"Out of the High Rent District." O'Connor's Ladies' Exclusive ba] This is the Store For Useful Christmas Gifts -- Every Stock Now Complete. Shop Early -- You Get the Choice. See Our Display Of fancy tea aprons, boudoir caps, hand- kerchiefs, scarfs, neckwear and waists. y Newest Styles To Shew You -- At the Lowest Prices. Ask to see our coats at $12.95. Ask to see our big range of childs' coats. Ask to see our great showing of skating setts. A pleasure to show you. T.J.O'Connor 260 Princess St. Telephone 800 Higher up street but lower in price always. a A City Da Dairy |= ---------------- PABIRURIZED MILK AND CREAM Visit This Dairy and Decide for Yourself. -- Satisfaction Guaranteed Oftetal Tem, by WH. B. Smith, Milk test 3.2 Butter Fat Phare 2083 4 JOHNSON STRERY HOT WATER BOTTLES ALL GUARANTEED At All Prices. SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Corner Princess and Montreal Streets. Telephone 41. NOTICE _ Commencing Saturday, December 1st, we will discontinue our Saturday night de- livery, owing to conditions caused by the war, Please let us have your order before 7 p.m. Crawford's Grocery, "Goud Things to Eat " Fall a" ER Keeping prices well within the bounds of economy and good sense, and offering only the footwear which has received the final decree of fashion's approval, are the factors which bring positive assurance of satisfaction to our customers. Shoe for Ihen, Wi Women and children, in all shapes, styles and Allan M. Reid, 111 Princess Street. 1 tor): | land (2) Letters to the Editor | "A Gas Attack!" Kingston, Dec. 1 (To In your issue of Nov. stated editorially (1) that Dr. Richardson was brought forward in opposition to the Union Government, that he did not reservedly the Edi- 20th you {or unreservedly commit himself (a) | to the enforcement of conscription, (| of Tory politicions, and (b) té6 the support of the Union Govérnment 1 was "brought out" and stand as a Liberal, representing the Liberal party, holding our liberty sasred and believing that the people not only rule, but are the, Government, and that no Governnfent can rule with- out the consent of the people. J be- Heve in Union, but only after the | pecple have said who shall dominate the Union. Liberals have more than once been told by Mr. Borden and his followers that they were disloyal, that the (Borden Government could and would do without their help. After 2% years of mismanagement, party profiteering and unexampled corruption, Mr. Borden found him- self discredited and his Cabinet fall ing to pieces. He then stated certain conditions, without which, he said; no Union was possible, conditions which he knew were not acceptable |'h to the Liberal party; he proposed Union on this impossible basis, and now blames Liberals for not accept- ing. Union Government is the weakest of all Governments. This Union Government is not Union; it is a conglomerate; it is not granite, it is mass, and no sincere man believes it can last six months. In fact, I have been urged by some Liberals to sup- port the Borden union, béing assured that in six months Liberals will rule the House. My reply was: "Why waste six months? Why not let the people say who they wish to repre sent them." I believe the Borden Union dis in the nature of a gas at- tack on the public, a smoke screen, to hide the corruption and party pro- fiteering of the old Borden Cabinet. There can be no forgiveness without repentance and restitution, The Liberals who have joined Mr. Bor den, with his admitted inability to handle great questions and solve intricate national problems, wisely know why they have done so. Per- sonally 1 can have no fellowship with men who fatten on their coun- try's agony, and who, while erying "Union," set race against race, creed against creed and inflame the worst passions of the heart. How can we stand united if brother fights bro- ther and neighbors quarrel while the enemy is at the door? During the last week of the contest the Govern- ment has arranged for a gigantic ad- vertising campaign on race lines. Huge sums of money have been fur- nished, and the McKim Advertising Agency, of Montreal, is handling it. These advertisements are all paid for at so much per line from the elec- tion fund. Do not be deceived by them. As to Canada's part in the war, Germany must be destroyed. Hence I have no patience and at present would not waste time arguing with the Tory-Nationalist of Quebec whom the Borden-Ames-Bourassa band in 1911 guaranteed would nev- er be asked for a man or a dolar for 'England's wars overseas as a price for their support. I have nothing 'but admiration for the Liberals from (French-Canadian Quebec and else- where in Canada, who, emulating Lessard, Papineau amd Girouard, bore the slurs and lying assertions gave the lie to went to Ypres, St. the Somme and their traducers, Julian, Zillebeke, | Vimy Ridge and are still fighting or resting soil, under the shell-shattered while flowers floor their graves {| with fragrance and the birds chant their requiem... 