PAGE TWO > By Express and Parcel Post We are shipping McKAY FURS. Daily we receive many letters from our patrons ex- pressing their plea- sure and satisfac- tion. There's a rea- son. -DO YOU KNOW. John McKay, LIMITED. Kingston's Reliable Fur House, 149-157 Brock Street. Your Windows and Doors Are drafty and cold. Our metal weather strips put on by experts will make them wind and storm proof. Give fis the chance to prove this to you. Ring 8190. i. R. C. Dobbs & Co 41 Clarence Street Kingston, Ont. AE Wood's Khospnodiag, Gah Jha Great English JE a) aew EM v "r !. Mniling Memory. Price §* wr $0. Onemiihpleass, aia vrill ours. "Bold or msi! plair pkg. on 1 k mphlet moiled THE CBr apr ham " (Ferwerh Wied Detached Brick RESIDENCE No. 440 Alfred St., 9 rooms, hardwood floors, electricity and gas. Owner leaving city. Will sell for $3700 McCann's Real Estate and Insurance Removed to ------ THAT'S ALL WE DO TEST EYES AND FIT GLASSES | But We Do It Right. ! Consult J. 5. ASSELSTINE D.0O.8. King Street --_-- At the Golden Lion Grocery FancyClover HONEY In one pound sections, 25 cents each. Fresh California Prunes, nice and Juicy ... ... 10e, 1235¢, 15¢ Ib. Evaporated Peaches, 2 Ibs for 25c. Evaporated Apricots ... .,. 18¢ Ib. der . veo 400 gal. W. R. McRea & Co. Golden Lion Grocery | | Do You Realize That CHRISTMAS, the season of good cheer is not far away? When giving, why not give something worth while. The day of useless foolish gifts is past. To conserve the nation's energies we must s to the best advantage. mone nd our e mer- =A that we carry is one of the most 'useful things in the world, for it makes for home and all that implies. To enumer- ate a few articles that will make acceptable gifts: Kiddie Kars for the children, $1.50, $2.50; mirrors for the bath room, the drawing room; rugs for every pur- fi] mile on land, ------ me -- SS i ER RR I I A RS Sel A THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1917. ACT WORTHY OF RESCUE OF D. McEWEN, | { At Risk/of Her Own Life, She Suc-| ceeded in Pulling Him Out of the| Water, When He Was Almost! Exhausted. iculars have been re-| Whig, regarding the cape Daniel McEwen had ud Lake a few days ago. The | information is given in a letter writ-| ten by Mrs. McEwen, { The two. men started | shot guns to shoot some geese be-| longing to Mr. McEwen. The gees | had been up the lake about th weeks, and had become so wild ti it was found necessary to shoot | { them The two men crossed over| the ice on Mud Laké iN safety, and| | then after walking about | ty | started to cross over a| { small bay, where they thought they | { would locate the geese, when they| broke through the ice, not far from| | the shore. Both went under and| found it impossible to call for help | { for a minute or so. They were sur-| | rounded with ice, and found it im-| possible to get out. Both were] ll| heavily clothed, and this made mat-| | Mr. McEwen is an excel-| Thursday, Dec. 6th, from | ters 'worse. | lent swimmer, but Mr. Knapp could | not swim very well. Both men put up a hard fight for their lives, but { Knapp soon became exhausted, and|D. Sutherland attended a women's | sank before his companion's eyes. | | Mr. McEwen got his mitts off, and | | endeavored to get hold of a piece ol | ice, but many times he lost his hold. | He kept calling for help all the| { While © However, he managed to| hang on till help came. Louise Badour, aged sixteen, | daughter of John Badour, who lives! about a half mile from the scene oh {the accident, heard his cries for| {'help. She ran down to the shore,! | and with a younger sister, got a long| | cedar pole, and held it out to Me-| Ewen. He tried to take hold of the pole, but his hands were so cold that! he could not keep his hold. Mec- | Ewen sank, and the girl screamed, as | she thought he was gone. He came] up again, and again made an attempt to take hold of the pole which was | stretched out to him. | "I threw my left arm over it," says McEwen, "and held it as tightly | as I could to my side, and in this manner the girl succeeded in pulling me out of the icy waters, The girl did not know that any person had been drowned, until after I got out. The younger girl stood back crying, and clapping her hands, and calling to her sister to come back, telling her that she would get into the water, too, but she did not heed | her." | Mr. McEwen states that the act is! one worthy of special attention, and he is very anxious that steps be taken to secure a medal for the young heroine. William Badeur, a relative of the | girl, who made the rescue, arrived | Bedour home, where until he recovered from the shock. The body of Mr. Knapp was recov- ered about three hours after. The remains were buried in Bolingbrook cemetery. Knapp was twenty-two years old, while McEwen is