TONG THAT Those who take "Fruit-a-tives" for the first time, are often astonished at the way if builds them wp and makes them feel better all over. They may be taking "Fruita: tives" for some speoifie disease, Chronie or Neuralgia, Kidoey or Bladder Trouble, Rheu- matism or Pain in the Back, And they find when "Fruit-a-tives" has cured the | diseave, that they feel better and stronger in every.way. This is due to the wonderful tonic properties of these | famous tablets, made from fruit juices. 80e. &.box, 6 for $2.90, trial size, 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit. olives Limited, Ottawa, THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987 want! saything done in the carpen- te! lin t! he tinases ®iven on all kinde iso hard- wood floors will receive 60 Queen F=mmm------=x | Best's Display Of Pretty Xmas Gifts is now open for your inspection. We believe it to be the finest ever, and have tried all through to keep it within the line of use- ful presents, A display can be seen at both stores, And all goods are mark- ed in plain figures. So drop in and make yourselves at home. At Best's The Popular Drug Stores. Sundays. T----------) The condition of William Clark, badly hurt when attacked and thrown down by an infuriated bull on Fri- day evening at Picton, is improved. as Constipation, Indigestion, | Headaches ne of ail' kinds pa orders Sree, | HEAL { EIN CHRISTIAN SCIENCE POINTED | BRINGS HEALTH | Given Tuesday Night by W. t "Fruit-a-ies" Builds Up The Whale System OUT IN LECTURE | | | er, Boston----Science of | Necessary and Available, {| In the Christian Science Church on | Tuesday evening, Willam WwW. Por- | ter, C.. 3. B., Boston, gave an inter- | esting lecture before a large audi- jence. He said in part: | That it is the undoubted right Being d privilege of every person to know Rol { truth, is a proposition with which all {| will readily agree. Therefore we may be assured at the outset that it {is a right thing for us to be here | seeking to know the truth, --seeking {to know something of the healing {truth involved in Christian Science. | It is not the purpose of this lecture { rudely to challenge or compel the | relinquishment of any cherished re- | ligious Lelief, or the abandonment of any sustaining or upholding ideal, | opinion, or thought which may have | heretofore been a source of comfort {and help to any one. In fact, and |in this connection it will be a sur- | prise to many, and of interest to all, to know, even if it were possible to compel all the people of the world at jonce to adopt the religion and the | healing methods of Christian Sci- joe. Christian Scientists themselves TO SUFFER FROM "HEADACHES MAKES LIFE MISERABLE. | Headaches seems to be habitual {with many people. Some are seldom, |if ever, free from it, suffering con- tinually with the dull throbbings, the intense pain, sometimes 'in one part, sometimes in another, and then over the whole head, varying in its severity by the cause which brings it on. The varieties of headache most common are sick or bilious headache, nervous headache, headache from /| constipation, debility or indigestion and periodical and spasmodic head- (ache, and undoubtedly the cause must be removed before permanent relief can be had, Burdock Blood Bitters, that has been on the market for over 40 years, removes the cause of the head- ache, and not only does this but also |restores the entire system to healthy {action and buoyant vigor. Miss Emily Smith, 204 Bellwoods Ave., Toronto, Ont., writes: "I can- not speak tpo highly of Burdock { Blood Bitters, For two years I was greatly troubled with violent head- | aches, particulatly in the morning. |I tried everything to cure me until a friend recommended B.B.B, I tried it, and now I am completely cured." Manufactured by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Just ask oF croup. resulta My Best Friend Is a mother who has once used Chamber- lain's' Cough Remedy, for she makes a point of telling other mothers about it, and they pass the news around. This has made Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a household favorite through the world. what she thinks of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy--She will tell you that it enables her to get her children through the winter without serious illness from coughs, colda Chamberlain's Cough Remedy that it