no THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1917. | fromironeriogensy, MCKAY FURS "EG IALD Store Open Saturday Night SALE OF PERSIAN LAMB tl FELD ll! The attendance was very large and Hii Stone mis ON THURSDAY AFTER- NOON TO RAISE FUNDS, Teas and Sales in St. George's, Cooke's and Princess Street Meth- odist--Jam Social at St, James'. Over $400 was raised by the] Ladies' Aid of St. George's Cathe-| dral at a tea and sale held on Thurs-| day afternoon in St. George's Hall those in charge of the various booths CORN OF THE OM Happenings In the City and Vicinity ~--What the Merchants Offer to the Beaders of the Whig. Santa Claus {sg coming Ring up 645 for sweet cider. Don't desert the boys at the front. Planos to rent. C. W, Lindsay, Ltd We can all have oleomargarine for were kept busy. Mrs, E. J. Bidwell received the visitors at the door. The! { | { convenors of the various tables were: | | Work tahle, Mrs. D. E. Mundell; | apron table, Mrs. F. A. Palmer; | home made table, Mrs, Higgins; baby table, Mrs. A. Robinson, president of! the Ladies' Ald; book stall, Mrs. | Miss Muckelston was conve-| nor of the tea table committee and | was assisted by Mrs. F, R. Phillips, | Mrs, C. Wright, Mrs. W. J. B. White| and Mrs. R, J. Carson. { Jam Social Held. As a completion of the year's work | of the Calendar Club of St. James' || church the ladies of that 'congrega-| tion held a jam social on Thursday || afternoon. The members were asked STOCK COATS--McKAY MADE--CLEARING AT PERSIAN is Sale Price $175.00 $150.00 $210.00 $190.00 40 advancnig. This is your opportunity to secure a i John McKay, LIMITED. Kingston's Reliable Fur House, 149-157 Brock Street. RESIDENCE No. 440 Alfred Sti, ® rooms, hardwood floors, electricity and Sts Ownor leaving city. Will $3700 McCann's| Real Estate and Insurance THATS ALL WE DO TEST EYES AND FIT. GLASSES But We Do It Right. Consult J. 5. ASSELSTINE D.08. King Street. At the Golden Lion Grocery Fancy Clover HONEY In one pound sections, 25 cents each. il | Fresh California Prunes, nice and | Juicy ... ... 10e, 123%e¢, 15c Ib, Evaporated Peaches, 2 Ibs for 25c. || Evaporated Apricots 15¢' 1b. IW. R. McRea & Co. Golden Lion Grocery Do You Realize That CHRISTMAS, the season of good cheer is not far away? When giving, why not give something worth while. A The day of useless foolish gifts is past. To conserve the nation's energies we must spend money to the best advantage. chance our e mer- that we carry is one of the most useful things in the world, for it makes for home and all that implies. To enumer- ate a few articles that will make acceptable gifts: Kiddie Kars for the children, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50; mirrors for the bath room, the hall, the drawing room; rugs SE for every pur- 'McFaul Kingston Carpet Warehouse. | ing. jl| were: I! candy table, Misses || to bring a jar of jam to the social and at the end some 200 jars had ll| been colletced and will be placed in | the convalescent hospitals in the city. }| During the afternoon a musical pro- {| gramme was given by Mrs, A. R. B. Williamson, Miss Annie Burns, Miss Bureau and Mrs. Foster, and short addresses were made by Frederick i| Welsh, Francis King and Miss Zeig- | ler. At Princess Street Church. Two classes of Princess Street church raised over $50 at a tea, sale Il and concert held in the lecture hall on Thursday afternoon and even- Those in charge of the tables Home made cooking, Misses Helen Gardiner, Winnifred Young, L. Mcllquham, Josephine Leonard; Etta Grabam, Mildred Black, Jessle Dorey, Ruby Montcrieff, Mildred Redmond and Jean Hull; fancy work table, Misses Minnie Hunter, Evelyn Asselstine; tea table, Mrs. Brebner and Miss Gertie Peters. took the money at the door, where Miss Maud Quirt received the guests. In the evening solos were given by Miss K. Flynn, Miss Annie Timmer- man, Miss Alice Claxton, D. Couper, Mr, Claxton and Master William Tim- merman. Miss Pollelwhite. recited. Bert Couper and Miss C. Wilder were the accompanists. Rev. H, E, Curry presided. CITY HALL TRIBUNAL Dealt With Several Applications, 6n Friday Morning. There was a session of ithe City Hall Tribunal on Friday morning, when a number of cases were dealt with, . ) E. Boswell, 42 Durham street, was placed in B 2, and the following were all allowed