A Production Increased effort and ciency in labor, omy and less waste in livin building up capital by hard- ar rk and greater savings, you and your e men and wc- home must produce cover war's waste. efr.. | men more al to It Is easier to make money than to save It. Bavings Account at save what your Increased effort prov 11 Branches In Toroate. SSTABLISHED 1888. ThE A The Bank of Toronto will help ides. 119 Branches in Canada BANK IK or TORONTO TOR ---- FOR SALE An eight roomed brick-veneered house -- one block from the Y.M.C.A., containing bath and closet, class condition, $500 cash required; Best opportunity in city. chaser, Open Every Saturday in first. balance to suit pur Evening from 7 to 9. The J. K. CARROLL AGENCY. 56 Brock Street. Have You Seen Mahalia -------- The latest creation in face pow- der, talcum powder, vanishing and cold cream, toilet water, etc. Our upper window display is 'A Beauty." Hoag's Drug Store Branch Post Office. Kingston, Ont. Watts," F J Bulbs Bulbs Bulbs Just Arrived from Holland -- Plant Now, { Carpenter and Builder W. R. BILLENNESS Specializing Store Fronts and Fit tags. Hemugeliug 1 Buildings of all 1 ESTIMATES 8 EXPERIENCE Address 272 University Ave. F.J. JOHNSON The Leading Florist Floral Designs, hifi Rong and Cut Flowers our special Aled promptly. Phone 230, 115 Brock | pr------ Sowards Keeps Coal and Canada Victory Loan Bond Will Help Keep You. Buy One. TAXI SERVICE RING 960. All Limousine Cars Used. Kingston Taxi Cab Co. CLOTHING ON EASY TERMS Tadies' Sults, Dresses and Furs, tiemen's Suits and Overcoats, 374 King Street. Fish Prince Rupert Halibut, White Fish, Sea Herring, Finnan Had- die, Fillets, Package Codfish, Quail on Toast, Oysters. Anderson Bros. Princess and Division Sts. Phones 408-1846. MERCHANTS, "CARTERS AND HOUSE- HOLDERS ! You are hereby noti- fied that no mixed loads nor anything of a com- bustible nature will be permitted to be unloaded at the City Dump. The Dump caretakes is given strict orders to refuse loads that contain combustible materials .of any kind. Any violation of these orders will be prosecuted according to law. Please govern yourselves accordingly. H. W. NEWMAN, Chairman of the Garbage and Refuse Committee, CAPE VINCENT FERRY : CHANGE OF TIME Effective Monday, Dec- ember 3rd, 1917. Leave Kingston . Arrive Kingston One round trio dally excent S Potatoes! By the bushel or iy igh and pris low: also & choice variety of apples and vegetables. Friendship's 210 Division St. Phone 545 ee ------ Fm Select Your Xmas Gift Early This year we wish to impress on you the idea of .selecting your Xmas gifts early.. Cur stock is complete, but , many lines cannot be dupli- cated, so to insure having a good choice come and make your selection now. Umbrellas Ladies'-- with gold, sterling silver and leather handles, from $3.00 to $15.00. A special style for nurses at $5.00. Gents'--Gold and silver mounted, detachable handles, $3.50 to $95.00. FANCY MANICURE SETS These are in suede and fancy leather rolls and can be car- ' ried conveniently in your hand bag or suitcase. They range in price from $1.75 to Y $12.00, Kinnear & d'Esterre ' Bh ing and % ee sd Shout out the same. Chickens are long in coming out of unlaid ergs. ' - | | more econ-| THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1917, GRAND OPERA HOUSE TO-NIGHT | and every night this week, THE MIRACLE MAN (IG ASK HIM -- HE KNOWS THE MOST REMARKABLE SHOW OF THE AGE. Direct from recora breaking run at Toronto. THE SUPER-MIND And his company of Modern Wonder-Workers 23% hours of weird, gripping and amazing entértainment, WONDERFUL ILLUSIONS Matinees, Wed., Fri. and Sat, Prices 23¢, 35¢, 50c & 75¢. Matinees, 25¢, 50c. Seats Now on Sale. Wed. Dec. 12th One Night Only. THERE'S A THRILL COMING TO YOU! WILLIAM HARRIS, Jr., Fresents MYSTIC ELODRANA Direct from One Year's Run at the 48th St. Theatre, New York. Prices--Ground Floor, $2, $1.50, $1. Balcony, $1.50, $1, 75¢; Gallery 350c¢ Seats on Sale Monday. Mail Orders Now. Monday, Dec. 10 Direct from New York The Musical Comedy Hit. Lilac Domino With the Original Company 60 -- PEOPLE -- 60 FUN -- GIRLS -- MUSIC Has All Canada Talking For Beautiful Music, Handsome Chorus and Gorgeous Costumes