Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Nov 1917, p. 11

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i ARCHBISHOP SPRATT DENIES (Continued from Page 1.) his action and sustained; and the Sisters were honorably reinstated. You wil perceive, therefore, that I did not draw a hasty conclusion; that it was only after mature deliber- ation and consultation that I came to the conclusion that I had not the right to interfere when 1 was assur- taat proper legal procedure was being adopted. The Victim of Circumstances, You wil further perceive that I have become the victim of circum- stances... The name of the Archbis- hop hds ben everywhere held up to scorn and obloquy by the press. His name has appeared in large type as pe representative of guilt, He has ¥ peen made the mark for the shafts of prejudice and bigotry. 'For it is fwritten: "Strike the shepherd and fthe sheep of the flock shall be dis- persed," There may be those who wish to know what efforts were made to settle the difficulty out of Court, When [I received notice from the ccunsel for the plaintiff that legal proceedings were about to be taken, I sought an interview with him and found him on the third call. - After a : conyersafion of some length, I re- x quested information as to what would CHARGES AGAINST HIM; "MOST GRATEFUL WOMAN IN TOWN" "The Way Tanlac Helped Me Says Mrs. Etiwards, "I feel so happy over what Tanlac did for me I just want to tell every-! body about it," said Mrs, Florence Edwards, a resident of Buttonwood; Avenue, Mt. Dennis, Toronto. } 'Several weeks ago," continued! Mrs. Edwards, "I contracted a severe pain that settled in my side. In a! little while my left side, arm and! shoulder began to throb and ache till I suffered agonies from rheumatism. | The trouble got worse and worse till! finally my arm and shoulder were) so stiff it almost killed me to bend over and I actually was unable to put on my shoes. My shoulder hurt so I couldn't rest and sometimes for two whole nights I wasn't able to sleep a wink. My side felt like a sharp knife was sticking in it and I was so weak and helpless I just had to give! up my houséwork, for hardly an | hour passed over my head that 1| wasn't miserable the whole time. "Just as soon as I started taking Tanlac I began to feel better and the pain seemed to be leaving me. I &m now on my second bottle and already that awful pain in my side is en- tirely gone and I am feeling better all dver. My arm and shoulder are en- tirely free from rheumatism and I can now do all my housework as be required to affect a settlement and PRACTICAL stated that if it were a monetary consideration I was of opinion it could be obtained. A few days later I received a note stating that the of- fer could not be considered, that there was little possibility of settling A hi f without recourse to law,/as what was ssure mo required was vindication by proper shaving com- fort whether he is in mili- tary service or at home by giving him an authority, and that if I had any offer to make counsel would be pleased to AutoStrop Safety submit it. : Within forty-eight hours the writs Razor ~--the only were served. Razor that sharpens its own blades automatically «always as. suring him a clean, com- fortable shave. PRICE $5.00 Fitted Sets from $6.50 up At all Stores AutoStrop Safety 'Razor Co. mited Toronto, Ontario His Life as Priest, As" to my character 'I refer you to the history of my life as a priest on active duty for thirty-five years. Ask the faithful Catholics of the different missions in which I have served; nomely, Toledo, Elgin, Trenton, and Belleville, if I have ever been ac- cused, or even suspegted, of any conspiracy, intrigue, subterfuge or particular friendship? Ask them if I ever manifested a spirit of favoritism of discrimination in my dealings with them; and if I have ever been guilty of an would tend to excite suspicions or re- flect upon my priestly character. Ask the thousands who have come to me in the different missions of this Archdiocese for consolation com- fort and relief, in their sorrows and afflictions, if I have ever refused to make use of the gifts, natural and supernatural, that God may have giv- en me, to assist the poor and relieve and comfort the afflicted? Ask this honorable and learned body of priests from every quarter of this archdiocese, who have come this morning--some of them from great distances to sustain their Arch- bishop in this great conflict for jus- tice and right, and to register their protest against this terrible onslaught on his character and administration. They know my life and my works, and they have a knowledge of the question before ys. They constitute one of the most exemplary and repre- eentative bodies of clergy in this great Dominion, and some amongst them are singularly distinguished for learning. In the anniversary address Just presented, they have given testi- mony to my