Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Dec 1917, p. 9

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12 PAGES Che Baily 7 British Whig _YEAR %4. NO. 284 KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1917 what he believes to be righteousness and honor and public welfare. He is less concerned about people's ap- plause than about their progress. PAGES 9.12 | i L EE -- - SECOND SECTION That he reap where he hath SOWD; 3y the peace among peoples let men know we serve the Lord." "CETTING THE BIC DEA FIXED." The International S8unday-school Lesson For December Sth Is "Ezra And Nehemiah Teach the Law."--Nehemiah, Chap. 8 By William T. Ellis. In a conservation congress held in the South one man made the point that it is better to get the great idea of conservation, or what andther called the principle of salvation, into people's minds than to teach them all the methods of conservations extant, Plans are merely the product of a purpose, Methods are the output of motive. Get the big idea into a peo- new life to vitalize the hew forms of | this changing day } Better Than Strong Walls, The Great Wall of North China, or the walls about Peking and Nanking, are not any more obsolete and inef- fective for purposes of defence in these modern times than were .the newly-built wall of Nehemiah to keep Fortunately, Jerusalem had that kind of leaders during and after the rebuilding of the walls. Nehemiah A Get-Together Meeting. and Ezra cared more for helping Many cities 'in the Southern and their people than for pleasing them. | Western parts of the United States, They never hesitated to point out | have entered upon a regular cam- the dangers: which resided in the | Paign of advertising and promotion hearts of the Jews, as well as those | They have adopted slogans and em- which arose from without the city | lems, and assiduously woo in- walls. They were true leaders, not | creased prosperity. The first step in followers of the crowd who managed | every: such campaign is to get the to keep in front of the procession, | People together, and to make them like small boys running at the head | feel their civic solidarity. No ecom- of a circus parade. | mittee of business men can hoom na Once the wall was finished, thesp | city successfully, unless there be leaders planned for 4 great festival of | Present the genuinely unified coms recognition of the law of the nation, | munity consciousness. which was the law of Jehovah. It is| Eara had never studied psychology ple's thinking and they may be| out the most dangerous foes of Jeru- trusted to find all the practical out-|salem. They might thwart Sanbal- workings of it that are necessary. lat, Tobiah and Geshem, but they The best programme of moral and| were unavailing against the selfish- national reform is a passion for pess, pride, idolatry and godlessness righteousness; details will take care of the wandering hearts of the Jews. the degree of a community's rever- | ence for law that measures its real | stability. A common misapprehen- | sion is that it is the volume of busi- | ness that determines a community's but he knew human nature, which is the same thing, so his first step, in the great religious and law-observing revival which he projected for Jeru- salem, was to get all the people to- of themselves. | When one of China's greatest statesmen told me that he felt that bis nation needs to adopt Christian-| ity, he did not have in mind any compléte system of theology; he does, not know anything about - scientific | theology. But he did see clearly that! the Christian ideal, and the Christian | spirit, are China's present needs. | Give China the Book, and let her| people grasp its genius, and she will| make port in her troubled venture of | a constitutional form of government. (iive her only the forms and meth- ods of constitutiogalism, with the-old | individualistic and selfish spirit, and | she will make shipwreck of her great experiment. The «clear need of China, as of our own land, is for a | { The need of the returned Jews was for the protection that would save them from themselves. What says Amos R, Wells ?