exemption until class E is called out: J. M. Burleigh, R. R. No. 1, Ros- lin; A. Goodwin, 78 Lower William street; H. M. McDonald, Gananoque; Archibald Thompson, Napanee; L. Nazart, 32 Stephen street; S. W. Haines, Elm Tree, Ont.; R. R. Tyler, R. R. No. 2, Hastings; M. Gordon, Kingston; Frederick Cook, Trent River, Ont.; William Grant, Manck- land, R. R. No. 2; H. J. Mcllroy, 29 Rideau street. The tribunal will sit on Monday and Wednesday of next week and deal with applications from C, P, R. employes. / TRADES AND LABOR COUNCIL Contributes to Campaign Funds for Hamilton Labor Candidates, The. members of the Trades and Labor Council eld a meeting on Thursday night, "when it was de- cided to make a contribution to the campaign fund for the labor candi- dates in the coming election at Ham- fiton. - The Council also decided to take stock in the new Labor Temple at Hamilton. After the Trades Council ad- journed, the members had a talk over the political situatiom; but no action was taken as regards the can- didate to be supported. Girls' Imitation Fur Gauntlets, We have on sale two hundred pairs girls' imitation fur gauntlets, price $1.25 pair. --Corrigan's. Kingston Teams in O, H. A, Queen's University will enter three teams in the O. H. A. senior, inter- mediate, and junior and the senior club will likely be grouped with the three Toronto teams, which will make a good four-club league. Whitby and Depot Battery, of Kingston, have entered the inter- mediate series of the O. H. A. Another Orange Sale. On Saturday at Carnovsky's regu- Jar twenty cent oranges fo} 16e¢, or wo dozen for 26¢. And a few of e Little Lady Oranges at 10c¢ or three dozen for 25¢. Buy now for hristmas. Miss Grace Asselstine | breakfast next Tuesday morning. Support Union Government voting for Dr. Edwards. Fire Chief Armstrong continues to improve at the General Hospital. A sgn was born in Montreal on Dec. 2nd to Major and Mrs. H. C. Walkem. . Let the good of your country be your first interest. Vote for Edwards and Union Government. It is said that Sir Wilfrid Laurier may speak in Kingston on his return | from Winnipeg. December has five Saturdays, Sun-| days and Mondays. Christmas falls] on Tuesday this year. W. Swain, piano iuner, 100 Clergy street west. Orders left at McAu- ley's, or phone 564. Dr. Northmore, of Bath, was in the city Thursday attending a patient he had removed to the General Hos- pital. Vote for Edwards and Union Gov- ernment during war time. The ladies of Cooke's church held a most successful tea and sale in the school room from 3 to 6 o'clock on Thursday afternoon. Now is the time to have your plano tuned, we carry two expert tuners and will assure entire sat- isfaction. /C. W. Lindsav, Ltd. Inspector Jack visited a family in Harlowe in which were four chil- dren. The township will help the parents to get on their feet again. It is our first duty to fight the foe, The Union Government, supported by Dr. Edwards, leads in the fight. Vote for Edwards and do your bit. James Tierney, in khaki, was in court for drunkenness. He got tight on a drug. The magistrate imposed $10 and costs. Tierney came from Peterboro to see his son who had { had his leg broken. | Put country first. Mark your bal- {lot on Dec. 17th for Dr. Edwards and Union Government, { We will rént you a piano, and at end of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we will al- low the 6 months' rental on pur- chage price, and arrange easy terms on balance. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. James Fahey, of last Year's Queen's hockey team, is in Toronto with a military unit, and should make a valuable acquisition to one of the senior O. H. A. clubs, He is a defence player. Vote for Edwards and Union Gov- ernment during war time, Prevost, Brock street, has recelv. ed a large shipment of mens' and | youths' winter overcoats and suits, which he will sell at very close pri. ces. In his order clothing depart- ment he has a full range of cloth which he will make up into suits or overcoats at a very reasoneble price and guarantee first class tif A member of the Portsmouth Council says there is no misunder- standing between the Council and the contmctors over the Alwington avenue walk. Work was stopped owing to the cold weather. The walk is completed to within 100 feet of