Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Dec 1917, p. 3

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Christmas Will Still be Christmas in'17 py Shopping and Gift Giving will be More Subdued, with a view to the Permanent, * Sensible Gifts. 2 But everybody must be remembered in some way. Men's Thin Model Watches in Waltham, Hamilton, Howard and Illinois, 15 jewells and up, from .. . . $15.00 and up, Military Wrist Watches, with or without Nmingus dials, from $7.50 up. Ladies' w rist 'Watches, in gold, "gold filled 'and 'silver, from $6.00 in filled, up to $50.00 in gold. Pearl and Jet Ropes for the Neck. Necklets, Lav allieres and Pendants Useful French Ivo D ge DIAMOND Smith Bros. Marriage Licenses, CALIFORNIA FRUIT STORE FRESH FRUITS DAILY 15¢, 20¢, 30¢, 40¢, 50¢, 60c doz. 20c¢, 23¢, 30c dozen. . 20¢, 25¢, 30¢ dozen . 4 for 25¢ vin " 30c, '40c dozen Sweet Grapes "i Wass 20¢ and 25¢ pound Mixed Nuts ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . . 80c¢ pound Home Made Candies -- Fresh Every Day. Sale of Oranges This Week at : 286 PRINCESS STREET. AT DAVIES FOR CHRISTMAS BAKING Eggs 50c Every Egg Guaranteed. FRESH CREAMERY Butter 48c The Wm. Davies' Co., Limited Phone 597. E DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1917, CALLED A NEW PASTOR DEAF PEOPLE Deafness ard noises in the head can now be most certainly cured by the newly discovered 'French Oriene." tual seat of the trouble, and effects a Somplete and lasting cure in a tow ys One box is ample to cure any ordinary case, and has given almost immediate relief in hundreds of cases which had been considered "hopeless." Mr. D. Borthwick, of Dalbeattie, N.B., writes: "Your new remedy, which I re- ceived from you some time ago, has completely cured my hearing, after more than twenty years' deafness. I will be pleased to recommend it to all my friends." Scores of oth equally good reports. "Try one box ffday, which can be sor warded securely' packed and post paid to any address upon the receipt of postal or money order for $1. There is nothing better at any price. Address: "Oriene" Ceo. H. T. Richards, Watling Street, Dartford, Kent, Eng. lease mention this paper. PP Best's Display Of Pretty Xmas Gifts is now open for your inspection, We believe it to be the finest ever, and have tried all through to keep it within the line of use- ful presents, A display can be seen at both steres. And all goods are mark- ed in plain figures. So drop in and make yourselves at home. At Best's The Popular Drug Stores, Open Sundays. | KEELEY IR, M00. | Those people (and they are many) who dread the ordeal of an eye examin- ation are agreeably aston- ished to find that, as made by us, it causes no pain, discomfort, or inconven- ience. And We Use No Drugs. Keeley Jr, M.0.D.0. 226 Princess Street ira tee ---- i -------- Motor car 68,274 ran into a tree on Church street, Portsmouth, on Wednesday afternoon. All women should hear Miss Boul- ton at City Hall to-night. ANSEENENANERESNERNNNNANNANNNRRRRESE aust SALE STARTS MONDAY, DEC. 3RD. at 25¢ Will Do "Made in Canada" "WHITE" SEWING MACHINE Pay twenty-five cents to join and the new "White" Sewing Machine is soon paid for. No more faithful pig could be wished for than will be rendered by a TWENTY-FIVE CENT piece, if you will bring it here while the list is still open and = Brings to Your Home a Brand New : enroll as an active member of our "WHITE" PROGRES- SIVE CLUB. This initial payment of twenty-five cents entitles'you to have delivered to your home a brand new We don't promise to hold this offer open for any length of time. By coming now you can get this wonderful sewing machine, complete with all attachments, on our newly devised method of + SMALL WEEKLY PAYMENTS. 