Prices -- 30c¢, 75¢, $1.00, $1.50. Seats on Sale Friday. |GRIFFIN'S "Douglas F airbanks "The Man from Painted Post" Also Beautiful Florence La Badie, in "War and the Woman" A Great Drama of American * Womanhood First Episode of Our New Serial. ""@ : '" The Fatal Ring Featuring Pearl White. Prices--Matinee 15¢; Evening 25¢ Thurs., Friday, Saturday The Theatre with the Organ. Wm. Fox Presents . Geo. Walsh, in "The Yankee Way" Geo. Ade's amen jn Siang. Comedy Matinee toe. alan 13e, Presents of the Hon, Sir --4 18 Rett Bowell, Belleville. remains His condition is! ao ambition and your road will lead upward, PAGE SEVEN | | The People's Forum OONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion, lec & word. Each secutive insertion thereafter, cent. a word. Minimum charge ene fimsertion, 25¢; three insertions, S0c: six $1; ope month, $2. uELY WANTED A NIGHT PE APPLY RAN- delph Hote COOK WANTED AT QUEEN'S HOTEL by day, or would accept one to cook dinners, if necessary, HOUSE-KEEPER FOR QUIET COUN. try home; no children; good wages. Apply Box R. M., Whig Office. EXPERIENCED GENERAL SERVANT, no 'washing n' ironing, highest WARES. Apply 38 Frontenac St. Phone 1505 ONE Steady to the USED TO emplay - Wormwith -- CABINET MAKER, veneer work ment Apply Piano Co, Ltd WHY NOT LET THE READERS OF this paper do business with you? Your advertisement in these pages would give them the oppartunity to do so. For particulars, phone or write British Whig Pub. Co. TEACHERS WANTED. QUALIFIED TEACHER, ant, for 8. 8S. No. 186, Bedford. Salary $350 Apply to George Butterill, Sec'y, Fermoy, Ont, » PROTEST- township of WORK WANTED LADY WISHES wo Apply 156 Onta K By ue DAY, 0 street BY THE DAY BY A YOUNG WOMAN. 224 Ontario street. ey POSITION WANTED A LADY WOULD LIKE POSITION AS velling saleslady for wholesale ery or tea firm preferred. Ex- *llent references. Apply Box 79, Whig Office. DRESSMAKING MISS RICHARDSON, DRESSMAKER, having resumed business, solicits orders for fall and winter work. Address 202 Alfred street. con~ | SRCOND-HAND WANTED GENERAL UPRIGHT PIANOS, for cash or in part payment of new pianos and grafanolas. C. W. Lind- say, Limited, 121 Princess street. BY MARRIED COBPLE, TWO FUR- nished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping; convenient to Loco- motive Wonks. Particulars to Box 500, Whig Office BICYCLE RIDERS TO BRING THEIR bicycles to Geo. Muller, 373 Kin street, vo cleaned. and store for winter; aiso skates hollow ground and sharpened. Phone 1033, TRAVELLERS CALLING UPON MER. chants and business men In East- ern "ald i an Sonhest uw, 3 I ne .& app! A ng to 5! Ww ce. Strictly cou- Raentiar: WE WANT TO BUY ALL KINDS OF second-hand furniture, stoves, heaters, clothes, etc. We also have in_ the second-hand Une for sale. 8 Shapiro, 46 Prin- cess street. Phone 1337. FALSE TEETH: if broken. 1 pay $2 Send by parcel post return mail St, Balti- WANTED -- OLD don't matter to $15 per set. and receive check by I, Terk 403 N. Wolfe more, Md. MANY BIG ADVERTISERS FIRST started with a Httle ad this size. The cost is so little and the re- sults so big. We will gladly give you full Bantepine. Call at the office or us a postal today. British Whig Publishing Co. PERSONAL HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS Ri all growths and skin blem. ishes removed permanently, with- out scar; 30 Yours BrDerjence. Dr. Elmer J. Nose, Throat and Sin Ersciaitet, 262 Bagot street, TO LET OFFIONS IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM- Apply to A. B. Cunningham, 79 "Clarence street. TWO FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, suitable for light housekeeping. Terms reasonable. Apply 282 John- son street, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE OR MER- chandise, clean and dry. MoCann's Real Estate Agency, A Brock Bt, Phones 326 or 621. SITUATIONS VACANT, MADE DAILY INTRODUCING TO neighbors new dom ic products reducing cost of living. Send ten cents for actual goods for selling samples. Garretson Company, Brantford, Ont. ONE LARGE DOUBLE FURNISHED room; also one single room; nicely furnished; hot water heating; no children. Apply 27 Wellington St. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, ULEAN dry, alr, rooms; or own lock and key. rost' Storage, 299 Queen street. Phone 526; res. 989. BUSINESS CHANCES INVESTORS WARNING DON'S INVEST one cent until you read Successfu Finance, and learn how fortunes are made and lost by Investors. Free trial subseription. 33 Bo Xintnce, 608 Ly at, 0, DR. REEVE, Nerve Specialist, ears of expttionce on enables oy to Aron dal 6 gossfull y. Call, or state case by etter. 18 Carlton Street, Toreate, Eee LSS DENTAL Al KNA B. PP, B.A, LDS, D.D. Office, 358 Princess sire Phone DR J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIN corner Princess and Bagot streets. Phone 626. ---------------------------------- DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. tists, 159 Wellington street, Dewar, D.D8., LDS. ind, Phone 346. PIANO TUNING. JOS. HODGE, CERTIFICATED PIANO tuner, Leave orders at McAuley's, $55 Netle N0%, 1| SEVEN FURNISHED PARLOR BED ROOM, suitable for man and wife, or two young men. Apply 229 Brock St. N~-ROOMED HOUSE, KING ST, West, improvements; available im- mediately, $10 per month, includes water rates. Apply 276 University Ave. FURNISHED HOUSE, 8 ROOMS AND bath; hot water heating; on lease to April 30th. Pogsession Jam 16th. Apply Lower Union St. given evenings, 84 TWO WARM AND BRIGHT FURNISH. ed rooms with board. Central lo- cation; all conveniences; gentlemen preferred. Rates reasonable. Ap- ply 282 Queen street. THIS DEPARTMENT IS ALWAYS glad to hear from any one thinking of using olassified advertising. Write or Phone us about it e may be able to help you. British Whig Pub, Co. ALFRED ST. OR unfurnished; hot water heating; gas and electricity; fleeping porch; Large solid brick garage, 32 x 23 ft., on street car line, Winter sup- ply of coal in ceMar. immediately. Apply Rev. Kingsley, Kingston Mills. 1100, ri1-2, FURNISHED ARCHITECT & SON, ARCHITEUYS, chants Bank Buildl Brock and Wellington STOCK MARKETS. Quotations Furnished by Nongard, Ryerson & Co., 44 Clarence St., Howard 8. Folger, Manager. New York Stocks. Open----2.45 p.m. 73 83 43% 132% 15% Am. Smelters .. Atchison .. B.&O. .. ¢ P. R. Erie .. Marine Marine pid. NX. C .. Reading iis Southern Pac. .. Union Pac Alcohol Crucible . Inter. Nicket Kennicott Mexican Pet .. Rep. Steel U. 8, Steel Utah"... « <.. Midvale .. a Atlantic Gulf .. Brazilian . . | Can. Cement Brompton Dom. Steel Maple Leaf Steel of Can. .. . War Loan 1937 . All other Canadian stocks prices. m High Leo Nh 121% 121 119% 119% 119 124% 125 124% 'Oats. High Low rf 71% 75% ; Dec 4% - &h Lo Jan 8.70 284 Possession ||} VY FOR SALE. FOUND N LL BLACK PURSE, Can. ning loose change, corner Barrie and York streets. Owner y- have same by calling at J. Reid's store, cor. Pine and Division Sts THBSK Mttle. ce, 260; any ine. S07 one ory TL LAR OAK DESK, FLAT TOP, FIVE DRAW. ers and cupboard, cheap. $6 Brock Street. Phone 328. GARDEN LAND -- 15 "ACRES TWO miles from Kingston, Apply to R. A. marrison, Cataraqui, Ontario. ONE-TON SANFORD Truck in first class tc yn Bordle Bly to W. G. Craig & Ce., or Boyd arage. A PARCEL OF DRY GOODS, oN William street. Owner may have same by applying to 183 Clergy street, east, and prov- ing property. A NUMBER OF MILK TICKETS, Owner may have same by calling at 77. Division St, ON DEC. 1ST, ON DIVISION ST, a lady's brown fur collar, Owner may have same by call. ing at 353 Division street. FOUND ARTIcLEbS ADVER. iB. one finding Anything and to reach the owner may AUTOMOBILE, run 2.000 overseas, R.M.C. CALIGRAFH TYPEWRITER MACH. ine No. 3 for sale at a bargain, Special price, cash $15.00, at R. Uglow & Co." s GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND ' selections, Four wa cholce, $3 7d Terms: $5 cas h, $1 per week. C. W, Lindsay, Limited, 19 "Princess Bt. AUTOMOBILE TOPS, ENGINE HOOD coverg make your car start easy in cold weather, Have your top re. covered and Sarising repaired. Jud. son's Auto Tops, Brockville, FARM, SIX MILES FROM KINGSTON, 150 acres; good house and out- buMdings. First class land. Price $10,500. Terms to suit purchaser. Apply J. K, Carroll. SOME OF THE BIGGEST ADVERTIS. ers today sometimes use a Wttle ad lke this. A phone call or a postal win bring you full tioulars about this department, British Whig Publishing