THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1917. PAGE ELEVEN SC | It 1s eas ASSETS: Savings Acc 973,000,000 SATABLISHED 1888. Production | Increased effort eff - clency in labor, omy and less waste in livin {ing up capital by har ork and greater savings, enrich you and your country The men and wo- home must produce cover war's waste. and to to mave onto at Yoel fer to make money joan runt at The Bank save what your increased effort f roviden & 119 Branches in Canada. BANK oF JORONTO A Sb FOR SALE An eight roomed brick-veneered house -- one block from the Y.M.C.A,, contain class condition, chaser. Hest opportunity in Open Every Saturday $500 cash required; ing bath and closet, in first. balance to suit pur- city. Evening from 7 to 9, The J. K. CARROLL AGENCY. 56 Brock Street. Have You Seen Mahalia The latest creation in face pow- der, talcum powder, vanishing and cold cream, toilet water, etc. Our upper window display is "A Beauty." Hoag's Drug Store Branch Post Office. Kingston, Ont. A a a A Another Carload of the Wonderful "EGG-O" Baking Powder. Just Unloaded For (%~ Everybody Uses EGG-O <8) W. G."CRAIG & CO., LIMITED. Wholesale Distributors. CLOTHING ON EASY TERMS Ladies' Suits, Dresses and Furs, G { Suits and Overconats. Watts, te: Florist Bulbs Bulbs Bulbs Just Arrived from Holland -- Plant Now, { Carpenter and Builder W. R. BILLENNESS Special x Store Froutn and Fit. tings. Remodelling Hulldtage of all n ESTIMATES it * EXPERIENCE dress 272 University Ave. F.J.JOHNSON Florist Wedding Bouquets ity. Orders filled promptly. e 2389, 115 Brock Street IP Sowards Keeps Coal and Canada Victory Loan Bond Will Help Keep You. Buy One. BUY VICTORY LOAN BONDS And Help Your Country and Your- self. KINGSTON TAXI-CAB CO. ati E THE BEST DE- SERVICE nt N. MORRIS 374 King Street. AUCTION SALE Farm Stock and Imple- ments Including 10 good coming in early. Anderson, Front Rea DEC, 4TH, Nr 1 milech cows, all Entnte of Inte James xe at Anderson homestead, Pittsburg, TUESDAY, INSTRUCTION CARS Of the Ontario Dept. of Agriculture will visit Kingston on Monday, Dec. Brd. The cars will contain many splendid exhibits, and be open to public inspection from 10 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. at foot of Johnson street. Public Cordially Invited. 7 : Potatoes! By the bushel or bag; qual- ity high and prices low; also a choice variety of apples and vegetables. Friendship's 210 Division St. Phone 545 S-- WHY NOT A WRIST WATCH ? You cannot give an that will be more ay thing and more useful than a wrist watch for the boy in khaki. Ask the boy who carries one. These can be had from $6.00 up to $23.00. At $12.00 we have a sterling silver watch with luminous dial and hands. Also at $1000 a sterling watch, with heavy black figures and hands, more econ-| GRAN TONIGHT At 8.15 O'clock. A WONDERFUL SUCCESS | Coming Here After 200 Crowded Nights in N.Y, and a Big Week in Toronto. Moronco's Big Laughing Success TheBRAT Brilliant Broadway Cast including REA MARTIN "A remarkably clever setress." --Toronte Mail & Empire JUST ONE BIG LAUGH Prices, 25, 50, 75¢, $1. SEATS NOW ON SALE. All Week Commencing 'Mon. Dec. 3 THE MIRACLE MAN Coming ASK HIM -- HE KNOWS THE MOST REMARKABLE SHOW OF THE AGE. Direct from record breaking run at Toronto. Now play- ing Grand, Toronto. Here next. THE SUPER-MIND And his company of Modern Wonder-Workers 214 hours of weird, gripping and amazing entertainment, WONDERFUL ELLIUSIONS