25¢c "WHITE" Rotary or Vibrator [ist Payment Payment 2nd Lpaymy tj 3ra Jormr 4 4th gov 1 - bth m"t] $th paym't] Tth paym"t a ary Ith Some Models As Low As sth Be tH oth ary "tj10th ore Pi der 12th Jaym' Yam pas paym' Yh paym' Haken Farm 16th paym! Aen Farm' ih Fy tm i $24.40 0th pay Yala Form hr paym yrae Pay t Choose any of the models at equally low prices, You must hurry---Memberships are going fast. th WR Pym' Yyaeeh Fe inl ia Dirt 10c Premium Refunds can be saved by you 2th pay on every final payment you make in ad- vance of the time it is due. There are no bur- densome interest bearing instalments. J Furniture, Carpets, Victrolas and Victor Records. T. F. 32nd A Pyne hm t en i fl ke Li i hy ah mae + fd t This new remedy goes right to the ac-| || recruit, not without a tinge of bitter- ||ever hear of smokes for Sailors?" !| terment of the men of the Navy and i| Mercantile Navy '| Devonshire, who is Vice-president of g furlough in Kingston, quite a num. B midright, when dainty refreshments g active service, a bon voyage. REV. H. H. BINGHAM, OF LONDON INVITED TO FIRST BAPTIST Held Wednesday = Evening--Not Known As Yet Whether He Will] Accept. Rev. H. H* Bingham, of London,| Ont., one of the foremost preachers of the day, has been called to the pas-| torate of the First Baptist Church in this city, to succeed Rév, Douglas | Laing, who recently retired after long | and faithful service. It is not yet| known whether Mr. Bingham will ac-| cept, The call, whith was a unanimous one, was extended to Rev. Mr. Bing- ham, at a meeting held on Wednes- day evening, when the pulpit ecom- mittee called a meeting of the con- gregation. Rev. Mr. Bingham has been pastor of one of the leading churches in London for the past eight years. He is a forceful preacher and members of the First Baptist Church who have heard him are greatly impressed with him, MILLIONS FOR SOLDIER; NOTHING FOR SAILOR The Golden Showers Have! Practically All Fallen on the Army. "Everything is done for the sol- diers," said a young Canadian Naval ness in his voice. 'Smokes for sol- diers, comforts for soldiers. Did you There has been a marked absence in Canada of movements for the bet- League, but with the Navy League this is being reme- died. His Excellency the Duke of the Navy League of Great Britain, is taking a very active part in further- ing the interests of the League, and recently a large number of new branches were formed. The men of the Navy\and Mercan- tila Marine are the poorest paid diass in the world, facing the horrible perils of the deep for a mere pit- tance, leaving their families in many cases destitute. Meanwhile, while the public are generously and pa- triotically! giving millions for the relief of the Army, the men of the Navy are almost forgotten, A year ago the Navy League gath- ered a considerable sum in the Do- minion for relief work, but this largely went to the British Sailors' Relief Fund. This year any money that may be raised will be adminis- tered by the League, a proportion going to the benefit of the Canadian sailors and their dependents. A sailors' Day will be held all over Canada on December 8th, for this purpose, and it is hoped to raise a substantial sum to be devoted to the pressing and imperative needs of a elass of men and their families who are in sore straité because of their devotion to the Empire's cause. | 5 WAR BULLETINS. The Teutons Nave resumed smashing attacks on the Italian lines," but all hold strongly so far. Arthur Pollen, British Naval critic, warns that the war situ- ation now is more serious than since it commenced. PIPL Prep eb Erp Seventeen British freighters and four fishing vessels were sunk by German submarines # last week. * ms * With strong new reserves the + Germans are attacking British 4 positions around Cambrai. +» ee fi oH THE ST. PAUL'S A.Y.PA. Realized $65 at Tea and Sale Wed- nesday Afternoon. The A.Y.P.A. of St. Paul's church held their annual tea and sale Wed- nesday from three to six o'clock. The sum of $65 was realized. Miss Annie Dunne, president, received at the door. The various tables were in charge of the following: Work Table--Mrs, Egglestone and Misses Lily and Belle Dunne. Home-made table--Miss Arthurs and Miss Asseltine. Candy table--Miss Ethel. McCul- lagh and Miss Reta Butlin, Tea Table--Mrs. W. F. Fitzger- ald and Mrs. Jekells, assisted by Mrs. Noble Thompson, Miss Verna Saunders and Miss Grace Langsford. Miss Vera Turkington took the money at the deor. Mr. Johnson, manager of the J, M. Greene Music Company, kindly loaned a new Edison: phonograph with some splendid records. Left For Overseas. On the eve of his departure fir overseas again, after a four months' ber of friends gathered to say goo!