Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Dec 1917, p. 3

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ee ---------- ee OVERWORKED, [GAYE A QUART OF BLO TO HELP SAVE LIFE OF YOUNG KINGSTON SOLDIER. | Harvey Brouse Shot in Arms, Legs, | and Back--Kingston's Youngest Soldier in Base Hospital in France. Tl il W OMAN TOOK VINOL | Harvey Brouse, the fifteen-year-old { son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brouse, Now St 4 is Si 1 | Stuart street, was recently reported | as having been seriously wounded { while with a battery Philadelphia, Pa.~"I was over- | France. } ) worked, run down, nervous, | On Saturday, his parents received Sleep. 1 felt like crying all the | a letter from one of the nurses in i I different remedies with- the base hospital where he is con- out benefit. The doctor said it serving 'CHANGE 80 GREAT THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1917. EC ---- Probs: Snow falls Tuesday; a little warmer. ren nee marovy [CENTRAL ONTARIO CURLING RECOGNIZED HER ANNUAL MEETING OF THE | LEAGUE HELD ON SATURDAY. | Dates Selected for Games--The | Final Match to Take - Place im Kingston--The Officers Elected. | | "One day last week I met a friend The annual meeting of the Central | fon the street and she hardly knew|Onta gue was held at! | me at first. This shows how I have| Kingst The execu- | improved since I bhégan taking Tan-| tive of : Dr. R. A. | |1ac," said Mrs. Nellie Hooper, of 281| Leonard, Ne dent, and T: {| Oakwood Avenue, Toronto, in an in-| N. Asselstine, Kingston, secretary- terview recently "I have suffered so much from ner- ate I B vousness and indigestion during tae | past six months," she continued, "and' Maybeée 'Mrs. Hooper Tells of Her Won- | derful Improvement by Taking Tanlac. Stock, Belle. r, Belleville; C. I W. A. Daly, Nap Stop ~~ / / J / / / wonder I was alive, and when Vinol was a | fined, stating that he had been shot | aq become so pale and lifeless that Eastern Hospital; {in both legs, both arms and also Mi] was very blue and despondent.|/ | his back, and that he was in a eriti-| My appetite left me entirely and [}/ | cal condition, but as no cablegram|had no relish for food of any kind. Prescott; I has been received since the letter was| What I did eat seemed to fill me with! The sent, it is believed that the gallant gas causing a tight feeling in my showed a sl | young soldier, who by the way is the chest and almost cut off my breath. I sury. youngest Kingstonian at the front, is| was constantiy belching up sour gas! The question of holding an annual doing nicely. {and I could taste my' food for hours bonspiel open to single rinks from Kingston; H nm; T. M. Asselstine, Leonard, Broekville. 'easurer's report balance in the trea- given me I to improve. I have taken eight and am now strong and perfectly healthy in and have gained in t. can not Vinol "eos. Sarah Joues. 1025 secr Our first thoughts for en N 8t., We Vinol to make over- wor weak he sirong or re. turn your money. Formula on eve bottle. This is your protection. " Mahood's Drug Store, Kingston. Also st the best druggist iy all On- dition from loss of blood, | picked up on the battlefield, that it was found necessary to take a quart of blood from a healthy soldier, who gladly made the sacrifice for the wounded boy, for his life. last July. His parents received many letters of a cheering nature 3 from him, and the news of his having P. ay been wounded came as a great blow 3 to them. The young soldier has 'a Of Pretty Xmas wide circle of friends, and they are . Gifts all hoping that he will be able to pull through. is now open for your inspection. We believe it to be the finest ever, and have tried all through to keep it within the line of use- ful presents, HOSPITAL SF TAL rived Saturday Afternoon. On Saturday afternoon about thifee o'clock a special train of con- valescent overseas soldiers arrived in the city, with twenty-four return- ed men for Queen's Military Hospital, The train which consisted of six coaches continued on to Toronto. On the train were Nursing Sisters Abernethy and McAlpin, who left here with No. 5 Stationary Hospital, Queen(s University. They are re- turning" 'on leave. Mayor Hughes and officials of the M.H.C.C. met the train, . CASTORIA For Infants and Children A display can be seen at both stores. And all goods are mark- ed in plaip figures. So drop in and make yourselves at home. At Best's The Popular Drag Stores. Open Sundays. The pay of German private soldiers is shortly to be increased by one- third, it bas been announced in the Main Committee of the Reichstag, ac- In Use For Over 30 Years cording to Berlin despatches. Non- commissioned officers are to habe Always bears the their pay raised twenty per cent. Signature of HOCKEY BOOTS AT LAST YEAR'S PRICES -- GET YOURS NOW. Men's Hockey Boots, made on the McCul- lough Pattern, from .. $3.00 to $6.00 Phe lad was in such a weak con-|after eating it. when | who is showing great |hadn't lay down at all vitality and putting up a brave fight | Harvey Brouse went overseas last! April, and has been in France since) Twenty-four Returned Soldiers Ar-| 3 My nerves were so vpset that I could hardly rest at all, Some nights it was three or four o'- dlock before I would doze off to sleep, {ings all tired wornout, like I My face hard- i ly had the color of life in it and I had and | no energy or strength scarcely | "I had lost over twenty pounds of flesh and was getting thinner and weaker every day when 1 read about Tanlac and decided to try it. I have been gaining weight and strength ever since I began taking it and while | 1 have used only two bottles so far the results have already been aston-| ishing. My stomach trouble has disappeared entirely, my appstite is) | wonderful and I can eat big hearty| | meals now without having a sign of | indigestion. My color is better, I | have more life and energy a new person and my friends often speak of how much better I look. My nerves are now perfectly calm and my sleep is as sound and peaceful as a baby. Tanlac has certainly beer a great thing for me and I take pleasure in recommending it to every- one." Tanlac is sold in Kingston by Chown, AP --ADNT WAR TERMS OF ITALIANS, Document Given Out by Bolsheviki Government. London, Dec. 3.--A secret treaty between Great Britain, France and Russia and Italy has been given out by the Bolsheviki government, ac- cording to a Petrograd dispatch un- der date of Wednesday to the Daily Mail. It comprises the terms on which Italy entered the war. Great Britain, France and Russia, according to the published text, agreed to Italy annexing Trentino, the Southern Tyrol, Istria, Dalmatia, certain islands in the Grecian archi pelago and territory in Asia Minor and Africa. Article XV of the treaty is reported to read as follows: "Franee, Great Britain and Ru take upon themselves to support Italy in her disallowing representa- tives of the Holy See to take any dip- lomatic steps for the conclusion of peace or regarding matters pertain- ing to the present war.' ' New Winnipeg Trains. Travel between Eastern and West. ern Canada is always heavy in the winter mouths, particularly during December, with its holiday season To meet the requirements of the pub- lie, therefore, a special daily service between Tordnto and Winnipeg is announced by the Canadian North ern Railway; westbound, December 3rd to January 2th, 1918 only; east- bound, December 1st to January Oth, 1918 only. Thereafter, regular tri- weekly service will be resumed. A through tourist sleeping car wiil also 812 and Calgary as part of the above special service, and connection will and then I would get up in the morn-| and, in| fact, I have improved until I feel like| be operated daily between Toronto any club belonging to the league was ) ussed and decided upon un- der the following regulations: Clubs may ¢énter as many rinks as they chose, but the number that may be entered by the home club is to he limited to the largest number enter- ed by any one outside ¢lub. The first bonspiel to- be held at Kingston, commencing on Tuesday, January Sth, in the afternoon. Sub. sequent bonspiels to be played at other clubs as 1e annual meeting may decide each year. All entre compete in both he primary » and consolation sec- tions of the bonspiel. Games to be jof 12 ends. In case of ice conditions being unfavorable on days fixed, the executive t 1 new date. Entrance {fees, $4 per rink All prizes to be individual and to be won outright each year. The executive to have full charge {of all matters in connection with the bonspiel. Kingston was chosen as the {| for holding the 1918 nts to place innoal meeting in | The following dates were fixed for] avine the rames in the western sec- tion of the league: fyan. 1 Kingston at Napanee { --~Napanee at Belleville. B ville at Ki at Kin Ileville at Napan< 5 8---Kingston at Belleville. ! The eastern section, composed of Rrockville, Prescott and Eastern | Hospital, are to play on same dates | as above. \ The final game between the | ners of » sections is to take place at Kin n on February 18th. The above schedule applies to both the senior and the junior sets of games, four rinks from each club coming together on above dates The election of officers 12 follows: President, W. @ Clellan, Brockville Club; vice-presi- dent, A. B. «( iY am, kingston Club; secret surer, T. M. Asselstine, Kingston Club Mr local club, invited the visitors to dinner atthe Frontenac Club and at tend a theatre party in the evening, { which was accepted A vote of thanks, moved by H, B. Stock, of the Belleville clnb, second ed by W. A. Daly, of the Napanee club, was tendered on behalf of the outside clubs belonging to the league, to the Kingston Curling Club for many past tokens of good fellow- ship, sportsmanship and hospitality, and for this present invitation, just accepted, it making one more item in the already large account of in- debtedness din this respect due hy the outside clubs to the Kingston chub. A vote of thanks was also passed and tendered to the secretary-trea surer, T. M. 