loyalty, fidelity and integrity of dife. foretold in Holy Scripture, which must ever follow the Church of Christ. It is one of the marks of the cution and persecution has ever been her portion and inheritance. Thus saith the Lord: "Remember my word that I said to you: 'The Servant is not greater than his Mas- ter, If they have persecuted me they wil also persecute you.' 20. give you the light to perbeive that GRANDMA USED SAGE this trouble has come upon us by the permission of heaven. The Bishop is TEA TO DARKEN HAIR kingled out because he is a successor to the Apostles. Church Not Responsible, You will bear well in mind that the Church is not responsible for the acts of indivduals, only in so far as Common garden sage brewed into|she approves them. This case has a heavy tea with sulphur added, will {been investigated by a representative | turn gray, streaked and faded hair{of the Holy See, who spent many days beautifully dark and luxuriant: Just!in this city and other parts of the & few applications 'will prove a re-| Archdiocese. It is at present before velation if your hair is fading, streak-| the highest Ecclesiastical court in ed or gray. Mixing the Sage Tea and | Rome. This is the only Court that is Sulphur recipe at home, though, is|dompetent to pass judgment on our troublesome. An easier way is to get |actions in such matters. We are pre. & bottle of Wyeth's Sage and|pared to abide by the decision. We Sulphur Compound at any drug store {have been in office Just six years to- all ready for use. This is the old]day and we have yet to receive a re- time. recipe improved by .the addi-|primand for any defect in our admin- tion of other ingredients. istration or otherwise. It would be While wispy, gray, faded hair isjan easy matter for us to resign, and not sinful, we all desire to retain our |retire in peace from all this turmoil. youthful appearance and attractive-|To do so would be to prove false to ness. By darkening your hair with|our ecclesiastical superior, to reli- Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound | gion, and to the flock committed to no one cen tell, because it does it so|our charge. We will therefore, re- naturally, so evenly. You just dampen | main in office subject to the will of & sponge or soft brash with it and |the Holy See, and as we are not con- draw this through your hair, taking |scious to ourselves of any fault, we one small strand at a time; by morn- | have nothing to fear, confident in a ing all gray hairs have disappeared, | just judgment. and, after another application or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft and luxuriant. This preparation is a delightful toi- She Made Up a Mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur to Bring Back Color, Gloss and Youthfulness, Reference to the Press. As to the daily nowspapers of this city, we feel that we have a very sor- © lot requisite and is not intended for ious grievange against them. There is an opening for a libel suit in one case; and in the other there is an in- flammatory article in the editorial column calling upon the people of the city to rise and depose the adminis- tration, which, of course, includes the Archbishop. Were I of a vindictive turn of mind I would appeal to the Catholic people of Kingston to rise in protest against this extravagant malevolence toward their on, But we must return good for evil. However, by reason of our office, we must protect the interest of We, therefore, take this opportun- ity to state that if this unfair, nn- just, biased and bigoted attitude is persisted in we will have these papers classed with the "Menace" and other anti-Catholic or- the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease. : -_ A COAL CUSTOMERS On and afr rs of May i t Coal Sales will be for Cash Only. & CO. BOOTH&C all present day diseases. When the di- improper word or act that|Tight at the root of the trouble by re- tation in April 1916; and, by reason ph : f the dearth of priests, I acted as This great calamity that has come|® : upon us is one of those contradictions chaplain during the entire season of Aivinity of the Catholic religion. The|Teturning to the palace before nine Church of Christ was born in perse-[®.