You Pay Less Here. O'Connor's Ladies' Exclusive TWO DAYS . Out of the High Rent District i TWO DAYS Extra Special Bargains Saturday Monday A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY FOR WISE BUYERS TO GET THEIR SUPPLY OF USEFUL CHRISTMAS GIFTS, AT MONEY SAVING PRICES $9.98 -- 60 Sample Dresses Beautiful silks and fine serges new models, no two alike, in col- ors navy, black, brown, taupe, burgundy. Every size in the lot to 44. Some of these dresses sell- ing regular to $19.50. $4.95 -- 36 Girls' Dresses A fine quality navy and black serges, braid trimmed, correct styles; extra well made, 6 to 14 years. Regular $6.75. '39¢ --- 10 Doz. Tea Aprons. 'A new lot just-opened. See thém, they are good value at 50c. 49¢ -- 7 doz. Boudoir Caps Very dainty in design, fancy trimmed; a nice gift; worth Reg. 75c. 59¢ -- 6 Doz. Knitted Scarfs Fine silkenette, nice weave, with fringed ends; white only. Reg. 75¢ each. 98¢c -- 8 Doz. New Waists." A fresh shipment just to hand; new styles; fancy and plain voiles; all the sizes to 44. Good ' | Skating setts, tams, wool scarfs, hockey toques, children's fur setts, children's pull overs, at less than present wholesale prices. Overstocked With Coats We have one hundred coats too many, for this season of the year and we want to make one hundred ladies and misses happy with the greatest offer they will ever get, in order to clear the lot. Every coat new this season, latest correct styles and newest cloths. Here are the prices -- look them over; then come in and see the values. At Half Price. I'5 only tweed coats; neat pat- terns, well made; good and ser- viceable. Values regular $12.50 to $15.00. $12.50 -- 40 Stylish Coats Belts and buttoned gr buckle trimmed. Navy, brown, grey and black. Extra good value at $20.00. value at $1.25. $1.25 -- 10 Doz. Silk Waists Four new styles in all the sizes: neat lace trimmed, with large or small collars. The last time per- haps at this pricé: :: Children's Coats Hundreds to choose from, at greatly reduced prices. 1 $16.50 -- 35 New York Coats Individual styles, very swag- ger, all the new shades. Sold reg- ular up to $27.50 each. $23.50 -- 10 Exclusive Models No two alike. poms and bolivia cloths. All the shades. Values to $35.00. Velours, pom- CAN YOU BEAT THIS MILLINERY BARGAIN ? We want to make a clean-up in our millinery department at once, other lines and are cramped for room. You know our prices to~wear hat, child's hat, as we require the space for at any time are the lowest regular, but we mean to make a clean sweep in two days, and will offer your choice of any trimmed hat, ready- or any shape -- in short your choice of any hat in the store Sat. and Mon. TO CLEAR AT HALF PRICE If you want Bargains that are real and values that are genuine, SHOP HERE SATURDAY AND MONDAY fr on mmm 260 Prin- cess St. ---------- T. J. O'CONNOR Higher Up Street, But Always Lower in Price. Phone 800 HOT WATER BOTTLES - ALL GUARANTEED At All Prices. SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Corner Princess and Montreal Streets. Telephone 41. ; . SAT Fall Footwear Keeping prices well within the bounds of economy and good sense, and offering only the footwear which has received the final decree of fashion's approval, are the factors which bring positive assurance of = =| ing used as an appeal for money. satisfaction to our customers. . all shapes, styles i sizes. THE CHRISTMAS TREE FUND MORE SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE RE- CEIVED BY THE WHIG, To Give the Kiddies of Soldiers Overseas a Happy Christmas The People Are Invited to Sub- » scribe. "Please a small cheque for the British Whig Christ- mas Tree Fund. Congratulations on such a delightful idea. Wishing them a very happy Christmas, very sincerely, Margaret Dover." {On behalf of Mrs. Leslie and my- self I have much pleasure in en- closing you my chéque for $5 ds a contribution towards the Whig fund for Christmas presents to the sol- ders children. Yours truly, J. N. 8. Leslie, Lieut.