is as thoroughly reliable for the youngest ehild as for the oldest members of the Tamily. You can give ih to the baby, the children going to school, or take it yourself, always shine q of. some mother who has used it | with the OVERCOATS Large Stock to Choose From. $15 to $28 JOHN TWEDDELL Civil & Military Tallon, 131 Princess St. One Door Below Randolph. Christmas Will Still Ba hopping and Gift Men's Thin Model Watches fu 1 Illinois, 15 jewells ESR tas sas wen Nadies' Wea ne 5 be Christmas in'17 ) Giving will be More : zed, with a view a some way. AR au trom © $15.00 mad Military Wrist Watches, with or without luminous dials, from in filled, up to $50.00 in Pearl and Jet Ropes for the Neck. a \ yee. to the Permanent, be remembered in W. Por would be the first to oppose and nul- lify any such procedure, because the Christian Scientist knows better than | most people that it would be just as | impossible to.legislate a man into the | acceptance of a certain form of re- | ligion as it would be to legislate him | | into the acceptance of a certain form | of healing treatment. | It will be evident, therefore, that | Christian Science is not related to and should not be associated in any | 2d with mental suggestion, hypne- tism, spiritualism, mental hygiene, or any circle, church, cult, or society which bases its teachings and prac- tice upon the use of the human mind, the human will, or the human personality as a religious healing fae- tor or control. On the contrary, Christian Science has to do with the being, government, and operation of the divine Mind, or God, as well as the perfect, harmonious continuity of creation, man and the universe, Matter: Instability, Disappearance. In the endeavor to arrive at the permanent drigin, ultimate form, or primal state of what is called mat- ter, physical science has come upon numerous disappearing hypotuesis. In attempting to arrive at the per- manent origin, ultimate form, or primal state of what 1s called ma- terial substance, matter is seen to disappear. Mrs. Eddy did not arrive at her understanding of the fundamentals of Christian Science from any such materialistic deductions as these. As early as the year 1866 she made the denial of the substantiality of mat- ter, and to-day, fifty years thereaf- ter, physical science has announced the practical disappearance of any ul- timate form or primal state of matter cognizable to the physical senses; but from an entirely different basis and with entirely different results; for while physical science has pur- sued matter to its point of disappear- ance, and finds itself in the rather equivocal position of standing upon something which, even according to its awn conclusions, has no existence in reality, Christian Science, recog- nizing man and the universe created and forever sustained in perfect con- tinuity by infinite Mind, or God, has established an enduring substanti- ality, of the increase of which "there shall be no end." Those who are sick and suffering naturally ask the question, How may I avail myself of this healing and regenerative law of Truth, and Life, and Love? The answer here is simple, clear, and conclusive, and may not be involved in any manner, namely, Study well the Christian Seci- ence textbooks. 1 repeat, study tese textbooks well and lovingly, and you will find as a result of this desire on your part, as a result of this study and contemplation, that you are being blessed and healed and your burdens lightened; that you are being led in green pastures and be- side still waters. . Bible: Correct Interpretation. The question is sometimes asked, Why do Christian Scientists refer so freely and continuously to the Bible? There are several reasons for this: In the first place, the Christian Sci- entist has learned and is learning daily what the Bible contains. He has come to love with a sincere devo- tion this book, the leaves of which have been turned and studied by our fathers and forefathers before us. He has learned and is learning that! it has a message of definite good when interpreted rightly, and that this right interpretation is bringing to him glad and infinite meanings. It is a recognized fact that Chris- tian Science has made more Bible students than any other single cause in ancient or modern times, and the Christian Scientist is the most active, consistent, and happy student of the Bible to be found anywhere in the world. Hummanity has come to recognize that there is a science for very nearly everything in the world execept hu- man existence. It has learned that there is a science of music and a science of numbers, whereby the dis- cords atte upon these may be dispelled aff harmony established. o This sa humanity, sick of its sufferings 'and wearied with its su- perstitions, has come to the point of asking, expectant with. hope,--~--May there not be a sélence available whereby the discords, sickness, and distress of human existence may be dispelled, and happiness, harmony, and health established in place there- SPENT ENOUGH TO your stomach or lies like a lump of lead, refusing to digest, or you beich gas and efuctate sour, wu ood, or have a feeling of dizziness, heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste BEE ii ------ It what you just ate is souring on; David Dowsley. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1917. BUILD A FINE HOME Slater Says Money He Paid Out For Medicine Was Thrown Away -- Tanlac Ends Troubles. "If I had all the money spent on. useless medicines during the last few years I could build me a fine home," sald William Slater of 10 Jillison Avenue, Toronto, the other day. Mr. Slater is a well known em- ploye of the Canadian Pacific Rail- way and works in the roundhouse at Lambton. "For the past nine years," he con- tinued, "I had such sharp rheumatic pains from my left shoulder down that 1 couldn't sléep or even lie on my left side, and sometimes my limbs feit like they were paralyzed. If | sat in one pesition long I would become sc stiff it would almost kill me to straighten up, and | was ner- vous and irritable all the time. | didn't rest well, and got up in the mornings feeling so miserable | could hardly drag myself off to work. fell off in weight, had no life nor energy and was just going from bad to worse, 'One day an old friend said to me, 'Billie, why don't you try Tanlaec? I've tried it and I know it will help you if anything will,' so I took his advice, and now I can sleep on my left side with ease, those old pains are going away and [ never have that awful feeling in my limbs any more. My nerves don't worry me and I get up in the mornings full of life and energy and ready for any kind of job. I have gained seven pounds and feel in better spirits than I have in years. "My daughter, who was in a badly run-down condition, has been taking Tanlac too, and though she has been using it but a short time her improve- ment is really wonderful. My wife is simply delighted with the way Tan- lac is building us up so well and strong again and the whole family is now boosting Tanlac every oppor- tunity we get. Tanlac is sold in Kingston by A. P. Chown. ----Advt. of, with at least equal facility and certainty? That there is such a science of being, Christian Science affirms, de- clares, and is proving. The state- ment of this Science, or the '"'scien- tific statement of being," may be found throughout all the pages of the Christian Science textbook, but will be found concisely summarized Qn page 468. This statement is SAruestiy commended to the thought- contemplation of those who are in need of help and guidance. It is the will of God, the purpose of infinite Mind, that man should know the truth." And you may begin at once in Christian Science to dis- criminate between the unreal and the real, between the untrue and the true, to reject and deny the sugges- tions of false material consciousness or "murderer from the beginning," and instead to appropriate as yours the things that belong to immortal man, the things that forever reflect the etermal creative Mind, or God, and in the identity thus established to be free! "APE S20 PP CREEP FPERRPIS Told In Twilight The executive of the Kingston Skating Club purpose holding a meeting in the very near future to make arrangements for the season. There will be a larger membership than usual this year and enthusiastic meetings are anticipated. -. " - The first of the dances at the "Belvidere" on Saturday afternoon was 'much enjoyed by a large num- ber of young people, and these week- ly affairs promise to be very popu- lar this winter. - - - Mrs. W. A. Jones, Renfrew, i= spending a few days with Mrs. R. J. Rodger, 74 Sydenham street. Mrs Rodger will be at home on Thursday afternoon. "= - v Miss Mary Stewart, Alfred street, has returned from Ottawa. John McKelvey and his daughter, Mrs. H. J. Wilkinson are leaving for California early next week and will spend the winter there Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Nickle, Earl street, spent a few days in Brock- ville this week. Miss Edith Stark, Gananoque, has been spending a few days this week with Mrs. J. G. Elliott, Barrie street. . . » Miss Gladys Millar was in town from Napanee on Saturday. Capt; and Mrs. Ernest Cunning- ham and their son, Paul, are at pres- ent in Toronto. Mrs. Walker, Toronto, is the guest of her parents, r. and Mrs. B. W, Major Hughes left this week for Winnipeg. Mrs. E. Ryan left on Saturday for 'oronto. 85 - Ld » . Several informal teas have heen given this week in honor of Miss Spangenburg, who leaves on Friday for Denver. Lieut. and Mrs. Purdy are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Purdy, Clergy street west. ; i Walter Campion spent the week- end in Toronto with Mr. \and Mrs. Mrs. Gordon Smith left this week for Toronto where she will be the I have; PAGE THREE Probs: Thursday, fair and quite cold. down. mA rr Regular $3.75 values. . . Special Sale Xmas Comforters We have just received a large shipment of cotton-down comfort- ers that were bought some ten months ago, for our early fall trade. They come in a large assortment of silkoline coverings in good large sizes and are filled with sanitary cleansed laminated cotton Regular $3.25 values. Tomorrow $2.69 .. Tomorrow, $2.98 PLEASE SHOP EARLY! Early in the month and early in the day -- remember Christmas 1s just round the corner with only 16 shopping days left! i a, Sat Ar AAA ri Nn STEACY'S - Limited b ---- any length of time attachments, on our newly SMALL WEEKLY PAYMENTS. vance of the time it is due. We don't promise to hold this offer open for ly coming now you can get 4 this wonderful sewing machine, complete with ait |i! - : { devised Some Models As Low As ' & {| 20th paym'tiist { $1.10 i Choose any of the models at equally low prices, if You must hurry---Memberships are going fast. il bi ' + 10¢ Premium Refunds |can be saved by you on every final payment you make in ad- There are no bur- densome interest bearing instalments, Brings to Your Home a Brand New "Made in Canada" "WHITE" SEWING MACHINE Pay twenty-five cents to join and the new "White" Sewing Machine is soon paid for. No more faithful service could he wished for than will be rendered by a TWENTY-FIVE CENT piece, if you will bring it here while the list is still open and enroll as an active member of our "WHITE" PROGRES- SIVE CLUB. This initial payment of twenty-five cents entitles you to have delivered to your home a brand new "WHITE" Rotary or Vibrator i svment 20d DA m'y 3 | 4th paym't] ii 1st Payment nd paymy Raymer method of i 25¢ | 6th paym't! 6th paym't] 7th paym't}l { Goce i bo i oe | Sth paym't] S¢h paym't{10th paym't/iith paym't| Soe | 6c | ibe | T5e | 12th paym't{13th paym"tHd 4th The | $1.00 { § 18th paym'tiléth paym't| $1.10 | $i.10 paym't/16th Payot 1.00 { $1.00 i { i { 'd paymi'ti28rd paym't) LZ { $1.20 j16th paym"til7th paym't | 0 1.10 | I { paym't]. | $1.20 { { | paym't i $1.30 i 25th paym't|29gh paym't|30th paym'tj3ist paym't} 3130" | 4140 | 31.40.. 1 "$1.40 32nd paym't/33rd paym'tj34th paym'ti35th ym't! $1.40 | $050 | $160 | "slse | HEdth paym'ti2sth paym'tj26th paym't{27th $1.20 | $1.30 i $1.30 { 7 Furniture, Carpets, Victrolas and Victor Records. T. F. Harrison Co. Ltd. [38th paym'tiaten paym'l Last Payment $1.60, hE NEE EERE EE NEAR NNER ENE NAAR SALE STARTS MONDAY, DEC. 3RD. What 25¢ Will Do The "WILHELMINA" Montreal. 242 Mountain Street, Rates -- 75 Cents Per Day Up. 53486. . Uptown a Strangers. pected in Ottawa from Enzland for Christmas and will be the guests of Mrs: Clarke's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Adam Shortt. . Miss Anna Sheridan, Brockville, spent the week-end with her sister, Miss Mildred Sheridan, Kingston. Miss Pringle, Belleville, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. H. R. Wil- son, Barrie street. * : * » . The is to take pidee on December 22nd of Luu. iss witae. Wesley MacLean, ex-Mayor of Brockville, and son of the late Da Point Claire, P. MacLean, ES ; Doris, daughter of Montague To buy your winter footwear, Felt boots from $2.50 up. We have rubbers to fit any shape shoe and a complete stock of over- shoes and heavy rubbers. I a