™- children. John XV. |®f this institution to the archdiocese i Ways from eighty to one dep tat he faiths of God 3 %0 Children dn this home, comfortably a heused, well provided 'need of the archdiocese, house for the well as I ever could. The way Tan- fac has relieved me of that awful rheumatism is simply wonderful and it has made me the most grateful wo- man in town." Rheumatism is not only one of the most prevalent, but one of the most painful and difficult to treat of gestive organs and bowels are not working properly, and the kidneys hecome clogged up, the whole system becomes deranged and saturated with uric acid poisons and other im- purities, which accumulate in the joints and other parts of the body and produce the condition known as rheumatism, Tanlac is a powerful reconstruc- tive tonic and quickly overcomes this condition ®y acting directly on the vital organs, toning them up and en- abling them to perform their pro- per functions, so that the impurities are soon eliminated from the system in a natural way. iniments and ex- ternal applications as a general thing only afford temporary relief. Tanlac Ss a constitutional treatment and gets moving the cause. Tanlac is sold in Kingston by A. P. Chown. --ADVT, gans, and in the exercise of our Epis- copal office decree that they be ex- cluded from every Catholic home in the archdiocese. We claim no fa- voritism, no special privileges, from these papers, but we do insist that they no longer utilize their columns to spread false, misleading reports against the Catholic Church. We are neither ashamed nor afraid of the truth, but when there is questidh of the Catholic Church these papers ignore the most elementary principles of British fair play. Was Not Subpoenaed. Some persons may be anxious to hear why the archbishop did not give evidence during the trial in his ewn behalf. He was not subpoenaed by either party and his counsel would not permit him on the contention that there was no evidence produced to implicate him. As to the orphanage, I made visi- last winter, making the journey at nine in the evening on foot, celebra- ting at six thirty in the morning and I am, therefore, in a position to state that the orphonage is a model institution. I never before came into contact with a more perfect group of Those of an age receive Holy Communion five days out of the seven of each week, The value cannot be estimated. There are al- hundred and clad and educated. The Institution of the House of Providence is one of the most useful In this province. It supplies every aged, infirm and orphans, hospital for the sick and teachers for our schools. Should it need reforma- tion the church authorities are Quite competent to judge. It has been under the jurisdiction of differ- ent bishops for many years. It is visited three or four times each year by thé fathers of the different religi- ous orders and committees Avho preach retreats and triduums. It is Palpitation of the Heart and Nerve Troubles WERE CURED BY Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. When the heart begins to beat ir- regularly or intermittently, palpitate and throb, skip beats, beat fast for a time, then so slow as to seem al- most to stop, it causes great anxiety and alarm and the least excitement or exertion seems to affect it. Many people are kept in a state of morbid fear of death, become weak, worn and miserable through this un- natural action of the Heart. To all sufferers from heart troibles we would advise the use of Mil burns Heart and Nerve Pills, which by their action in strengthening the heart and regulating 'the beat re- move all the distressing conditions, and impart vigor and vitality to the system. ! . Mrs. Thomas Davidson, . Mount Brydges, Ont., writes: "I have been & 'great - sufferer in the past with nerve troubles and palpitation of the heart. 1 tried several remedies, but without any good results. My son came in one day and advised me to take Milburn's Hi and Nerve Pills. After using ond and a half boxes, | am fully vecowred, and am in a perfect state of to your valuable medicife Price 50¢ a box at mailed direct on recei The T. Milburn Co. ronto, Ont. ! is 8imply Wonderful," | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1917. under government inspection in every branch of werk. Its status is now before the Holy See, and I am of the opinion that few, if any, changes will be prescribed. How the Trouble Arose. This trouble' has not arisen from any weakness in the administration, but from a refusal to accept the law of obedience according to the teach- ing of the Holy Catholic church. With- out obedience in this true sense. Community life would be an im- possibility. For the preservation of the Catholic religion, especially in Community life, we must insist on that form of obedience' the Church prescribes. The law of charity prevents me from giving further information on this question. As to the rest I must suffer in silence and you have been called to suffer with me. "You are members of the mystical body of Christ and the members must fe- cessarily participate in the sufferings of her Head. If you are to go into glory with Him you must be prepared to suffer 'with Him. This is your vocation according to the doctrine of St. Peter. "For what glory is it, if commit- ting sin and being buffeted for it, you endure? But if doing well you suf- fer patiently, this is thank-worthy before God. For unto this are you called because Christ suffered for us leaving you an example in His steps, "Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth; who when he was reviled did not revile; when he