plevna, took a drove of | cattle from here yesterday for the Toronto market. George Bebie, Os- wego, N.Y., visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bebee. Felix Ru berg has mdved his family back on his farm. Alfred Holpes has re- turned from New Ontario, where he has been engaged in the mines. Rev. and Mrs. George: Alton and daughter, Eva, Kingston, are renew- ing acquaintances here. Stanley Gregg made a business trip to La- vant this week. rs. Robert Gregg, who has been on the sick list, is! somewhat better. Miss Gladys Be- bee, Bagle Hill, and Albert Faulk, Denbigh, - were wek-end visitors at G. M. Bebee's. ENTERPRISE EAST, Nov. 27.--The pleasant weather of the past few days has been followed by a snowstorm covering the ground to a depth of about five inches. A number from here attended the Rall Florence McDonald, Kingston, has returnéd home after spending the past week with her sister, Mrs. J, 8 Miss Grace ter CASTO RIA In Use For ver 30 Years just as good. Imitations and substi- tutes only disappoint. ee -------- has returned home after spending the past two weeks with friends in Camden East. spent Monday in Kingston. Andrew Lyons spent Friday evening with friends in Camden East. Mrs. W. H. Mawson is visiting friends in Belleville and Trenton, Patrick Kelly and sister, Annie, spent Sun- day at John Murphy's, Tamworth. Miss Anna G. Fipn entertained a number of her friends on 'Sunday evening. Tribunals are now work- ing on the exemption from military service. Many of the boys are re. ceiving exemption, while some of Enterprise's best type of yoang men are being called to the colors. DENBIGH, Nov. 27.-~Eugene and Leopold Mieske have returned to Caldwell Station. Ferdinand Stein to Tweed, Mr. Hawley to Napanee, Frank Chat- son also intends to return to Renfrew within a few days. Wienecke, who visited with her par- ents and other relatives here, has returned to her position in Napanee. Joseph Adams of Kingston, has ar- rived on a visit to his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Adams, and the Misses Clare and Flora Fitseh of New York, professional nurses ed to enjoy a visit with*th: Miss Annie B. Finn | Miss Alma | river a short distance from town. i Premier Borden and Hon. N. W. ! Rowell speak in Renfrew on Satur- day. i IE LE | Don't Diet Yourself TO CURE : DYSPEPSIA IT ISN'T NECESSARY. The sufferer from dyspepsia and indigestion who has to pick and choose his food, is the most miserable of all mankind. Even the little he does eat causes such torture, and is digested so im- perfectly that it does him little good. What dyspeptics need is not diet- ing, or artificial digestants, but something that will put their stom- ach right so it will manufacture its own digestive ferments. For forty years now Burdock Blood Bitters has been making weak! stomachs strong, and curing severe cases of dyspepsia and ts that other remedies were powerless to reach. 5 It restores the stomach to a nor- mal healthy condition so that the food no longer causes distress, but is and a) its way making rich, red blood. = ? 5 Mrs. Henry Shaw, THAT NIGHT COUGH Could anything be more trying or more exhausting? Peps will end it! The Pine vapor breathed down the air passages when a Peps is dissolved in the mouth relieves theirritation, soothes the inflamed place and stops the cough. ' Mr. John Doussept of Little Current, Ont., says: "I was troubled with an irritating cough that kept me awake at nights Nothing I took gave me relief until I used Peps. This wonder- ful breathe-able remedy, however, has entirely rid me of the cough." For asthma, bronchitis, laryn- tis, sore throat and colds use eps. All dealers. 50c. box. "Ranks with the Strongest' HUDSON BAY Insurance Company P FIRE INSURANCE neas Office, Royal Insurance Bldg PERCY J]. QUINN, Manager, Ontario Branch, Toronto W. H. GODWIN & SONS ON- TARIO WHITE. FISH AND TROUT See -- ML REUL LSS LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE In effect Sept. 30th, 1917. Trains will leave and arrive at Oity Depot, Foot of Johnsen Street. 2 q Local .. .. Intern'l Ltd. Mail .. .. .. Cann @enom vUpe coppp BEEpe fs Going 4 » 5 2 q Mall .. .... Express . .. opp Bas - 000000 Sena < won te rem ded abe] ue M . Intern .m., % h Local . +o 8.48 pm, 7.27 p.m. Nos. 1, §, 7, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19 run daily. Other trains dally except Sunday. Direct route to Toronto, Peterboro, Ham! ton Buffalo, London, Detroit, Ohicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec, ortland, Halifax, Boston, and New Y Pullman accommodation, tickets all other information, apply to, J. P. Hanley, Agent. Agency for all ocean steamship Unes. Open day and night. CUNARD LINE Passenger Service . BETWEEN . Halifax and Bristol For particulars. of sallings and rates apply to Local Agents, or The Robert Reford Co. Limited, General Agents, 50 King Street East, Toromnte, ---- A (HHH OVER- All Kinds of Fresh "I DON'T SUFFER ANY MORE" "Feel Like a New Person," says Mrs. Hamilton. New Castle, Ind.--*" From the time Iwas eleven years old until I was seven- teen I suffered each | month so I had to be lin bed. I had head- i ache, backache and such pains I would | cramp double every | month: I did not know what it was | to be easy a minute, My health was all run down and the doctors did not do ; me any good. A neighbor told my mother about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and I took it, and now I feel like a new person. I don't suffer any more and I, am regular every month. " -- Mrs. HAZEL HaMmiLTON, 822 South 15th St. When a remedy has lived for forty years, steadily growing in popularity and influence, and tho upon thousands of women declare they owe their health to it, is it not reasona- ble to believe that it is an article of [GAITERS In All the New Colors From $1.50 to $3.00. The Sawyer ~ Shoe Store 212 Princess Street. Phone 159. (ANORRRERRR ERROR NE ---------------- We have just received our new goods for your Christmas Cake and Pudding. New Peel, New Raisins. New Currants, New Walnuts, New Almonds, Choice Oranges and Grapes, great merit? If you want special advice write | to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential), Lynn, Mass. | Your letter will be opened, read ' dnd answered by a woman and held ip strict confidence Mixed Candies and Chocolates and Nuts. E. H. BAKER Cor Montfeal and Charles Sts. Phone 1268. If you want real THEY FIT thoroughly digested and assimilated | == for W, 8 ET TT Life Buoy Rubbers for Everybody Rubber Satisfaction, buy the famous Lifebuoy Brand. THEY WEAR Brown Rubbers