PAGE SIX. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1917. ~ 7 3 | | CHURCH SERVICES | ak EEE ® m= 'oa Store Open Saturday Night. | Queen's University --Sunday ser-| lasting Arms." 7 p. m., "Britain's | 8 wi I onvocation Hall at § p.m. ' Transformation." Morning, anthem, | H U D S 0 N S E 2 L will be « d y Rev. Prof.| "0 Divine Redeemer' sulo, "The Scott. D.1 Plains of Peace," Edgar Finley. | -- Evening, Anthem, O Sing to the| CHRISTMAS CARDS, BOOKLETS, CALENDARS, ETC. Chalmers Church--11 a.m., Rev. 10rd a New Song": solo, "A New | Ross, D.D.;' 7 p.m., Rev. | Heaven and a New ,"7 Captain Jordan; subject. | 4. Angrove; violin solo, Arthur | Reprints of $1.50 and $1.25 Books 5 vr ow wT ea Now 60c¢ f Daniel as a Message t Locke; cello, Prof. Eaton; organ ry oe solo, '*Troccate," Kindér, .Ernest ow . Madrand; Miss Shaw, organist : All the new 1917 and some advance numbers of 1918 Gibson Art Line is now being shown, By Paul's--Canon F itzGerald, conductor. reason of their enormous production the prices of the Gibson Art Line are no more expensivie than . Morning [prayer and - | the cheaper and poorer lines on the market. Now is the time to make your selection, while stocks union, 11 o'clok: Preach- are new, ver Foie NODENTS OF THE DAY MAGAZINES RECEIVED TODAY . Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, Good Housekeeping, Picture Play, Hearst's, Motor, Motor Boating, Red Queen Street Methodist Church-- LOOAL NOTES ITHMS Cross, Etude, Metropolitan, Forest and Stream, Electrical Experimenter, J. D. Ellis, pastor. Public wor GENERAL a5 Mw OF | Books for holiday gifts, More than 2000 of the latest and most popular reprint books in stock. ship at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. 'Sunday + AL . \ school at 2.45 p.m. Rev. Lawrence Carp, Ont., will preach at Happenings In the City and Vicinity | | ices. Seats free. Every ~-What the Merchants Offer to the | { body welcome. Bondesy of 'the Walp, | Th C 11 B k St | nL Andres ie her 3. ting up 645 for sweet cider. | e 0 ege 00 ore, Stephen, minister, Services at 11 a iat: ire, aay children pevel { > - ~ » 8 FP . » . * : B ro vier Shoulder braces, Abdominal Sup-| 160-162 Princess St. Open Nights Phone 919 ible Cla . . ASE, | | Bi ports. Dutton's Store | ; | will preach at both services. AStrang- , ites \ ! ers 'students and soldierg~ cordially | Tho Dese roto Post calls for the) Na , 7. return of its Council for the third | \\ invited. vear by accdamation. {avs aaa W."Swain, piano runer, 100 Clergy street west. Orders left at McAu- . ley's, or phone 564. | Rector. 11 a. m., Holy Communion Mr Pp > A pind? " ing Bx and Mrs. FP. Laidley, Kingston, | he | Sermon, "T we Lord's Coming-- :] spent a few days at the home of| ® | hortation 3 p. m., Sunday school; ['tpeip son, Herbert, at Ernesttown| 2 | 7 p. m., evening prayer and sermon. | gtation, : i j Subieet, "The Men to Elect" ' The brick dwelling, No. 99 Clergy | " oy i . -- street west, owned by MTS, M. G. me . worl kay { ole srry thal thaividiiiey of Arie and apistic | Princess Street Methodist Church | Draper, has been sold to Mrs. A. M. Pp 480 ' , : | --Rev. H. E. Curry, pastor. Services, Afartin, by E. W. Mullin & Son. The Popular, Good-Wearing, Rich-Looking Fur 3 i St. James' Church; corner Union and Arch streets--Rey, T. W. Savary, We invite your inspection. Comparison tells the tale. ' . McKAY OUALITY ['11 a.m. and 7 p.m., conducted by the] Now is the time to have your It pays to buy McKAY QUALITY. | pastor. Sunday school, 2.45 p.m, ad-| plano tuned, we carry two expert| dressed by Chief Thunderbolt; Lea- tyners and will assure entire sat-| | gue, Monday, 8; Prayer meet-|igfaction. C. W. Lindsay. Ltd | ® ing, Wednesday, 8 p.m. A cordial in- Kingston's Council of 1917 might! 