Matinees, Wed., Fri. and Sat. Prices 25c¢, 83¢, 50c & 75c. Matinees, 23c, 50c¢. Seats Now on Sale. GRIFFIN'S Thurs., Friday, Saturday A Monster Bill Lasky Presents Madame Petrova, in "EXILE" Alice Joyce and Harry Morey, in "Richard the Brazen" CHAPLIN in "A Jitney Elopement"' Final Episode "The Neglected Wife" Prices--Mat. 13c; Evening 235c. Save Your Coupons For the Big Drawing for Victory Loan Bonds, Saturday evening, Dec. 1st. STRAND Monday, Tues., Wed. Double Feature Bill "FATTY" ARBUCKLE "Fatty at Caney Island" "The Mystery of Number 47--3 Reels Matinee 10c. ivening 15c¢ FREE PUBLIC LECTURE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE by WILLIAM W. PORTER, CS.B. Member of the Board of Lecture- ship of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Mass, in The Christian Science urch Tuesday Evening, Dec. 4. . "At 8.13 o'clock. | All Are Cordially Welcome Auction Sale Of Live Stock and Farm Implements. At L. P. EShartals, Lot 30, ' Joncession. Pittsburg 33 Miles West of Gananoque. OPERA HOUSE The People's Forum OURDBNSE ADVERTISING RATES First rh le a word. Each con- secutive imsertion thereafter, cent a word. M um charge for ene fimmertiom, 23¢; ingertions, S0c; six $1: one month, $2. HELP WANTED PORTER. ! APPLY RAN- Hotel A NIGH dolpn AC AS telephone A 1455 GIRL TO MOTHER'S nelper AN EXPERIENCED GENERAL, AP- ply Mrs. Treadgold, 48 Frontenac street. FOR GENERAL HOUSE. Apply Mrs, O..D. Skelton, 138 street A MAID work Albert REFERENCES RE- Mrs. Hemming, 157 AIN COOK, 1 ed. Apply King St., city HOUSE-KEEPER FOR QUIET COUN. tyy home; no children; good wages Lopiy Box R. M., Whig Office. MAN OR SINGLE, FOR farming; $600.00 per year, free Apply to Box 4, Catar- MARRIED mixed house aqui YOUNG GIRL WANTED TO ASSIST in store during the Christmas sea- Apply to "Business" Whig -- ASSISTANT MATRON; ALSO A GEN- eral bain, Must be fond of child- ren, App Irs. Ruston, Children's Shelter, Ri lieville, Ont. A MARRIED MAN TO DRIVE to city. Steady work the round and good Wages. H. Fair, R.R. No. EARN $25 WEE writing for new , magazines. Experience UNNECessary; free Press Syndicate, Louils, Mo. SAND year 5. Kingston. SPARE 206 St. GIRLS TO WORK IN THE COTTON mill. We are offering special in- ducement in the way of higher wages fur beginners for the month of becember. ADE Domydion Tex- tile Co., Cataraqui St., Chy. WHY NOT LET THE READERS OF this paper do business with you? Your advertisement in these pages would give them the opportunity to flo so. For particulars, phone or write British Whig Pub. Co. STOCK SALESMEN -- FINANCIAL House thas opening for five $1000 per month stock salesmen to fol- low up live leads, wheih cost us from $10.00 to $15.00 a piece, in small towns. St 1g selling issue Has active endorsément of many prominent men. 10 to 15 leads when salesman starts--more con- tinually. lent references re- quired. Ad Salesmanager, 624 Otis Bldg. Chicago, HL (GIRLS! With or without experieace, on sewing and Kkni machines. Light work; highest wages paid while learning. Apply | Kingston Hosiery, Limited. ~ Le----m-------- FOR SALE. EFFECTIVE ADVTS. ©OST ttle. Once, ae three times $0: one week, $1.0: NEW EMPRESS nearly new. street. STEEL RANGE, Apply 48 Frontenac OAK DESK, FLAT TOP, FIVE DRAW. ers and cupboard, cheap. 