Co, LARGE or ION TA. bles and dining ohairs, buffets, china cabinets, also springs and mattresses. We b all kinds of second hand furniture, 3. Thompson, 333 Princess street. Phone 1600. CHEVROLET, ONLY miles. Owner going Apply Capt. Rhodes, The British Whig. tirement will be printed in this column free of charge: "Found articles" does not In- clude lost dogs, cattle, etc. These, If lost, may be ad- Vertised for in the "Lost" column, Ea EE == ------ = _ LOST BROWN SPANIEL, AGE 4 MONTHS. White under chin and on breast. Any person detaining this dog af- ter this notice will be prosecuted Phone No. 2000. LADY'S PURPLE SILK HAG, taining account and receipts, tons, etc, 'and $59 in bills, from Nelson St. to Griffin's Theatre and return, Kindly phone 51, or return to 138 Nelson St. and receive re- ward CON- but- TUESDAY, ON CORRIGAN, RID- eau, Barrack or Wellington St purse containing a $10 bill, a §: bill, 90c in silver, and a letter ad dressed to the Robt. Simpson Co.. by a soldier's wife who can iMN-af ford the loss. Will finder kindly return to Whig Office? BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE AG- ency. AT $430--~LARGE LOT, BARN AND SMALL dwelling. $1000--FRAME, ¢ ROOMS, DIVISION FINANCIAL ? $1400--FRAME, ROOMS, MONTREAL t. FRONTENAC LOAN * AND 'ment BSoclety sident, INVEST. 1863; Smith, G.; vice- L, incorporated dlonel H., resident, W. F. lone: s1400--nRICK FRONT, SEMI DETACH. ed. Nios issued on city roperties, municipal and : do éntu her: moles Fes pur- inves for osits rece ved 'and in- allowed, C. Cartwright, manager, 87 Clarence St., Kingston. $1400--FRAME, ¢ 'ROOMS, IMPROVE. ments, large lot apd barn. $16000--ROUGH CAST HOUSE ON PRIN. cess street, 7 rooms, yard and gate. way. $1500----BRICK, ¢ ROOMS, IMPROVE. ments, good cellar, yard and lane. $2000--FRAME, 7 ROOMS, IMPROVE« ments, corner lot. No $3200-BRICK, 7 'ROOMS, FURNACOR, right of way. $3500----RRICK, 10 "Rooms, ALL IM. provements, hot | water, HW, floors, $5000-~BRICK 13 "RooMS; CONVENT. ent for roomers. UIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Available assets $61,187,215. In addition to which the policyholders have for security the unlimited MHability of city property, Insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing og or siving new businsse got rom range tran Agents. Phone 398, os, LEGAL $4500. TO 90000--A 'NUMBER T0 3 ou NNIN select from, a AN . 3 go n hi "office, 10 7 iar: CLARENCE ST, ence street, Kings or KINGSTON, FURNITURE FINISHING P. DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FINISH. er. Call or drop a card. 23 John street. BOARD AND ROOMS FURNISHED ROOMS WITH OR WITH. out board. Apply Mrs. OBeardseli, 32 Ontario street. GIRLS TO WORK IN THE COTTON MILL We are offering special inducement in the way of higher wages for beginners for the month of December. Apply Fs. Stop, Look, Listen! AND BUY Our Christmas Goods Are Here. Come and buy early and often at The Bon Marche Phone 1844. Cor. King & Earl 3 cn > Meh TAT 3841 T8110 2814 May .... 28.15 28.15 27.87 27.89 Dec 29.13 29.48 29.13 29.14 July 27.81 27.81 27.57 27.57 Follow Path of Duty. From J.-A. Calder's Manifest "Liberals wio hold ig views Ido and who favor the Unjon idea are not deserting Liberalism. On the contrary, they are but giving ex- pression to and converting into ac- tion higher ideals of true Liberal- ism. Lyd George, the greatest Liberal of modern times did not hesitate when the great calamity fell upon Britain. With him the interests of the state and of human- ity were paramount. It should be so with us. Surely in the present great crisis we can lay aside our srost feelings and follow along the path of duty. "Is it mot possible to temporarily J. M. Godfrey at City Ha Vera J. Mallory. daughter i, Mr. and Mre. Ira J. Maljory, New | Dublin. underwent an operation for. appeldicitis at Brockville. James Fitzpatrick, a Stirling hote:-- keeper, was fined $600 and cnsts for selling liquor over the bar. He pleaded guilty. DOMINION TEXTILE CO. Cataraqui St. ' City. WANTED HELPERS, HANDY MEN AND LABOR-. ERS, CAULKERS AND CHIPPERS. HIGHEST WAGES PAID. CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE COM- ANY, LTD Automobile Insurance?! Rates on Application