0 I . C a y % vitation to all. 'Teasonably be returned by acclama- '300 pairs Penman's Pen Angle Fast I -_-- tion for 1918, as it has done fairly AMITED First Baptist Church Corner | good work. Have opened an office and store corner of Brock and Bagot Sts., Kingston's Reliable Fur House, Johnson and Sydenham streets. Prof Now is the time to have your rr . Aro bi tr 149.157 Br ok S ouse Mather, Queen's University, will plano tuned, we carry two expert Savage's oe stan), carrying a - roc treet. preach at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m.; tuners and will assure entire sat-| al as -- ult st o Bible School and Adult Bible class | 'sfaction. C. W. Lindsay. Lta. | | at 2.45 p. m. Strangers, students| Harold Harvey, Deseronto is in TIRES and soldiers cordially invited. the Kingston General Hospital with | ston Automobile Acces- -- ) diphtheria. W. H. Harvey spent al mer . . Brock Street Methodist Church--| fow days with his son this week. | sories, Gasoline ( N ° Rev. George S. Clendinnen, pastor, We will rent you a piano, and at | ' . : n't for ve # do! - . will preach. 11 a. m., "Methodism end of six months if you feel like The only hose that is knit to form with- Dt To Je Jing Dua Your Windows and gare ICd and Democracy"; 7 p. m., Lantern|purchasing instrument we wili al-| . » Agents for REO CARS. D pictures of Japan. Sunday echool 3|low the 6 months' rental on pur-| out a seam -- widened leg Seis narrowed GC Bo d P oors D. m.; Epworth League, Monday; | chase price, and arrange easy terms €0. yd, Prop. Speci lists Finance committee, Tuesday; Prayer|on balance. C. W. Lindsav. Ltd { ankle -- shaped foot elastic top. Ladies Phone 201. | Service, Wednesday; S. S. Board,| The lights in the City Hall clock | BUY A VICTORY BOND drat . 1 1 . Are and cold. Our are not lighted until lcng after dark. | sizes 8 2 9, 9 2» 10. The wholesale price of and storm proof. Give us the - St. George's Cathedral--First Sun-| citizens and many are complaining to| . . chance to prove this to you. © fy MN day in Advent. 8 a.m., Holy Com-| the W hig about it { tonight special. Ring 819. munjion, Preacher, the Lord Bishop Prevost, Brock street, has recelv- | of Ontario. 3 p.m., Sunday school] ed a large shipment of mens' and ) x: and Bible classes; 4 p.m., Holy Bap-| Youths' winter overcoats and suits, | @® J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. =) tism; 7 p.m., Evensong. ,Preacher,| Which he will sell at very close pri- | Orders taken for aa Ol Street {i Mev, Cecil Whalley. Service of in-| 8. In his order clothing depart- \ \ tercession daily in the winter chapel| Ment he has a full range of cloth metal weather strips put on by Thursday. Everybody welcome. re ! ghted un ¢ 5 : 2 2s 1 \_ ) experts will make them wind -- "This proves very inconvenient to the| this hose today is $7.50 a-dozen. On sale Sm w Kingston, Ont. Ne at 10 a.m., except on Tuesday, when| Which he will. make up into suits or . the service is at 8 a.m. jovercoats at a very reasonable price . . J IS BEST SOLVED BY COMING ~ -- » and guarantee first class fit. "| (Limit of three pairs) TO US First Church of Christ, Scientist, . ~ You o 1a tho! zl Johnson street, between Bagot and Wellington streets--Sunday school | ST D RD Siting Crum mnion in 4 he. it 9.45 a.m.; service 11 a.m, subject | SEAL COATS AN A Consult Ancient and Modern Necromancy.