86 Brock Street. Phone 326. GARDEN LAND -- 13 ACRES, Two miles from Kingston. Appl A. Marrison, Cataraqui, a 3 PENS PARTRIDGE WYANDOTTES, exhibition stock; all laying. Apply to E. Shuter, Royal Military Col- lege. A ONE-TON SANFORD MOTOR Truck in first class condition. Ap. BY to W. G. Craig & Co., or Boyd' arage. GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEN selections, your own choice, $30.65 Terms: §5 cash, $1 per week. C. W Lindsay, Limited, 121 Pri st -o PRIVATE SALE OF WALNUT AND oak furniture, carpets, curtains and poles, gas range, ndora coal range, lawn mower and refrigera- tor. Apply 99 Clergy St. West, IMMORTALITY CERTAIN, is to die, shown fin * Hell" Swedenborg"s over 400 pages, only 25¢c postpald W. J. Law, 486 Euchd Ave. To- ronto, Ont. AUTOMOBILE TOPS, ENGINE HOOD covers make your car start easy ir cold weather. Have your top re: covered and curtains repaired. Jud son's Auto Tops, Brockville, WHAT IT FARM, SIX MILES FROM KINGSTON, 1 acres; good house and out- bulidings. First class land. Price $10,500. "Terms"to sult purchaser. Apply. J. K. Carroll DOMINION EXPRESS EIGN cheques are accepted by FidM Cashiers and aymasters in France for their full face value. There i8 mo better way to send money to the boys in the trenches. SOME OF THE BIGGEST ADVERTIS. ers today sometimes use a little ad Wke this. A phone call or a postal will bring you full par- tionlars about thi Britiss. Whis: Publivine coment LARGE STOCK OF EXTENSION TA. bles ang dining ones Rr - PIANO TUNING. JOS. HODGE, E, CERTIFICATED PIANO tunst Lehre ve orders at McAuley's, Apply R. TIME, | details | | i MARRY AT 'POWER & SON, ARCHITEUY chan a AGENTS WANTED. PARTRAIT AGENTS--CON VEX PORT- rails, 35e Fran piliow tops, 2 Xx 2 aj M reed pictures, 15¢ igns, 15¢ sell 5 Péople's Portrait, 8 ang Chicago, U.S LADIES WANTED FOR KINGSTON and vicinity, to take orders from erchants and business firms. Ev- business man a customer = or part time accepted :ommission. Cranston Queen St. West, Lib- Nov . To- ronto DO YOU WANT TO ESTABLISH A permanent business for yourself? You can do this by accepting the agency for Dr. Bovel's Home Rem- and Toilet Articles in 3 we siart you at our ex pense and grant ight over your for $1.00 worth and particulars turing Company, real. Que. territory; write of FREE goods Bovel Manufac- Dept. Mont- a7 2% WANTED GENERAL WANTED, A FARM WITH 20 OR 30 COWS, to, rent or-on shares. Apply H. Green, Singleton, Ont BOARD AND ROOMS, OR ROOMS FOR Hght housekeeping, for three ad- ults, down town section Apply Box 121, Whig Office. SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, for cash or in part payment of new pianos and grafanolas. C. W, Lind- say, Limited, 121 Princess street. BICYCLE RIDERS TO BRING THEIR nL to Geo. Muller, 373 King to be cleaned and stored ii Yor: aiso skates hallow Bud and sharpened. Phone 1032, TRAVELLERS CALLING UPON MER- chants and business men in East- ern Ontario can confiect with a ood side line by applying to Box Whig Office. trictly cou- dential" WE WANT TO BUY ALL KINDS OF second-hand furniture, stoves, heaters, clothes, etc. We also have everything ng the second-hand Une for sale. apiro, 45 Prin- cess street. Phong' 12 WANTED---OLD FALSE don't matter if broken. I pay $2 to $15 per set. Send by parcel post and receive check by return mail Bn Terk 403 N. Wolfe St., Baltimore, TEETH; -- MANY BiG ADVERTISERS FIRST started with a little ad this size. The cst i8 so little and the. re- sults sd big. We will gladly give you full particulars. Call at the office or drop us-a postal today. British Whig Publishing Co. PERSONAL EXPRESS DOMINION cnegues Cashiers