THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, G, MONDAY, DECEMBER 3 3, 1917. INCIDENTS OF THE DAX. PAGE SIX. Local Notes and [tees Of Gemera! Interest. Ring up 645 for all kinds unfer- mented wines, 'ou can buy a bond even yet You 'hance to redeem your- ELECTORS -- OF -- Portsmouth HH Including' Women Voters Are called to meet TONIGHT at 8 p.m. at Portsmouth Hall Speeches by W. F. Nickle, F. King and Others. Everybody Come. Jidwell eached in St Belleville, on Sun-| itt Jac ksom. i Mise ing QLLY, vi dna yn Mills. 1 which has been sit- y Couneil chamber has indefinitely. | was the preacher at He gave a goqd and faith meeting at Ports- (See large adver I= Snce A tone exquisitely pure, perfect, rounded and crystal-clear--makes the Col:UMBIA GRAFONOLA "The One Incomparable Musical Instrument"' ES y, Calgary, Alberta, is brother - W Tuggey, for a few days. er or hang separately ing to-night at Ports- (See large advertisement.) john Gratton of James Richardson | 1td., Toronto, spent the d at his home in Kingston, vou entitled to vote? Come Unionist meeting to-night and (See large advertisement.) And it is tone that has given Columbia Grafonolas the place they hold. It is their tone --unmatchable in its natural purity and absolute fidelity -- that justifies their description as un- poralleled instruments of music. ® We are prepared to demonstrate this $145 instrument, play any record you may select, here or at your home. Convenient terms of payment may be arranged. C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED, Last Chance STOCK MARKETS. Quotations Furnished by RNongard, Ryerson & Co., 44 Clarence St., Howard 8. Folger, Manager. --= Vote For: R. ALEX. W. RICHARDSON ¢ ! LIBERAL CANDIDATE for KINGSTON AND PORTSMOUTH "A Liberal by inheritance and a Liberal by Conviction." My policy is a Government for the people, the common people, to defend them against organized privilege. ---- New York Stocks. 7 Open 2 753% 46% 132% . 1455 24% 95% 45 p.m.| 74% | 46% 132% | 145 2434 9615 | mm 68 1% 7 70% Am Smelters B. & 0. . C. P.R Marie _- Marine pfd. .. N.Y. C. .. . Reading .. . . .. Southern Pae-.. . Union Pac .. . . Alcohol Am. Loco .. .. Anaconda .. . Beth. Steel "b" Crucible 's Kennicott °.. Mexican Pet . Rep. Steel .. U. 8. Steel .. Utah .. . .. Midvale .. , Atlantic Gulf .. 68 1% 70% Mrs. Travers Hora, Women's Sec., Phone 2398. E. C. Gildersleeve, F. Harold Hughes, Joint Sec'ys., Phone 2399. 801% 112 : 10 s---------- -- We are closing this subscription list this week at this offer. 53¢ instead of $1.40. 12 months subscription to SERRE I : -r li coe) Canadian Stocks. All other Canadian stocks selling THE WOMAN'S MAGAZINE Regular price $1.20. J ---- Eyesight | > go |" IT. The latest issue of the Indian Chief Gives Address, | ® cilling, Ciel Given Aitrors. | NEW IDEA QUARTERLY Stop--Look-Listen! boys and girls in Princess street Sun-| Regular price 20c. * The Historic Buildings of the Independent day School on Sunday afternooon. | He is sincere and forceful and de- { I And Any Order of Foresters, Foresters Island, New Idea Pattern -- Free. Deseronto;-Orit. serves commendation for the work | he his endeavoring to do. Total $1.40 He told th fdr ota . of the yeh ren shat tha or | will be demolished by The Dominion Salvage and Wrecking Co., missionary work, illustrating the Limited, Toronto. story by describing how he was con- FOR SALE -- All lumber, doors, windows, radiators, steam pipes, boilers, laundry machines, pumping outfit, plumbing, dynamos and motors, etc. For further particulars, see our Supt., Mr. C, Lurie, at the job, IS YOUR GREATEST POSSESSION. TAKE CARE OF WE ARE EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS AND MAKERS OF COR- RECT GLASSES. R. J. RODGER Manufacturing Opticians and Optometrists. Y NOW SAVE 83c. 182 Pie Stuck he ZA BUY NOW AT 53¢ and SAVE 85c¢ verted. In conclusion he implore ad the boys to follow the highest of ideals and make themselves useful: citizens New Idea Patterns are the only 15¢ pattern on the market. Last Saturday's prices on all merchandise hold good this week until lines ave cleared. MENDELS Kingston, Ont. sc J APPEALS. | i. T. Little, plumber, Clergy, disallowed, Baxter England, student, Queen's University, disallowed. EN EXEMPTION 15 West Five Cases Before Court House Tri- bunal on Saturday. Exemption tribunal No. Court House, decided five cases Saturday as follows: Roy 'Rutherford, druggist, bert, E. | ---- | German plunder experts are now | busy at the piracy of levying contri- | butions on captured towns, by whieh | they profited so largely in Belgium, | Udine has been ordered to pay tour | hundred thousand pounds. Two more Liberals are to be taken | into Federal Cabinet, says Premier | Rorden. Pianos to rent. Lia. forget meeting at Ports- 142, Don't (See large adver- - on mouth to-night. tisement.) Judge Lavell cannot possibly hear | any exemption appeals before Friday A. J. Murphy, farmer, Portsmouth, | and probably not for two weeks yet. disallowed by default. { W. F. Nickle, ex-M. P., will ad- William Rutherford, clerk, 340 | | dress the first mass meeting of wo- BE. Albert, inen in Brockville on Tuesday. neem er Aen nen PC 05 CM 0 00 0 0 000 0 00 0 I NR A SO A EC A RE Urgent! Notice To Electors! of Appeal before Thursday night. Our secretaries have the necessary forms of application and will advise you and if you wish it assist you in completing the forms. Doitnow! Come to the meeting at Headquarters Tues- day night. There is work for all. The issues are vital. Do your bit, and aid the boys Overseas. PA Ss EURIIED 340 Al-| Oficial Tent by H. B, Smith. Milk tent. ed 3.2 Butter Fat, Phone 2083 4 JOHNSON STRERY C. W. Lindsay, | 5 | If you favor the Union Government, come to Unionist Headquarters, 187 Princess street, and make sure your name is on the list of voters. Neglect may cost you your vote. If your name has been omitted by the enumerator, application must be made by you in writing to the Board VOTE FOR NICK L