| Nigger Brown Cashmere Hose for ladies. alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism De-| ' nounced," Wednesday, 8 p.m. testi-| 2 i A | I ERNS monial meeting; public reading room Special tv ww 34 Hae ww we ww os ow 49c¢ : o Ve same address, open every afternoon, | W L 6 di * 9 our er For Sale at except Sunday, 3 to 5 o'clock. All| COLLEGE BOOK STORE, D.0.8. are cordially invited to the services| mdi Sd the Sealing. Oa. I DECEMBER 1ST Big sale of sample coats tonight . . $12.50 Cooke's Presbyterian -- Minister, | : : At the Rev. E. R. McLean, M. A., B. D., will| This Is Fur Time. Phone 700. preach 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Commu-| G 1d Li Groce nion at morning service. Strangers = FancvClover ius isi 88 Newman & Shaw [|[(7280 Brock Steet.) "HOI EY Bibi" cuss" onday. 3 1, | a ) THE ALW. AYS BUSY STORE an N Y ioung People's Socie ebate; Wed- f ' er -- nesday, 8 p. m., social to new mem-| bers; Thursday, 7 p. m., Boys' club.! y 1 . . Strangers welcome. ' I -- lll A Detached Frame INSURANCE In one pound sections, 23 cents each. eben | : D 1 REMOVED Fresh California Prunes, nice and Cavalry Congregational Church-- { AAA IAA IRINA ent welling Juicy ... ... 10e, 123§¢c, 15¢c Ib. 11 a.°m., Ps. 23, "a Sheep or a { SN pos BUILDERS® SUPPLIES weg || Central, with 7 rooms, im- Evaporated Peaches, 2 Ibs for 25c.| Guest?"; 7 p. m., "A Gospel for| 3 ) CLOSING OF MAILS | provements, and deep lot, for Evaporated Apricots ... ... 15¢ Ib.| Dark Days." 3 p. m., Sunday School | . { an ny | $1850. Possession 10 days. y : - - m., S Se rithh mail closes ! 86 Brock St. {l| Sweet Cider ... ... ... 40c gal ang Bible Class; Monday, 8 p. m.,| ; Inior mation posted at Fost | Two doors west of I Christian Endeavor; Tuesday, 8 p.| RN || from time to time. '{ DRESSED SPRUCE A Dwelling with m., Mission Circle; Wednesday, 8 p.| United States, daily 1 1 t t f ] d old office Ww R McRea & Co m., Prayer Paryer Service and Choir { 11.30 a.m. and 11.30 pm, | arge tract or ian | . . Practice. Communion will be ob- . {| Grand Trunk, goirg east, A very fine lot of At the outer station for $400 11.30 and 11.30 p.m. ! - : Where 18 the best 3 » am: . served at close of morning service, {| Grand Trunk, Toromto an | Easy terms Golden Lion Grocery | Rev. J. Lyall, pastor, 266 Rideau e to buy ? west, including Western _ v | Z ie "By : Rol' plac y oT oda" Po |} matched spruce lum- {|{l Brick store and two 0 5 mm. A % | : CR. 10.16 6m. and 5.00 = : dwellings. ONE .0s vse see vos oo 4.00 pm. ber for floorings, par- | On Division and Earl Sts. I Together with detached dwel- : 1 ® ® - Recidence, 220 Johnson street. Phone| one place and some - - I ling on Earl -St., for $6200, Hie, United eorvitos J Bethel another, but don't BERNHARDT THANKS fl Rentals $636 per year. J © ch. he pastor w preach. | | Place y : 11 am.; "The Divine Forgiveness." | take anybody Ss word Queen's Dramatic Club For Contri- 5 AN selling Hat, Property on our : Sacrament of the Lord's Supper fol-| . . bution to French War Relief. GLIN & CO. | Houses to rent and rents col. jows nis service. 3 p.m., Sunday | for it until you see While the 'proceeds from the|] Woodworking Factory, Lum I lll tected. schools in each church; 7 p.m, for yourself the mag- Queen's University Dramatic Club ber Yards, i ' "What's the Use of Religion?" These "es % " | ® Are mossa t t A A performance, 'Green Stockings, Bay & Wellington 8: | . ; are mess gow. 9 Weel andy: ised. nificent display and were being counted at the Grand Kingston, Ont. treets, f E. Ww. Mullin & Son. rj} Him. We welcome you to "The derful 1 Opera House on Friday evening al} Office Phone 66. | Sellers: of Real Estate. } E : j church with a_welcome," wonderiul values at telegram was received from Madame Factory Phone 1415, ll Cor. Johnson and Division Sts. First and Bethel Congregational--| Some may tell you Pastor: Rev. T. De Courcy Rayner.