twenty- four. The shot guns owned by the men were lost in the bay. William Jones and D. Badour recovered the body of Knapp. Rev. Mr. Doherty conducted the funeral service for the late Mr. Knapp, and paid a touching refer- ence to the deceased, who was a man of strong*echaracter, Relatives and friends filled his late home to over- flowing at the service. He is sur- vived by his father and mother, two sisters and four brothers. UNIONIST MEETING. The Ward Workers Preparing for Election Contest, The ward workers of the Unionist candidate, W. F. Nickle, held a meeting in the rooms on Tuesday evening. There was a large number present and the greatest confidence and enthusiasm prevailed. The meeting was held to go over the ists made by the enumerators: so that appeals can be made af the Court of Appeal and have the lists corrected. The names have to be checked up, ete, and this work was started at this meeting. To Cure a Cold in One Day. MEDAL INCIDENTS OF THE DAY}? fll SIXTEEN.YEAR-OLD GIRL MADE|LOCAL NOTES AND FTHMS OF! Happenings In the City and Vicinity | | for gifts for the children of the sol- | Ralph Knapp and the|diers overseas. i out with |the Christmas tree fo "| owned by Mrs A. a half aj, endorse the Union 'Government. | ed by Mis. ( i | ae ¥, Cross He is an R.M.C. graduate, going to the Royal on the scene shortly afterwards, and jt } , assisted in getting McEwen to the|end of six months if you feel like! he remained | purchasing . Take LAXATIVE BROMO-QUIN- INE Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. EW. SROVE'S signature is om each box. ec. rr ---------------- Minden Lodge Officers. The election of officers of Minden Lodge, AF. and AM. was held on "Tuesday evening and resulted as fol. lows: Worshipful master, Roy Ward; senior avarden, H. W. Newman: junior warden, Sergt.-Major Colo. 'han; rr rer, William Bailtia\ sec- rétai'y, T. D. Minnes; chaplain, Rev. Dr. Macgillivray; tyler, R. Bunt, ei con in Leadership and Girls' Work Conference. } fo $207,07; war tax, .32; other receipts, : he $3000.71 her Tecelpts. $51; total ----t---- . Special Sale of Babies' Dresses. re Jae on sale this week babies' a m n dresses, special prices, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. ~Corrigan's, - SE, Tea and Sale. Ladies' Aid Tea Dec. Sth, from 3 GENERAL INTEREST. ~--What the Merchants Offer to the | Readers of the Whig. Ring up 645 for sweet cider. ! Help the fund | The Hasty Arrow . Whig's Chr i W. Swain, piano iuner, 100 Clergy | street west. Orders left at McAu-| ley's, or phone 564. | Come along with your dollars for | the children | Leave the | son it isn't a Christmas Card." of the soldiers ove money with the Whig A dwelling No. 92 { tage; Polly of the Hospital Staff; Elm street, | Claxton, has! been sold to Mrs harlotte Rees by E. W. Mullin & Son. { The way to get the boys of the Who Goes There by BR. Also contains ten best short Stories of the Largest and best stock in this city, What will People Say, by Rupert Hughes; Em The Seed of the Righteous, Garden Husband; Mother Cardy's Chickens, Books For Christmas Mountains; LATEST 60 CENTS. The December Red Book The Red Book for December contains the three best seri The Unpardonable Sin .... | The Valley of the Giants . . al novels of the year: . By Rupert Hughes. . Peter Kyne. . Anna Katherine Green Month. Gibson's Christmas Cards. Full 1917 and some advance 1918 lines, "If it isn't a Gib pty Pockets, by Rupert Hughes; Polly of Gay Cot- by Juliet Wilbor Tompkins; The % by Kate Douglas Wiggins; W. Chambers; The Code of the Davis; Cappy Ricks, by Peter Kyne. Rose Athalie, by R. Ww, Chambers; Somewhere in France by R. H. first contingent home on furlough is| It is working to that end. | Now is the time to have your! piano tuned, we carry two expert! tuners and will assure entire sat-| isfaction. C. W, Lindsay, Ltd | Now ifvthe time to have your | piano turned, fwe carry two expert turners and will assure entire satis- faction, C. W, Lindsay, Ltd. i sale |\\ 160-162 Princess St. Open Nights Princess St. Methodist tea and Ad-| 3 The College Book Store, Phone 919 3-6. mission 10¢. Concert 8 p.m... Ad- mission 15¢. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Nickle and R. Unionist | on {| The meeting was address Boulton, of Teronto. | meeting in Brockville Tuesday. Lieut. eme Avery, Ottawa, has won the Military Engineers from the college. He was | in Salonica, where he cought malaria | fever. We will rent you a piano, and at end of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we wili al- low the 6 months' rental on pur- chase price, and arrange easy terms on halance. C. W. Lindsay. Ltd. The Board of Trade office has re ceived these subscriptions for the | Belgian children's relief fund: Perth | Road Union Sunday school, $5; Lad. | | jes' Aid of the Perth Methodist | church, $5. | Mlle. Nelli Gardini, prima donna, | in company with her Canadian man- | ager, Miss Waggoner, of Belleville, | was in Kingston Tuesday afternoon | en route to Montreal. She intends | giving a recital in Kingston shortly. | Prevost, Brock street, has receiv. | ed a large shipment of mens' and | youths' winter overcoats and suits, which he will sell at very close pri- | ces. In his order clothing depart-| ment he has a full range of cloth | which he will make up into suits or | overcoats at a very reasonable price | and guarantee first class fit i H. P. Cooke, deputy registrar of | the Kingston Military District, has| written to Chief Burke, Brockville, | requesting him to locate, if possible, | John Wesley Preston, who filled in| an application for exemption and | gave his address as Soperton, Ont. | but cannot be located there. { We will rent you a piano, and at] range. the heart of any lady. -------- instrument we will al- low the 6 months' rental on pur-| chase price, and arrange easy terms on balance. C. W, Lindsay, Ltd. | i ---------- { Tea and Sale. | The Church Women's Aid of St. | George's Cathedral will hold their | Annual Tea and Sale Thursday. Dec. | 6th, in St. Gedrgre's Hall, from 3 to 6 o'clock . Especially beautiful work. First Congregational Event. The sum of $105 was raised by | the ladies of the First Congregation- | al church at a tea and sale held on| Tuesday at the home of Mrs. James| Hendry, King street. Mrs. Coward took the money at the door, and the! various tables were in charge of the following: Work-table, Mrs, J. Rela and Mrs. Lee; home made table, Mrs. Smith and Miss Derry; unique table, Critics tell us that our display of plain and fancy handkerchiefs is II The Best in the City and that the values are really wonderful. All we ask is an opportunity to show the We have exceptional values in dainty table linens -- the kind that will gladden Buy Your Linens from The Always Busy Store. & Shaw, Miss Hewitt and Mrs. Derry. Mrs. George Robertson and Mrs. L. Me- Callum poured tea. LOSING OF Mans Brithvh mail closes irregularly information posted at P.O. Lobby . Only One "BROMO QUININE." from time to tim To get the genuine, call for full name LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE, Look for signature of E. W. GROVE. Cures a Cold in One Day. .30e. one HEY Sans 1110 2m rand Trun rg east, 11.30 a.m. and 11.3% p.m. Grand Trunk, Toronto sad t, including A CALL EXTENDED, Rev, A, W. Gardiner, of Toronto, | Chosen For Three Charges. The congregations of McDonald's Corners, Elgin, and Snow Road, have extended a eall to Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A.,, BD., Toronto., The congregation held a meeting on Mon- day afternoon when the call was shade & unanimous one at a very large gathering. > Rev. Mr, Gardiner is a recent grad- Mitte of Knox College and made a very favorable impression while 'preaching in these charges a month ago. Rev. T. H. Wallace has been acting as interim moderator, The tall will come before the Kingston Presbytery, at a meeting to be held on Tuesday next. New Winnipeg Trains, Travel between Fastern and West. lorn Canada is always heavy in the winter months, particularly during December, with its holiday season. To meet the requirements of the pub- lic, therefore, a special daily service between Toronto and is announced by the Canadian North- ern Railway; westbound, Decem! I 3rd to January 2th, 1918 only; east bound, December 1st to January 5th 1918 only. Thereafter, regular tri-| weekly service will be resumed. A| through tourist sleeping car will also be operated daily between Toronto! Calgary as part of the above special service, and connection will, i i i of - i SE pose BUILDERS SUPPLIES wee GARAGES Frame, metal clad, te your or- der, They cam he built in sec- tions, at our factory and quickly erected on yowr site, Prices rate, Get acquainted with Your own ear by Keeping it In Your ewan sarage. S ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory, Lum- ber Yards, Bay & Wellington Streets, Office Phone 66. ot. Factory Phone 1418, hoe Laseber, Cont ang Weed wold Garage! Have opened an office and store | corner of Brock and Bagot Sts. Savage's old stand, carrying a full stock of TIRES Automobile Acces- sories, Gasoline Don't forget we are doing busi. ness as usual in the above lines, Agents for REO CARS. Geo. Boyd, Prop. Phone 201 BUY A VICTORY BOND Orders taken for HUDSON SEAL COATS 'W. F Gourdier Phone 700. 78-80 Brock Str Centrally Located For $2200 -- Immediate pos. i session, } A frame dwelling on Cherry St. For $900, A detached brick dwelling on Colborne Street. $3600. Place your property on selling list. E.W.Mullin & Son Sellers of Real Estate. Cor. Johnson and Division Sts. Phones 539 and 1456. our