-Col." Two of the letters received by the find enclosed =| Whig on Thursday afternoon convey the sentiments which the Whig hopes are fel by every citizen to- ES | wards the Christmas Tree Fand. | We want everyone to realize' what happiness will come to the kiddies =| 0f our brave men when they citice r a few dollars on their behalf, T interests are our interests and on their behalf these columns are be- This is one of the most deserving causes the Whig has ever appealed : Te . ES foy, and if the conditions were. real- Shoe for men, women and children, in = =| "re there would be a better re- ---------- In Marine Circles. The steamer Arabian is in winter E) quarters in Crawford's sli Pp The steamer Simla and barges are =| bxpected from Montreal to-day. Steamer Calgarian arrived up her way to Oswego, to load ronto. | | | (Continued from Page 3.) | the need of a Union Government. If | victory was to be won, Canada must {do her duty. "We must forget the | little things," he added, "and take | steps to give the boys at the front | reinforcements." - "The issue before wus in this elec- | tion is that of reinforcements, and I { have no doubt as to what this riding | will~do The people of this riding {are people who want to see peace | come with victory, but I want'to im- { press upon you that elections are | somatimes lost because those who | want a candidate to win, are so san- guine they do not exert themselves as they should." "I am not asking you to vote for jme as 'W. F. Nickle, but as-a stand jard bearer of Union Government. 1 lam not asking you to vote for W. F. Nickle, once a Conservative. I am {asking you to vote for me as a Unionist." (Cheers, )\ Continuing, Mr. Nickle stated {that there were some who, no doubt, would say that as he cnce stood for the Conservative party he {eould not '"'change his spots" and | that if elected he would still be a | Conservative. ' "It 'was for this reason that I withdrew from the field in the first place," added Mir. Nickle, "and stat- ed that I yould get behind any man who would support this Union Gov- ernment. But when I see men try- ing to undermine the mew Govern- ment, and when I received a peti- tion signed by fifteen hundred people, asking me to stand as the Union candidate, I stated that the | time. had arrived when I should live up to the doctrine I thad preached." Accepts Responsibility, "I felt that I must accept the re- sponsibility the people were willing te confer on me. 'And it is for that reason, and tha® reason alone, that I am before you. I realize that Can- ada must still make greater efforts. I do mot belong to those who say that Canada has done énough." Mr. Nickle declared that the name of Canada was linked with all that was glorious, and that if the men were not given reinforcements it would mean that the word *'gloni- ous" as applied to Canada would be replaced by that of "cowardice." He believed in the enforcement of the Military Service Act. Union Government was essential to the cause, and Mr. Nickle said that if elected he would go to Ot- tawa and support the Union Govern- ment to the end, and wmntil such §me as peace came with victory. KINGSTON DRAFTS SAFE. Sergt, Fred Pense Sent a Telegram on Thursday Evening Mrs.. J. P. Pense, Princess street, received a telegram on Thursday night from her son, Sergt. F. B. Pense, at Halifax, staung that he and the members of the draft which left Kingston recently were safe. He also toid of the safety of Rev. Mr. and Mrs. McKinnon, the latter for- merly Miss Eileen Wright of Kings- ton. Howard Ryan, the first Kingston- Winter Footwear Campbell's Furs Do Your Christmas Shopping Early. Let us suggest such useful gifts as: Hudson Seal Coats, Muskrat Coats Fine Fur Setts, all kinds. Fur Caps, Fur, Shoes Fuf Lined Gloves Wool Lined GloYes Knitted Gloves Men's Winter Hats Winter Caps. By making a small deposit any fur article will be placed aside until wanted. CampbellBros Kingston's Oldest Fur Store. fan to enlist in the Canadian army, and who went to the Niobe at Hali- fax, is still there and his mother on Pine street anxiously