suffered he threatened not; but de- livered himself to him that judged him unjustly," -- Address From the Priests. Before the sermon, the following address from the priests of the arch- diocese to His Grace, it being read by Rt. Rev. Mgr. Murray, of Brock- ville. . The recurrence of the anniversary of Your Grace's consecration natur- ally awakens in the hearts of the priests of the diocese sentiments of satisfaction and joy. The saintliness and simplicity of your life, whereof | we had full experience before your elevation to the Episcopal Throne: | your spirit of labor, and your seif- forgetting zeal, have been to your priests an inspiration moving us to follow your example. The tedium of our monotonous life; the incessant labor, the perplexities born of these modern ways, so opposed to the max- ims of Jesus Christ, the Divine Founder of fhe Catholic Church, needed the stimulus of your unworld- ly asceticism to counteract, prevent- ing our ministry in its exercise from falling into a dull formalism by vivi- fying our faith and re-kindling the fire of our charity, During the past six years we thus lived and labored under the blessed influence of your humble and faithful life, in joy of spirit and comfort of | heart. The diocese was a veritable | Temple of Peace. Not in this world, however, could such a condition last. "It must needs be that scandals come," and 0 to the shame and con- fusion of the Catholics of Kingston and "our féllow-Catholics of the Do- minion, a scand®l of appalling magni- tude and far-reaching consequences is launched upon us, bringing its new burden of sorrow to the Sacred Heart of Our Divine Lord. "It must needs be that scandals come," God Will not divest human- ity of the august diadem of Liberty. "Before man is good and evil. . .that which he shall choose shall be given him." God will not have the service of slaves but of free agents. We have the freedom of choice, And the choice is not always the right. For ever since in the older time the de-! signs of the Omnipotent were frus- trated by the primal sin, the innate pride of the human heart, - unre- Strained by prayer, mortification anil the discipline of supernatural faith, has supplied fruitful ground for the baneful rebellion against Grace. Re- cent events, involviag the old appeal to the world and its maxims and pomps against the Cross of Christ with its humiliation and sorrow and grievous pain, Hlustrate the mystery of God's permission of evil. No word of ours, Your Grace, can express how deeply we lament the humiliation to which You have been subjected. But since the disciple is not above the Master, it must needs be that you, too, should have your Gethsemane. We are here to-day to afford you all the consolation that is in our power. "Ubil Episcopus; ibi Ecclesia." That aphorism, coming down through the ages from the early fathers of the church and consecrat- ed by their re-iteration, holds us as by an adamantine chain to the Epis- copal Throne in steady obedience and reverence. We are here to proclaim before our people and for the consola- tion of our fellow Catholics through- out the Dominion, our loyalty and our allegiance; and by so doing to rightly diréct their minds in the un- happy condition produced by the scandal and to neutralize as far as possible its pernicious effects, Moreover we wish to cling to a Ureat tradition of the Kingston clergy, fidelity to the . church and their bishops. It is our heritage from & glorious past, handed down from older generations of priests, as we hope to pass it on to those who will sutceed us in the mimistry in undi- minished vigor, even in the face of virulent and grievous persecution. Accept then, Your Grace, with our congratulations on your sixth anni- versary of consecration, and our good wishes for the future, this declara- tion of loyalty and obedience: our approbation of your wise administra: tion of the affairs of Kingston dio. cose; the consideration, charity and justice which have characterized it; our joy at your constant success in the designs you have projected evi: dencing the Divine protection: and our fervent persevering' : the blessing of your great example may be continued to us for many bappy and fruitful years to come. ---- The Archbishop replied as follows: Your copa: ite of Your d manifestation of loyaity #@ sympathy in this hour of greatest need tends in a very great measure to compensate for the over whelming sorrow that has recently prested to heavily upon me, and *- Add boiling water only, (Continued on Page 13.) 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If you've a friend there you need not wonder what to send him that he'll like. See that: every parcel or letter contains: a few bars or a package or two of WRIGLEY'S, the great chewing confection. Keep it always on hand. It benefits teeth, breath, appetite and digestion. °

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