- , bye to Pte, J. J. Roberts at Mr. Mec- Kegney's, Rideau street. Music and , dancing were indulged in till about were served. AM wished "Jack," who has been a year and a half on Hear J. M. Godfrey at City Hall {o-night." G. G. Publow, 'Chief Dairy Inspee- tor for Eastern Ontario, is on a tour, PAGE THREE Probs: Friday, fair and decidedly cold. Unanimous Call Extended to Londom | Pastor at Meeting of Congregation | speaking at gatherings in various parts of Eastern Ontario. He will be on the go up to Dec. 14th. It interested in Union GCovern-! ment attend meeting at City Hall te- might. A meeting of the Daughters of the ji Empire was held on Wednesday af- a is at a standstill on account of. some misunderstanding between the Council ané the tontractors. Steacy's Annual XMAS SALE! An annual event which is most important to the practical gift-giver -- and one that is appreciated by hundreds of Kingston women who have an eye to economy. Sale Starts Tomorrow at 9 a.m., continuing to Saturday, December 15th. A SWEEPING CLEARANCE OF NEW inter Coats An absolute clearance of every cloth coat in stock, re-marked to practically the give-away point; every coat we guarantee to be new this season and made of the finest all-wool materials in all the fashion- able shades. This is our regular January Coat Clearance Sale one month earlier than usual -- the coat sale of sales, with the greatest bargain oportunities of the year. -- 200 COATS TO CLEAR -- 35 heavy winter coats, made of all wool materials in Russian grey, trench brown and Italian grey--six smart styles to choose from, regular $22.50 to $25.00 values. .. Sale price $12.95 85 beautiful all wool velour, pom-pom and bolivia cloth coats in a host of the season's most approved styles -- in such shades as taupe, burgundy, plum, nigger brown, Russian green; navy and black. Reg- ular $35.00 values. .. . Sale price $18.95 80 New York Novelty Coats, " plain and fur trimmed in a large variety of the choicest materials and colors -- the styles are excep- tional and show the most advanced New York ideas -- regularly priced from $37.50 to $49. 50. oo Sale price $21.95 Remember this is the "final drive" -- cost or former selling price is given no consideration. Xmas Handkerchiefs What daintier or more acceptable a gift than an exquisite box of handkerchiefs --may we suggest the following very spec- ial values in boxed handkerchiefs that were bought full twelve months ago. 600 gift packages of pretty initialed handkerchiefs, in a full as- sortment of initials -- 3 in a package with a Christmas gift card. .. Sale price 25¢ 1200 boxes of imported Swiss embroidered handkerchiefs--3 in in a box, embroidered in white and colors in a dainty gift box. . . . Sale price 35¢ 1500 boxes of Irish and Swiss embroidered and lace edged hand- kerchiefs -- 3 in a box. .. . Sale price 50c Other special' values at 75¢ and $1. 00 a box. cms Gift Handkerchiefs in a Glorious Array We have complete the largest and most varied assortment of exquisite handkerchiefs, exceptionally specially priced hun- dreds of dozens which were bought for last Christmas but arriv- ed 6 months late -- these represent a considerable saving to you, A sri THE WOMAN'S GIFT SHOP OF KINGSTON! | ia A store full of charming practical gifts for = ---- men, women and children in broad varieties at = popular prices. See the windows--then come a inside; the store reverberates with its beautiful a decorations and overflowing gift counters--the 4" very spirit of Christmas.

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