'Asselstine for the en- ergy and ability with which he con- ducts the affairs of the league. No friction and the best of snortman- ship has [prevailed 'throughout the league since he hms been in office. Could Carry 370,000 Men. Washington, Dec. 3.--The Ameri- win- the Cunningham, president of the Xmas are for the boys who have done their bit over there! Hundreds of convalescing heroes are right in our midst, who have suffered all the terrible hardships of this devastating war--so that you and | might maintain our freedom for all time from the mailed fist of Germany. Christmas is coming -- what can we do to make this day of days brighter and more cheery for them? Why not a real old fashioned Christmas dinner -- that will be appreciated by all the boys, espec- ially those miles from home. The Standard has kindly consented to open a subscription list for this worthy purpese and we would ask every red-blooded King- stonian to do their bit to make our brave soldier boys happy on Christmas Day. ston. We will give 5% of all cash sales Tuesday As our contribution for this worthy purpose -- shop here tomor- row at the store of "the Christmas Spirit' and help swell our con- tribution as well as getting the choice of the largest and best assort- ed stock of practical Christmas gifts--at popular prices, in King- WEDNESDAY -- We will give 57% of all cash sales for the "kiddies fund." The subscription list is now open at the Whig. STEACY'S - Limited ll ll le n SALE STARTS MONDAY, DEC. 3RD. What 25¢ Will Do Brings to Your Home a Brand New . "Made in Canada" "WHITE" SEWING MACHINE Pay twenty-five cents to join and the " 25.7 : : : new "White" Sewing Machine is soon . paid for. No more faithful service could be wished for than will be rendered by a TWENTY-FIVE CENT piece, if you will bring it here while the list is still open and enroll aa an active member of our "WHITE" PROGRES- SIVE CLUB. This initial] payment of twenty-five cents entitles you to have delivered to your home a brand new be made with regular daily trains be- tween Winnipeg and Edmonton. Ser- vice between Toronto and Vancouver remains tri-weekly, leaving Toronto on Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays as at present, For further partica- lars see local time table folders, or apply to M. C. Dunn, C.P.A., Kings- ton, can communication line to the expe- ditionary forces in France consists of 85 cargo ships, aggregating 3,721,806 tons, Chairman Hurley of the Shipping Board Yeported to Sens ator Hitchcock, Nebraska. The ton- nage given would support abecut 370,000 American troops in France. Constipation HOOD'S PILLS 285c. Women's Hockey Boots, in good calf lea- thers ve. «. ... $2.50 and $3.00 Boys' Hockey Boots, from . $2.50 to $3.50 JH. Sutherland & Bro. The Home of Good Shoes. HARE AR Christmas Will Still E : E E 2 nH L Get behind the Unionist Govern- ment by attending meeting to-night at Portsmouth. See large adver tisement.) Thomas Jamieson, Napanee, aged ninety years, is quite ill His brother, Judge Jamieson, Almonte, has been visiting him. = E = E B® = 3 I= SHOULDER TO SHOULDER rw ey be Christmas in '17 Shopping and Gift Giving will be More Subdued, with a view to the Permanent, Sensible Gifts. Men's Thin Model Watches in Waltham, Hamilton, Howard and » . $7.50 aa tani Wnd vive Taatanni ahahaha be wens up. Ladies' Wrist Watches, in gold, gold filled and silver, from $6.00 : in tilled, up to $50.00 in gold. Pearl and Jet Ropes for the Neck. vallieres and : Tr sche, rr' Smith Bros, gun it becomes useless in Without & united gun crew and mutual confidence behind the sssising to detest the Hua and, 1A AENCEESEEENENEE EEN ENE NEN We don't promise to hold this offer open for any length of time. Dy coming now you can get this wonderful sewing machine, complete with all attachments, on our newly devised method of SMALL WEEKLY PAYMENTS. Some Models As Low As $24.40 Choose any of the models at equally 1ow prices. . You mest hurry Memberships are going fast, if: 10¢ Premium Refunds van be saved by you on every final payment you make in ad- vance of the time it is dae. There are no bur- densome interest bearing instalments. J Furniture, Carpets, Victrolas and Vietor Records. "WHITE" th a Rr i ry 1st Payment nd, payne Y 3nd phym 4 tn parm t 25¢c f Sth _paym'y th Jorwd Tih parm' fi sth gaymy PW _prym'yiom guyarsaioh page) | ie Jaym{iom, paym'leh paym (isch paym't RZ SR Sb SV th PAs parmtiaing Joy ae, Joym Ee) Dr. Popeye Damme 2 po ea A i ww A ed SOE hh TN Sa Fo ya a

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