Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Dec 1917, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE Presents That anyone will appreciate. This is the Electric Age. Batteries and Bulbs for All Sizes. DON'T GROPE IN THE DARK ol { Aor Aha yy Ea h : Lil DRT vk a Re To 85 Cents 90 Cents These are a few of the most satisfactory Lines. TREADGOLD Sporting Goods Co, 88 Princess St. Phone 529 | | | for years, | winter, and can be depended upon to jl | Coast THE DAILY BRITISH en THURSDAYS DECEMBER 6, 1917, Hockey Notes i Fort William, which has been well advertised by its star hockey players will have a new rink this have some keen competition with Port Arthur. The Portland Club of the Pacific League will be intact this year, as Johnson, Murray, Harris, Tobin, Dundérdale and Barbour win- {tered in Portland, and information has been received from Winnipeg {that Clem Loughlin and Dick Irvin pay. | little that epee a to be {club says il] to. {will also be on hand. Manager Art Ross, of the Wander- ers, said that he had made no defin- lite offer to Paddy Moran, but if the latter could arrange to get leave of absence from his Quebec employ- ment and make is residence in Montreal for winter, he would be tendered Lower Oftawa Hockey Association will likely 'suspend operations for the coming winter, one of the chief reasons for this being tie inability of the clubs to charter special excur- sion trains. Expenses last season came high and in addition the play- ll ers lost a great deal of time. Curlers and hockeyists, especially the open-air boys, are hoping that the prophecy of the trappers is wrong, when they say that this will be a mild winter. The knights of the woods base their prediction on the fact that the fur is very thin on the animals this fall. Ottawa Citizen: The Ontario Hockey Association puts Pittsburg under the ban because of alleged professionalism, but allows its teams to play that of Detroit. Let's see, wasn't it at Detroit where the scan- dal occurred last season over the di- vision of gate receipts. Fine ama- teurism! It has now developed that Eddie Gerard has not come to terms with the Ottawa Hockey Club. There is a slight difference in the amount Eddie wants and what the club desires to However, the difference is so the playing manager is in the fold very shortly. { President Bate of the Ottawa that under no ecircum- stances will Nighbor play for Toron- President Bate no doubt has in mind the deal that was handed By Denneny last winter, when the lat. ter was not permitted to get into the ll| game with Ottawa until the season ll{ was half over. CRY 5c. Poet Cigar 5c. Look for Silk Thread on Tip of Each Cigae, S. OBERNDORFFER, Maker, Kingston. MONUMENTS a HA a A um Granite Company, Ltd. 897 Princess Street. Telephone 1981 Fred Fulton and Porky Flynn Soldier Bartfield, of New York, have been matched to box ten rounds won the decision over Marty Cross; on . December Jof New York, ence, R at Columbus, Ohio, 10th. BRINGING UP. FATHER in a bout at 'Provid- li such as farm work, etc. ll| that players residing ll for twenty-seven What O.H.A .Accomplished. Gave special residence rule privi- leges to players absent from home after August 1st on hational service, They will be granted certificates to play upon ll | special application being made to the li | executive committee. Amended the residence rule so in a town where there is no O.H.A. team may play with the city in the nearest O. H. A. town or village of not mére than 5,000 pepulation. After playing seven-man hockey sea~ons, adopted the six-man style. This amendment, the most important of the meeting, did not meet with a dissenting vote. Changed the word "ten" to read "twenty" feet in the rule relating to a player being onside when taking the puck after a rebound from the goalkeeper. In connection with the six-man game, it was decided that teams be allowed to use one spare or substi- tute. The change may he made at any time. In the case of an injury, breaking of a skate, etc., the substi- tute shall come on in order to equal- ize the veam. Skinner Poulin Will Retire. "Skinner" Poulin, who made "his hockey debut at Smith's Falls, and who has seen extensive service in the Pacific Coast and National Hockey Leagues, admits he is through as re- feree in the Coast circuit. George Kennedy grabbed Poulin from the Patricks two years ago and paid him $1,600 for the season, but Poulin proved a lemon and was released be- fore the close of last winter, after accepting a big cut. Poulin wanted to go to Ottawa last year, but Pre. sident Bate and Manager Gerard passed him up. MOTORBOAT'S TERRIFIC SPEED. Seventy-mile. an Hour Power