1 __1 supporg the Military § Service Act AWFUL ATTACKS OF HEART TROUBLE Eased by the Second Dose of MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS, One of the first danger signals an- founcing something wrong with the heart is the irregular beat or. viol- ent throb. Often there is only a flut- tering sensation, or an "all-gone" sinking feeling, or, again you may experience a smothering sensation, gasp for breath and-feel as though abeut to die. In such cases the action of Mil- burn's Heart and Nerve Pills in quieting the heart, restoring its nor- mal beat and imparting tone to the nerve centres, is, beyond question, marvellous. Mrs. Frank Arsencau, Neweastle, N.B., writes: "I had awful attacks of heart trouble for the past five or six years, and as I had tried many kinds of medicine without getting any bet- ter, I decided to give Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills a trial, and to my surprise | found ease from the sec- ond dose. I continued taking them until I had used six boxes, and now {1 feel as well as can be. "At present my sister is taking =| them for nervousness, and finds great comfort by their use." =T. = On Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills ===|are 60c a box at all dealers, or mail- ed direct on receipt of price by The Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, t. § 58: -- Tid | THOUGHT BABY COULD NOT LIVE Doctors Sald Chances Were Small pie) cause of Severe Stomach Trouble, but Dr. Cassell's Tablets Cured Her. on P.O. Ont, says: weak from birth, ed doctors' medicine | got no better.! , and guigatan iL cure her. Mr. Corby "Our little girl v and thougn we and other th She just May all thought we doctors said si and that her 8 Dr, Cassell's ts cured her. have been worth their weight in gold | to us. 1 n't think there is any medi- cine for childr en dik Cassell"s Tab-| leis." A free sample of Dr. Cassell's Tab«| lets will be sent to you on receipt of! 5 cents for mailing and packing. Ad-| dress: Harold F. Ritchie & Co., Ltd., 10, M'Caul-st., Toronto. Dr. Cassell's Tablets are the su- preme remedy for Dyspepsia, Kidney Troubles, Sleeplessness, Anaemia, Nerv- ous ailments, Nerve Paralysis and for Weakness in Children. Speeially vaiu- able for nursing mothers and during the critical periods of life. Price 50 cents per tube, six tubes for the price of five, from Druggists snd Storekeepers throughout Canada. Don't waste your money on imitations; get the genuine Dr. Cassellg Tablets. Proprietors, Dr. Cassell's Co., Ltd. Manchester, Eng. which was designed to raise the num- er of our troops to 500,000. I shall never cast a vote to repeal it or im- {pede its enforcement. I couldn't sup- port Borden in the manner of its en- forgement, I can be no plainer. The workings of the Military Service Act are manifestly unfair to Canada 3s a whole. It is, however, only in keep- ing with what has.been Sir Robert Borden's fixed policy, since the out- break of the 'war. It is my opinion that at no time was Sir Robert sin- cere in desiring to get a large num- ber of recruits from the Province of Quebec. The whole purpose of his propa- ganda would have been destroyed had he successfully recruited In Que- bec - destroyed hecanse the weapon of race and religion cry which he has 80 assiduously worked with would have. become a useless thing Mr. Borden's whole policy has been along lines to blacken Quebec in the eyes of English-speaking Canada. The action of the local tribunals in Que- bee appear to bear out my conviction that again in the present erisis Bor. den has, one might almost say, taken steps to see that Quebec was exempt- ed. This enables him to keep the race cry alive. At the same time, how- ever, Borden was willing to bleed English Canada white of its man power. He will save Quebec, rob the man power of this city, and Mr. %ickle asks you to help him do it! It is the basest kind of trickery, but the