| * a . ' . Sarah Bernhardt, who was the re. Ca Ww Sloss for bl Kingston s biggest, Giplem ot a cheque, from the club am I Pune 89; and 1450, « B. 8, A. Class----Meets for e 3 : ile playing in the city recently to| see Lumber. Osa ----4 = : === 3 1 . hi . study in I B. 8. A, all (over Sar- brightest, busiest and be devoted to French war relief. The 8 a very important thing, and especially gents. entrance Montreal street) ll best -fur store translation of the telegram, which 3 : unday, 3 p m. Topic: "Significance . was in French is: : PS a rey, EB. 5 this season when economy. is the watch- of Justification to Tale. Tr pie "Many, many thanks, sir, for the EV IT eX AK Stores word. topic, "What is Meant by the Cap- We have been making ana ||| ¢heque which you were kind enough 1 ot hod cops Swity af Sedo, Samaria afd Israel selling furs for forty years -- fo ip nt 3 an Seine the money ; ANADAS FAVORITE DRUG STORES erred to in Esek. xvi?" Muesday,||| a longer period than all other J| to the relief of the Union o 8, 8 =? s 7.45 p.m. , "The Finished Mys- || fur stores in th infty which Madame Rachel Boyer is pre. In our store you will find a great many on Pris 1a ined Mi lll Sime moan vicinity, com- 1 sjemt in Paris. An admbable work articles of real use and value. +J}| Symboical significance of the Sun,||| 1argest stock of well made, re. ||| *1d very helpful to all the artiets at Moon and Stars" All welcome. liable furs between Toronto [}(*I® front. Again a thousand thanks, om and Montreal. ~ Buying our sir. . Best wishes. Sarah Bernhardt." Ee. 1 : ' skins di Tr Eiderdown Quilts are cheaper than St. Luke's Church--Corner of [|| and trappers, and making thom An Unfgrutnate Loss. » coal and we have them in many qualities Princess snd Nelson Stroeta, Rev.J. y on our own premises, on- A soldier's wife with a family et S ecial 30 b . , i BoD. <i] - us 11 retail high- - x and prices, from $6.00 up. » r, 311 Altred street. Phone S71.||| est wrade furs 'at even RX shiidren on Titaday was witos P S C lL . tunate énough to lose a pocket book . dvent Sunday, . 11 a. m., Holy Com- containing the remainder of her hus- We will lay th i : munion; 2.39 p.'m., Sunday schooliff sale fur concerns. We stand li hand's pay, $15 in bills, 90 cents in e ay them aside for you until and men's Confirmatio 4 behind these statements -- in- Wisilver, and an addressed euvelope, = os Christmas. : ; i . m. vestigate, it will pay you to lll ete. She feels the loss very keenly : ; : J Prayer; music, Anthem, "Conquering||| make comparisons. | because the money was urgently PAGE & SHAW Kings, Their Titles Take," Mrs. Mor- Catalogue and price list on [ll needed. and asks that whoever has ris and choir. The rector willl]] request. Hw / I cits oi Toth se Soars trey found it will Kindly return to the CHOCOLATES " z S 5 and visi 'Whig Office. ; 3 Pe hi $1 00 LB. 'TS C \ vited to attend. . m. Particular Ladies will be delighte | . : ® au 4 ladies' Confiration class. - Friday, , with dur new assortment of Melba |W ' . E 8 p. m., choir practice. Mills & Co. Toilet Articles. Try a box of Lov'me '~ Mahood 8 Drug Store i Powder. Austifi"s Red Cross Drug! f S ' Sydenham Street Methodist Makers of Fine Furs, || Store. 8 Ouires Rov, W. 1. G. Brown, min- 126 and 128 Princess St. | Dr. Mclaughlin for some time as- ; v a Neal, Y sociated with Dr. Nash, hac removed! SONS uy ¥ 1 to Napanee, where he has opened den- "REE eh ES £ tal parlors,