Craft Becomes Reality, All records for spe®&d by motor craft have been shattered 'by Whip- po'Will, Jr., a 'motorboat owned by Albert L. Judson, president of the American Powerboat Association. Whip-po™Will Jr. eut through the waters of Lake George at the rate of 70.15 miles an hour. In six one-mile dashes on Novem- ber 4 over a course surveyed by an official surveyor of the American Powerboat | Association, who is an ex-army engineer, the Whip-po'Will, Jr., averaged 64.74 niles an hour The timing was done by Henry: Sampson, jun., official times; C. F. Chapman, secretary of the Racing Commission, and Capt. W. G. Watts, the official surveyor of the A.P.B.A,, under official conditions: Then two days later, when a slightly smaller propeller and a few minor adjustments to the power plant had been made, the boat de- veloped a speed which averaged 69.39 miles an hour, the best and fastest speed on record to date. On the two best runs, the fourth and sixth, the average of the four watch- es showed 51 3,5 seconds for the mile, which is equivalent to 70.15 miles an hour, making the 70.mile- an-hour boat a reality Sent to Switzerland. Capt. L. S, ("Lennie"), Morrison of Toronto, former well-known O.H.A. player, who has been a prisoner in Germany since early in the war, has been sent to Switzerland, according to a cable received in Toronto. This may mean that he is incapable of further service or that he is to be used in an exchange of prisoners. "Monty" Montgomery is not dead | after all. Instead, the famous' Mc: | Gill quarter-back is now reported re- cuperating in a French hospital, | ---- | Capt. Duncan Campbell, M.C., a| well-known Montreal athlete, has | been killed in .action. He acted in | the capacity of referee in Montreal | hockey circles for a number of sea sons. 3 President Barrow has issued the | call for the annual meeting of the: International League. It will take place on Monday, December 19th. A syndicate of Indianapolis men has taken an option on the Indian- apolis club of the American Associa- tion. Jack Hendricks, manager of the club, obtained the option, Harry Seihold, the young right hand pitcher of Connie Mack's Ath- letics, has gone into the National Army. Connie Mack's youngest son, Roy, has enlisted as yeoman at the Charlestown Navy Yard. The owners of the Toronto Hockey Club have notified Jimmy Murphy, who is ill and wants to resign the management of the team, to hang on to his job and get an assistant. Capt. Edward Archibald, the well known Toronto West End Y. M. C. A. athlete, who is home on two months' leave, speaks in glowing terms of the boxing tournaments-held by the Can- adian army. 79 Princess St. mSNANNARNARSEEANEA ALANS ANENNR EEE) LABATT 1S MAKING A SPECIAL Ale and Porter FOR FAMILY USE Made from Malt and Hops, exactly like the Old Reliable Ale & Porter, only lower percentage of spirit. and superior to anything made in that line in Ontario, many prefer it to the old brands for summer and social drinking. TRY IT. JAMES McPARLAND 1 door above Elliott Bros. Phone 274. It is absolutely pure Get it from dealeror rom Ay athie: ieu's, SYRUP OF TAR 8 Cop Liver Oil Stops CoucH Sold in generous size bottles by all dealers. THE J. L. MATHIEU CO., Props,, SHERBROOKE, P.Q. Makers also of Mathieu's Nervine Powders the best remedy for Headaches, Neuralgia, and feverish colds, ng AS CHARLIE SAYS : "From soup to ARABELASN" ever-mild cigar--10¢. (The 10 cent cigar). Scales & Roberts Limited, Toronto. Kingston's Electric Store ! Hydro Electric Power Is At Hand. We have a full line of both gas and electric table lamps. Come in now and buy for Christmas, and get your choice at prices from $3.75 up. 'H.W.Newman Electric Co., 167 Princess Strest, Phone 441 A Few Suggestions for Xmas Presents Children's High Chairs, Low Chairs, Rockers, Cradles, Cribs, Bassinetts, Shaving Cabinets, Chiffonieres, Smoker . Stands; Music Chests; Music Benches; Nut Crackers and Bowl; Cas- seroles, Pie Plates, Doll Carriages, Children's Table and Ohairs, The Largest and Best Stock in the City to Choose From. Robt. J. Reid The Leading Undertaker and Furniture Dealer, 280 Princess St, Motor and Horse Ambulances. Phone 577. EAA §{ HOCKEY BOOTS AT LAST YEAR'S PRICES -- GET YOURS NOW. Men's Hockey Boots, made on the McCul- $3.00 to $6.00 'Women's Hockey Boots, in good calf lea- thers, .... .. .. ... $2.50 and $3.00 Boys' Hockey Boots, from . $2.50 to $3.50 J H.Sutherland & Bro. The Home of Good Shoes. lough Pattern, from . . Lull LTT TTT GEORGE McMANUS, 'WOZ THAT YOUR YOURE NOT ALLOWED TO TAKE A DOG IN THESE APARTMENTS - HE FOLLOWED te YOUSE IN HERE!

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