-- "Closer is the Lord's protection, than a near investing wall; Closer than a moat about me, closer than a tower tall; Closer than a suit of armor, or my hands and feet can be; i For against mine own assailing, His| protection keepeth me." | \ { The Jews who had returned from the Babylonian exile were in a capi-| tal position to adopt an electic reli- gion; and they had leaning that way. They were surrounded by an assort- ment of creeds. There were more| gods than virtues. Most of the pop-| | ular divinities were easy-going, ask-! CHILDREN HAD WHOOPING COUGH Whooping cough, although spee- | ially a disease of childhood, is by no means confined to that period, but may occur at any time of life. It is one of the most dangerous diseases of infancy, and yearly causes more deaths than scarlet fever, typhoid or diphtheria, and is more common in female than male children, Whoeping cough starts with sneezing, watering of the eyes, irrita- tion of the throat, feverishness and cough. The coughing attacks occur frequently, but are generally more severe at night. On the first sign of a "whoop" Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup should be administered, as it helps to clear the bronchial tubes of the collected mucous and phlegm. Mrs. George Cooper, Bloomfield, Ont,, writes: "It is with pleasure I can write and tell you that there never was a better cough medicine made than Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Our children had whooping cough last winter, and that is the only thing that seemed to help them. It loosens up the phlegm so that they could raise it easily. I will never be without it." "Dr. Wood's" is 26c and 50c a bottle; put up in a yellow wrapper; three pine .trees the trade mark; manufactured by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. ing nothing of their devotees in the, way of moral straitness. There was | free rein for all passions in the serv-| ice of the gods of the nations. That is why the Jews were so often tempt- | ed to stray from Jehovah. A man is glad to cloak*the indulgence of his | frailties under the cover of some re-| ligion, The popularity of all sorts of cults in our own time is to be explained in this same way. Their moral obliga- tions are not rigid and exacting. They profess scorn of the old legal- ism of the Mosaic law. 'Natural re- ligion," is a veritable high-brow fad in our times, It is an easy creed. It will let a man indulge his selfishness to any extent, so long ase he is mind- ful to burn incense to the goddess of Good Form. Be polite and one] tional, and! you may do whatever you please within these wide bounds, says natural religion, which deifies the worst as well as the best of man's nature, Ll } Leaders, Real and Sham, Sir Robertson Nicoll, the great British editor and critic, once gave me his impression of certain public men on this side of the water, Con- cerning one famous man he said that "He manages to keep just a step in front of the crowd, and he is ever looking back over his shoulder to see if they are following." That. is a definition of many a popular politi- cian; but the térm "leader," must be denied him. The truly great stafes- man is the one who leads the way tp | am | condition. It is a good medicine and I am glad to rccommend it.--Mgs. ALFRED | 8aePPARD, 259 Seaton St. strength; but this is not so. The |gether in one place. He wanted them strength of the law is the strength |t0o become conscious of themselves, of a people's civilization. Not with- [to see one another, and to feel the out reason does the British poet of | thrill of the "elbow touch' of which empire cry to his far-flung fellow |cld soldiers talk. Into the broad countrymen: place before the water gate the whole assembly of the people gather, Wise "Keep ye the law; be swift in all {i$ the church which holds reunions obedience; and socials, not Aor money .-making Drive the road and bridge the ford. | purposes, but solely to promote his Make ye sure to each his own, self-realization of the organization. The churches which expect to have crowds of worshippers merely by the fact of opening their doors, may take a lesson from Ezra's procedure. He was Ezra, the great leader, and all the people had special reason to give . 2 heed to his words, but he organized De ths and planned for this rally as thor- EB man's tonics. I oughly as churches make ready for a H suffered a severe Billy Sunday campaign. It was not nervous break- |@ one-man meeting; Ezra had with down. I could not him corps of assistants, judiciously sleep, was weak placed. He was after results, and and tired all the [not after a reputation for himself. ; time. I took the |The occasion was a prepared one, an fi 'Prescription' and | anticipated one, and an enthusiastic . "just a few bottles completely built me up and relieved me of my nervous WHILE AT WAR Women Suffer at Home Toronto, Ont.