Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Dec 1917, p. 10

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PAGE FOURTEEN Realm THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1917. TBRRERS COCON= HAS GREAT YOOD VALUE I 1 HE food value of cocoa has % been proven by centuries a of use, and dietitians and phy- sicians ' the * world over are enthusiastic in their endorse- ments of it. It is said to con- tain more nourishment than = ever,should be a high-grade cocoa,--"Baker's" of course. IT IS DELICIOUS, TOO Trade-mark on every package Made only by WALTER BAKER & CO. Limited Montreal, Can. Dorchester, Mass. Established 1780 ORE men DK REGISTERED TRADE MARK Lee Beautiful Bust and Shoulders are possible if you will wear a scientifically constructed Bien Jolie Brassiere, The dragging weight of an unconfined bust so stretches the supporting muscles that the contour of the figure is spoiled. t the bust back where it be- EN ongs, prevent the full bust from 0 having the Ahpeatuiice of Hab, bimess, eliminate the danger o (88 v hy dragging muscles and confine the BRASSIE 5 flesh of the shoulder giving a graceful line to the entire upper body. Thex are the daintiest and most serviceable garments imagi- RAbIe--come in all materials and styles: Cross | , Hook Front, Surplice, Bandeau, etc. Boned with Walohn," the rustless boning--permitting washing without removal. Have your dealer show you Bien Jolie Brassieres, if not stock- ed, we will gladly send him, prepaid, samples to show you. BENJAMIN & JOHNES, 51 Warren Street, Newark, N. J. | Bani Address Gold tary on -. 3 Grand 38 - Piece Scholar's Outhit and a Dandy $5.00 Camera RES ie ont mer orienato eo ina Liastore iPS 80 Intro taco amon Dollar Manufacturing Co. Dept. S.27 ta Sherr ed 982 hot edkes. Everybody soCEsry $-Oug large size esti wich threo that Rr PA we on return 1 a you this Scand 38 piece scholars outfit exsell re ted, and the beautiful $8. proseated, 00 Camera will stand scholar'soutfitto of them 10 Soll Gur goo Aalivery tte yo! oor. Write the fred ia sical to ba sent to you for just show your friendsand 's and barn our fine premiums ay on fous grand we whi] Se ink wis great Toronto, Ont. r . The Confessions of Roxane (By Frances Walter.) ADVICE ON A DIFFI- CULT PROBLEM (Copyright, 1916, by the McClure Newspaper Syndicate), "How This was Aunt Tabitha's opening | it was not difficult for me to guess] that I was to receive some advice on the servant yroblem, ¢ "Only a short time," I replied cas- ually. "You know, we have been keeping house only a few weeks, Mr. Higginbotham had employed her and we inherited her from him." "Huh!" sniffed Aunt Tabitha. "I would hardly call her a desirable legacy." "We ful." Aunt Tabitha bridled. "I suppose 1 was expected to ask what Aunt Tabitha had found wrong with the maid, but I did not, and presently she proceeded to tell me. "1 always insist upon my maids getting up when I do," Aunt Tabitha went on. '"This morning I suppose I was up two hours before Tillie made her appearance, and when she did come down to the kitchen she was as sleepy as if she was still in bed. TI asked hed if she was walking in her sleep, and what do you sup- pose she sald to me" "I can't imagine," I replied sweet- ly, secretly hoping that Tillie had given her a bit of impudence. "Why, the good-for-nothing thing told me that when she walked in her sleep she went away from the kitch- en and not toward it. 'You see,' she said, tossing her freckled head, 'I slave here so much when I am awake that when I am asleep I have sense enqugh to -go somewhere else.' What do you think of that?" "You don't mean that she was really impertinent, do you, Aunt Ta- bitha?' I inquired solicitously. "Why, of course she was impertin- ent!" "I shall about it." "You need not. I am quite sure that I lectured her severely enough. 1 have always considered it of the greatest importance to keep servants in their place. I never allow them to speak back to me. They are em- ployed to do what they are told to do, and if they can't do it, out they " have found her very faith- have to speak to her "But it is so hard to get good ser- vants,"'I remarked languidly, using the same tone that I had heard some of my acquaintances use under simi- lar 'circumstances. 