public is at last aroused to Mr. Borden's plans to gain power at any cost or by any method. He pleads haste, and though seven months have passed no troops raised by conscription have yet been called out." Nine weeks wasted on the C. N.R. bill and three on the disgrace- ful War Time Elections Act. On the score of hi¥ method of %p- plication both of the voluntary re cruiting system' and the Military 'Service Act I do not! consider he is entitled to the .suppert of the elec- torate. Borden says 100,000 more men. Mewburn goes him five times and says 500,000 more men, Rain- vile, the Deputy Speaker, writes Quebec: "I have gained my point, Quebec will not be affected by Con- scription!" Borden whispers ito 'Quebec "Keep this to yourself," but 'shouts in Ontario, "We'll make these Frenchmen fight." The farmers of Canada protest, Mr. Borden says all farmers will be exempt. H. M. Mo- wat says they are after.the *20,000 Ye They | ie Dr "THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1917. Winter | Footwear PAGE FIVE Y . ¥ WARM LINED OVERSHOES-- WARM CLOTH SHOES-- WARM SLIPPERS RUBBERS, MOCCASINS, "ALL AT RIGHT PRICES." Abernethy's Shoe Store Taupe Wolf The latest models: in tme setts. Special at $40. Winter Caps We sell the celebrated East. earn brand with the patent "Klingklose band to turn down over the ears. A great var- fety at all prices. " just celebrated Another consignment received of Dent's English gloves, CampbellBros Kingston's Oldest Hat and Fur Store. counter-hoppers in Toronto. Mew- burn says any one who is wrongfully conscripted he will personally dis- charge." That sounds like Prus- 'sian absolutism and German militar- dsm! Does Borden really know what he intends doing? He has clearly demonstrated that his vacillatry at- ¥itude towards the real issue--more men--would be marked by the same insincerity under ths new Borden Union ' as under the old Borden- Bourassa-Nationalist Cabinet. The Liberals state clearly: Obey the Conscription Act, redeem Cana- da"s honor the foolish Borden pledges, but when that is done ask Canada if, after giving 7% per cént of our population to military service, how much farther she can go with safety. President Wilson is a Peace President and therefore the greatest war director. We can trust Laurier in this crisis to raise the 100,000, so the country's industries will not be crippled nor its transportation inter; RAPION YZ BOTTLES Prouse's THE NEW FRENGH REM nr. ™ ERADION i ref ho Guaranteed for One ERABIGN ik SEE HOT WATER Year. Price, $1.00. Phone 82. fered with. = The present application of the exem boards is ruinous to Canada Judge Winchester states that atthe: t rate of ex- x nln ed by Mr. Borden rs, Reid, Blon- e sins of Borden i photos now for 3 warding sion of $5 a month, with milk at 12¢ per quart and bacon 57¢ per pound, while war profiteers but Victory Bonds in million dollar lots and swell * local lists in quarter-million dollar churches? AW ! RICHARDSON. (Editor's Note--As Dr. Richard- son himself says--"It's a gas attack! A smoke screen!" The Canadians at Ypres repelled it. The Canadians at home will defeat it. Verily, doctor, yours is a "gas attack." Nothing more. We leave it at that.) | Weese's photo studio, open Tues- day and Thu Hsp =. Order , 25 YEARS AGO The Kingston and Montreal Hap Company handled tons of coal and 3,000,000 bushels of | grain during the past season. } Beet was dirt cheap' on from 3c to 4¢ and front quarters, to 2%e. The waterworks put in about 160 Lae this year. 59,000 | Both Useful, Pleasing and Essential To Any Household. Ln - Children's Toy Sets and Doll Dressers, and Kiddy Cars and Doll Carriages. AT JAMES REID'S The Busy Store with Large Christmas Stock Mr. and Mrs. Farmer, your work over and you can now take mo re time to enjoy your papers and magazines. ARE YOU FULLY EQUIPPED oe comfortable Ring? It not, have your eyes examined and glasses made Person al Service Given. J. J. STEWART, Opt.D, given ous Opposite Post Office, Kingston. Closely Related There's a closer relationship be- tween feed, poultry and dollars than {eo may suspect. Right,feed means birds, quicker returns and gd money. For bigger dividends poultry, let us supply your 'The kind you ni is here, Fo our advice is free for asking. W. F. McBROOM 42-44 Princess Street. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR CHARM TEA IN PACKA Black, Green and Masel Pecked in King. ston, by ( : GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited.