THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, "NOVEMBER 30, 1917. PAGE FIVE ~ SwaresEaser ENR AREENNNNRNEARERRNNNNNRRRRNRRRRRRY B CARING FOR THE CHILDREN] ee a wm = = arm Footwear You Pay Less Here. O'Connor's Ladies' Exclusive WISE BUYERS WILL TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE FOLLOW. ING MONEY-SAVING SPECIALS SALE Saturday ! $12.95 EACH -- 38 NEW | $12.95 EACH -- 18 ONLY LANNT AL MEETING OF THE CHIL- DEN'S AID SOCIETY. Members Have Been Carrying On Noble Work--Dr. A. W. Richard- son Re-elected President--Work of Inspector Jack Praised. That the Children's Aid Society for the city of Kingston and the county| | of Frontenac is carrying on splendid | { work, was shown in the reports pre- {sented at the annual meeting, which | was held in the City Council chamber | jon Thursday night, and which was | presided over by the president, Dr. A W. Richardson. The Inspector, Alexander Jack, presented an inte resting report of his work, covering the nine months he has been serving the society, and following the reading of the report, a warm tribute was paid to Mr. Jack for the able manner in which he dealt | with all the cases coming under his attention. Alhough pnly on the | job but a short time the new inspec- tor whose heart and soul is in the fork, has rendered able service, and it was most fitting that the members fof the Society should recognize this {service at the annual gathering. In presenting his report, Mr. Jack stated that he had received the greatest help frem the members of {the local police force, in locating Ml famities, and that he had also r Warm Felt Slippers-- Warm Lined Felt Boots for men and women-- Warm Slippers for Children-- It Pays to KEEP YOUR FEET WARM. COATS DRESSES Large collars, belts and fancy vz : fe buckle, buttoned trimmed, whit- Fine serges, silks and poplins; no two alike. Every size, 16 to ney cloth, good quality in brown, grey, navy and black, all sizes, 44. All the very newestshades. 16 years to 42. Values regular Latest pleated and tunic styles. Values to $18.00. $18.00. $6.95 EACH -- 27 GIRLS' 32. 98 EACH -- 22 CHILDS' Abernethy's Shoe Store COATS. - Fitting ages 6 years to 14 yrs. Fancy tweeds, friezes and vel- vets; samples; values to $10.75. warm. COATS For ages 2 years to 6 years, in fine white cé¢rduroy and white furtex quilte lining; good and = HALF PRICE GOOD BYE SUITS 28 Only Suits Left -- Price. - HALF PRICE ® Every one new this season -- Saturday Half $2.98 EACH -- 6 DOZ. SILK WAISTS New styles just received, in maize, ivory, flesh and white; every size 34 to 44. 59¢ EACH ---- OVERALL APRONS 7 doz. extra large size with belt and pocket, taped edges; good materials. Reg. 75c. sizes. 98c EACH -- 10 DOZ. VOILE § A big shipment just to hand, fine quality, new styles, all the $3.95 EACH -- 8 DOZ. NEW Navy and black serges, and fine black poplin, with elastic bands, shirred tops and pockets. WAISTS SKIRTS new styles A snap. and colors. Values to $2.25. wear and worth up to $4.50. ing prices. Bio styles and can save you money. SPECIAL MILLINERY SNAPS 98c EACH -- 6 doz. velvet shapes. Every one new this season. Black $1.98 EACH -- Trimmed Hats. 26 only to clear; correct for present Children's Hats; Children's Tams; Childrerf's Bonnets; All at Clear- Get our prices on Velour and Salts Plush Coats -- We handle only [to work for committals. fit would not be found necessary to re- [ ssozea. Prin. cess St. I. J. CONNOR | == Higher Up Street, But Always Lower in Price." EL Phone 800 Sitvarbloom, 84. Nicholas sud Guiden Glow for esens aad coats seasons' wear, walt, oats, skirts, ete Much More Than Your Money' s W 4 The Original Economy fabrics Janap Sloth 22/3 1a. wide, 81/2 ta Pom. to the , for hard wear A 5, permanent Bc ish, guaranteed : us for durability and fast colors. You hd Lie pa A UP sll the time if you wear these goods. For sale by leading retailers : WHITMAN & CO., Inc, 881 Brosdway, 1 New York City x Ad on this advice. . MH your dealer does nat } ki them, just Sut aut tl te it to a postal card, put your name ai t es oa desir and mail it to us, We will and 4 him ols tw and advise him of yout request. NOTICE Commencing Saturday, December 1st, we will discontinue our Saturday night de- livery, owing to conditions caused by the war. Please let us have your order before 7 p.m. * Crawford 8 Grocery, "Good Things to Eat." Phone 26 - SA Fall Footwear Keeping prices well within the bounds .of economy and good sense, and offering only the footwear which has received the final decree of fashion's approval, are the factors which bring positive assurance of satisfaction to our customers. Shoe for men, women and children, in : the greatly increased vote to be == | ficed to record the vote of Kingston =| in any kind of an election, but Mr. = en for Cataraqui, = | ship. =| not have a vote. = Mrs. W. R. =| your name on the ay List. (See -- Te the home fires burning; buy EXTRA ZPOLLING PLACES! TO BE ARRANGED FOR BY THE RETURNING OFFICER. It Is Expected That 9,000 Votes May Be Cast in the Coming Election in Posting of Enumerators' Lists. Conservatives and Liberals alike, agree that-the new system establish- 1 4 by the Ottawa Government for en- ating the voters who are to cast ballots in the coming elections is anything but satisfactory. Every- where there are complaints, for some enumerators are not as careful as others. The old system of open reg- istration at appointed places has proven to be the best way of enroll- ing the voters. There were very few appeals after the registrations in past election years, but there pro- niises to be a grist of them as the re- sult of the house-to-house enumera- tion system. On Monday nexttwo copies of the enumeratars" lists of voters in each polling subdivision are to be. posted in a prominent place within thé sib- division, in a store or office, for in- stance, so that the people may see if their names are there. If there are omissions or if the lists include names which should not be there, there will he four days in which ap- peals may he entered to Judge La- vell, whose appeal sittings will open on the 7th of December and con- Sy at specified times until the Returning Officer Walkem is hav- ing 9,600 ballots printed for the elec- tion and he intends to have at least thirty polling sub-divisions Swing to pol- Formerly twenty-five polls suf- Walkem will add probably half a doz. Frontenac, and Rideau wards. . Half-sisters of men overseas have te, as they are of blood-relation-§ A step-mother however, woul Ladies Curling Club. * Kingston ~ Ladies" Curling Clb these officers: President, Givens; vice-president, Miss L. Tandy; secretary-treasurer, Miss Ada Birch; skips, Mrs. Givens, hiss Bireh, Miss. M, Gordon and Miss Come to the Unionist Headquar- ters and learn how to get ceived much assistance \ An interesting point brought ou I by Mr. Jack was that it had not been | necessary to make out apy commit- 'tals, and he d that the Ontario Temperance Act (had enabled a great number of familtes live a better life. The object of the inspector has been to get people coming under his | jurisdiction, to give more care and attention to their home, rather than In this way, move childfen from their homes, and he succeeded in having conditions greatly igpproved in many homes. A synopsis of the work of the In- spector for the nine months will give the public an idea of the work the Society is doing. During this time the Inspector made 829 calls, had 294 office interviews, sent out 625 letters, visited 125 wards, answered 587 telephone cal's and received 528 letters, Three children were sent to the Industrial School, and thirteen were held for a time, and returned to their parents, after conditions were made satisfactory. Thirty-five wards were placed out in foster homes, and of this number, eleven were replacements, "this is, children who had been returned to the shelter. Seven children were made wards of the society. There were twenty-two children in th- Orphans' Home and St. Marys-on-the-Lake last fall. At the present time there are none in these shelters. | The report of Inspsctor Jacky was| on motion of Frederick Welch and John McEwen, adopted and order- ed placed on the minutes. In moving the adoption, Mr, Welch took occasion to congratulate the Society and also Inspector Jack, for the splendid work of the year. He made special mention of the fact that to-day the Society had na wards in any of the local homes. This, he pointed out, should*be a source of great satisfaction not only to th: society, but also to the citizens. The report of City Auditor Muir, who was called upon te go over the records after the retirement of Mr. Wyllie was also read. The report went into overy detail of the work, 'and on motion of Dr. W, W. Sands and E. W. Mullin,"4#s adopted. The report of the treasurer, O. V. Bartels, was also presented and adopted. The Society has a balane on hand of $340.90. Under the head- ing, 'maintenance of children,' following items were noted: Mary's-on-the-Lake, $400; Orphans' Home, $246.86; William Scouten, $15. Dr. Richardson gave a review. of the work carried on by the society and was warm in his praise of the work of Inspector Jack and th2 city officials who had served the society. On motion of E. 'W. Mullin, sec- onded by David Murray, the follow ing officers were elected for the city: President, Dr. A.W. Richardson; | csmober 's Fine Furs Taup e Wolf The latest models in tme setts. Special at $40, Winter Caps We sell the celebrated East- earn brand with the patent "Klingklose band to turn down over the ears. A great var- iety at all prices. * Another consignment received of Dent's English gloves, Campbell Bros Kingston's Oldest Hat and Fur Store. just celebrated HOT WATER BOTTLES Guaranteed for One Year. Price, $1.00. Prouse's Drug Store. Phone 82. vice-president, Jamos Halliday; See- retary, Dr. W. W. Sands; treasurer, 'Oscar V. Bartels; honorary solicitor, J. Lv Whiting; K.C. Executive--Frederick Welch, 8. R. Bailey, J. F. McEwen, W, H. Gra- ham and tho Mafor of Kingston, On motion of Pr. G. W. Bell, sec- onded by W. H. Graham, the same bfficars were elected for the county with the following on the executive: J. W. Bradshaw, Capt. A. J. Smith, Dr, G. W. Bell, William Murray, and the Warden of the county. Following the annual meeting the executive held a meeting, when it was decided ot invest $1,000 of the trust funds of the wards of the Society'in Victory Loan Bonds. Inspector Jack also presented his report for the month of November. Girls' Hats 59c. A splendid variety to choose from ~--all clearing lines and worth from $1 to $3. Your choice for 59c. George Mills & Co. : Are you entitled to vote? Come to Unionist. meeting to-night and find out, (Bev large advertisement.) KINGSTON EVENTS +85 YEARS AGO James Mahoney wasinjured on the schooner Sovereign, when he was struck by a jib boom. Boys stealing whips from waggons around the city, are using much trouble. Harry Lindley was here to-day. this summer. He made more money this way than in the show business. | Hood's Vietory PREMIER | MINCEMEAT WHAT ISIT? Great big raisins, fruity, rich currants, best kidney suet; spices the best the tropics pro- duce; apples the best provided by Ontario's 'orchasds; all blended with a skill that knows "just how." A Preparation of 'GOOD TASTE IN THE HOME Heretofore 'good taste' was looked upon as a thing apart from com- monplace life; to- day good taste is defined as the knowledge of what human be- ings require to make their sur- roundings more livable. Choosing thé right kinds of furniture for Christ. mas gifts: at the Busy Store with the Large Christmas Stock, JAMES REID The - Leading Undertaker with Motor Hearse. Phone 147 for Motor Ambulance. > Mr. and Mrs. Farmer, magazines. Tends? He says he made $600 out of dogs|| City Dairy Farm | HOT WATER BOTTLES ALL GUARANTEED At All Prices. SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Corner Princess and Montreal Streets. Telephone 41. &h and you can now take mo re time to enjoy your papers and ARE YOU FULLY EQUIPPED for comfortable Jf not, have your eyes examined and glasses made Personal Service Given. *3.3. STEWART, Opt.D, {rican tue Opposite Po st Office, Kingston. PASLEVIAEED MILK AND CREAM, ed 3.3 Butter Fat Phone 2083 4 JOHNSON STRERY McKELVEY & BIRCH, Frost King Weather Strip -- 'and windows: keeps out draughts and cold. | 25, feet In the package, Price iSe phy.