'One must be considerate of their feelings, other- wise they will not remain." '""Considerate! Bah!" retorted Aunt Tabitha contemptuously, '"Théy lose respect for you when you are considerate. The way to deal with servants is to hold a tight rein on them." "I suppose then that you lectured Pillie into her proper place?" 'Yes, of course," replied Aunt Ta- bitha in such a doubtful tone that I almost smiled openly. "I told her a few things, but I am afraid you have spoiled her. She insisted upon speaking back to me until I thought it best to retire from the kitchen and leave her to herself, But my retire- ment did not stop her from talking. I heard her slamming things about in there and shouting at imaginary objects long after I left, I think she has a violent temper." "I do not know whether she has or not," I replied. "I have never seen her aroused, but if what you tell me is true I shall be very careful not to arouse it." "But you must control her. She must be taught her proper position." It seemed to me that Aunt Tabitha was broaching a plan to gain myico- operation in dealing with Tillie, but Of W long have you had Tillie?' | §§ remark after Kenneth departed, and | § No more home-made Chutney or Tomato Catsup for me -- that is what everybody says when they have tried H. P.-- the new sauce from. England Its delicious flavour makes it unique -- quite unique. Wouldn't it be worth your while to try a botile of | geee ereneee Told In Twilight Pbdddbie . * * | (Notice--Hereafter, the Whig, in {common with other papers all over Canada, will make a charge of 50¢ for inserting an engagement, mar riage or reception announcement, ) * - » (Continued from page 7.) * * - Mrs. Day, Union street west, was hostess at the Bridge Club on Thurs. day evening. * * * - Mrs. H. E. Day, 271 Alfred street, is visiting Miss Dorothy Wilson, To- LEMONS BRING OUT THE HIDDEN BEAUTY es 3 What girl or woman hasn't heard of lemon juice to remove complexion to bleach the skin and % ; I the fresh-,SPending a few days in Napanee. But | blemishes; to bring out the roses, ness and the hidden beauty? lemon juice alone is acid, therefore irritating, and should be mixed with orchard white this way. Strain ¢ through a fine cloth the juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle con- taining about three ounces of orchard white, then shake well and you have a whole quarter pint of skin and com- plexion lotion at about the cost one usually pays for a small jar of ord- inary cold cream. Be sure to strain the lemon juice so no pulp gets into the bottle, then this lotien will re main pure and fresh for months. When applied daily to the face, neck, arms and hands it should hélp to bleach, clear, smoothen and beautify the skin. Any druggist will supply three ounces of orchard white at very lit-, tle cost and the grocer has the lem- ons. ,llton, announce the engagement of A Stubborn Cough Loosens Right Up Tis homonade omedy is » wondep quick resul Easily and cheaply The prompt and positive action of this simple, inexpensive home-made rem- edy in quickly healing the inflamed or swollen membranes of the throat, chest | De Foe, ronto, and will later go to visit Mrs. W .Washington, Bowmanville; Miss Alice Hague, University avenue, has returned from spending a few days in Napanee. Mrs. Daniel Phelan and Miss Eleanor Phelan, Johnson street, who have been visiting in Montreal, have returned home. _, | Miss Phyllis Coates, Princess street, is the guest of Miss Dorothy Smith, Napanee. * * LJ Mrs. R. Easton Burns is spending a few days in Toronto with her daughter, Mrs. R. Hamilton Parl- ridge. Miss Redden, Kingston, is visiting Mrs. (Judge) O'Reilly, Cornwall. Miss May Taylor, Toronto, is the guest of Miss Jennie Phillips, John. son street. * * * Daniel Briceland, 98 Barrie street, left Thursday to attend the Royal School of Aviation, Toronto. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor are leaving for Waterbury Inn, Waterbury, Vt., where they intend to remain for two weeks. * * * Miss Marjorie Henderson, Ottawa, is the guest of Miss Flora Abernethy, Albert street. Mrs. Phelps, Oswego, with her daughter, Mrs. Cays, Wellington street. Mrs. C. W. Cadwell, Windsor, was in .ingston to visit Halsen Cad- well, who is attending the Royal Military College. Miss Marion Clancy, training at Hotel Dieu, has returned after spending a few weeks' holidays with her parents in Peterboro. ( -. - . Miss Gladys Miller, Kingston, is N.Y, is Frederick Miss Beulah Spencer, Napanee, spent the week-end in Kingston, at- tending the Queen's military dance and Madama Butterfly. Mrs. W. F. Kelley, Kingston, spent Monday with friends in Napanee. Miss Abbie Judson, Napanee, spent a few days last week with her sister, Miss Leah Judson, Kingston, Miss Frances Dwyer, Napanee, is spending a few days at her home in Kingston. » - . Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Willson, Toronto, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Hildred May, to- Vernon Clarke Horton, son of Rev. Gilbert Horton and Mrs. Hor ton, Belleville. The marriage will take place early in December. * * * Rev. and Mrs. Henry Irvine, Ham their second daughter, Florence May, to Frank C. Morrow, Ingersoll, the marriage to take place quietly the first week in December. . -. . The Hon. H. W. Laird and Mrs Laird, Regina, Sask., announce the engagement of their daughter, Elza to Carl Joseph Jennings, Hamilton,. Ont. The marriage will take place in December, and owing to recent bereavement in the family the wedding will be quietly solemniz- ed. nurse-in- |, WHICH? "This bulk tea is the best I could buy at the price, Mrs. Brown, but I believe you will like Red Rose better. "We use Red Rose at home arid like the rich flavor. My wife says it goes further." Hundreds of grocers are making statements somewhat like this. They have sold Red Rose Tea for many years and have found the quality so good that they use it in their homes. Most grocers naturally like to make an extra profit on their bulk tea, but they cannot help recom- mending Red Rose Tea because they know it's worth the price. They know it goes further because it consists chiefly of the teas from Assam in Northern India, the strongest, richest teas grown anywhere in the world. Red Rose tastes better and goes further. Kept Good by the Sealed Package T. H. Estabrooks Co., Limited St. John, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Calgary, Edmonton 1 0 : \ > that I can thoroughly recommend 9 Turns FITTING "RIBBED UNDERWEAR or bronchial tubes and breaking up tight coughs, has caused it to be used in more homes n any other cough remedy. Under its hedling, soothing influence, chest soreness goes, phlegm loosens, breathing becomes easier, ticks ing in the throat stops and you get a good night's restful ep The uSual throat and chest colds are conquered by it in 24 hours or less. Nothing bet- ter for bronchitis, hoarseness, croup, whooping cough, bronchial asthma or winter coughs, ! To make this splendid cough syrup, pour 2% ounces of Pinex (50 cents Over the goal with a touchdown, Forth) gd 2 16-0z. bottle and fill the Over the plate with a run. ottle with plain granulated sugar syrup " " and shake thoroughly. You then have Over there with a punch for free- 16 ounces--a family supply of a mueh om, bo better courh syrup than you eould buy Over the top with a gun. ready-made for $2.50, s perfectly i Shildren love its Measan fate, inex a special and highly eon- centrated Smnound of genuine Norway pine extract and is known the world I had no intention of being drawn into such & scheme. "Come," IT said suddenly. take a walk about the garden. I want to show you what lovely grounds we have." Aunt Tabitha arose grudgingly and prepared to follow me. 1 knew she much preferred to discuss Tillie. (To Be Coritinued.) GOING! GOING! GONE! It is made up to the same high standard as employed in the making of the famous ¢'Ceetee" underclothing. The raw ma- terials used are the very best and no effort is spared to make them as perfect as possible; the seamsare strong and smooth and the fabric is extremely elastic and comfortable. On top of all this you have Turnbull's reputation as makers of good underwear for the past 59 years. Ask your dealer for ** Turnbulls" "Let's THE ACTIVITIES OF WOMEN Russian women are not only suf- fragists, but voters as well. Of the 706,000 teachers in the United States 537,000 are women. Viscountess Gort has opened a Jnshiopable millinery shop in Lon- on. The chemical industries of Great Britain employ over 8,000 women and girls. Over 25 per cent. of all women sixteen years of age and over are + ~BoFRaie | The C, Turnbull Co. of Canada, Limited SAVETT TOO LATE FOR IS YOUR HAIR SLIPPING? The praseite f dandruff and fall- | ladies. It stops itching almost in- conve, 4) warning which it | stantly. n : yy At first loss of | You may be told that there are he So alight ast be hardly remedies "justas as Herpicide."' no matter how little | You cannot afford to take chancea may be the fall each day, with nor can you ex; Doing His Bit, The spirit that drove him in battle On athletic fields, perchance, Will carry him through to glory On those greater fields in France. The King of Stam has a body- guard of 400 trained and armed wo- itis ke men doing service in Ris capital. ing toward the same and inevitable result, and that is total baldness. results from "'an o ruff. lightful hair on the care of the to obtain Insist on havin oy icide, on ul erpick the Original Germ: Remedy for Dand. You can get a sample of this de- and a booklet by sendin Over the top in Flanders. Through - shell-swept land. America's athletes, undaunted Are there to lend a hand. no-man's Tour of Instruction Oars The Grand Trusk Railway is co- operating with the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture, in connection with the operation of Agriculture In- struction Cans over its line. Two ears are used, and will contain ex- hibits relating to seed-testing and lection; under drainage and soil moisture control; water supply and sewage disposal; use of fertilizer and Hme, corn, cereal, root, potato and garden vegetable production; dairy- ing; Insect pests and plant diseases; poultry, etc. The cars will be open | for exhibition at Kingston on Mon- day, December 3rd, from 10 a. m. to 5.30 p. m. Special attention will be devoted to children from 10 a. m. to noon. Not only farmers but all in- terested in food production and economy may derive value from the demonstrations. 3 a 3300.00 women are now ployed in gainful occupations in Great Britain, 5% : over for its promptness, case and cere tainty in ove ming. Stubborn and nest. cols * 0 avo sappointment, ask your fii for "2% ounces of Pinex" with fll directions, and don't accept any- thing else. Guaranteed to give ahso- In isfaction or money y The Pinex' Co, Ti os | Mrs. Borden Turner fs the only | American woman who has received the Croix de G with a second citation and palm and the Cross of the Legion of Honor the farms is taken by the Serbian The Italian ministry of agricul. ture has awarded 12,713 prizes to women workers on farms in that country. Out of every 100 women in the United States, 39 marry between the age of twenty and twenty-four. There are thousands of women in England who smoke on an average of 300 cigarettes a week. : Miss Mabel White has been chos- en as a teacher of law in the wo- men's department of Columbia Uni. versity. Mrs. Maurice Hewlett, wife of the novelist, was the first woman in Great Britain to obtain an air pilot license. Mrs. Vivian Ogden, who can knit 128 stitches a minute, is considered the champion of the world in this line of work. w A considerable share of labor on women, who also ve t weave the material Augusta Seaman, of waukes, whose father was an offi. cer in the German army, will pur- chase and outfit 'a Red Cross auto- mobile and drive it herself. . Miss , a young Rus. A Woman's Christian Temperance Union has organized dt; Chefoo, China, to combat the use of cigar. Kies by the Chinese. / sian, wh tf 0 Was a refugee from Palestine, came' half "half Galt, Ontario Also sole manufacturers of the famous "CEETEL* underclothing. fet an Fo inne ter It is to the stimulating qualities of thei ational drink that the' wiry Japanesé' owe ee tami. When you are "Fagged out" try "Japan Tea"--its rare excellence of flavor and aroma will comfort you . ON SALE As ALL GROCER

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