--"I consider Doctor = Pierce's Favorite Niagara Falls, Ont--'I can safely say that 'Favorite Prescription' did mo 8 lot of good. I at one time de- veloped woman 's trouble; my nerves were completely shattered, and I became weak. I had severe backache and pains in my side, extending down into my limbs. I doctored, but did not get relieved of my ailment and was down and out when I began taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre- scription, and it so completely cured me and restored me to health and strength that I was able to do all my own work and others besides. I do recommend 'Favorite Prescription' to weak and ail- ing women; they cannot get a better medicine.' Mas. Joux LockmarT, 26 Terract Ave. Favorite Prescription is an 'invigorat- ing, restcrative tonic, a soothing and strengthening nervine and a positive remedy for the chronic weaknesses pecu- liar to women. This old prescription of Dr. Pierce's is extracted from roots and herbs by means of pure glycerine and is a temperapce remedy of 50 years' good standing. Send 10¢ for trial pkg. of tablets to Dr. V, ML Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y,, or Bridgeburg, Ont, TIRED, NERVOUS HOUSEWIFE TOOK VINOL Now She is Strong and Well Berkeley, Cal--"I was nervous, irritable, no appetite, could not sleep, and was always tired, so 'my house- work was a great effort. After many other medicines had failed Vinol built me up and made me strong. I have a good appetite and sleep well. Every nervous, weak, aili woman should try it"-Mrs. N. unds, 2107 Dwight Way, Berkeley, Cal. We ask every nervous, weak, run- down, ailing woman in this town to try this cod liver and iron tonic on our gudlantee to return their money if it fails to help them. - Mahood's Drug Store, Kingston. Also at the best druggist in all On- tario towns, one, for the "get together" spirit had hold of the people. << "And Gave the Sense." A man was speaking upon the pos- sibilities of Mesopotamia's cotton crop, but he took it for granted that his hearers were more familiar with geography than was the case, so he was surprised when a friend said to him, "A man was telling me about your speech upon the possibilities of cokton in China." The speaker had not been careful to make his hearers understand, which is as truly the speaker's responsibility as it is the listener's. Most persons listen to the (Continued on page 11.) Fit-Reform 209% DISCOUNT Commencing Dec. 1st, we will give a reduction of 209% on all OVERCOATS Good fitting, up-to-date garments. Inspection Invited. Grawford & Wals Tailors. Princess and Bagot Streets. Let Us Send You for 10 Days' Free Tria) If you will write us that you are hard of hearing and will try the \ Acousticon we will send you, This offer may seem very THIS A MUSICAL With music in the home, especially from a recently introduced musical instru- ment, there is pleasure for everyone in the house. This is especially true if it's a Williams New Scale PLAYER PIANO, or a "New HEdison" "Phonograph," on which any member of the family can play the finest selections, You can instal either on a small down payment and Easy Terms. The Williams "New Scale" Piano. The artists' choice of a plano for their own personal use, jn private and public. We are making a very special oppor- tunity for new customers this Christ- mas season, both in a favorable and easy terms, Your Old instrument taken in exchange on a liberal basis. The "New Edison" Phonograph, With the "New I dison" in the home you have the perfect re-cfeations of the world's best in music. Either vocal or instrumental, you have the choice of thousands of selections Anyone can use . It is Meal as a Christmas gift to the home, We make owr terms to suit purchasers. Demonstration of any instrument at any time at Store. The Ears of the DEAF Must Be Stirred To Activity The Acousticon For The Deaf charges prepaid, the instrument for 10 days' free trial without deposit v or expense to you. rengrous, but it bas resulted up to the present in making near! $00,000 delighted customers for us, who now hear clearly anes more. R ne y RAL ACOUSTIC COMPANY, 1300 Candler Buliding, New York The J.M. Greene Music Co., Ltd. Corner Sydenham & Princess Streets - Kingston « The Issues are Vital : in writing to the Board of Appeal tonight. Our secretaries will advise you in completing the forms. Do Your Bit and Aid the Boys' Overseas mmo | NOW OR NEVER! Come to Unionist Headquarters, 187 Princess street, and make sure your name is on the list of voters. Neglect may cost you your vote. If your name has been omitted by the enumerator, application must be made by you - ¥ ~ VOTE FOR NICKLE! \ 0 0 0 000000 CE 00 00 0 VC EMC 0 0 0 0 OM RO ' 'Last Notice To Electors!

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