FOREIGN accepred by field and Paymasters in France for their full face valpe. There is mo better way to send money to the boys in the trenches. HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS and all growths and skin blem- ishes removed permanently, with- out scar; 30 Jeary experience. Dr. Elmer J. e, Ear, Nos Throat and Shin clalist, 25 Bagot street, ONCE -- IF LONELY; write me; and 1 will send you hun- dreds of descriptions; congenial people worth $1,000 to $350,000; seeking marriage, (confidential), Ralph Hyde, San Francisco, Cal. MARRY IF LONELY; FOR RESULTS, try me; best and most successful "Home Maker"; hundreds rich wish marriage soon; sirictly confiden- tial; most reliable; years experi- ence; descriptions free. "The Suc- cessful Club," Mrs. Purdie, Box 556, Oakland, Calif. MARRY IF LONELY -- FOR SPEEDY marriage try my club: very suc- cessful, best, largest in the coun- try, established 11 years; thous- ands 'wealthy wishing to marry at once; confidential descriptions free; Reilable Club, Mrs. Wrubel, 7 Madison, Oakland, Calif SITUATIONS VACANT. MADE DAILY INTRODUCING neighbors new domestic products reducing cost of lving. Send ten cents for actual goods for selling samples. Garretson Company, Brantford, Ont. TO THRILLING STORIES OF THE GREAT war. Profusely illustrated. Ev- ery mother wants it, as well as every red blooded Canadian. Easy seller. Low price, Big profit. Freight paid. Credit given. Sam- ple free. Winston Co, Toronto, ARCHITECT nts Bank Bulldl a: uilding, corn Brock and Wellington Sts. " DENTAL E. KNAPP Office, 364 ey B. Princess street DR J. LEONARD WALS corner Princess and Phone 626. SPARKS AND SPARK: tists, 159 Wellineton street y= RY IN Phone 346. DENTIST, agot streets. DEN. G. C. t BOARD AND ROOMS FURNISHED ROOMS WITH out board. 32 Ontario etree FINANCIAL DOMINION EXPRESS 8 are Hoga ted Shapues and ymasters in France ® ror their full face value. money to the boys in the trenches. FRONTENAC ie Gj ves Snir deb tles, t, W. a issued es, wn Er a, Ry iri MVERPOOL, 1ONDON AND 'BE "The death occurred on Tuesday of Miss Beatrice J. Crouter at the age : of forty-one years, al her home in r ing Place. She was a member Methodist Church, na resumed rders for fal Address 303 Alfred street. your! you the exclusive | Phone OR WITH. Apply Mrs. Beardsell, There is no better way to send AND INVEST. incorporated 1863; nel eR, ith, FOUND "IN WITH THE can colors, same by street SOUTH AF. Om ner may have calling at 156 Rideau FOUND ARTICLES ADVER. TISED FREE. Anyone finding anything and wishing to reach the owner may do, 80 by reporting the facts to The British Whig. The adver- tisement will be printed in this column free of charge. ! "Found articles" clude lost dogs, cattle, horses, : etc, These, if lost, may be sa- vertised for in the "Lost" column. does not In- SMALL SIL VER CUFF LINK, INI'TIAL- ed "S Finder kindly return to Wiig Office. NOV 20TH, A BUNCH OF KEYS, Finder kindly return to L. A, Marchand, 44 Colborne street, and receive reward. WHILE HUNTING, AT CLYDE LAKE near Folger Station, a hound, black and steel gray; with scar on fro. legs, near shoulders; answers to name "Jack." Finder kindly no- tify Frank Acton, 59 Upper York St, Kingston. TUESDAY, ON CORRIGAN, eau, Barrack or Wellington purse containing a $10 bil, bill, 80¢ in sfiver, and a letter ad- dressed to the Robt, Simpson Co, hv a soldier's wife who can iN-af ford the loss Will finder kindly return to Whig Office? RID. s a $5 BUSINESS CHANCES INVESTORS WARNING DONS INVEST one cent untll you read Successful Finance, and learn how fortunes are made and lost by Investors. Free trial subscription. Success- ful Finance, 608 8. Dearborn St, Chicago. . DR. REEVE, Nerve Years of experience .enables me to treat difficult cases suo- {esafully ully. Call, or state case by ott 18 Oaritom Street, Toreate. --_--eeeeeeee Ean TO LET OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM- rs. Apply to A. B. Cunningham, 79 Clarence street. TWO FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, suitable for light housekeeping. Terms reasonable. Apply 282 John- son. street. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE OR MER. chandise, clean and dry. McCann Real Estate Agency, 82 Brock Bt, Phones 326 or 621. ONE DOUBLE AND ONE SINGLE FUR. nished reoms, on Frontenae St. ar Union, Apply Box X2, Whig Office. ONE LARGE DOUBLE FURNISHED room; also one single room: nicely furnished; "hot water heating; no children. Apply 27 Wellington St. TWO FRONT ROOMS, FURNISHED, large bedroom and small kitchen: suitable for young married couple without children. 304 Earl street. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, UL gry, alr, Joma) key. rost' Queen street. EAN our own lock and wv Storage, 299 Phone 6526; res. 989. TWO WARM AND BRIGHT FURNISH. ed rooms with board. Central lo- cation; all conveniences; gentlemen preferred. tates reasonable. Ap- ply 282 Queen street, THIS DEPARTMENT I$ ALWAYS glad to heaf from Any oné thinking of using classified Advertising. Write or Phone us about it~ may be able to help you, Britis Whig Pub, Co FURNITURE FINISHING teeter ee ete P. DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FINISH. or wal or drop a card. 23 John AT HUTTON'S RE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE J. K. CARROLL, street, AGENT, 5¢ BROCK VICTORIA ST. BRICK, MODERN, 3250 BRICK, MODERN, VICTORIA BRICK, $4100, BARRIE ST, BRICK, MODERN, $1800, ST. MODERN, QUEEN ST. R. CAST, $500. QUERN ST. FRAME $1100. #2300. GARRETT ST. FRA BIRCH AVE. BRICK, { BIRCH AVE, Bl NGALOW, $3100. FOR SALE ONF OF THE BEST CHEESE AND butter factorfes in Frontenac county, with all modern equipment, Made over four hundred thousarw cheese this season, 1917. Will sell ¢ at a sacrifice. WE STILL HAVE A LARGE NUMBER of farms for sale and some good bargains in city property. T. J lockhart, Real Estate. Phone 1035 or 1020. ESTATE AGENCY ston -- BO FT. LOTS, KENSINGTON a ce, £650 TO §750---33 FT. LOTS, VICTORIA St. $4000 BRICK HOUSE, MODERN, MACK St, $4000, BRICK, 206 UNIVERSITY AVE, ER HOUSES AND LOTS SELECT, 1§ Market St, Kingston, AT BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE AG- ancy. $430--LARGE LOT, BARN AND SMALL dwelling. $1908 -FRAME, ¢ "Rooms, DIVISION t. $1400--FRAME, ROOMS, MONTREAL #1400 BRICK FRONT, SEMI DETACH. eq. $1400--FRAME, 6 ROOMS, IMPROVE- ments, large lot and barn, $1600--ROUGH CAST HOUSE ON PRIN. cess street, 7 rooms, yard and gate- way. $1800--BRICK, 6 ROOMS, IMPROVE- ments, good cellar, yard and lane. $2000--FRAME, 7 ROOMS, IMPROVE. ments, corner lot. RICK, 7 Rooms, FURNACE, right of way. $3500--NRICK, 10 ROOMS, Ab, IM. provements, hot water, H.W, floors, $3000--BRICK--13 ROOMS; CONVENI- ent for roomers. TO $0000---A NUMBER TO select from. 67 CLARENCE ST. KINGSTON. HELPERS, HANDY WANTED MEN AND LABOR- ERS, CAULKERS AND CHIPPERS., "HIGHEST WAGES PAID. Automobile Insurance ! Rates on Application