waiting for word, as the y Yards are in the zone which was\destroyed. It. is pos~ sible that this cruiser was saved, but no word has yet been obtained. Ryan is now chief blacksmith and has a wife residing on Creighton street in Halifax. Naval - College Safe, On Friday morning, Bishop 'Bid- well received a telegram from his son, Cadet Roger Bidwell, who is finishing his course in the Naval Col- lege at Halifax, saying he was safe and would arrive home any day. Three of the college cadets were slightly injured. The building is close to the devastated area, Tallhurst-Kelly Wedding, Rev. J. de Pencier Wiright offici- HOT WATER BOTTLES Guaranteed for One Year. Price, $1.00. Prouse's Drug Store. Phone 82. ated at a wedding which took place in St. Luke's ¢hurch on Thursday afternoon when Nellie Maud Tall- hurst, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Wil- liam Tallhurst, was united in mar- riage to Alfred Kelly, Fenelon Falls. Gertrude Tallhurst was bridesmaid and Leonard Eva was groomsman. Two flower girls cifriéd sprays of White carnations and ferns. The bride was given away by her father. Following a short "honeymoon trip, Mr. and Mrs. Kelly will reside in the city. Calls Them Cockroaches, Prof. John Macnaughton of Mon- treal, formerly of Queen's University, in an address, termed as '"cock- roachés in the kitchen of the British Empire" all persons everywhere in England and freland (there are none in Scotland) aus well as in Canada, moral status is such that in this hour of Hfe and death, they re- fuse to serve their country. David T. Will Says: "The red blo of personality is in the winter overcoats and ulsters de- signed. by the ° Semi-ready tailors. They have that magic, indefinable something which makes them differ- ent. Canada ulster is as warm as a cooncoat, and more healthy to wear," . St. John's Masonic Lodge. The following officers were elected | Thursday night by the Ancient St. John's Lodge No. 3, A. F. and A. M.: |} Z| W. M.; Prof. 1. E. Martin; S. W., W. ; J. W., T. McCormack; , Dr. 0. W. Daly; secretary AW Cathcart; chaplain. Canon W. | F. Fitzgerald; tyler, R. Bunt, ations Support' Union Government voting for pr. 'Bdwards. - " PREMIER MINCEMEAT WHAT ISIT? Great big raisins, fruity, rich. currants, best kidney suet; spices the best the tropics pro- duce; apples the best provided by Ontario's orchards; all blended with a skill that knows "just how." Henderson's Grocery 59-61 Brock Street. =. WARM LINED OVERSHOES-- WARM CLOTH SHOES--- WARM SLIPPERS -- RUBEERS: MOCCASINS, ETC.-- "ALL AT RIGHT PRICES." Abernethy's Shoe Store Both Useful, Pleasing and Essential To Any Household. Children's Toy Sets and Doll Dressers, and Kiddy Cars and Doll Carriages. AT JAMES REID'S + The Busy Store with Large Christmas Stock Farmg-f and you can now take mo re time to enjoy your papers and magazines. ARE YOU FULLY EQUIPPED for comfortable reading? If not, have your eyes examined and glasses made Person al Service Given. "J. J. STEWART, Opt.D. - oviian. set Opposite Post Office, Kingston! FOR YOUR XMAS CAKE New Raisins New Peels 'New Currants Table Raisins -- Hickory Nuts Table Figs Crawford's Grocery, "Good Things To Eat." Phone 26 i by |}! 1 8: ki COLD WEATHER HARDWARE & STOVES ith a Happy Thought Range, One Would prove a welcome gift to the House. wife Call and see the different styles, Perfection. Ol Heaters, plain fin- ish, $4.75 each: nickel plated trim. mings, $5.25 each. Oade HH h grate, nickel. plated trfmming with feeder, an ex cellent heater, in all sizes, from y $6.50 10. 326.00° each. Long handled sheet steel ash sift. ora, Saturday 2c each. ocker Dustlens ash sifters, $2,50, $3.00, HL6 Sheh, 5 oh secu stee ack japan. pe Sheloat so 'Basket grates for open fire places, three sizes and several 6 in dull Mack finish, $5.00, $5.50, $6.00, + $7.00 and $5.00 each. ., Bnow shovels, steel, with ong han- dle, 8g each. Boys snow shovels, painted red, - with long handles, 16c each; pipes and radiators, large tin, 15¢. | keeps out draughts and foot J - a package. $0 par PACKAGE TY