King street, It is our first duty to fight the foe. The Union Government, supported by Dr. Edwards, leads in the fight, Vote for Edwards and do your bit. Inspector Timmerman says the garbage is carried first to the wag- gons. When the men see they cane not take them they notify the incin- erator and a team will pick up the bundles. If this do not occur the householder is asked to telephone the incinerator and the matter will be adjusted. The Quinine That Does Not Affect Head, Because of its tonic and laxative effect, Laxative Bromo Quinine can be taken by anyone without causing nervousness or ringing in the head. There is only one "Bromo Quinine." . W. GROVE'S signature is on box. c. He ls Li i k by | sre Ea The December Red Book The Red Book for December contains t The Unpardonable Sin The Valley of the Giants ev «vs... Peter Kyne. The Hasty Arrow ... ... ... ... ......... ... ... Anna Katherine Green Also contains ten best short Stories of the Month. Gibson's Christmas Cards. Largest and best stock in this city. Full 1917 and some advance 1918 lines. "If it isn't a Gib. son it isn't a Christinas Card." Books For Christmas What will People Say, by Rupert Hughes; Empty Pockets, by Rapert Hughes; Polly of Gay Cot- tage; Polly of the Hospital Staff; The Seed of the Righteous, by Juliet Wilbor Tompkins; The Rose Garden Husband; Mother Carey's Chickens, by Kate Douglas Wiggins; Athalie, by R. W. Who Goes There by R. W. Chambers; The Code of the Mountains; Somewhere Davis; Cappy Ricks, by Peter Kyne. LATEST 60 CENTS. y he three best serial novels of the year: Ce : . By Mupert Hughes. Chambers; in France by R. H. The College Book Store, 160-162 Princess St. Open Nights Phone 919 BOYD'S Garage! Have opened an office and store corner of Drock and Bagot Sts., Savage's old stand, carrying a full stock of TIRES . Automobile Acces- sories, Gasoline Don't forget we are doing busi. ness as usual in the above lines, Agents for REO CARS, Geo. Boyd, Prop. Phone 201. BUY A VICTORY BOND A Clearance in Gingham House Dresses. Sizes 34 to 40. Pretty patterns. Priced $1.50 each. Saturday snap . . 98¢ 24 only Ladies' Cloth Skirts -- Navy, black, also black and white; broken sizes, 23 to 27; worth up to $5.00 each. Saturday BBP .. 24 55 wove snes on 2 0 3298 12 only Chic Style Tweed Coats, sizes 16, 18, 34, 36, 38 only. This season's best sellers; worth up to $22.50 each. Sat- urday snap . . ...... $1250 Boys' Heavy Ribbed Wool Hose, sizes 8 to 10. Extra special . . re» ov 390 Children's White and Red Gaiters, with straps, 36 pairs, small sizes only; worth 35c. Saturday . . co... 19¢ Boys' Fleece Lined Underwear, Penman's, all sizes, per garment . . Newman & Shaw, Orders taken for HUDSON SEAL COATS W. F Gourdier Phone 700. 78-80 Brock Street. The Always Busy Store. A Frame Dwelling, Centrally Located For $2200 -- Immediate pos- session. poe BUILDERS SUPPLIES eee WINTER SASH A frame dwelling on Cherry St. For $900. A detached brick ii dwelling on Colborne Street. $3600. Repaired, reglazed and repainted. Phone the woodworking factory and they will be called for. , 3.30 «+ 10.15 am. "on senenn oe Place your property om our selling list. | E.W.Mullin & Son Sellers of Real Estate. Cor. Johnson and Division Sts. Phones 5390 and 1456, CITY COUNCIL TO MEET To Decide How It Can Send Aid to Halifax. The mayor of Halifax wired May- or Church, Toronto, asking him to communicate with the mayors of On- tario to give assistance to the people of Halifax in the great catastrophe. A message was received from Mayor Church by City Clerk Sands, who 'handed it to acting mayor Ald. R. E. Kent, In all probability a meeting of the Council will be held Monday morning at 10 o'clock to decide what on will do. S ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory, Lam- ber Yards, Bay & Wellington Streets, Kingston, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1415, boos Lumber, Coa: ang Wood obel Vy; 2 ETT RITE DR ICE =n Lollies' Winter Coats. - add tr wr Week End t Specials 30c L this year's styles. --~Corrigan's. PAGE & SHAW CHOCOLATES Victorian Order of Nurses. Regular monthly meeting of V. O. N. was held in St. George's Hall on Thursday. The nurse's report for read: Number of visits lgious d 9; Anglicans, brew, 2. Girls' Imitation Fur Gauntlets, 'We have on sale two hundred pairs